Dominated (6 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Dominated
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“Is anyone home?” she whispered. She wasn’t ready for a meet and greet.

“Nope. Just you and me. My parents are already at the meetings and neither of my siblings made it to town for this gathering.” He winked at her. What did that mean? She’d never been so freaking nervous in her life. If he would just let go of her hand. The contact was sending an electric current through her that scrambled her brain and made it impossible to make sentences. All she knew was the warmth of his hand against her sweaty palm.

“Sit.” He nodded toward the couch as they entered the living room and finally released her.

A chill went down her spine. He’d commanded her to sit last night too. That hadn’t gone well. Memories of their first botched encounter flooded her.

Was she ready for this? What would he expect from her this morning?

She squeezed her legs together as she took a spot perched on the edge of the sofa. Why had she chosen to wear a skirt again today? Goose bumps rose along her legs.

His scent filled the room, masking all other smells. She wanted him to sit next to her so she could breathe him in, but she also wanted him to stay on the other side of the room so she didn’t lose her mind just yet.

Gabriel didn’t say a word other than his requisite “sit.” He left her there and returned moments later with two bottles of water.

Bless him. Her mouth was dry. “Drink,” he commanded.

She held the bottle without twisting off the lid. “Are you always so bossy?” She eyed him.

“Usually.” He grinned, still standing above her.

“You have a tendency to use just one word, and I get the feeling you’re used to getting your way.”

“Yes.” Now he wiggled his eyebrows. He was teasing her, but he was also serious. He nodded at the bottle in her hand. “You’ve been licking your lips since I found you. It’s . . . disconcerting.” He took a seat on the couch next to her, but thankfully not touching her.

“How does this usually work?” She set the water bottle on the coffee table. She was thirsty, but she couldn’t bring herself to buckle to his demands.

“Well, first you twist the top off, and then you tip the bottle to your lips.” He leaned closer to her and dared her to defy him with his gaze.

“Ha ha. Not that. This.” She motioned between them back and forth.

“Mating? There is no
. Each couple is different. And I haven’t claimed anyone before, so I’m just as green in that area as you. I guess we’ll make up our own rules as we go along.” He handed her the water again.

She set it back down.

“Are you always this stubborn?”

“Are you always this demanding?” It wasn’t the first time she’d asked this question and she already knew the answer. “Does everyone bow to your every wish every time you speak?”

He leaned back against the cushions and reached for a lock of her hair. Sighing, he continued, “Yes. I mean, women have in the past.”

She gulped. Was he serious?

“I’m rather dominant, Kathleen. Most women I have dated have been submissive.” He tipped his head and his brow furrowed. “Don’t worry. We will figure this out together. I’m not an ass. We can experiment with dominance and submission later. For now, I just want to claim you and I swear to go slow and easy your first time.”

Her knees shook. She had to squeeze them with both hands to still her shaking. Her heart raced and she had no idea if it was from fear or . . . excitement. Even his proclamation of gentleness had been spoken with an edge of dominance. It pissed her off that his commanding mannerisms were arousing her. His penetrating gaze made her squirm, and she wanted him to have his way with her while at the same time she shouted to herself to run from this house immediately and not look back.

She took a deep breath. From him she scented confidence, arousal, and yes, some level of fear also. Good.

She flushed. The room suddenly seemed way too hot.

He sat back again. “Tell me about yourself. All I know is you’re much older than I thought and you have a degree in education. Sisters? Brothers?”

She relaxed, marginally, and took a deep breath. “Two sisters. I’m the middle one.”

“Are they mated?”

“My older sister, Kenzie, is at this very moment being convinced, I hope.” She rolled her eyes. “She’s spent many years insisting she didn’t want to mate, but a nice wolf caught her eye yesterday. He’s supposed to be at the house now . . . sweet-talking her.” She smiled. “My younger sister, Cassidy, is nineteen. Hopefully she’s holding off for a while. That’s too young. Hell, I’m not sure twenty-one isn’t too young. I didn’t see this coming.”

“Neither did I. I mean, after all, I never even got the opportunity to enter the singles party.” He winked at her. “You barged into my solitude and snagged my heart before anyone else had a chance.” He took her hand. His warm palm encompassed hers, so large she couldn’t even see her own anymore.

When he touched her, all her good sense fled the room. All she could think about was how her body melted beneath his touch. She jerked her hand back and left his larger one on her lap. That was
an improvement. His fingers landed on her bare leg, and she kicked herself again for wearing a skirt. It wasn’t even a long skirt. And when she was sitting, it climbed up her thighs.

He caressed the skin with the tips of his fingers and she stared down at the connection, panting. Finally, she jumped up from the couch and stepped back. Her heart raced. Her legs threatened to buckle. She’s wanted him to stroke her skin higher, and yet she’d also needed him to stop before she got so carried away she couldn’t control her reactions.

She smoothed her skirt and swallowed. “And you? You have a sister and a brother, right?” If she brought the conversation back on track, would she be able to ignore her body’s reaction to this man?

“Yes.” He smiled up at her, a coy look that said she hadn’t fooled him. “Samantha lives in St. Louis. Blake is at OU at school.” He paused. “What else do you want to know?”

“You live in Houston? How long are you here for? When will you go back?”

“I’m not sure. That depends.”

“On what?”

“You.” He stood now, sauntered toward her.

She backed up.

He stalked forward.

When her back hit the kitchen island, he had her cornered. He leaned into her, placing one hand on either side of her on the counter.

She flushed. Everything was moving too fast and so intense. Even his gaze was enough to make her lightheaded.

“Kathleen, you’re mine. Do you understand what that means?”

She swallowed.

“I’m not going home without you. I have the next two weeks off. Gives us plenty of time to get to know each other. I don’t care where we go. If you want to stay here, we can. If you want to go to Houston, we can do that. If you want to take a trip to the Bahamas, canoe down the Rio Grande, or go hiking in Alaska, that can be arranged too.” He lifted one corner of his mouth, teasing her.

She shuddered.

“God, you smell fantastic.” He lifted a lock of her hair and held it to his cheek, in haling her scent. Everything he did seemed erotic. Dangerous. Sexy. “I need to kiss you.” He raised an eyebrow, asking for permission.

She nodded.

He placed his hands on both sides of her face, caressing her cheeks with his thumbs for several seconds. As he stared at her mouth, she gazed at his expression.

When his thumb brushed over her bottom lip and then pulled it down, she sucked in a breath. “So soft,” he mumbled. He didn’t stop. Instead he swept his thumb back and forth over her lower lip.

Her mouth tingled. She fought to keep from reaching out to lick his thumb with her tongue.

“Open for me, Kathleen.” Her name sounded so formal coming from him.

She shivered again. How could a simple kiss be so complicated? Demanding? It was taking so long and her legs were wobbling while she waited.

“You could call me Kath. My family does,” she muttered. She had no idea why she needed to tell him that now. Perhaps to break the intensity. It frightened her how aroused she was. She squeezed her thighs together, but that did nothing to make the ache growing low in her belly go away.

He grinned at her, but didn’t lift his gaze from her mouth. “Perhaps. But not when we’re having sex. I like the way your full name sounds tumbling from my mouth when I’m thinking of having you.”

She gasped. She locked her knees to keep from collapsing.

“Are you?” she asked breathlessly.

“Thinking of making love to you? Hell yes. I can’t imagine when I’ll not be.”

Her breasts grew tight. A soft purr escaped her lips.

That gentle sound that broke the sudden silence was followed by a full groan coming from Gabriel’s mouth. “You’re gonna kill me.” He leaned in closer, his lips inches from her own.

She wanted his mouth on hers so bad now, she no longer cared whether or not it was the
thing to do.

She licked her lips.
Oh, please, dear God, just kiss me, will you?

His mouth descended. A gentle brush of his lips over hers. His eyes stayed locked to her gaze. And then he licked the seam between her lips and she opened her mouth for him. She wanted to taste him, needed to. His tongue slipped between her teeth and danced with her own before she even finished the thought.

She grasped his T-shirt with both hands where it stretched over his biceps and fisted the material with her fingers, desperate to hold on to him.

He angled his mouth farther to one side and delved deeper. His taste filled her senses and made her crave more of him.

Thank God he held her up, his body pressing hers into the island. As she lost herself in her first real kiss, she couldn’t concentrate on anything but the feel of his tongue and the way his lips managed to soften her.

Gabe broke the kiss off. No way could she have had the capacity to do so herself.

“I need you,” he whispered against her mouth as he set his forehead on hers. “I know this is fast and overwhelming for you, but my cock aches to be inside you.”

She couldn’t even see him properly. Her eyes were clouded over from the heat of the kiss and he invaded her space so thoroughly that she couldn’t focus on his face.

“Please say yes,” he continued. “I could spend the day pretending to woo you, but who are we kidding? I can smell your arousal. Hell, I can taste it on your lips. You want this as much as I do.”

It was true. She couldn’t deny him that truth. She was scared out of her mind on more levels than she could possibly voice, but the simple fact still remained—they were mates. She might as well let him claim her now and then deal with the details of their future afterward. At least some of her anxiety would be alleviated.

“Talk to me,” he asked. He stroked her cheek with his thumb again.

She finally opened her mouth to speak. “I’m scared.”

“I know. I would be shocked if you weren’t. And concerned. I’m humbled by the gift of your innocence. Trust me?”

She shouldn’t. She hadn’t known him long enough. But damnit if she didn’t anyway. Something about the way he held her so gently told her he would take every care in the world to see to her comfort.

His fingers trembled against her skin. She affected him as much as he did her.

“Let’s go upstairs.” He nodded to one side.

Here? In his parents’ house?
She stiffened.

“Nobody’s home, baby. And they aren’t coming back. Hell, my parents are hosting this gathering. They couldn’t break free if they wanted to. And besides, they know I’m stalking you.” He chuckled low and deep. “They wouldn’t dare interrupt me today.”

And that was supposed to make her feel better? His parents knowing what they were doing in their house didn’t add to the warm fuzzies.

“Come.” He stepped back, took her hand, and led her to the steps at the back of the kitchen.

She followed. Let him tug her through the house. A trembling ball of nerves was the only way to describe her at that moment.

Chapter Four

Gabe held his breath all the way to his bedroom. He couldn’t wait to get his sweet mate out of town and have her all to himself. It couldn’t be helped right now. And it wasn’t as though it was unusual for mates to consummate their relationship just about anywhere. No one would think ill of them. It was normal.

The wolf instinct to claim was strong. It gave very little notice and allowed for only a small window of small talk before the natural instinct to mate took over. That window was wide open considering Gabe had met Kathleen yesterday. In wolf terms, that was a long courting period already.

When they reached his room and slipped inside, Gabriel shut the door behind him and leaned against it.

Kathleen spun around. “Are you going to lock that?” She pointed at the doorknob.

He grinned. “If it makes you feel better.” Hell, no one was going to come into the house, let alone the upstairs. They wouldn’t dare.

With a twist, the lock was turned. He released the knob to reach for her, but she avoided him, skipping back a step and turning toward the room. “You aren’t gonna just . . . are you?” Her voice trailed off.

He smiled at her as she gazed around his space. He needed to get control of himself. He’d never had sex with a virgin. And certainly not one that meant his much to him.
Deep breaths, Gabe. Take things at an unprecedented slow pace

His hands shook at his sides. She brought out something in him he’d never experienced. He wanted to please her first and foremost. He wanted to make her happy. He’d do anything in his power to ensure she always had that sexy smile on her lips. For the first time in nearly ten years, he knew he could be less dominant if the situation required. And this was one of those times.

Would she ever be submissive? He had no idea just now, but he couldn’t take her virginity in a show of dominance. He would alienate her and ruin her trust.

While she glanced around the room, her hands fisted at her sides.

He needed her mouth again. One side of her bottom lip rested between her teeth as she avoided his gaze.

With slow steady steps, he approached her until he stood right in front of her. He took her shoulders in his hands and nudged her chin with both thumbs to tip her head up. Her lip popped out of her mouth and he smiled. The swollen pink flesh demanded his attention. When he rubbed his thumb over the lower one, she opened her mouth.

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