Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (29 page)

BOOK: Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Gabriel concentrated on calming his breathing then nodded. “Thanks.”

Noah stepped back then reversed direction and walked to the head of the bed. He propped one shoulder against it and gave him the thumbs-up.

“What’s going on?” Madelyn asked, turning to look.

“Stay still,” Gabriel barked.

He drew the bullwhip through his fingers. He loved the slightly rough, slightly heavy weight of the leather. Dropping it to his side, he twirled it along the edge of the floor, gradually picking up speed.

He and Noah agreed he’d give her only one lash—a sort of unspoken penance for the last time. Then, if she wanted more, he’d give it to her. And let her come.

“Madelyn,” he said, voice commanding and strong. “Look at me.”

Slowly, she raised up on elbows and turned her head. She gasped when he lifted the bullwhip and waggled it at her.

“One strike. Then the choice is yours.”

He expected hesitation, and his heart clenched then thrummed wildly when she smiled and joy creased her face. “Oh, yes,” she said. Her eyes lifted to his and he could see her fighting back tears. He was alarmed until she shook her head. “Yes, it’s perfect. I trust you, Gabriel.”

Pride and pleasure suffused his entire body. He pointed to the head of the bed. “Good girl,” he said hoarsely. “Now, turn your head. I don’t want you to know
I’m going to do it, only that I will.”

A shudder washed over her as she looked away.

“When I bring the whip down,” he said. “Then and only then may you come. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied.

Gabriel picked the small flogger up with his left hand and began to lightly touch her still rocking ass. She gasped and lurched then groaned when she realized he was only teasing her.

Gabriel tightened his grip on the bullwhip’s handle, took a big step backward, and with a sure, confident hand, brought the long tail down along her back. He struck the exact spot he’d split open months earlier.

The whip slipped away as she cried out and bucked, flattening to the bed.

A dark red mark appeared on her back but nothing else.

“Coming, coming, coming,” she yelled as she fucked against the bed.

With only slightly shaky hands, Gabriel lunged forward and grabbed the end of the vibrator, thrusting it in and out of her. “Come, baby girl, come hard for us.”

Noah dropped onto the bed and cradled her head as she fought through her orgasm. Finally, the shudders slowed, her breathing evened out a bit, and then her body collapsed to the bed.

Gabriel, knowing how sensitive her clit could become after too much electric stimulation, pulled the dildo free. He set it down, then climbed onto the bed on her other side. He grinned at Noah.

“I knew you’d do fine,” Noah said.

“Yeah, I had a good teacher.”

They looked down at Madelyn. She groaned as she pulled her legs up onto the bed and rolled onto her back. She stared up at them, awe and sensual haze on her face. “That was fucking
,” she said. “
.” She met Gabriel’s eyes as she caught his hand and pulled him to her warm, full mouth. “
, Gabriel. Your gift was perfect.”

Noah slid from the bed and disappeared into the bathroom.

Gabriel stroked her delicate, arched eyebrows. “Thanks. I’m glad you liked it.”

“How did it feel?”

He grinned, unable to contain his euphoria. “

She winced and covered his lips with her fingers. “Please, love, don’t do that again.”

Noah’s chuckle preceded a large
and squeal from Madelyn. “She tells me that all the time, too.” He swabbed her pussy with the wet washcloth. “Girl’s got a mouth that just won’t quit.”

Gabriel touched the mouth in question, his own going dry at the thought of her talented lips. “I know. Just one more reason I’m grateful we have her.”

Noah stood, his hand pressed on her mons. “Feel better?”

“Yes,” she replied. She arched her back and purred. “Feels heavenly, actually.”

Noah lifted the washcloth and tossed it toward the bathroom.

She scowled at him and he winked. “I’ll get it later.” He caught her legs and dragged her back down to the foot of the bed.

Gabriel eased off the bed and started stripping.

“Madelyn, get the lube,” Noah said then pulled his knit shirt over his head.

She remained frozen on the bed, and Gabriel caught the swirling emotions on her face—excitement, anticipation and a fair bit of suspicion.

He chuckled. “Go on, little one. I need to be inside of you.”

Her nostrils flared, and she looked from him to Noah, one brow arrogantly raised. He nipped her on the shoulder. “Me, too, you brat.”

Madelyn laughed then rose and toddled across the carpeted floor to the closet.

She returned in seconds, tall bottle of liquid lube clutched in her fingers. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shifted from one foot to another.

“Nervous, love?” Gabriel asked.

“That depends. What are you two going to do to me?”

“What do you want us to do?”

She licked her lips and came closer, tossing the bottle to the bed. Madelyn touched the center of his burly chest then crooked her finger at Gabriel.

He moved next to Noah and as soon as he stilled, she repeated the process and palmed his chest, too.

He wondered if she could feel the gallop of his heartbeat beneath his skin.

“Are you excited or nervous?” she asked.

He smiled. She could feel it. “Excited, little one, never doubt it. Fucking you is always a very exciting prospect.”

Noah covered her hand. “Today, Madelyn, we’re going to both fuck you.”

Her tits rose with her sharp inhalation. “

“Oui. Not only that,” he continued, easing closer and pressing a kiss to her forehead. “We’re both going to fuck you at the same time.”

Madelyn swallowed audibly, her lashes dropping halfway. “
Mon Dieu
,” she murmured. “It’s about time.”

Gabriel laughed then caught her hips and turned her around so she fit between them. Noah quickly moved up, his hands at her waist.

She leaned back against him, offering her tits to Gabriel. He wasn’t about to turn down her succulent flesh. Cupping both breasts, he leaned down and dropped kisses along the upper edges, delighting in the way she quivered. He drew a half moon from one edge to the other on her right tit, growing closer and closer to her nipple. Her body grew more taut, and her fingers tangled in his hair. She tugged, and he looked up, never pulling his lips away from her soft, warm skin.

“Love me, Gabriel.”

He winked. “You know I do. But I love tormenting you, too.” With great care, he eased his lips over her tightly budded nipple. She shook and groaned, the rounded tips of her fingernails scraping along his scalp. He suckled her, flicking his tongue back and forth then all around her nipple.


She breathed just his name and nothing more. The sound sent goose bumps over his arms and down his back. He loved the way she rolled the
in his name. Made it sound as if she were making love to him with nothing more than her words.

He switched to her left breast and once again slowly stroked and tweaked her nipple until she writhed desperately beneath his touch.

“I like seeing his mouth on you, my love,” Noah murmured. “The way his touch inflames you.”

Oui, c’est fantastique
,” she panted. “But then, so are you. Between the two of my beautiful men, it is a wonder I do not combust,

Noah’s chuckle reverberated through Madelyn and tickled Gabriel’s lips. He smiled as he pulled away. “But you do combust, my love.”

“Definitely,” Gabriel agreed. “Let’s move to the bed.” He went to the top and propped himself along the leather padded headboard, wincing at the chilled touch.

Madelyn laughed. “Don’t worry,
, I will warm you up in no time.”

She crawled from the foot of the bed, her tits swaying with each provocative movement. He wrapped one hand around his dick and spread his legs as she came closer.

“Beautiful,” she murmured and swiped the head. She licked her lips then inhaled deeply. “You smell like man and sex and need.”

He nodded. “Yeah, fits the bill exactly.”

The bed swayed again as Noah climbed on. Madelyn dipped low again, and her small fingers replaced his on his shaft. Gabriel leaned back and watched through slitted lids as she set about pleasuring him once more with her mouth.

He’d discovered very early on his length was a challenge for her—one she intended to master, despite his protestations.

Madelyn’s mouth engulfed the head of his dick, and he sighed. “Oh, baby.”

“Lift your ass, little slut,” Noah ordered from behind her.

She did as instructed and scooted her legs even farther apart, forcing more of Gabriel’s dick into her throat.

They both groaned.

“A little chilly here,” Noah announced.

Madelyn froze but didn’t stop sucking his cock. She worked her throat muscles and hummed lightly. The vibration combined with the warm pulsation threatened to drive him mad. “You’re such a beautiful cocksucker,” he told her.

She peeked up at him and smiled around her mouthful.

Noah snapped closed the bottle of lube and dropped it on the bed. Gabriel could see his finger working the slick liquid around and in her tight, puckered asshole. Though not quite as sensitive as her nipples, Madelyn’s ass was a complicated, delicate thing that needed a lot of foreplay before any real play could begin. He’d enjoyed immensely getting to know her sweet ass, even if he had yet to fuck it himself.

Madelyn’s mouth and tongue worked in time with Noah’s increasing thrusts. She swayed and bobbed, her hips pantomiming the motion.

“Damn, baby, your ass is so tight,” Noah said. “Breathe.”

Again Madelyn stilled and then stiffened. The sudden suction on his cock was nearly unbearable. Gabriel caught a handful of her hair and tugged. “Pay attention,” he reminded her.

She whimpered around him then relaxed and began her sensual torture again. Her mouth trailed wetly up and down his shaft, her cheeks hollowing with the effort to maintain the tight grip she had. Her fingers jerked him as her mouth moved upward to the head then flattened along his sac on the downward stroke.

Over and over, she taunted his flesh, and he found himself gasping for breath, fighting back his orgasm.
Too soon, much too soon

“How much longer?” he bit out to Noah.

“Almost there,” the other man replied. “I’ve got three fingers in her ass.” He slapped her butt and she jerked, her lips scraping over the cut underside of his cock.

Gabriel groaned and tugged her off, panting harshly. “You’re too talented, slut. I don’t want to come just yet.”

She grinned at him. “Thank you, Sir. Your cock is very intoxicating. I love the way you throb in my mouth and how I can feel your seed boiling beneath my fingers.”

Noah pulled his hand free and nodded. “She’s ready.”

Gabriel saw the hesitancy come over her face. “You all right?”

“Yes,” she replied. “Just a bit nervous. A girl’s first time with two men at once is quite a nerve-wracking proposition.”

He nodded and smoothed her hair. “Understandable. But you know we’re going to take exquisite care of you, right?”


He’d been astounded when she’d told him she’d never been double penetrated by two men before. Noah had decreed the act off limits because he could never find anyone he trusted with her enough to allow the act.

Until now.

“We need to shift,” Noah said.

He towered over them, hands on his hips and a small smile curling his lip. “I’m trying to figure out just how the mechanics of this are going to work with you, Gabriel.”

“Easy,” he replied with a grin. “I’m going to slide my cock in her wet, drenched pussy, and you’re going to slide yours in her tight ass.”

He watched Madelyn as he said it, pleased she shivered and nodded, as eager for the experience as they were.

Gabriel maneuvered himself so he was lying flat on his back, his cock pointed due north, quivering in anticipation. He stroked the heated length and beckoned to her. “Come straddle my dick, Madelyn, and fuck me.”

“Gladly,” she said and hastened to throw her right leg over his body.

Her back arched, and Noah held her by the shoulders as she fitted Gabriel’s cock to the wet slit of her pussy and slowly sank down.

Gabriel hissed with pleasure. “That’s a good girl.”

She held his eyes and pressed downward until she hit bottom. Her hands rose to cup her breasts, pushing them together, fingers trailing over her nipples. “You fill me up, spread me open. I feel so wanton with you so deep inside me.”

Gabriel’s dick spasmed and swelled, and she smiled naughtily. He reached up and brushed aside her fingers, latching onto her nipples and tugging her toward him. She squeaked and hurriedly leaned forward.

“Mind your manners,” he said.

She winked.

“You’re incorrigible,” he whispered. “Noah, I think she needs a little reminder of who’s in charge here.”

Noah’s smiling face appeared over her shoulder, and he cupped her ass cheeks, lifting her up and down. “

She gasped. “No fair!”

He continued to work her body up and down Gabriel’s ever-hardening and sensitized shaft, his big hands splitting her cheeks open. Then, finally, he seated her tightly to Gabriel’s pelvis and leaned her forward. “Hold her tight,” he ordered.

“I will.”

Gabriel wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her even more flush to him, melding their bodies as tight as he could. Her tits spread out along his chest, and he felt the wild kick of her heartbeat against his own nipples. The soft curve of her tummy nestled along his abdomen, and her hands fluttered at his shoulders.

BOOK: Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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