Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (28 page)

BOOK: Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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He stood, nearly jostling her to the ground. She was saved only by his strong hands at her hips. “I’m glad for it, Clarissa, and that’s the truth. After what happened with Krista, I began to doubt my own intuition. I fear I would have sized every candidate up in an unfavorable light and not performed my duties to my fullest ability.” He kissed Madelyn’s crown. “Plus, I’m really anxious to settle down with my new mates and have a family.”

Madelyn gasped and jerked her head upward. “A baby?” she whispered, palm instinctively covering her belly. “You want a baby?”

“Oh, my,” Clarissa sighed, obsidian eyes glazed with a light sheen of tears. “That is sweet.”

“Yes, I do,” Noah said gruffly. He stroked her hair down to her shoulder until their fingers tangled. “What do you think?”

Immense joy filled her and she squealed then threw herself into his arms. “Oh, I can’t wait to tell Gabriel.”

Noah hugged her hard, his chuckle reverberating against her breasts. “Sweetheart, do you think I would mention something like this to you without talking to him first?”

The knowledge that he’d consulted Gabriel contented her in ways she never thought possible. They were really and truly a family.

“Come on,” she whispered. “Let’s go find Gabriel and get started.”


* * * *


“Hurry up, woman,” Noah shouted through the bathroom door.

Gabriel grinned, amused by his friend’s impatience. And Noah
become his friend over the last few months. More than a friend, a brother of his heart. They had much more in common than either realized when they first made their triad agreement, and the intervening time had only served to strengthen their bond and their interests.

Loving Madelyn between them deepened their affection, too. She was the joyous glue that held them all together.

The door snicked open, and she appeared in a filmy white negligee.

Gabriel stood and crossed the room to take hold of her hands. “You look breathtaking, Madelyn.”

Beneath the diaphanous flare of the teddy, her pale skin sparkled and beckoned. Her beautiful, full tits pressed the material up and away from her body, and her dusky nipples were already hard and pointed. The hem, stitched in a soft white fur, bumped against his legs.

“Is this new?”

She flashed her saucy, impish grin. The one which sent his heart into overdrive and his dick into hard-as-steel mode. That grin usually meant she was going to cause as much trouble as she could.

Which meant he and Noah would, of course, be forced to discipline her, something the little minx knew intimately. It was a game they played out on a regular basis.

Except tonight, Madelyn didn’t know the surprises they had in store for her. Just thinking about them made his cock swell and press with harsh insistence against the seam of his slacks.

“It is new. I’m glad you like it.” She tapped one oval fingertip to his mouth and leaned close. Her sweet, mint-scented breath wafted over him. “But know what I think is better?”


“If you take it off me.” Her blue eyes sparkled, and she looked over his shoulder at Noah. “Don’t you think so,

“I think it’s your job to present yourself to your masters in an appropriate and ready manner.” He strode up and stood elbow to elbow with Gabriel. “Did we tell her to wear clothes?”

“Hm, now that you mention it, I’m pretty sure we didn’t mention clothing.”

Noah sighed. “Madelyn, Madelyn. Must you always buck us?”

Her expression was all blue wide-eyed innocence wrapped in sultry rebellion. “Come now, Noah, wouldn’t you be disappointed if I immediately obeyed? Where’s the fun in that?”

“I’ll buy you another,” Gabriel said as his hand shot out and tore the gown from her body. The sheer material gave with a satisfying rip all the way down to the hem, which resisted his strength, but only for a moment.

Seconds later she was totally bare, surprised admiration on her face. “Well, I would have expected that from Noah, but you, Gabriel?” She shook her head and offered up a light tsk. “Not from someone of your genteel manners.”

Noah grabbed one arm and Gabriel caught the other. Together they dragged her to the foot of their bed.

Gabriel could not help but slide his hand over the sleek length of her back as they forced her to bend over the bed.

“Legs spread, don’t move,” Noah said as he slapped her on the ass.

Her brilliant pale skin immediately glowed red in the shape of his hand. Madelyn cooed, and her hips moved up and down. She tipped her head to look over her shoulder at them. “What do you guys have in mind?”

Gabriel winked as he outlined Noah’s handprint. “This and that,” he said.

She rolled her eyes.

“She’s been a little hothead the last few days, don’t you think, Gabriel?”

“Absolutely,” he immediately agreed.

Noah stepped into the closet and came out with four floggers. Two were about four feet long, black and stringed with a multitude of polyester thongs. The other two, also identical, were harder leather, a bit shorter at two feet, and not quite as many dangling strands. He tossed one of each to Gabriel then tucked the short leather one in his pocket.

Gabriel followed suit. He swung the polyester flogger through the air, refamiliarizing himself with its heft and motion. He watched Madelyn as he went through the motions, smiling as her hips picked up speed.

An invitation to strike

He nodded to Noah and, in sync, they laid their floggers to her body. The loud dual thud was nearly outmatched by her soft groan. Gabriel focused on her back, moving around the side of the bed to get better spacing. Noah contained himself to her legs and ass.

“Damn,” she groaned. “Feels good.”

Gabriel put a little more force into his blows, though remained careful not to slap too close to her head. She’d often told him the polyester floggers felt like an erotic, thumping massage. Deep pressure, followed by the glide of the thongs trailing over her body. Occasionally, the tail whip end of the flogger would snap and sear, making her all the more excited.

“More, more,” she pleaded. Her breathing was heavy, but her eyes lit with pleasure and excitement as she met his gaze.

Gabriel smiled at her and redoubled his efforts, earning a sweet smile of thanks.

“Damn, she’s already wet as a river,” Noah remarked. He stilled his whip arm and crowded her ass, his fingers disappearing between her thighs.

Gabriel was watching her face and knew the exact second Noah’s finger slipped into her canal. Her eyes widened, and she caught her full bottom lip between her teeth. Her nostrils flared, and she wadded the bedding in tight bunches.

“Yeah, wet,” Noah panted. His face already showed strains of passion.

“Need a break, old man?”

“Fuck you, pup,” he retorted.

Gabriel brought the flogger down a couple more times, making sure to catch the sides of her flattened tits. “No thanks, you’re not my type.”

Noah grinned as he knelt between her legs.

Gabriel tossed the polyester flogger down and pulled out the leather one, dangling it in front of her eyes. “Ready to go up a step, love?” He knew with Noah’s tongue delving into her pussy, the touch of leather would drive her lust even higher. While he wanted to show her all the things he’d been working on the last few months, he also wanted to fuck her.

Wanted to feel her body thrashing and pulsating around his hard dick. Wanted to look into her eyes and know that he’d found his soulmates.

“Yes, God, yes,” she moaned.

He wasn’t quite sure if she was answering him or encouraging Noah. Either way…Gabriel laid the leather thongs on her back and wiggled them, moving up and down her spine to the dip and curve of her buttocks then up once more.

“Quit teasing me,” she demanded.

He pulled the whip away, and Noah surged to his feet.

“No,” she cried out, face dropping into the mattress. “Damn it.”

Noah slapped her ass, alternating between cheeks for a solid minute while she bucked and cursed.

Gabriel stepped forward and waved him off, immediately sending the leather flogger down her ass with snapping force.

She screeched.

He gave her ten good, hard lashes then stopped, stalked around the bed, and lifted her head up none too gently by the hair. “Care to rephrase that?”

He saw the battle in her eyes. Knew she wasn’t even close to being ready to quit, but something in his expression must have stopped her automatic smart-assed response because she sniffled and tried to nod.

“I’m sorry, Sirs.”

She sounded almost believable.

“Sorry for what?” he demanded.

“For being pushy.”

Gabriel let go of her. “Good answer, little one. That kind of honesty will earn you some more pleasurable reps from my leather flogger.”

“Thank you, Sir,” she said, waving her ass in his direction.

Noah dove back into the closet, or the goody room, as he liked to call it, and returned with a dildo sporting a wicked clit tickler.

Gabriel grinned and nodded his approval as he started to slap lightly at Madelyn’s now flushed skin with the leather flogger. The sharp, staccato
slap, slap, slap
mingled with her appreciative moans and long exhalations.

He knew when Noah fitted the dildo to her cunt she was going to go even wilder. He rolled his shoulder and increased the speed, careful not to ding Noah in the head.

Gabriel moved down, closer to her undulating ass so he could watch and still rain blows down on her at the same time. Her body was rosy with streaks of red marring the normally beautiful white skin.

Just the way he liked it.

“Spread your legs,” Noah ordered.

She shuffled her legs apart, eyes shut and mouth opened and panting.

Gabriel stilled the flogger as Noah eased the bulbous head of the vibrator between her lips. In the bright overhead light, he could see the sheen of her juices coating her inner thighs, the ruby-red, drooping lower lips of her pussy, and Noah’s hands.

“Ah, God,” she groaned, entire body stilling as she was invaded.

Noah tugged the vibe backward then eased it forward again. He fucked her slow and easy with the long plastic cock, giving her just enough pleasure to rev her up, but not so much she came before they were ready.

“Hips up,” he said.

Her butt lifted in the air, and Gabriel reached over to caress it. “Hm, warm.” He chuckled. She still bore Noah’s handprints. Her ass didn’t easily give up such decorating.

“Take a breath, Maddie,” Noah said.

She inhaled, and Noah shoved the vibrator all the way in then ducked under to look up at her. Beneath her soft belly, he fiddled with the proper placement, and Gabriel figured he wanted to shock her as hard as he could when he flipped it on.

The shit-eating grin on his face was proof of that.

Noah rose and cupped her ass. His big palms easily covered both cheeks. He squeezed and she sighed in appreciation. “Ready?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said.

“I doubt it.” Noah reached between her legs with one hand, the other now flattened to the small of her back.

A low buzz kicked in then she yelped and thrashed.

“Don’t lose it,” he warned.

“Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” she muttered. Her hips churned and swayed, and her fingers delved deeper into the bedding.

Noah stepped back and nodded. Gabriel took his place between her legs. “No coming without permission, slut.”


He took that for agreement and brought the whip down hard on her left ass cheek then her right. She again bucked and groaned but kept the vibrator clutched in her pussy.

He alternated his blows, increasing pressure and speed as he made his way along her body. Soon, tight, red lines crisscrossed her from just above the backs of her knees to just below her shoulders.

She panted and thrashed, uttering small, nonsensical phrases until finally she stiffened and her legs slammed together.

Gabriel hauled the whip back and watched. “You’re not going to come are you, slut?”

“Yes, yes, fuck yes,” she replied in short gasps. “Please, I need to come. Please.”

He looked at Noah and lifted a brow. “Going a bit faster than we intended,” he said.

“Yeah, but damn, I think it’s good timing.” Noah scrubbed at his chin. “How about we skip a few steps and head straight for the big ones?”

Gabriel nodded, his cock so fucking hard, he could barely walk. “Sounds good. The sooner I’m in her tight body, the better, as far as I’m concerned.”

Noah flashed him a grin. “Tight being the operative word, huh? Get her ready.”

Gabriel knelt between her legs and switched the vibrator to its lowest setting then moved up to her head. He stroked her sweat-damp hair, pushing strands out of her face so he could see her better. “You’ve blown all our plans with your eagerness, my love.”

She grabbed at his hand and gave him a half-saucy, half-trembling smile. “Apologies.” She tugged at him, then wiggled her finger to bring him closer. He leaned down.

“You know, turning it on low doesn’t help. In fact”—she swallowed hard and shuddered—“it makes it worse.”

He gave her a mock-surprised look. “Really? My bad.”

“Gabriel.” Noah once more stood at the end of the bed. In his hands, he held the bullwhip. The same whip Gabriel had used the first night he’d met them. The whip that left an open and gaping wound down Madelyn’s back.

He kissed her softly. “Get ready.”

“For what?” she replied then groaned and churned her hips. “God, I want to come so bad.”

“I know you do, but not yet. Soon.”

“For what?” she asked again.

Gabriel’s heart beat as hard as hers as he looked at the lethal leather in Noah’s hands. Despite the hours of practice he’d had with it in the last few months, he’d yet to try it on her. Hell, she didn’t even know what they’d been doing. He squeezed his eyes shut as he rose and patted her ass. “You’ll see.”

Noah held the bullwhip out and laid it in his hands. He caught Gabriel’s forearm and squeezed lightly. “You’ll do great. You’re a master with it now.”

BOOK: Empowered [Sexual Magic 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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