Elohim III: The Return (13 page)

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Authors: Kerry Barger

BOOK: Elohim III: The Return
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11. Operation Earth: Phase One

"The last thing we need after all this time is a worldwide panic," says Elohim. "Getting the Fort Knox gold for the Europa pump stations in exchange for one of our outdated missile defense systems was a good deal all around. Convincing Reagan to share it with the other nuclear nations was difficult, but it ended the cold war, brought down that atheist wall in Germany and pulled China into a new age of prosperity. They all know our plan, but continue to ignore the warnings of Immanuel and our prophets, because they don't know when we're coming back."



Elohim has called a special planning meeting in the throne room of New Jerusalem to begin the coordination efforts needed before Immanuel's departure for Earth. All those present are aware of the exact date that Baalthazar's freedom on Earth must be terminated and his imprisonment begins. Elohim plans to the meet the approaching deadline and insure Baalthazar's capture. Any and all resistance to Immanuel's new reign must be crushed. Elohim's promised gift of eternal life to Immanuel's faithful followers on Earth should commence at the same time, but technical difficulties are making the prospect of achieving this goal difficult. Immanuel's coronation as the King of kings on Earth will take place upon the completion of these initial phases of Operation Earth, and the first millennium of his reign on Planet Earth will then begin.



Elohim asks Gabriel, "What is going on in Canada?"


Gabriel is the royal messenger for Elohim. He maintains constant communications with the fleet and all of the Anunna on Earth, with the exception of Baalthazar and the Anunna rebels who maintain radio silence. Every message is shadow encrypted to insure against detection by anyone other than the intended recipient. Gabriel was also the messenger who interpreted Daniel's visions so that he could understand what they meant, including the longest of all the prophecies recorded in the Bible, that of the ram and the goat in
Daniel 8
, which spans a period of 2,300 years. It began when Alexander the Great conquered Persia at the
Battle of Issus
in 333 B.C. It ended with the
Six Day War
in 1967, when the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount was reclaimed by the nation of Israel.



"Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision... And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.


And it came to pass, when I, even I Daniel, had seen the vision, and sought for the meaning, then, behold, there stood before me as the appearance of a man. And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai [river], which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision. So he came near where I stood: and when he came, I was afraid, and fell upon my face: but he said unto me, Understand, O son of man: for at the time of the end shall be the vision.


Now as he was speaking with me, I was in a deep sleep on my face toward the ground: but he touched me, and set me upright. And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of the indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be. The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. And the rough goat is the king of Grecia [Greece]: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up... And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king's business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it."
--Daniel 8:13-22, 27



Michael was in command of Elohim's armies on Earth at the time of Daniel and is now stationed here in the same capacity. He also commanded the covert Igigi forces that aided Israel during the Six Day War. Many have testified of the
miraculous events
that led to the final victory during that week.



Gabriel now monitors all internet and other satellite communications. He responds to Elohim's question about Canada by saying, "They have ignored our agreement and released all of their files to the public, but the issue has faded from public attention once again. The Igigi have continued to monitor the area closely, and the number of reports of our surveillance craft being spotted have increased recently, without incident or confrontation by their military."


"Have we had to shoot down any more nukes?" asks Elohim.


"None recently, my Lord" replies Gabriel. "Using the new detection equipment Abgal had installed on every surveillance vehicle, we can now ascertain when fissionable material is simply being transported or is contained within a loaded warhead. The new devices have prevented additional false alarms."


Elohim looks at Abgal and tells him, "If any of our craft have faulty or outdated cloaking devices, they must be taken out of service and repaired immediately. We don't need to announce our presence, especially when the fleet leaves and begins the journey toward the planet. No one must know we are headed for Earth until we arrive."


Abgal nods to confirm his orders. Elohim looks toward his son, Tetu, and continues, "Where are we on the
Tabula Rasa


"All deadlines have been met, Father. We will soon be ready to return with all of the martyrs. The Paraclete memory transfer process can now be done in the "twinkling of an eye", but it still requires direct, face-to-face contact.


Tetu is not known for his wit, so there is a pregnant pause before the members of the group recognize Tetu's humorous reference to a Pauline verse that reads, "In a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye
, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
--1 Corinthians 15:52


Elohim laughs aloud, evoking a few more chuckles from the scientists, but the issue of how to achieve what Paul the Apostle predicted remains elusive.



Tetu has been the leading scientist in charge of genetics research and engineering since the creation of Adam and Eve. He has also been charged with the responsibility of keeping the Book of Life files up to date, as well as the other books (data files), that contain the DNA coding sequences of all of Adapa's descendants.


Tetu is second in line for the throne behind Immanuel, making him one of Baalthazar's prime targets for assassination. However, Tetu has no interest in the job of a king and has always avoided any public leadership role. The Tabula Raza Project is the code name for the research and development needed for the resurrection of the "saints". The medical aspects of the program are managed by Anna, Elohim's queen.


Tetu's team prepares selected embryos from the DNA codes in the Book of Life, by fusing the Anunna's additional 24th pair of chromosomes and correcting any genetic defects. Then Anna's team implants the embryos into female volunteers and monitors the birthing and rearing aspects of the project. When the child reaches adulthood, the Paraclete memory transfer process is initiated and the individual assumes his or her former identity and character. This is only possible because of the unique nature of the Paraclete.


Tetu began to study the molecular structure of the Paraclete even before the creation of Adam and Eve. While testing chemical extracts obtained from the tree known as the Tree of Life and examining its actions upon dormant genes, he found that it only activated the dormant genes of the Anunna that were not shared by those of the native hominid species found on Earth. It was not until the Ancient of Days revealed how the Anunnaki had been artificially created from an ancient race of extinct civilized humans that the mystery of the Paraclete was theoretically solved.


The current operating theory assumes that the Anunna were genetically enhanced with artificially designed genes for space travel and the settlement of Eris, after it had been terra-formed by the ancient Earthlings. Their genetic enhancements were designed with dormant genes, so it was necessary to design
technology that contains the necessary DNA switches which lock into place within blood cells and then trigger, or turn on, selective dormant Anunna genes that enhance survival functions and increase longevity. Earth's
have recently discovered that particular types of stresses function in a similar manner in humans. It has been called a genetic "
cheat code
" that activates dormant DNA. An example of such changes is reflected in what happens when domestic pigs are released into the wild. Feral hogs often appear to be a separate species than their domestic counterparts. Similar changes happen to wild domestic dogs, accounting for some of the reported sightings of the legendary
. The Paraclete mimics this process without the external stresses typically required to change any of the DNA functions of a particular individual.


The nanites created to do the job were theoretically designed from combining biological and quantum memory cells. Acting in a similar way as specific enzymes, they are, in effect, living machines of molecular size and dimensions that only target the artificially created, dormant genes of the Anunna. Once attached, the genes lock the nanite in place so that it can never again perform as an undifferentiated cell. The quantum technology preserves the sequencing set for that individual's particular genome and none other. Since it is a quantum-powered device, it can be in two places at the same time anywhere in the universe where conditions are identical.


When a person with a Paraclete dies, the nanites are released by the body and remain harmlessly intact in the atmosphere. When a resurrected adult with the identical genome is then exposed to an undifferentiated Paraclete, the nanite set assumes the identical genetic configuration when it locks in place. Then there exist two identical locked sets and the memory contained within the first set instantaneously transfers at the quantum level to the new Paraclete. Its quantum memory then transfers to the conscious memory of the individual that was reborn or resurrected.


Although it is rare, there are examples of false positives, whereby an individual with a Paraclete dies, and the nanite dispersed into the air is inadvertently breathed into the lungs of another person where it enters into the bloodstream and attaches to a target cell. By its very nature, the nanite attempts to activate the dormant genes of the person and may continue to pursue that programmed goal unsuccessfully for days or even weeks. The chemicals it releases to try and reactivate, which carry the quantum memories of the first host, sometimes transfer unconscious memories to individuals infected in this way. Those memories can be experienced in an REM dream state or accessed during hypnosis. Very young children have been known to experience memories of the original deceased host while fully awake.


The Paraclete may partially bond with a few identical genes, but since its properties were locked to only fit the DNA of the original host, it is unable to fully bond, except in the case of identical twins when one has passed on. Theoretically, that can only happen when a deceased twin had received a Paraclete during his lifetime and the living twin still has not. In any case, once a generic, undifferentiated nanite locks into place, begins to work, then leaves the body of the deceased, it can no longer lock into place a second time and awaken the dormant Anunna genes of another individual. In other words, they cannot be recycled, and the molecule in its locked configuration cannot be destroyed by any means available to mankind.


When the targeted cell containing the false positive nanite dies within four to six weeks, the body's natural immune system dislodges the microscopic nanite particle, which is then released through the lungs into the air again, leaving the person unaffected, except for having experienced some of the memories of a deceased individual.


The result of this phenomena has been a persistent belief in reincarnation throughout the ages and a few instances of "demonic possession" or "channeling" that cannot be explained away as psychotic behavior, neurotic thought processes, irrational thinking, or a vivid imagination. Anyone with an active Paraclete may also experience similar effects, confirming what was written by the prophet Joel when he wrote, "your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions."
--Joel 2:28



"I am anxious to move on to the next phase of the project, declares Anna. "Many of my nurses have birthed three or more children, and some have decided not to have anymore. I have considered limiting the birthings to three, but some insist on having more. I have assured them that the birthing project will end when Immanuel leaves for Earth with the fleet." She pauses and waits for Elohim to reply.


"Indeed, the tasks of birthing newborns and rearing them to adulthood is a difficult and noble one. However, we have promised resurrection to all who received and retained the Paraclete unto death. If you choose to limit the number of birthings for particular nurses for reasons of health or safety, then by all means do so. Can you estimate a completion date for those that remain."


Anna looks down at her personal hand held device and begins entering data. While still working on the task, she asks Elohim, "Should I plan to return to Earth with the nurses to organize the initial efforts?"


"You are free to decide, but if you go I hope you will return after Immanuel's coronation. I will be remaining on Eris for two more shars before moving to Earth," announces Elohim.

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