Eden (32 page)

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Authors: Kate Wrath

BOOK: Eden
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I stopped halfway down the long table that ran the span of
the room, and placed my hands on the back of one of the chairs that lined it. 
I glared at Nina, who was slouched and spinning back and forth in a chair on
the opposite side, and said, "My brother is an idiot.  He's going to come
back as a corpse."

"Is that so," said Nina, raising one eyebrow at
me.  She looked totally bored.

"It is," I snapped.  Worry was making me crabby. 
"I wouldn't be surprised at all."  Of all my brothers
"friends", I disliked Nina most, for thinking her age made her
superior.  For liking Kade for what she thought he was.  What he wasn't.  What
I was. 

"Well I guess you know everything," Nina drawled,
picking her nails.

I shoved the chair in and resumed my pacing.  A wash of
starlight spilled through the windows.  Back and forth.  I counted.  I thought
of Jason.  Was he lying to us?  Was Kade walking into a trap?  I picked apart
everything I could remember and found, still, nothing.  I worried extensively
over Kade, who was the only family I had left.  If something happened to him—if
something happened to West, and Sam....

There was a shriek from below.  My blood curdled.  I ran for
the door.  More noises came from outside, from down the stairwell.  Voices,
shouts.  Whoops and whistles.  I stopped with the door to the landing thrown
open and let my shoulders slump.  Relief washed over me, and embarrassment.

They poured out of the stairway, the lot of them, buzzing,
high on victory.  I got out of their way as they flowed into the room, a blur
of excited motion.

"Three hundred and thirty bushels," Kade whooped,
raising two fists to the sky, both of them clasping oranges. 

Razor set a heavy box on the table and opened its flaps. 
The rest were reaching in, helping themselves.

I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall by the

Kade didn't notice.  He had his arms around Nina, whispering
something to her while she grinned up at him, her curly black hair spilling
halfway down her back.  Sam, and Razor, and Charlie were in a huddle around a
scrap of paper where they had worked out the distribution earlier.  It was West
who leaned against the wall next to me and silently held out the orange. 
Always West.

"Thanks," I told him, taking it, but my voice was
flat even though I didn't mean it to be.

West nudged me in the ribs with his elbow, bent a little
closer, and said, "You could have come."  He straightened and
wandered toward the others.

"I could have," I muttered, slipping out the
door.  I descended the stairs, flight after flight, to the tenth floor.  I
ignored the greetings of a group entrenched in a game of poker at a table in
the corner of the upper lobby, and yanked the bridge-doors open.  Brickell was
built of bridges.  That was our thing.  We put them everywhere.  All our
buildings were connected. 

I marched out onto the span between buildings, ignoring the
creaks of protest and the gusts of damp wind that promised another monsoon
rain.  I meant to keep going, but I stopped there, halfway between, and leaned
into the railing.  I was little—the railing touched my ribcage.  The wind
blasted into my face, fresh, and salty with ocean air.  Before me stretched the
dark swath of the bay, open and mysterious.  Far in the distance was a single
point of light.  I remember wondering who was up and using aether in South
Beach.  It didn't matter.  I turned my back on it, and looked instead toward
the mainland.  The better question was why did Jason need sixteen-five?


Jason and Lily
on Amazon


First, foremost, and always, many thanks to Pol, my
spiky-haired editing warrior, for hacking and slashing and smashing through the
enemy hordes of crappy word choices and mixed metaphors.  For nobly taking on
the task of two books at once.  For always being there, always being ready,
always supporting my endeavors, no matter the craziness of the schedule or the
lack of sleep.  And especially for making editing impossibly fun.  For sharing
the laughs, easing the frustration, and just *getting* me.  For being mine, and
having me.  For everything. ♥♥♥

Tons of thanks and love to my girls, Echo and Kae, for being
part of the team, part of the enthusiasm, and for being patient with me while I
have my head in my writing.

Mom, you’re the best.  I couldn’t do all I do without your
support and love.  When the going gets tough, I always know you’re right
there.  Your hugs can change a bad day into a good one.  And you’re an awesome
beta-reader, too!

Jane, thanks so much for your help beta-reading, once
again.  I can never get over the fact that one of my favorite authors puts her
own stuff on hold and fights through migraines to help me out!  You’re awesome,
and your wisdom and encouragement are so greatly appreciated!

Nicola….  Wow, we’ve been helping each other out for about a
year now, and we’ve both come a very long way.  Thanks for being there to hear
my rants and my victories.  And thanks for always being ready to zoom through a
manuscript like The Flash. 

Rae, thanks for all the encouragement along the way.  It’s
been so fun sharing my writing journey with you and watching yours develop,
too.  And thanks for all the tweets and Facebook likes, and all the support in

Laquesha, I know you’ve taken a little break due to the
overwhelming demands of the world, but I still appreciate all your enthusiasm
for my books, and I know you’ll still be around!

Robin, thanks for all the extra efforts you’ve put in to
share my books with your readers.  Your posts and comments always make me

Tamara, it seems like you’re always the first to “like”
everything I do!  Thanks so much for your support and enthusiasm, and for
staying the longest at the last release party, even though we mostly talked
about cats.   :p

To all the other book bloggers, fans, and people who have
offered their support, a huge thank you.  As I’ve said before, there are too
many names to write all of them here, but there are so many people who deserve
a big thanks.  Your kind words and encouragement are enough motivation to keep
me writing for a very, very, very long time.  You have all made your
impressions, and the world of
is more and better because of each of
you.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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by Kate Wrath

(E, #1)

(E, #2)

Jason and Lily
prequel) - July 23, 2015


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