Dracul's Revenge 02: Anarchy in Blood (5 page)

Read Dracul's Revenge 02: Anarchy in Blood Online

Authors: Carol Lynne,T. A. Chase

Tags: #Erotic Romance eBooks Erotica Total-E-Bound eBooks Books Romance

BOOK: Dracul's Revenge 02: Anarchy in Blood
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After zipping up and washing his hands, Aaron found Gray around the corner of the building. The fiery glow of the cigarette was like a beacon, calling Aaron forward. “Hey.”

Gray grinned and held up Aaron’s drug of choice. “Almost done. Where’d you park?”

Aaron stepped closer, breathing in the second-hand smoke. “I took the bus.”

Even in the dim light, Aaron could see the surprise on Gray’s face. “With a killer skulking around the Mall?”

Aaron shrugged and stepped even closer to Gray. “Doesn’t much matter whether I have to walk to the bus or the parking lot. If someone wants me dead, they’ll find a way.”

Aaron tilted his chin up. “Would you do me a huge favour?”



Carol Lynne & T.A. Chase


“Can I have a drag of that? I quit, but the smell is driving me crazy.”

Gray took a deep puff of the cigarette and tilted Aaron’s chin up even further. Instead of putting the butt to Aaron’s lips, Gray leant down and sealed his mouth over Aaron’s, blowing the smoke into Aaron’s lungs.

Oh fuck.
Aaron felt his chest tighten and tried to calm his breathing. His body’s reaction was a combination of the smoke and the feel of Gray’s mouth on his. As badly as he wanted to continue the lip-lock, Aaron needed fresh oxygen unless he wanted to embarrass himself by pulling the inhaler out of his pocket like a total geek.

Aaron pulled back and smiled. “Not quite what I had in mind.” Aaron winked. “But thank you.”

Gray made a noise deep in his throat and tossed the butt to the pavement, grinding it with the sole of his dress shoes. “Let’s go before you get me into trouble.”

Gray gestured to the lot across the street and down about a half of a block. “I’m there.”

Aaron nodded and fell into step beside the much bigger man. Although now that they were side by side, Aaron realised Gray was only about four inches taller. Why had he always thought of Gray as so much bigger? Sure the man had muscles to die for, where as Aaron’s body was more like that of a runner. But it was more than that. Gray just seemed to exude a power that made Aaron feel small in comparison.

Gray’s hand brushed the small of Aaron’s back. “Right here.”

Typical of a private detective, Gray drove a dark blue sedan. Aaron felt his heart flutter when Gray unlocked and opened the passenger side door.

“Thanks.” Even though the inside of the car was immaculate, Aaron could smell a trace of smoke mixed with the expensive leather seats and Gray’s cologne. The combination had Aaron’s cock hardening before Gray even got behind the wheel.

Before Gray got fully situated, Aaron pulled out the envelope with his meagre savings.

“I’m not sure what your hourly rate is, but this should get you started.”

Gray stared at the envelope for several seconds before speaking. “Officially, you’ll be hiring two of my employees Jeb Kaplan and Tina Mendosa.”

Before Aaron could question the request, Gray leant over and brushed his lips across Aaron’s. “I don’t date my clients.”

The statement shouldn’t have shocked Aaron as much as it did. He sat with his mouth hanging open before he realised what he must look like. “You want to date me?”


Carol Lynne & T.A. Chase


Gray nodded and started the car. “Among other things.”

Aaron grinned and glanced out the side window. “I work odd hours. It won’t be easy for you.”

“Never said I wanted easy, just that I wanted you,” Gray said, placing a hand on Aaron’s knee.

Gray drove them to The Big Plate, yet another place Aaron had never heard of. “Best Mom and Pop place in DC.”

With his head leaning against the headrest, Aaron turned to gaze at Gray’s profile.

“Have you always lived in DC?”

Gray shook his head. “I grew up in Annapolis. My father was Admiral Oliver Grayson Millstone.”

“No shit?” Aaron couldn’t imagine having a father like Gray’s. “My dad was a drunk.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, Aaron wished he could take them back. “I’m sorry.”

Gray leant over and kissed Aaron’s cheek. “Don’t worry about it.” He kissed Aaron again, this time a soft peck on the lips. “And for the record, I’m sorry to hear that about your father.”

Aaron shrugged. “Thanks. He died a long time ago.”

Gray gestured to the restaurant. “Ready?”

Aaron nodded and opened the door. The inside of The Big Plate was decorated in a country motif, complete with yellow gingham tablecloths. Once they found a table and ordered their drinks, Aaron finally mustered the nerve to ask the question on his mind.

“So why’d you change your name?”

Gray glanced up from the limited menu. “I thought I wanted a career in the military, but I wanted to make it on my own.” Gray shrugged. “Same reason I enlisted with the army instead of the navy.”

Aaron whistled. “How’d that go over with your dad?”

“About like you’d expect. He even threatened to ruin my career before it even had a chance to begin. He said unless I followed in his footsteps, he’d out me.” Gray’s entire body seemed to tense momentarily. “Once I reminded him that a scandal involving me would also bring him down in the eyes of his colleagues, he cut me out of his life.”


Carol Lynne & T.A. Chase


Aaron knew Admiral Millstone was dead. He remembered it being a huge deal in Washington. “I can’t believe I never made the connection.”

Gray started to answer, but their waitress stepped up to the table.

“Have you decided?”

Gray glanced at Aaron. “Do you like chicken fried steak?”

Aaron nodded. “Love it.”

“Good.” Gray turned his attention to the attractive brunette. “We’ll have two chicken fried steak dinners with mashed potatoes…” Gray looked at Aaron again. “Would you prefer corn or green beans?”


“What kind of dressing would you like on your salads?” she asked.

“Ranch,” Gray answered.

“Blue cheese.” Aaron noticed Gray wrinkle his nose. As soon as the waitress walked away, he leant across the table. “You have a problem with blue cheese?”

“Have you ever really looked at that stuff?” Gray gave an exaggerated body shiver.


Aaron chuckled. “Okay, I guess you won’t be kissing me at the end of our date.”

“Didn’t say that.” Gray tapped Aaron’s foot with his own.

Aaron could tell his face was turning red. One of the biggest downfalls of his fair colouring was everyone knew when he was emotional. It didn’t matter if it was good or bad, every time something got him worked up, his entire body seemed to colour.

Gray reached across the table and ran the back of his hand along Aaron’s cheek. “Cute.”

Aaron rolled his eyes. “Cute is for puppies.”

Gray chuckled. “Okay. Hot.”

Aaron grinned. “Better.”

Gray’s hand fisted and dropped to the table between them. “You’re a threat to my control.”

Although Gray didn’t look happy about it, the statement made Aaron feel damn good.

It had been too long since he’d felt the excitement that came with dating someone new. It always seemed to be what happened after the initial exploration that he’d always had a problem with. It wasn’t that he became bored, more like his partners got increasingly ANARCHY IN BLOOD

Carol Lynne & T.A. Chase


demanding of his time. The job he had was definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity, but most lovers didn’t understand that. He wondered if Gray would be different.

Their dinner came and Aaron’s eyes almost popped out of his head. The waitress set down a plate-sized piece of chicken fried steak and bowls of mashed potatoes, gravy and corn, finished off with a big basket of homemade rolls. “Damn.”

Gray grinned as he spooned helpings onto the separate plate the waitress set beside their chicken fried steak. “It’s family-style, so help yourself.”

“Thank you,” Aaron said to the waitress.

“Let me know if you need refills on anything,” she offered before walking off.

“You eat here often?” Aaron asked. He’d weigh three hundred pounds if he ate here on a regular basis.

Gray shrugged. “I usually come here when I’m missing a good home-cooked meal like our housekeeper used to make.”

Aaron spooned a healthy portion of mashed potatoes onto his plate. “What about your mom?”

Gray passed Aaron the gravy and shook his head. “She died when I was six.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It was a long time ago. I think most of what I remember is actually other people’s memories they’ve shared with me over the years. What about you? You close to your family?”

“I guess. I’ve already mentioned the fact that my dad drank. He died when I was eleven. Mom did the best she could after that. I still talk to her on the phone several times a week, more if she can catch me at home.”

“Where does she live?” Gray asked.

“Coatesville, Pennsylvania. It’s where I grew up.”

They spent the rest of the meal getting to know basic things about each other. Aaron was a bit surprised to find out Gray’s favourite junk food was actually shoestring potato chips.

“I used to hide them in my pockets so Father didn’t know I had them. Of course the housekeeper couldn’t figure out why there was always oil stains on my pants, but she never ratted me out to Father.”


Carol Lynne & T.A. Chase


Finished eating, Aaron pushed his plates to the side and rested his cheek in his palm.

“Sounds like you were a little hellion.”

“Not really. The things I had to sneak and do were things every other normal kids took for granted.” Gray shrugged. “Everything was extremely regimented in my house.”

Aaron wasn’t sure what to say. He’d had almost the complete opposite upbringing.

“Ready?” Gray asked, fishing his wallet out of his back pocket.

“Sure.” Aaron reached for his money but was stopped by Gray.

“I’ll get it this time.”

“Thanks.” Aaron wasn’t the type of person to argue about something as simple as paying for dinner. He stood and waited for Gray to resettle the wallet in his pocket before heading towards the door.

As soon as they stepped outside, Gray reached for a cigarette. He held the pack towards Aaron. “Want one?”

! “No. I’ll just enjoy the smell of yours.”

Gray chuckled and shook his head. “Most people that don’t smoke hate the smell.”

“I’m not most people,” Aaron answered, getting into the car.

Gray got behind the wheel and immediately rolled the window down. “You can say that again. I have a confession.”


“I’ve been thinking a lot about you since that first time I met you.”

“Really?” Aaron laughed. “Because if I remember right, the first time I met you I spilled an entire cup of coffee on Rick’s desk. It went all over his papers and Vice President Broomfield.”

“Exactly.” Gray grinned. “Not only did I get to see Broomfield get doused, but it was the first time I was treated to that sexy blush of yours.”

“Stop or you’re gonna make me do it again,” Aaron whispered, feeling the heat creep up his body. He inhaled some of the second-hand smoke floating around the interior of the car.

Before fastening his seatbelt, Gray leant over and captured Aaron’s mouth in a kiss.

Aaron opened immediately, relishing the flavour of nicotine on Gray’s tongue. When Gray’s hand worked its way up Aaron’s thigh to brush against the bulge trapped behind his fly, Aaron knew he’d do anything to get the handsome man into his bed.


Carol Lynne & T.A. Chase


Breaking the kiss, Aaron stared into Gray’s dark brown eyes. “Take me home.”

Gray’s eyes narrowed. “You need to know I don’t share well with others.”

Aaron was actually flattered that Gray thought someone like him would have more than one man interested. Still, he needed to get the biggest obstacle out of the way. “The only thing I need you to share me with is my job. It’s important to me.”

Gray nodded and flicked his cigarette out the window. “As is mine. I keep strange hours.”

“So do I,” Aaron agreed.

Gray smiled and leant in for another deep kiss. “Sounds like we’re perfect for each other.”

Aaron laughed. “You should really hold that thought until afterwards. I might disappoint you.”

“Never.” Gray gave Aaron one last kiss before straightening in his seat and starting the car.

Aaron settled against the soft leather seat. He gave Gray directions as he mapped every square centimetre of the man’s profile. Gray wasn’t what he’d call classically handsome, more like ruggedly gorgeous. Aaron could easily envision Gray on a horse, riding the open range with a ragged cowboy hat sitting low on his forehead.

He finally gave in to his body’s demands and reached out to run his fingers through the short dark hair on the back of Gray’s head.

Gray’s hand moved back to Aaron’s thigh and squeezed. “Are we almost there?”

“The next block. Where ever you can find a place to park is fine.”

Aaron rubbed Gray’s earlobe between his thumb and forefinger. He wasn’t trying to distract the man while he parked, Aaron simply couldn’t seem to keep his hands to himself.

As soon as Gray wedged his big sedan into a space, he opened his door and got out. At first Aaron thought Gray was bothered by his need to touch until he noticed the front of Gray’s pants.

Aaron grinned when Gray opened his door and pulled him out of the car. A quick press of their bodies and Aaron knew they were both excited. “I’m just across the street and down two buildings.”

Gray licked at the side of Aaron’s face. “Lead the way.”


Carol Lynne & T.A. Chase


Once Gray had the car locked, Aaron grabbed Gray’s hand and waited for a break in the traffic. They were half-way across the street when Aaron’s phone started to ring. “Shit.”

Reaching the sidewalk, Aaron dug out his phone and looked at the display. “It’s Rick.”

“Answer it.” Gray walked over to lean against a light pole, giving Aaron privacy.

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