Earth (20 page)

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Authors: Timothy Good

BOOK: Earth
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Thomas was also invited, together with his girlfriend, to attend a play at the Queen's Hall Theatre. During the evening, a local couple who were friends of Driberg's introduced Trevor to Driberg's friend Lord Robens. Alfred Robens (Baron Robens of Woldingham), a well-known industri
alist, trade unionist, and Labour politician, was shadow foreign secretary at that time. After the show, a drinks party was held at the couple's home, during which Driberg made further “passes” at Thomas and offered to give him a camera to “record his activities at the camp.” Thomas retorted that cameras were forbidden.

Back at Weston Zoyland, G and L expressed complete knowledge of, and disquiet at, the weekend's developments, though they were well aware that Thomas had betrayed nothing sensitive.

Further Education

Sometimes days went by with nothing “said” by G and L. But over the months a great deal of fascinating information was imparted to the team, described by Thomas in great detail in his book. The aliens communicated that they had visited Earth over a long period. As a naturalist, the airman was delighted to learn a great deal about, for example, “mythical” sea creatures on Earth millennia ago. “The aliens, having visited Earth many times over many centuries, knew at firsthand about evolution and extinctions [and] spoke of other aliens who had visited Earth, carrying out their experiments…. It helped that G and L saw colors as we did and though their eyes were considerably larger they seemed to have eyesight and other senses akin to our own.”

While careful not to reveal the location of their home planet (which had three moons and was in a solar system with five other planets of similar size), the aliens were forthcoming regarding a description of same, describing their planet in great detail, to which Thomas devotes considerable space in his book—describing numerous types of creatures, some very similar to our own.

The aliens reiterated that the overpopulation of Earth, combined with pollution, would lead to catastrophic consequences during the 21st century. Everything they had observed on this planet in previous millennia was recorded on crystals and retained on the “mother craft,” which transported them and their smaller craft. “They could have shown us much on their screens in the craft still held in the camp,” said Thomas, “but they did not completely trust our seniors, hence the craft remaining closed.”

Reasons for Roswell

G and L discussed the so-called Roswell incident, which, as we learned
earlier, was said to have involved three craft. “The remains of the damaged craft will continue to be examined, as will medical analysis of our people. Both have been examined so intensely since your year of 1947 that it is surely time our people were laid to rest and not be moved constantly from liquid solutions and frozen state to be further examined by your scientists and, we fear, at least one alien race your people consort with….”

Following the ends of World Wars I and II, the aliens contacted our leaders—in 1919 and 1946 respectively—to openly offer their assistance, and to be seen to do so, but were rebuffed. So they informed the American and British military and governments of their intention to “offer scientific instruments to forward human progress rapidly and without cost. Thus did the Roswell event occur, with its subsequent spreading of falsehoods.”

The Code Orange team were informed that the reason the aliens visited New Mexico owed largely to the siting of American military bases there, including one site that received and transmitted messages from beings other than themselves. They also said that New Mexico and a neighboring state had alien bases built into mountain sides beneath the ground (such as the Manzano Mountains, I learned from another source) and that a to-ing and fro-ing of American military and government personnel (the latter including numerous scientists, I have been told) had occurred up to the time G and L had been transported to Britain at their own insistence.

“Our own activities required monitoring by other than human beings,” Thomas explained, “simply because Earth is a vital and necessary planet for others. We could not be permitted to despoil it, even though despoliation had begun and we were doubted as to our integrity and genuine concern for the planet and its myriad life forms. G said, much to our disappointment, that humans could be seen as a malign race, and we were partial aliens in any case.”

Cattle Mutilations

G indicated that a number of beings of a certain race had been collecting samples of our animals and plants. This was mainly in the USA, the then-current project involving cattle, which they did not possess—but intended to. “They said the powers that be know about it,” Thomas explains, “and
compensation was paid to cattle owners who reported losses.” It needs to be pointed out here that in this time period (1955–57) the cattle mutilation phenomenon was unknown to the general public. It was not until several decades later that researchers became aware of it. As Colonel Philip J. Corso reveals in his book
The Day After Roswell

“In 1997 this may sound like a nightmare out of a flying saucer horror movie, but in 1957 this was our thinking both in the White House [National Security Council Staff, of which Corso was a member] and in the military. We didn't know, but we had irrefutable evidence that EBEs [Extraterrestrial Biological Entities] were landing on farms, harvesting vital organs from livestock, and then just leaving the carcasses on the ground because they knew we couldn't do anything about it.

“The mutilations that interested the National Security personnel seemed to have the same kind of modus operandi. Whoever went after the animals seemed most interested in the mammary, digestive, and reproductive organs, especially the uteruses from cows. In many cases the eyes or throats were removed in a type of surgery in which the demarcation line was almost microscopically thin and the surrounding tissue showed that the incision had superheated and then blackened as it cooled. But the crime scene and forensic specialists noted that in any type of cut by a predatory animal or a human—even a skilled surgeon—one would find evidence of some trauma in the surrounding tissue [but] forensic examination showed no evidence of collateral trauma or even inflammation, [implying] the cuts to extract the tissue were made so quickly and wounds were sealed so fast that the surrounding tissue was never destroyed….”

“We asked would it not have been simpler to have had a farm on which all the necessary animals, and presumably plants too, could have been part of a humane project to avoid hurting cattle and such,” Thomas writes. “We were told ‘hurt' did not come into it. The aliens used what we now know as a form of laser [which] immediately kills the target. At least, they said, it was so in this instance, but the extremely intense beam was mainly used for surgical operations to heal….”

Corso provides confirmation that what turned out to be a laser device was found by the Army “in the Roswell spacecraft and would later develop as a weapon in co-operation with Hughes Aircraft.” As head of the Army's
Foreign Technology Division, Corso himself assembled the information to support laser product development with military funds before the whole operation was turned over to one of the Research and Development specialists.

The Path to Doom

Four hundred Earth years was the average life span for these aliens (as with certain other species).

G and L were adamant that all answers to our future and all the lessons of history had been written down for us to learn from and live by. “Each major culture and each primitive culture had its standards,” explained Thomas, “but the move from a basic, primitive life to a life where selfish motives, however noble we tried to make them seem, prevailed, could and would lead to disaster and the final extinction of the human race.” Our Christian Bible, supposedly, was the full account of ourselves, “the written path of homo sapiens.”

There may well be many truths passed down in the Bible—as in many other religious documents—as I have remarked on later. But I find it puzzling that the aliens failed at least to acknowledge some of the inconsistencies in various translations of the Bible over the centuries. Exactly how much of it is factual? Thomas's team had no axe to grind in this regard. By their own admission, they were neither atheists nor “practicing Christians in the recognized manner,” as Thomas puts it. However, G and L did indicate that we were a world of too many religions, and would suffer for being so. “They said the core of our numerous religions and creeds was a good and right way forward, but eventually humans would sacrifice their beliefs in a selfish manner, and our leaders would lazily accept this….

“I remember how G placed his hand upon his chest and ‘said' the incident at Roswell, New Mexico, and certain others, was a part of the ‘Path to Doom' for the human race. He said items stolen from them at that time would show us how to live well and prosper greatly in a way that no human need ever go hungry or thirsty, and all human problems could be solved using their technology before the century we called the twentieth ended. But, he added, those in power will not wish it; rather would they have what they see as greater power.”

The aliens acknowledged the existence of Jesus, furthermore indicating
that the so-called “Second Coming” was already in force (as also implied by Henry Dohan in Chapter 7).

Officialdom Frustrated

On several occasions, the duty officer complained to the team regarding official frustration at their inability to gain access to the inside of the craft. One of the team, Ian, said they'd done all they could—as would have been evident on the taped recordings of all their communications to, if not from, G and L. Several days later, the aliens responded, pointing out that the craft contained a self-destructive device which would operate if entry by any beings other than themselves was accomplished.

“They made it very clear,” said Thomas, “that they could open the craft in a matter of seconds in human time, and seal it closed just as rapidly. Only massive power could open it falsely. They told us the problem at Roswell was that having come in peace to exchange thoughts and certain technology, the mechanism of self-destruction concealed behind the small panel, with what we called a pentacle on it, was switched off. It seems G and L and their missing friend switched theirs to ‘on' again before the craft closed…. G and L told us they had no intention at this time to open the craft.”

When I first met Thomas, he told me that this craft had come down of its own volition while the military combed the site where the other craft had crashed. He said that G and L were “upset about the cruelty and treachery of their American captors in betraying their word.” Given their wide knowledge of human fallibility, one can only wonder at the apparent naïveté of G and L in this respect.

Ancient History

The aliens expounded on their presence here on Earth thousands of years ago. Like the species with whom Carl Anderson liaised (Chapter 7), G and L described how their own people had been present during the times of the many kings (named Pharoahs after 950
) who ruled Ancient Egypt, and how “the aliens were described as Gods, but of course they were not.” Thomas's team was advised not to mock what is written in the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud, or similar writings that foretell the future. “
For example, the great flood did occur and destroyed cities and countries, but mountains were left dry and habitable.

“They told us that a simple, basic change in the Earth's axis angle had caused the vast flooding, and that included the destruction of the lost land of what we now call Atlantis, which lay close to what is the island of Cuba. They produced maps of those places and times showing Antarctica before it was ice-bound, and land bridges before the final dividing of the land masses which were one. They told us these maps exist today copied onto the skins of antelopes in our sixteenth century, but only one has been shown to present humans, yet thirty of them exist even now in the land known as Turkey.

“They explained how their presence in Central America at a place known as Aztlan was to obtain gold and to enrich cultures and races that preceded the Mayas, [and] the forefathers of Aztecs were the people of Aztlan and that the great floods drove them from their original, ancestral homeland.”

The aliens needed gold—and later silver—exclusively as part of their craft's propulsion system.

The Mothership

At around 23:00 one pleasant warm night in 1957 at Weston Zoyland, Thomas became aware of a strange presentiment. “There was little sound to begin with,” he wrote, “then a few shouts and the noise of vehicles, then the noise of a helicopter. But then our office phone rang. ‘Code Orange! Code Orange! Have you any problems? I need an immediate appraisal of your situation.'

“Alan came rushing in, saying, ‘Come outside quick! Lights, zooming about. Amazing!'” Thomas reported the matter, adding that he was going outside to see what was happening. “Watch the aliens,” he was told. “Do not leave them alone.”

“Our two friends were fine,” noted Thomas, “seated up against their ‘home' couches and staring ahead. I asked if they were all right and, receiving affirmation, went to look outside, leaving [colleagues] Keith and Cyril with them. ‘Do not be concerned,' one said. ‘We are passing messages to our people. You can so inform your seniors later.'”

The lights—a dozen or so glowing orange and green spheres a bit larger
than a tennis ball, Thomas guessed—could be seen zooming and hovering in a controlled manner. Forces personnel rushed around, concentrating on the No. 1 hangar, its protective “portcullis” already up. One of the spheres came close enough to Thomas to touch. The only sound he detected was like that of a bumble-bee. They watched two of the green spheres bob and bounce along the top of the electrified inner perimeter fence; then they returned to the hangar and sat with the aliens, letting Keith and Cyril watch the display.

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