Elohim III: The Return (11 page)

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Authors: Kerry Barger

BOOK: Elohim III: The Return
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Genesis 2:7 reads:
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
Adam's creation was incomplete until this had taken place. John 20:22 reads:
"And when he [Jesus] had said this, he breathed on them [his disciples], and saith unto them,
Receive ye the Holy Ghost



Adam was created from fusing the genes of a now extinct hominid like
Homo sapiens idaltu
Homo rhodesiensis
with those of Elohim. The most recent anthropological studies of
archaic humans
have demonstrated that non-modern varieties of our early ancestors may have survived into the first centuries after 8,000 B.C. The genes of the Anunna, added to that of our pre-human ancestors, comprise the only significant difference between those extinct, pre-human species and ourselves as
modern humans


After Adam was created, Elohim still had a special task to perform. Although he had been denied the Anunna's twenty-fourth pair of chromosomes, it was still necessary to activate his dormant Anunna genes through a process we now refer to as
. This activation process cannot be passed from one person to another and must be repeated for each individual. Adam's offspring and those that followed them retained the same genes in a dormant state, except for those individuals that Elohim and Immanuel chose to act upon in a similar way. These dormant genes can only be activated by the expelled breath of the Anunna, or by the consumption of native Eridian plants (or their extracts) which contain the same unique properties.


The expression of some dormant genes can now be induced by medical researchers using a chemical stimulation like that of
, a chemical derived from a tree in the dogwood family. Elohim was able to successfully complete the creation of Adam, by exposing him to the substance that triggered the activation of his dormant Anunna genes. He could have accomplished the same thing by having Adam eat the fruit from the Tree of Life. This particular activation agent only exists in native Eridian flora that is consumed by the Anunna. It is then released through normal respiration. Since Immanuel had been resurrected and genetically transformed by Elohim to be like the Anunnaki, he was also endowed with the same "breath of life" that changed his disciples when he breathed on them.


This substance is tasteless and odorless. After exposure, it is soon expelled from the body by the lungs, where it dissipates harmlessly into the air. Its mechanism of action works in a similar manner to the way otherwise harmless antigens affect those who are sensitive because of an inherited allergy, or the way exposure to the sun can sometimes cause watering of the eyes and sometimes even a sneeze. However, unlike an allergic reaction, there is no immediate immune response, and the successful activation of those dormant, Anunna genes that exist within each and every one of us creates a permanent change, unless a deactivation agent is later administered.


Although no differences in appearance can be detected or observed (and some people have more dormant Anunna genes than others), those exposed effectively become new creatures by virtue of the changes in their DNA activity. The activation soon leads to positive, subtle changes in emotional and behavior patterns that normally last a lifetime, unless the process is intentionally reversed through a process known only to Elohim.


In other biblical scriptures, this
is referred to as the anointing, an earnest guarantee, a down payment, a deposit of promise, hidden manna, water of life, the bread of heaven, and the giving of the 'Comforter'. Other titles for this change, which promises more abundant life, include the 'Seal of God', 'Quickening Spirit', 'Spirit of Truth', 'Holy Breath', 'Almighty Breath', 'Giver of Life', 'Lord of Grace', 'Helper', 'Counselor', 'Supporter', and 'Holy Spirit' (or Holy Ghost)... all such terms refer to the



According to a translation of ancient Sumerian texts, the first
civilized man
, Adapa, was transported from Earth to Eris to meet with Elohim's father, Anu, who held the title of Most High King at the time. Baalthazar was still the ruler on Earth in those days.



"Let Adapa (Adam) the Earthling to Nibiru (Eris) be brought!
So did Anu his decision declare.


By the decision Enlil (Baalthazar) was not pleased:
Whoever of this would have thought, that by a Primitive Worker fashioning, like us the being would become, with knowledge, endowed, between Heaven and Earth will travel! On Nibiru the waters of long life he will drink, the food of long life eat. Like one of us Anunnaki shall the one of Earth become!
So was Enlil to Enki (Elohim) and the other leaders saying.



To hear instructions, Enki Adapa to him summoned. To Adapa thus he said:
Adapa, to Nibiru, the planet whence we had come, you will be going... A bread on Earth not found they to you will give; the bread is death, do not eat! In a chalice an elixir to drink they to you will give; the elixir is death, do not drink!



At the laden table bread of Nibiru Adapa was offered; he did not eat it. At the laded tables elixir of Nibiru Adapa was offered; he did not drink it.


By this Anu the king was puzzled, was offended:
Why has Enki to Nibiru this ill-mannered Earthling sent, to him the celestial ways reveal?


Come now, Adapa!
to Adapa Anu said.
Why did you neither eat nor drink, our hospitality rejected?


My master the lord Enki commanded me: The bread do not eat, the elixir do not drink!
So did Adapa the king Anu answer.



With wisdom and speech they are endowed; with Nibiru's long lifetime they are not. The bread of long-living he should not eat, the elixir of long life he should not drink. To live and die on Earth Adapa must return, mortality his lot must be, by the sowing and shepherding by his offspring on Earth satiation shall be!
So did Enki the secret of Adapa to his father Anu reveal.


That indeed is the message!
to him Anu said.
Adapa to Earth forthwith shall return, to be of Civilized Man a progenitor his destiny shall be! As for you,
(Tetu), to Earth with Adapa you shall return. Of Civilized Mankind at your father's side to become the teacher!


So did Anu the king the decision make, the destiny of Adapa and Ningishzidda he determined. To the assembled savants and nobles, princes and counselors Anu and the other two returned. To the assembled words of decision Anu announced:
The welcome to the Earthling must not be overextended, on our planet he cannot eat or drink.
--The Lost Book of Enki
, Zecharia Sitchin



Until they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve could freely eat from the Tree of Life, but were forbidden to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which contained a chemical substance similar to
. This substance is released directly into the brain where it increases brain activity in the
temporoparietal junction
(TPJ). Neural connections made at the TPJ help an individual understand their emotions and make decisions based on them. New evidence suggests that vasopressin plays an important role in regulating social behavior, sexual motivation, and pair bonding. Morality is the differentiation in intention between choosing between what is right and what is wrong. Ingesting the fruit had the immediate effect of temporarily altering the moral judgement of Adam and Eve. The chemical is also addictive and continued use can lead to long-term health problems. An overdose can cause heart or kidney failure. Its potential detrimental effects were something which Elohim had hoped to spare from Adam and Eve.


In order to partake of immortality, resurrection in an immortal body like that of the Anunna is essential. It was not their eating of "forbidden" fruit that enraged Baalthazar. It was their demonstration of higher moral and intellectual functioning after having done so that enraged him and led to their expulsion from Paradise.


Since the creation of Adam and Eve, Elohim was determined to find a way to make the immortality of the Anunna possible for them and their descendants. Having accomplished that goal in his resurrected son, Immanuel, he has extended an invitation to adopt as his own child anyone who accepts Immanuel as their savior and future King and receive the gift of the Paraclete in order to obtain
...the peace of God, which passeth all understanding
and the promise of eternal life.



"And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."
--Genesis 6:3



Any greater longevity remains inaccessible to us in this life. However, we may still partake of the tree of life, through belief and faith in Elohim and his son, Immanuel, the Anointed Messiah. The opportunity remains for anyone who wishes to live forever, but much remains to be done before Elohim's goals for mankind will be complete. Baalthazar's days are numbered, but he still remains free to wreak havoc against humanity, in spite of Elohim's best efforts to monitor his activities and contain his murderous mischief.


10. 666

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
--Revelation 13:18



Some of the oldest known manuscripts of the Book of Revelation give the
number of the Beast
as 616, rather than 666. Either way, both numbers identify
, the fifth emperor of the Roman Empire, depending on whether his Latin name and title are used or the Greek. Nero ruled between 54 and 68 A.D. and was in power when the siege of Jerusalem began. He committed suicide in 68 A.D. In the Hebrew system of numerology known as
, every letter has a corresponding number. Summing these numbers gives a numeric value to any word or name. The original manuscript was more likely to have been written in Greek rather than Latin, which would have rendered the author's original number as 666.


Nero was the last of the first five emperors that ruled the Roman Empire from its formation and the last of the dynasty's familial line. As the first major state sponsor of Christian persecution, he is also viewed as one of the most savage and was known for having captured Christians to burn them in his garden at night for a source of light. After the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD, the populace searched for a scapegoat. Rumors soon erupted that Nero was responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians and ordered many thrown to dogs, while others were crucified and burned. Artists continued to create images of Nero long after his death, and a widespread belief persisted for centuries that he would somehow return.


The "mark of the Beast" was regarded by many Jews and Christians as the stamped image of Nero's head on the Roman coins that were issued and circulated before and during his reign, without which no one could buy or sell. Coins with the image of Nero were being issued as early as 50 A.D. during the reign of Emperor Claudius, who adopted Nero that same year and made him the successor to his throne. The author of Revelation envisions a future time when new coins will be issued and circulated bearing images or numbers representing a revived system of equally brutal and demanding rulership through economic slavery.



"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy...


And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.


And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.


And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
--Revelation 13:1,11-17


Of note is a recent revival of the interpretation of 666 as the Quran and the identification of the final Antichrist as one who will usher in a revival of the Islamic caliphate mirroring that of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. The Islamic world will believe him to be their longed-for redeemer. Both Sunni and Shia Muslims anticipate the approaching arrival of this Islamic leader, whom they refer to as the
. A hadith (or 'tradition', meaning a report of the teachings of Muhammad) about the Mahdi says that "he will have a broad forehead, a prominent nose and a mark on his right cheek. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and will rule for seven years." Many Muslims believe that the Mahdi is identified in the Book of Revelation as the rider of the white horse who will "judge by the Quran". Radical jihadist groups and individual members are often seen wearing a bandana on their foreheads or around one of their arms with Arabic writing displayed that either reads
There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his messenger
- or -
In the
name of Allah!
The latter phrase in Arabic is the single word, "Bismillah". The same Arabic letters used to form this word read as the number "666" in the Greek language.

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