Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (27 page)

BOOK: Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Steam billowed in the enclosed shower, and he shucked his clothes then stepped inside.

“Ah,” he groaned in appreciation as water rained down on him from every direction.

He figured out in quick order that some of the heads were turned to a harder, more massaging volume, and he made sure they pounded along his back and shoulders. As he stood under the spray, he closed his eyes and thought of Madelyn. He thought of the years they’d spent together and the things they’d learned about each other.

His heart ached at the thought of leaving her. She’d been his own sweet love, the light of his soul for so long. He didn’t know if he could survive without her.

If he even wanted to.

He grabbed the tiny bar of hotel soap, peeled off the wrapper, and scrubbed hard at his chest and abdomen.


His throat thickened, and he bowed his head, forcing away useless tears.

The choice was hers. Had always been hers. If she wanted Gabriel, and he knew her well enough to know she did, he would walk away. It was all he could do.

Staying and watching them love each other, knowing how she gave her heart fully but no longer to him, would kill him by inches.

Noah shut down his mind, shoving away the pain that beckoned. He finished washing, ran the soap through his hair, and rinsed it out.

Shutting off the tap, he opened the door, grabbed a towel, and roughly scoured himself dry.

No sounds came from the living room. Maybe Gabriel had coaxed her into bed already. He was the kind of considerate guy who would do that. He’d shown gentleness time and again.

A trait he’d never quite mastered.

Wrapping the towel around his waist, he opened the door and walked across the cool tiled floor to the kitchen area.

“Noah?” Madelyn’s soft voice stopped him as he opened the fridge.

“Yes, love?”

“Is there any wine in there?”

He checked and found three bottles. “Red, white, and blush. Which would you like?”

“Blush, please.”

“Gabriel, you want anything? There’s beer, soda, and water.”

“Water, please.”

Noah bent and his towel slipped. He caught it, readjusted it then assembled the drinks. When he made it to the living room, Madelyn patted the cushion next to her. He set the drinks down on the table.

“Sit by me,
mon coeur
. I need to feel you beside me.”

His mouth went dry.

“I’m right here, love.”

She snuggled into his side, her palm covering his chest. She looked up at him. “Noah, I love you.”

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. God, how he loved hearing those words.

“I love you, too, Maddie.”

Her eyes were wide and filled with tenderness. She stroked his jaw then held her other hand out to Gabriel. “Come here,” she ordered.

Noah smiled at her imperial tone but said nothing.

Gabriel scooted closer, his hand settled on her thigh.

She sighed, her sweet breath wafting warmly over Noah.

“I want to talk to you both.”

He froze. He could feel the tension spring up in Gabriel, too.

“You’ve been through a lot, Maddie,” Noah said. “This isn’t the best time for talking. We should get you into bed so you can rest and recuperate.”

She frowned and shook her head. “No. Now is the perfect time. When I was holed up with that madwoman, I knew I had to tell you this.”

“You don’t have to say anything,” he rasped. He withdrew his hand and started to rise, but she held him down, her grip strong and sure.

“I do,
mon coeur.
It is most important.”

Reluctantly, he settled back to the couch, wishing he’d grabbed a beer instead of water. Screw that, he wished he had some twelve-year-old Scotch to toss back right about now.

“Noah, you know how much I adore you. How you’ve been everything to me these last ten years.”

He nodded, incapable of speaking, fearing his voice would crack and reveal his weakness.

“Your mastery of my body, my emotions, my soul makes me very happy. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

She turned to Gabriel. “You are so different. I’ve experienced things with you that take my breath away.”

Noah closed his eyes.

“Where Noah is demanding, commanding, you are gentle and instructive. He rains blows upon my body, finds all my touch points, and exploits them with ruthless passion. You touch me with firm hands, lash me with such reserve and tenderness.”

“Maddie,” Noah said, but she shushed him.

“Gabriel, I have so enjoyed our time together.”

Noah’s eyes opened slowly, and he looked at the couple.

Gabriel’s face held the same guardedness he felt inside. “I’ve enjoyed it, too, Madelyn. I’ve never know anyone like you.” He met Noah’s gaze. “Like either of you.” He gave a self-deprecating smile. “I’ve never been one to have a lot of guy friends.”

“Why not? You’re a likable enough guy,” Noah said.

“Gee, thanks.” Gabriel shrugged. “When I was a kid, I was more interested in electronics and taking stuff apart then putting it back together. In junior and high school, I hung out with the other geeks, but my passion shifted toward making money. When I got to college, I figured out how to marry technology and income.” He shook his head, lips turned up in a small smile. “When you’re scrambling to the top of the heap, you make more enemies than friends.”

“What about baseball? Didn’t you hang out with those guys?”

“Nah. I was a stats geek, not a player. Too small, too slow, too blind.”

“Blind?” Madelyn asked.

“Horrible eyes. Had laser surgery years ago.” His hand slipped up and down her leg. “Why don’t you tell us what this is about, Madelyn?”

She smiled and caught his hand in hers and then snared Noah’s and settled it atop their joined hands. “Gabriel, I love Noah, it’s very true. Can’t imagine life without him.”

Noah’s heart started again in a rush of blood and joy. He squeezed her hand.

Moi, aussi

“I always knew that, Madelyn.” Gabriel’s voice held a tense note.

“But,” she said. “I have come to love you, too. You make me feel small and cherished and safe.”

Noah stilled, looked at her, then Gabriel, then back to her. “What are you saying?”

“You love me?” Gabriel asked at the same time.

“Yes, I do,” she said, clearly exasperated. “Both of you. I love both of you. I know how Noah feels about me, the question is, how do you?”


She blinked. “Pardon?”

“Why do you want to know how I feel? What’s behind the question?” He shifted his hand from under hers and rose, looking down at them. “I won’t be the one responsible for breaking you and Noah up. You love each other too much.”

Merde alors
Who said anything about breaking us up?” She took a deep breath and her fingers dug hard into Noah’s palm. He could feel the nervous tremors wracking her body. “I want it all. I want you both.”

Noah stared, uncertain he’d just heard her correctly. “Did you just…?”

She clenched her hand tighter and he fell silent. He would let her run this strange, unbelievable conversation for a while.

“So, you see, I need to know how you feel about me. And about Noah.”

“I sure as hell am not in love with him,” Gabriel drawled, eyes glittering.

Noah chuckled. “Up yours, man.”

“No, thank you. Exit only.” Gabriel looked down at Madelyn. “You, however, are something very special. A treasure meant for someone much worthier than me.”

“Bullshit,” she said bluntly.

His brow lifted and he grinned. “Point well taken. All right, Maddie, you want the truth?”


“Incredible as it sounds, in four days, I have fallen head over heels for you. I think about your laugh, your smile, the way your emotions twinkle in your beautiful eyes and my heart swells. I was dreading the day we had to part because I knew my love belonged to you and you alone.”

“Oh my,” she whispered.

Noah slipped his hand out and put his arm around her, hugging her close. He kissed her head.

“As for you, Noah, you’re one of a kind. A gruff pain in the ass, but you’re a hell of a guy.” Gabriel looked sheepish. “I guess you’d say I kind of think we have a good bromance going on.”

Noah couldn’t contain the happy laughter filling his every pore. He grinned up at Gabriel. “So, yes or no?”

“I’m afraid I still don’t understand the question.”

Noah looked down at Madelyn. His heart filled with tender happiness. “We want to know if you’ll be our partner, form a life triad. Share our lives, share Madelyn with me.”

Light sprang into his eyes and he dropped down to face level with them. “Really? You want me to stay?”

Madelyn cupped his cheek. “
, forever.”

He closed his eyes for a long moment, and Noah found himself holding his breath.

Then, he looked up again, and all the love and happiness he felt shone from his hazel gaze. “Yes,” he said hoarsely. He wrapped them both in a tight hug. “Yes, I’ll stay.”

Chapter Twenty


“I’m glad Krista is getting the help she needs,” Madelyn said and tossed the communiqué from Constable Ralston on Clarissa’s wide desk. “She might have killed Natalie and Oscar, but she’s dealing with a much greater sickness.”

“Let’s hope the damn mental institution is as secure and as good as they claim it is,” Noah said gruffly.

“I have every assurance that she will neither escape nor be released,” Clarissa said smoothly. She steepled her fingers and stared at them. “Good work with Mr. Fleming. I’m very pleased with the ideas and systems he’s already put in place.” A smile touched her eyes, and she tipped her head. “How are you adjusting to being a triad?”

“Very well,” Noah said. “He’s a great guy. Doesn’t know beans about baseball, but no one’s perfect.”

Madelyn chuckled, reached over, and squeezed his hand.

“I must say, Noah, you look much more…approachable.”

“Hey, I’ve always been easy to get along with,” he protested.

Madelyn laughed. “Not so,
mon coeur
. You’re a bear. A big, growly bear.” She rose and cupped his face, the urge to kiss him so strong it took her breath away. She didn’t even care that Clarissa watched.

Madelyn dropped her head and brushed a light, soft kiss over his lips, inhaling his scent, his essence. His lips pursed, and his hand slipped to her nape, bringing her closer still.

She sighed happily against his warm lips then pulled away, staring into his green eyes.

“I love you,” she whispered and stroked his cheek.

He caught her hand. “I love you, too.”

“That will do, children. Besides the update on Krista, I had another reason for bringing you in today.”

Madelyn turned and stood next to Noah. She had a fair idea what Clarissa was about to say, and her heart was light.

“Why?” Noah asked.

“Over the last few months, Gabriel has been instrumental in helping us hone and fine-tune our processes, including ways to find new Enrichers, using the powers of the various Scrys to a much more efficient degree, and generally making sure we have enough personnel to see to our clients.” She looked over her crescent-moon glasses and winked. “He’s also seen to it our company façade remains anonymous and updated our computer systems. I fully expect our profits to soar this year.”

“You were correct in his abilities,

“I was very correct. He’s melded into the Council very easily. You are absolutely right, Noah, he’s a likable man. Not to mention smart and ruthless when he needs be.” She winked at Madelyn, who blushed wildly.

Ridiculous, when one considered all Clarissa knew about her. But having a direct nod toward her passion from their austere leader made her squirm like a schoolgirl caught reading porn in church.

“Clarissa, do you have a point?” Noah groused.

“Mind your tongue, young man. I am the one in charge here.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, patently insincere.

Clarissa laughed. “Rascal. I want to put a proposition to you. It’s something Gabriel brought to me a few days ago, and after having the chance to think it over and run it by the Council, I feel it’s a wonderful idea. For years we’ve used our means to locate people who are in need of our varied, myriad services. Gabriel has proposed we open a club that does the same thing and discreetly advertise our services in various publications, forums, and online communities. There will be strict codes of conduct and safety measures, as there are now, but it will be an easier place for people to find us.” She shook her head. “A bit like Pleasure Isles, but without the sand and lax security.”

“Yes, we talked a bit about that,” Madelyn said. “Where do we come in?”

“Gabriel would be in charge of the business end, but you two would be the ones to actually run the establishment. All sorts of chores the Council normally does would fall to your shoulders such as vetting clients, ensuring nothing goes too far, making certain no confidential information is leaked, etcetera.”

“What about our jobs as Enrichers?” Noah asked.

Madelyn turned to look at him, intrigued by the note in his voice. Was it excitement? Hesitation? He smiled up at her, his hand rubbing the small of her back.

“You will, of course, be retired. As have the other Enrichers who’ve formed lifelong triads.” Her face bloomed with happiness. “I am quite pleased with the choices of partners who have come to us in the last few years. Fi and Emma have been very fine additions. The same can be said of Gabriel.”

“What if we do not wish to retire?” Madelyn asked, but only because she was curious.

Clarissa’s expression became guarded. “That is your decision, of course. We would not force you into or out of anything you wouldn’t wish.”

Madelyn grinned. “Good. I’m all for retiring. Keeping up with these two is enough work for any one woman.”

“Excellent. Noah?”

BOOK: Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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