Read Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 (31 page)

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could feel her cheeks heating with a blush but she tried not to get

glad you like what you see,” she murmured.

just what he sees,” Far said softly. “You fill all the senses,
warm, sweet fragrance…the soft mound of your little cunt all slick with your
juices…” His voice dropped to a hungry growl. “Not to mention the salty, sweet
flavor of your inner pussy.”

tore his eyes from Becca and looked at his brother.

should take a turn too, Brother. I know how you hunger for Rebecca’s sweet

will,” Far promised. “But first I want to watch you go down on her. I want to
watch you kiss our lady’s pussy.”

how I want that,” the dark twin growled hungrily. “But I want to do it right.”

you must go slowly.” As he spoke, Far reached around Becca and cupped her full,
naked breasts. Almost idly, he began to circle her nipples as he spoke. “First
you must kiss just her outer lips,” he instructed. He looked down at Becca. “Is
that all right,
Can Truth kiss your outer cunt if he promises to
be slow and careful?”

guess so.” Becca’s heart was pounding so hard now she could barely breathe. She
had never felt so open—so vulnerable as she did right now, lying back against
Far while Truth prepared to kiss her pussy. And yet, she had never felt so hot

Far nodded. “Go on, Brother—kiss our lady’s pussy but the outer lips only.”

Truth knelt lower, his broad shoulders splitting Becca wide. She shivered as
she felt his warm breath blowing against her inner thighs and exposed pussy
mound. She knew they were still in the Mindscape and all this was happening in
her head but still, it felt so incredibly

she felt the warm, rough scratch of Truth’s cheek against her inner thighs. She
moaned softly in surprised pleasure as he did it again and then again.

Far asked.

looked up guiltily. “Forgive me. I cannot wait to kiss but I felt…felt the need
to do this first. I do not know why.”

the need to scent mark our lady’s most delicate areas—that’s all,” Far assured
him. “Don’t worry, Brother, the impulse is stronger in some than others. I’m
certain Becca doesn’t mind it. Do you?” he asked, looking down at her.

Becca whispered. “It…it feels nice, actually.”

nearly as nice as it’s going to feel when Truth finally gets around to kissing
you.” Far nodded significantly at his twin. “Brother?”

pleasure,” Truth growled. Pressing forward, he kissed Becca’s outer pussy lips
with surprising gentleness.

moaned softly as she felt herself open under his touch. His hot breath and the
soft touch of his lips against her outer pussy was almost more than she could
stand. But when Truth looked up at her, she could tell he wanted more.

need to kiss more deeply,” he muttered hoarsely, licking his lips, as though to
catch just a trace of her honey. “I…cannot help myself.”

don’t need to,” Far assured him. “The desire to kiss our lady’s sweet cunt is
normal—a need all Kindred have. Why not kiss her slit this time?”

is…getting dangerously close to tasting,” Truth growled. “Which is forbidden by
my people.”

it’s not tasting,” Far insisted. “It’s still just a kiss. Your lips will be
closed and you are still only kissing the outside of our lady’s pussy.”

could sense the dark twin’s inner turmoil. He was walking the line—fighting the
hungry instincts inside himself that urged him to taste her fully as he tried
not to break the ancient taboo of the people who had raised them. At last, he

he said thickly. “It’s a kiss. Just a kiss.”

forward, he pressed his warm lips to her outer pussy, this time kissing along
her wet, slippery slit. Becca moaned breathlessly as she felt his hot mouth
press against her. Mother of God, it felt so
And yet she
desperately needed more.

seemed to sense her need, for he stroked her nipples a little faster.

all right,
he murmured. “You’ll have everything you want.
Everything you need—I promise.”

last the dark twin drew back, panting, from his long kiss. His lips were shiny
with Becca’s juices. He licked them hungrily as though he craved her taste.

he growled. “I need to do

Far cautioned his brother. “You don’t want to scare our lady. Perhaps another
kiss. Inside, this time.”

around Becca, he placed his long fingers on her swollen outer pussy lips. Then
gently but firmly, he opened her, baring her slippery inner cunt completely to
the dark twin’s gaze.

stomach did a slow twist at the hungry desire she saw in Truth’s pale gray

he muttered hoarsely. “I shouldn’t. And yet…”

kiss her,” Far urged. “Kiss her sweet little clit. It’s throbbing for you,
Brother. Begging for the touch of your lips. Will you give our lady what she

question was barely out of his mouth when the dark twin dived forward once more
and kissed Becca’s wet, open cunt.

moaned and jerked slightly from the sudden intense sensation. This time Truth
was doing more than just giving her a closed mouth kiss. She felt his lips part
and then something warm and wet was circling her throbbing clit—his tongue.

dark twin pulled back long enough to mutter. “So fucking sweet. I never knew it
could be so

right, Brother,” Far murmured, still holding Becca’s pussy open for his twin’s
assault. “Let go—give in to what you need. Taste our lady fully—lick her little
cunt. Penetrate her with your tongue…
eat her pussy.”

a low growl of pure desire, Truth locked his muscular arms around Becca’s
thighs and did as his brother suggested.

gave a little cry as her thighs were split even wider and her pussy was bathed
in warm, wet heat as Truth licked her inner cunt with desperate abandon. She
started to tense up but then she heard Far whispering in her ear.

all right,
he murmured soothingly. “He’ll calm down in a
minute—it’s just his first time tasting pussy. It’s a hunger he’s had for years
and he’s just now allowing himself to satiate it.”

moaned as the dark twin lashed her sensitive clit with his tongue, his fingers
digging into her thighs as he sought to hold her still, to hold her down so
that he could get his fill. Her pussy felt opened and bathed by his mouth,
completely owned and explored by the deep, possessive strokes of his tongue.

moaned. “Oh, Truth…”

spikes of sensation shot through her. The pleasure the dark twin gave her was
so intense it was almost frightening. She tried to buck her hips only to feel Truth
clamp down even more—holding her in place. The message was clear—she was to
hold still and be open for him. To submit totally to his tongue in her pussy.

bit her lip—she’d never been held down like this before. Never been tasted at
all and now Truth’s hot, wet tongue was invading her, mapping her wet folds and
there was nothing she could do but hold still and let him. Nothing she could do
but submit. Only the solid wall of Far’s chest against her back kept her from

didn’t know Kindred liked this so much,” she managed to gasp as the dark twin
dragged his tongue from the bottom of her slit up to the top, sliding over her
tender clit along the way.

not just that we like it—we
it,” Far murmured, his voice thick with
lust. “The sweet, wet taste of our lady’s pleasure as we tongue her open…the
tremble of her body as we drink our fill of her honey…it’s what every Kindred
lives for. Nothing else compares to it—nothing but bonding sex, that is.” He
stroked Becca’s hair. “Don’t fight it,
Just relax back against
me and open yourself for Truth. Just spread your pussy for his tongue.”

twisted her nipples gently as he spoke, sending sharp little sparks of pleasure
shooting through her breasts.

moaned and thrust her breasts up to the light twin, trying to get more of the
sweet sensation.

he murmured. “Let yourself go. Let me tend your sweet
breasts while my brother tends to your pussy.”

feeling of one brother rubbing and pinching her nipples while the other lapped
and sucked at her open cunt was suddenly too much for Becca. With a low moan,
she arched her back and her hands squeezed into fists as an intense orgasm
raced through her.

she cried. “Oh, Truth…oh, Far…

coming, Brother,” Becca heard Far say as he continued to tease her nipples.
“Quickly, press your tongue deep inside the well of her pussy if you wish to
taste her honey fresh from the source.”

want nothing more in the universe,” the dark twin growled. Then Becca gasped as
she felt something warm and wet sliding lower to find the opening to her pussy.

gave a low growl of pure hunger, Then, holding her secret entrance wide with
his thumbs, he thrust his tongue deep inside her inner cunt.

Oh, God!” Becca cried out and came again as she felt him fill her. Her back
arched even more and only Far holding her above and Truth holding her below
kept her from coming completely off the bed.

all right, Becca,” she heard Far murmuring in her ear. “It’s all right—let
yourself go. Let yourself come on Truth’s tongue. Let yourself come while he
eats your sweet cunt.”

couldn’t do anything else—she had never felt so helpless or so hot. It seemed
like the pleasure went on forever, coming in wave after wave as Truth
tonguefucked her cunt as deeply and thoroughly as he could.

a while it seemed he would never get enough but at last the dark twin lifted
his head from between her thighs and Becca was able to breathe again. Truth’s
mouth was shiny with her juices and his eyes were dark with lust.

He was panting as he spoke. “I only meant to kiss but I…I could not stop
myself. Your taste was too sweet, my lady. I had to thrust my tongue deep in
your cunt…had to taste your honey right from the source.”

all right,” Becca assured him. She was breathless herself from the intense
pleasure and her hands were still curled into tight fists. Somehow she uncurled
one and reached up to stroke Truth’s short, black hair. “I…it felt amazing,”
she whispered. “A little scary but amazing all the same.”

me too,” Truth murmured.

me,” Far said softly.

brother,” Truth started to protest. “You never even got to—”

got plenty of pleasure from watching you taste our lady,” Far assured his
brother. As he spoke, he began to slowly stroke Becca’s nipples again.

a second before she would have sworn that she was all done in and couldn’t
stand even a bit more stimulation. But the slow, gentle caress of Far’s long
fingers slipping over her sensitive buds seemed to start a fire in her all over
again. She gave a soft moan and pressed her breasts up into his hands

watched with hooded eyes, drinking in the way Far pinched and squeezed her
nipples with a hungry expression on his face that reminded Becca neither
brother had come yet. Then he made a soft, wondering sound at the back of his

Brother?” Far asked, raising an eyebrow at his twin.

is nothing. Only…” Truth shook his head. “I keep feeling that I should be angry
to see you touch the woman I love—that I should want her all to myself. But…the
opposite is true. Watching you touch Rebecca brings me pleasure—in fact, it
makes me almost as hard as tasting her warm, wet pussy did.”

you understand how I feel, watching you down between her legs,” Far murmured.
“How all Twin Kindred feel as they watch their brothers pleasure the woman they
both love.” He leaned forward and looked his twin in the eyes. “Would you care
to see how far the pleasure extends?”

frowned. “I’m not sure I follow you. What do you mean?”

Chapter Thirty


find pleasure in watching me touch and stroke our lady,” Far said. “How do you
think you would feel if you watched me penetrate her? How would you like to
watch my shaft slide into her sweet, slippery pussy?”

caught her breath at his dirty words and the naughty images they brought to
mind. She could just imagine herself naked and open between the two men,
letting Truth watch as Far slowly slid the thick cock she could feel throbbing
against her lower back deep into her pussy…

she thought, a flash of guilt almost consuming her.
It’s so
wrong…so bad…

it was the only way to bring them all together. And it wasn’t just that—by
allowing Truth and Far to share her, she was also bringing the two brothers
together, she was sure of it. If Truth could sit by and watch—or even take
pleasure—in seeing her being penetrated by his brother, he would be that much
closer to forming a true bond with his twin.

course that all depended on what Truth thought about the idea. Becca watched
him closely, seeing both desire and uncertainty flitting across his face.

be open to such an experiment,” he said at last. “Only if Rebecca was in
agreement, of course.”

looked down at her, his black eyes filled with need and desire. “Would you
allow this? Would you permit me to slide my cock into your pussy as my brother

bit her lip.
We’re in the Mindscape,
she reminded herself.
Not really
doing any of this at all.

she said at last. “Yes, but…do you think this would bring us together? Would
help us form the OneMind the voice kept talking about?”

shook his head. “I don’t know exactly what is involved in forming the
OneMind—none of us does. But if I had to guess, I would think penetration
wouldn’t be quite enough. Truth and I would probably have to fill you with our
seed to seal the act between us.”

mean you’d have to…to make love to me? Both of you? At once or…?” Becca left
the question hanging.

I’m not sure,” the light twin said. “Of course, for Twin Kindred with a normal
bond, singular penetration would be difficult. For most of our kind, both twins
must be inside their lady at the same time or they will experience pain. But
because Truth and I have been so long separated, I think it would be possible
for us to penetrate you separately.”

penetration doesn’t necessarily have to mean fucking—apologies, Rebecca—I mean,
making love,” Truth pointed out. “For right now Far simply wants to…” He
swallowed hard. “Wants to slide his shaft deep in your sweet channel while I

you want to do the same when he’s done?” Becca whispered. How far were the
three of them going to go? How far did she
to go?
All the way,
a little voice but she pushed it away, feeling guilty.

may need to if we’re going to form this OneMind we keep talking about,” Truth
pointed out.

Becca bit her lip. “Far said you’d need more than just penetration. He said
you’d have to…to fill me with your, uh, seed. Both of you.”

possible,” the dark twin said. “But again, that doesn’t have to mean fucking.
If you’d prefer it, we can simply stimulate ourselves until we’re on the brink,
then slide into you once to the hilt and come deep in your pussy.”

shiver of pure lust went through Becca at the dark twin’s words.

that would work,” she said softly.

first we need to see if Truth can bear to see me enter you with my cock as he
entered you with his tongue,” Far murmured. “And if he can take pleasure in the
sight.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Can you let us try it?”

Becca nodded. “Yes,” she murmured. “I…yes. How…how do you want me? How do you

your hands and knees,” Truth growled, looking at her hungrily. “If this is to
be a true test I need a clear view. I need to watch you submitting to my
brother, spreading your thighs and your pussy wide to accept his cock.”

shivered again and felt her nipples turn to hard little points. “All right,”
she whispered, sitting up. “I…I can do that, I guess.”

intensely vulnerable, she got on her hands and knees in the middle of the big
bed. She’d only ever had one man inside her and that had just been the once.
She and Kenneth had made love in the standard missionary position which served
to make her feel less rather than more exposed.

she was in an animalistic pose, her ass high in the air and her breasts hanging
down in a way that made her feel sexual…put on display. Was she really going to
do this? Was she really going to spread her legs for Far’s thick cock while
Truth watched her take his brother deep in her pussy?

seemed she was.

watched with wide eyes as the light twin pulled down his too-tight black
trousers, baring a truly massive cock. What was it that Kat always said about
Kindred? That they were all hung like Clydesdales—that was it. Just the thought
made her blush.

light twin seemed to sense her uncertainty because he stroked her quivering
shoulders and back and leaned down to look into her eyes.

going to do this slowly,
he murmured. “Going to enter you as
gently as I can. If at any time it’s too much just tell me and I’ll pull out—I
swear it.”

concerned look on his face and his deep, soothing voice took away some of
Becca’s jitters.

she whispered, looking up at him. “I…I know you’ll be careful. I trust you,

He kissed her hot cheek, his lips lingering sweetly on her
heated skin before he finally straightened up. “Well, Brother,” he said,
looking at Truth. “Are you ready to watch me penetrate our lady?”

The dark twin’s voice sounded slightly strangled and Becca wondered if he was
torn between desire and custom again. From what she’d heard, a true Rai’ku male
would tear another male who dare to touch his female to shreds. That wasn’t
what the Twin Kindred did at all, though—they
But could Truth
enjoy sharing her so intimately? With a little shiver, she decided they were
about to find out.

bit her lip as she felt the light twin get into position behind her. She could
feel his heavy cock brushing against her naked bottom, the silky shaft just
barely kissing her bare skin.

Brother?” she heard Far say as one large hand came to settle on the curve of
her hip. “Our lady is open and waiting—waiting for me. I have my cock out and
naked in my hand, ready to enter her. Ready to
her. How does it
feel to know this? To see what I’m about to do?”

not feel bad,” Truth spoke in that same, strangled tone. “Go on, Far—show me

going to slide against her now.” Far suited actions to words and Becca bit back
a gasp as she felt the broad, plum-shaped head of his shaft glide gently
between her open folds. “Spread a little wider,
Far instructed
her. “Let me rub your clit.”

to help herself, Becca obeyed. She widened her stance and lifted her hips,
feeling her pussy lips part with the new posture.

took full advantage of her new vulnerability. Becca felt him slide the head of
his cock deep into her slippery folds and rub hard over the aching bud at her

motion sent a bolt of pleasure through her entire body and she gasped and
jumped at the intimate contact.

all right, Becca,” she heard Far murmur as he caressed her hips and back again.
“I’m not actually inside you yet—I’m just rubbing your inner folds.”

had the idea that he was saying this as much for Truth’s benefit as hers.

right,” she gasped. “I…I’m okay. It’s just intense and I’m already really
sensitive from…from…”

Truth’s tongue,” Far finished for her softly. “Yes, he licked out your sweet
little cunt very well, didn’t he? The question is, did he make you wet enough
inside to take my cock deep inside?” Looking over her shoulder, Becca saw him
turn to the silently watching Truth. “Did you, Brother? Should we put it to the

hesitated for so long, Becca wasn’t sure what he was going to say. His eyes
were half-lidded as he watched what Far was doing to her—the way his brother’s
long, thick cock was
penetrating her pussy.

it,” he growled at last. “I shouldn’t want to see it but I do. I want to watch
as you put your shaft deep in our lady—want to watch you fill her cunt with your

Far made her name into a question. “Is that all right with you?”

Becca’s hands curled into fists in the mattress. “If…as long as you go slow.
You guys are really big and I’m, uh, not.”

exceptionally tight, Brother,” Truth murmured. “I felt that with my

bit her lip. She knew she shouldn’t be scared. After all, this was the
Mindscape. She ought to be able to handle a guy—even a Kindred sized guy—with
ease. But it all felt so
and it had been so long since her one and
only act of sex she felt like a virgin all over again.
If only I had that
bonding fruit juice Kat gave me…

to her surprise, the small blue bottle appeared on the bed beside her. It was perfect
in every detail—exactly like the one Kat had given her right down to the lovely
flower shaped stopper.

that?” Truth asked, frowning.

fruit juice.” Becca couldn’t believe it had actually appeared.

how did you…?”

don’t know.” Becca shrugged. “I was just wishing for it and it appeared.”

looked thoughtful. “You know, I was just wishing we had some bonding fruit or
something like it to help you as well.” He looked at Truth. “Brother?”

didn’t wish specifically for bonding fruit or any of its derivatives but I was
thinking it would be helpful if we had something to ease the way for Rebecca,”
Truth said. “She is

felt a surge of excitement. “You know what this means? We
be on the
right track! Our projections are getting better.”

we didn’t consciously
to project anything,” Truth protested.

the point,” Becca told him. “We didn’t have to try to make anything appear—we
were all on the same wavelength and thinking the same thing and it just
Spontaneously. We are definitely on the right track.”

raised an eyebrow at her. “So do you wish to stop now? Have we achieved the
necessary closeness to have a OneMind and either find Vashtar or project a door
out of here?”

had a guilty feeling she ought to say yes. But Far was right behind her, the
warm head of his cock sliding against her sensitive folds, about to fill her
up. And Truth was watching with narrowed eyes, as though he couldn’t decide
whether to be jealous or aroused.

close to coming together,
Becca told herself.
If we stop now,
they’ll drift apart again. This is about more than forming the OneMind—it’s
about bringing them into some kind bond—a Twin bond with each other. We have to
go on.

she said aloud. “I agree with what Far said earlier. In order to completely
form the OneMind we need to go further. Need to…do more.”

to if you drink that.” Far nodded at the small glass bottle of
bonding fruit juice they had somehow made appear. “We spoke earlier of filling
you with our seed, Becca. But if you drink essence of bonding fruit, we’ll have
no choice than to fill you completely in order to quell your desire.”

don’t know about that,” Becca said uneasily. “I mean, after I ate the cake at
Kat’s wedding the two of you were able to, you know, help me when we did that
first joining.”

we’re already in a kind of joining,” Truth pointed out. “Or what else would you
call the Mindscape?”

don’t know.” Becca looked at the bottle and made a decision. “But I think it’s
a chance I’m going to have to take. If…if we’re going to be able to do…whatever
it is we’re doing.”

know what we’re doing, Becca,” Far murmured and she felt his cock nudge her
open pussy gently. “I’m about to slide my shaft inside you to the hilt. After I
do, Truth will have his turn as well. Both of us are going to make love to you
and probably come in you as well, planting our seed as deeply in your belly as
we can.” He stroked her hips gently. “I just think we need to be honest with
ourselves—this is what we’re doing.”

bit her lip. “I know,” she whispered. “I know what we’re doing. And…I don’t
want to stop.”

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