Drowning (Tears of Sin Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Drowning (Tears of Sin Series)
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“I'm pretty sure Molly will be just fine.”
I start to say something else, but he kisses me and that wicked tongue makes me forget everything but him. He traces the line of my teeth, the roof of my mouth, and then withdraws. “Don't run from me again.”
“I won't. I'll try to fight.” My breathing is ragged, and I’ll pretty much do anything he asks for another kiss.
“Good.” He pulls my T-shirt up and unsnaps my bra. I undo my buttons, and he yanks my shorts from my hips. I'm wearing a thong, and he spins me around. A low grumble passes through his lips before his teeth sink into my ass cheek, taking me to just this side of pain, and my knees buckle. “Oh, baby. This ass will drive a man insane.”
He spins me back around again and lifts me to the bed. I watch him undress quickly and crawl over me. “Spread your legs.”
I do what he says. My heart beats faster at the possession burning in his gaze.
He grips the thong in his fist and shreds it.
Play with yourself.” He sits back on his heels and runs his hands over my thighs. I lower my hand down my chest, across my stomach and stop at my mound. I'm spreading my fingers across my pubic bone when Seth goes still. “I wanted to make this last, but I'm going to take you now. Okay? I've been missing you too much to wait. Get yours fast, baby.” He plunges into me and captures my mouth again. His lips steal all of my moans as he pumps in and out of me. We fit together perfectly, his big body absorbing my much smaller one. I’m at peace when we’re like this. His arms and legs and lips still the ever constant turmoil in my mind.
When I come, I scream until his hand covers my mouth. He rides out my orgasm and finds his own.
“Seth, I’m not so sure about this.” He grabs my hand and yanks me out of his truck. “Really? Maybe we can do this next weekend.”
I’m meeting Seth’s dad today. He kind of tricked me into this Sunday lunch. Well, he’d asked me to lunch and waited until we were half way across town before he told me where we were having lunch.
“Come on, baby. It’ll be fine. I want him to meet you. I want everyone to meet you.” He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me until our mouths are pressed together. “Do this for me. Please.”
It means so much to him. I can’t say no. “Okay. But if he doesn’t like me, I’m not staying.”
“Fair enough.” He walks backward with me still in his arms. “Just remember that he’s a little stiff.”
“Ha, you’re a little stiff yourself.”
He nuzzles my neck. “You think so?”
I nudge his erection with my knee. “I know so.”
He drops me and grabs my hand. “Let’s get this over with so I can get you back to the apartment.”
For days, we’ve done nothing other than have sex, eat, and have his practices. Molly and I’ve been at the James brother’s apartment nearly day and night. It’s been the best time of my life. I’ve never had more fun or been more carefree. I just hope it’s not ruined by lunch today. Seth had assured me his father would be fine, but the James family had money. They were old money Austin, and I’m just the illegitimate child of a crooked politician.
I glanced up at him. “What?”
“Stop the worrying. It’s going to be fine. And if you get uncomfortable, we’ll go.” He rang the doorbell and stole a kiss while we waited. “Have I told you how beautiful you look today?”
He’d told me to dress nice for lunch, so I had on a red A-line skirt and a white cami under a black summer cardigan. I didn’t own many nice outfits. “I think I look like a school teacher.”
“Hmm… That gives me some ideas.” He tickles my waist and traces a finger up and over the peak of my breast. “Definite possibilities.”
“Seth.” The front door stops me from finishing my thought, and I’m faced with a much older version of Gabe. The resemblance is unreal.
“Seth?” Mr. James sticks out his hand in a formal greeting and glances back and forth between us. “I didn’t know you were bringing company?”
“Dad, this is Alice. She lives next door to us.” Seth wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. “We’re seeing each other, and I thought you might like to meet her.”
Whoa. He just claimed me to his dad. I’m going to make a fool of myself in a minute. Not in a giddy girl way, but I’m likely to hurl across his gold-plated threshold.
“Mr. James, it’s nice to meet you.” I reach across to shake hands with him, and he looks at my fingers like they are dirty worms that he’d rather chop off than have to hold. “Er…if this is an inconvenience, I can go.”
Seth’s fingers tighten around my shoulder. “No, you’re staying. Dad?”
Mr. James finally had the grace to snap out of his rude gaze. “I’m sorry. Please, Alice, you’re welcome here. Come inside.” He ushers us in and takes my elbow, leading me away from Seth. “I’ve just never had one of the boys bring a girl home before.”
I glance back at Seth, and he shrugs. This is a big deal to him. I smile and turn back to his father. “It’s fine. I’m sure I’d be shocked if I had to entertain strangers without any warning too.”
He glances down at me and smirks. “Well, it’s rude. I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted.” I give him my flirty smile. The one that usually had boys doing whatever I wanted, and it works.
He laughs at me. “I sense a backbone in you. I think we’ll get along famously.”
“Good. Because I kind of like your son.” Seth follows behind us, but I swear I can hear his smile.
The rest of lunch goes off without a hitch, and I’m welcomed back into the house whenever I’d like to come. Seth is grinning from ear to ear and has hardly let me away from his side. The only problem to the whole day has been the absent Gabe.
“If you see your brother today, would you tell him to give this old man a call?”
We’re near the front door on our way out and Seth stops. “Dad, Gabe is okay. I promise. I’m watching out for him. He’s been at the house most nights. Don’t worry so much.”
Mr. James smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He leans down and gives me a chaste kiss upon the cheek. “Watch out for my boys, Alice. I think you have more sense than the lot of them.”
I smile, but take Seth’s hand. His dad wasn’t bad, just really sad, and I think more overprotective than what even Seth realizes. “I got this, Mr. James. Don’t worry.”
On the ride home, I kick off my heels and rub my arches. “So…your dad seemed nice.”
“Nice? Do you know that today I watched him smile at least five times? That’s the most cordial he’s been to me in five years at least. It’s you, Alice. You bring out the happiness in people.” He reaches across the bench seat and grabs my hand. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”
“Ah, I’m sure it was just your dad happy to see you happy.”
“Maybe. But, I still say it’s you. Thank you for coming today.”
I smile at him. “Sure, that’s what friends are for.”
He grimaces and turns back toward the wheel. “I’d like to think we’re more than that.”
We were. I knew it. This was just one more attempt to slow down the train wreck I feel coming on. Nothing in my life that’s good ever lasts this long.
It's the night of their big show, and we're back stage, watching the crowd become animated before the first act. Seth comes up to me, and he's decked out all in black and there's even a hint of eyeliner beneath his eyes. I like it.
“That look is so fucking sexy. I'm going to show you how much later.”
He laughs and swoops down on me. “Later, I'm going to be soaking wet with sweat.”
“Eww...I might take a rain check.” I smack his ass, and he nips a path along my neck.
Gabe is holding Molly's hand and is unbelievably quiet. I nudge him. “What's wrong with you?”
“I have stage fright.”
“Stage fright? You?”
His mouth tightens even more. I think he’s holding back vomit. “Yeah.”
“Come on, you big baby.” The crowd is riled up, cheering and screaming for their first bit of music. Every time someone whistles Gabe flinches.
He’s petting Molly’s hair like it’s his life line. “No. I mean it. I don't know if I can do this.”
Lilith comes scurrying up and throws her arms around Seth's neck and kisses him squarely on the mouth. I'm actually more amused than jealous because I know how much Seth hates her.
She squeals. “This is going to be so much fun.”
He pushes her away from him, and she pouts. Seth looks and me and does that thing with his lips that always makes me hot. I laugh because the timing is absurd. Deacon and Evan wander up, and they are both covered in red lipstick.
Lilith growls, “That is so gross. Get that shit off your face before we go on stage.”
“Shut it, Lilith. You're just mad because no one is dicking you,” Evan says. Deacon high five’s him, and I watch a catastrophe unfold.
Lilith screams and hurls her water bottle at Evan. He only laughs harder. She flips him off. “I don't have to take your bullshit anymore. You all think you're so damn great, but without me all you are is music. It's not a band without a singer.”
Seth takes his arms from around my shoulders. “What are you saying?”
Lilith cocks her arms across her chest and taps a stiletto covered toe. “I'm saying, how would it look if your first gig is your last?”
“You better watch it, Lil. Everyone can be replaced.” Gabe steps up beside Seth, and I worry that with the James’ anger they are about to fuck up.
“Guys.” They both ignore me and take on the barracuda together.
The stage director comes over. “You're on in thirty seconds.”
The three hot heads start to fight, and the clock is ticking. Lilith is screeching, and Seth is almost as loud. I try to grab his arm and pull him back, but he pulls away. And he's even further in her face. That boy loves his music, and she just fucked with the wrong thing. The stage director is pointing to me to get them. I can't control them.
Molly leans over. “You have to get their attention, or they are going to really screw this up.”
I shake my head.
“Now, Alice.”
I glance at her. This is going to change everything. I’ve enjoyed having Seth like me for just me. But he needs me now. He’s certainly been there for me. I think it’s time I play the hero. “Okay.”
“You know what to do.”
I nod. I knew exactly what to do, and I’m not lacking the balls to do it, I just didn't plan on letting all my secrets spill out this quickly. I pat the stage manager on the shoulder and shrug out of my jacket. The lights heat the stage, and the crowd quiets down as I walk onto the wooden platform. I glance back, and the band is still in a heated argument and hasn't noticed that I'm either about to save their asses or really fuck the band over.
I pick up the lead guitar and fit the strap over my shoulder. I step up the mic, but I can't do it facing the crowd, so I spin around. Unlike Lilith-skank-snatch, I’ll turn around after the opening lines, but I always have trouble until I get into the song.
The first song of the set starts out with a steady low grade pluck. I begin the strum and wait for the eight counts to come in. I open my mouth to sing, and the music comes from my heart. Seth wrote these songs for me. He may not have known me when he did, but they are mine.
Deacon is the first one to take notice, and he runs out to save me. He lifts the guitar over my head, and we barely break the rhythm to the beat. I keep singing and Gabe hurries out to the piano. The crowd is starting to cheer as more instruments are added. Seth staggers out in a daze. He hurries over to the drums and sits but doesn't start right away. He's watching me. I get to the first high part of the song and really prepare to belt it out. Right before I go for it, I pivot for the crowd and take my chances.


out the big notes like she's eating chocolate. I didn't even know our songs could sound like that. I' m so damn proud I can barely stay on my stool. I want to cheer her on. She glances back at me after the first song, and I wink at her. We start into the second, and it's slower. She's loosening up and swaying her hips, and it's so fucking sexy. Someone turns on the screens, but they aren't supposed to be used until the big acts. Yeah, my girl is that good.

We play through the five songs that are allowed and Alice bows. We all stand. The stage director steps out and runs up to her. She shakes her head, and he gets angry. She nods, and I get nervous. Gabe looks at me, and I shrug. She hurries over to Gabe and tells him something, but I can't hear over the crowd. Alice walks back to the mic. “Okay, this next one is really not a complete song without words, so I wrote a few lyrics in private to the music that these gorgeous guys created. I hope you like them.”

God, I'm restless
Got no destination
Just run away from devastation Where I've been there's only pain And I won't stop until I find myself again Here I stand in the rain
Thinking you could help me chalk up my first win It's so cold out here
And I thought maybe
Just maybe you could let me in Aching,
God, I'm aching,
For your rare smile.
The one that calls to me for miles. Laughter fills my heart now,
Leading me to a place that's love bound. Hoping that you'll see me with clear precision It's so lonely here,
Holding the light,
But maybe I'll be your best decision.

I'll be your anchor when the fear creeps in. I'll hold your hand and promise to listen. And when you dare to take on life, I'll be here to watch you survive. Cause I'm drowning in you. Waiting in the deep of this never ending blue.

Slow down, Take a breath, Find your ground.

One chance, Don't go,
Take a step,
Make it slow.

I know you hope I'll go
but I won't

I'll be your shoreline when the memories creep in. I'll wipe your eyes when the tears glisten. And when you dare to take on life, I'll make sure you survive.
Cause I'm drowning in you.
Waiting in the deep of this never ending blue.

Baby, I'll be here, Beneath the waves, Waiting for the moment, You scream my name.

Cause I'm Drowning with you, Buried beyond the water, Clinging to the current Until I find my way home.

We hit the last beat, and she bows her head. I want to cry. I've never had an experience like this. The last time I remember anyone doing something like this for me was on my twelfth birthday. Deacon knew I was down and brought over Kimmy Stevens. He'd had a mad crush on her, but so did I. He let her go so that I could get my first kiss.

I wipe the sweat from my brow, and we all stand. The crowd goes wild and cheers for an “Encore” ring out. We walk off stage together, and I swoop down on her. I lift her over my shoulder, and she's giggling. “You said you couldn't sing.”

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