Enough (2 page)

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Authors: Briana Pacheco

BOOK: Enough
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, Em. So glad to see you made it.” Bryan said shutting his locker.

I knew he was waiting for me.

There are those beautiful ocean eyes. “Hey, why are you late for class? Are you spying on me again? I can take of myself, Bryan. I’m not going to get drunk in the middle of the week. I thought you knew me better than that.” I said crossing my hand over my heart. “That hurts. Weekends are for partying.”

on’t you think you should slow it down with the alcohol?  You’re only seventeen but you drink like your twenty-six. I’m starting to get a little worried. That’s all I’m saying.” He said. I dropped my smile.

“Yeah I know but I turn eighteen
in two weeks. At least I can control myself. I have a high alcohol tolerance. I don’t get drunk so easily anymore. I’m not like some of these girls from school who get wasted and God knows what after that.” I leaned against some locker that has posters for next years next class president. I’ll probably be long gone… Shit, I can’t tell Bryan. Not today actually. “Schools almost over. Let’s have fun before we get old and can’t do it anymore.” I said nudging his shoulder.

He looked
at me with a blank face. “Talking about fun, you going to Sophie’s later?” It’s like he knew what I was going to say before I said it. “For once I would like to see you leave a party how you came in. Sober. Okay, Em?”

, okay. I’m late so come by Mrs. Diaz’s class after school and we can talk then. I might have detention.” I said.

he’ll cut you some slack. It was pouring out there and you look like shit.” He hugged me goodbye, not caring that I’m soaked and then went into his class.

Diaz was in the middle of checking the Do Now’s when I came in. She looked up at me with a disappointed look. Yeah, I know. “Ah, Miss Vasquez, how nice of you to join us. Come over to my desk, you left something behind yesterday.” She said.

I walked p
ast everyone and they nodded or said good morning. I’m not popular but I do treat everyone with respect. We are all humans and that’s how we should be treated. Or maybe it’s because of the rumors spreading about me being sleazy and they think being nice to me would get them with me. Yeah, right. I’ll bend the rules for one person…okay maybe two. Alex and Bryan.

“Mrs. Diaz, sorry for being late
. I walked–”

“Don’t worry, Emily. Y
our mom told me what is going on and I understand.” See, best of friends. It wasn’t even an hour since I left the house and she knows about the move. “But you have to have detention today. I’ve known your mom for a long time but I can’t be bias. The other students won’t take me seriously if you don’t stay. And this must be yours.” She held up my wallet. Yes!
Oh, I thought I lost you forever.
I took it and checked to make sure everything was inside. All my money, credit card and school ID were still in there.

Mrs. Diaz
has short, wavy brown hair and amber colored eyes.

Did my mom say if she wants to take the job?” I asked. Mom was still not sure on it when she told me so I don’t really know what’s going to happen. She said the new job will pay better. Isn’t she doing fine already though? Maybe we won’t move.

“I don’t
know anything yet. She’ll get back to me in a few minutes. She’s just thinking about things.” A few minutes?! What? Mom is planning this out now? What about work? She should be thinking about this when I’m home. I am involved this… “I’ll tell you if anything happens.” I gave her a weary smile. Mom should be telling me. “Take a seat now.” She said more roughly. Emphasizing that she doesn’t bend the rules.

I smiled and turned to see were Tiffany was. I spotted her all the way in the back. She mo
uthed sorry and pointed two seats in front of her. Of course the only seat available is in front of Alex. Looking like I do, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see him.

I walked up to the seat.

“Hi.” I said.

He looked up at me and smiled.

I melted. I want to throw myself into those arms. He looks like he knows how to treat a woman. He looks like he knows how to do lot of things to women. Fuck me…

“Rough day?” He asked
with that damn sexy voice of his.

Damn! I nodded and took
a seat. That was embarrassing.

I got out my Spanish notebook and
texted Tiffany.

Hey, WTF! u were supposed to save me a seat. I look like shit. Of all days I have to sit in front of him. He asked if I had a rough day!! :(

Almost immediately she replied.

Tiffany: Don’t get feisty. I tried but you were late and everyone came in. Didn’t have a choice but to move my bag from an empty seat that your ass was suppose to be in. Be quiet and be happy ur next 2 him. :P

I guess I can take her advice.

Oh, have bad news to tell you. Mom said

, can you come over here please.” Mrs. Diaz said.

I sent the message even though it wasn’t finished. I turned to look at
Tiffany and she tilted her head to the side. “What?” she mouthed. I held up my hand for her to wait a little longer. Right now I need to find out more about the move. I walked up to Mrs. Diaz’s desk and waited.

“Your mom texted
. She has less than two weeks to say yes and move or no and stay. She really wants to go. A fresh start, she mentioned. She talked to your brother and sister and they are willing to go. If she goes and you want to stay, I mentioned you could live with me and Jose until you graduate. She said that’s fine. It’s up to you. She’ll talk about it when you’re home. Also you will have detention for coming in late but it won’t be long. Just a few things and you can go.” She said.

Wow, make it
sound good why don’t you.

“So she really want
s to move? I turn eighteen in two weeks… I would say I can move into my own little place because I would be considered an adult but I can’t possibly find a job to support myself in two weeks.” I said. I felt the tears starting to prick the backs of my eyelids. My family is more than likely going to Seattle and going to leave me behind. To live with a teacher. Mrs. Diaz is more than a teacher, she’s a friend but that’s still creepy. I wouldn’t be going to parties and probably no more alcohol. I need the alcohol. I need the numbness. No one understands.

Why i
s my life crashing down faster than a meteor hitting earth?

“Like I said, you could stay with me. I don’t think she’ll let you stay anywhere else.”
Mrs. Diaz said. The tears started flowing out.

“Yeah but I thought my family
would be there for every birthday, for prom and especially for graduation.” I said wiping my eyes. She can see I’m having a rough day but this… this is just fucking crushing.

“You can go to the bathroom if you want. Take your time.”

“I just have to talk to Tiffany. Is that all right?” I asked.

“Yeah but keep it down, I have a cla
ss to teach.” She reached for my hand and squeezed it. Then she handed me a tissue.

“Thanks.” I w
alked down the aisle to where Tiffany was seated and ignored all the eyes watching me. “Come with me, she said we can talk.” I said.

Tiffany got up
. “Is something wrong? Did something happen to your family? Em, I don’t like to see you cry.” She said.

fine. Just come outside.” We went to the hallway and I leaned against a locker. Tiffany just stood there, waiting for an explanation. ”My mom got a job offer. She says it’s great and all but there’s one problem.” I sobbed. “We have to move if she says yes.”

“That’s not bad. Where
? Revere, Cambridge, Everett?”

“Not exactly, think west. West of
Massachusetts. Let’s say right on the border of the Pacific Ocean.” I said.

” She yelled. A few passing students looked at us but minded their own business and continued walking.              “What!” She said softer. “You can’t leave. You’ll miss prom, graduation, Alex, everyone….me. You’re my best friend. You can’t leave.”

Hearing her say
that made me cry harder.

Mrs. Diaz offered that I stay with her. That’s creepy but I guess if I have to then I will. But I can’t be that far away from my family. I can’t leave you behind. I have to graduate here with you and Bryan and everyone I knew since I was a kid.” I said wiping my eyes. I wanted to make this place my home. I wanted to add good memories to erase the bad. I wanted to be something other than
girl. I have a complicated past. I wanted to start un-complicating things.

et me see if you can stay with me. I’ll talk to my parents after school.” Tiffany said. It was just like her to say something like that.

“Your family hates me. They think I’m a bad influence on you. Especially your
mom. She would never allow it.” I said.

I told myself to stop crying and it wor

Tiffany took
hold of my shoulders and stared at me. “We will think of something. Also your birthday is two weeks away. They can not miss that.”

I smiled. It was
not that convincing but she smiled back. “You’re right. We will try something. Oh, don’t tell anyone. I didn’t tell Bryan yet. It’s our little secret. Okay?”

I kno
w her parents won’t allow me to stay at her place.

I am
bound to stay with Mrs. Diaz or move to Washington.

Are we going to Sophie’s party?” She asked. I know she’s changing the subject so I don’t have to think about this.

I nodded then we went back into class.



The rest of the day went by in a blur. I went to Mrs. Diaz’s room for my detention and she made me clean the desks. Bryan stopped by and offered to help but Mrs. Diaz was clear that I was the one to do it. “No, Mr. Vincent. Emily came in late. She will finish it by herself with no help.” She said.

l right. I get it.” He said and waited by the door for me. I finished the last desk and put the cleaning supplies back in the closet. “Ready now?”

“Yeah, let’s go.”
I said.

Outside was a bit chilly but I didn’t mind.
Winter doesn’t start until two weeks from now but there were a few frosts on the grass. In Boston, the weather’s weird. If it doesn’t snow, it rains but then it’ll freeze. I don’t get it.

Tiffany went home with a new guy that she has her eyes set on. I am not going to cockblock that so I didn’t beg her to stay with me.

It’s only 3:00 pm but it looks like 7:00. It’s so dark out, the clouds covered the sun and it feels like something bad is bound to happen. I hate when it’s like this.

“You want a ride home? It’s to
o cold for you to walk around like that.” Bryan said pulling off his sweater and handing it to me.

“No. I’m fin
e, and yes I would like a ride but only if you put your sweater back on or I’m walking home.” He glanced at me and saw I wasn’t in the best mood. He put it back on and walked over to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. Bryan started the ignition and drove out of the school driveway. It sucks that I don’t have a car. Mom always thought it was pointless. If I need the car, I use hers. It’s her way of making sure I’m safe.

“Is everything al
l right? You seem bummed out.” Bryan asked.

“I’m fine.”
I’m so not fucking fine. I looked out the window and saw a group of students with big puffy jackets talking and playing with each other. I wondered if I would have time like that with my friends.

I thought about the time I was a cheerleader. That was just a few months ago. We use to hang out like this and not care about anything in the world. During winter, we’d all huddle on the football field and dance
to stay warm. We’d grab snacks and just have fun. It was the best three years of my life to have fun and forget about everything.

It was a quick drive to my house. Walking t
ook twenty minutes but in a car, it was probably less than five.

o you want me to pick you up for Sophie’s?” Bryan asked.

gonna walk. You don’t have to come get me.” I said.

, right, Em. Seriously, what time?” He thought I was joking. He cracked a smile and a dimple made its way out. I have to get out of this car. I would do something that could jeopardize our friendship if I don’t.

Bryan, I am going to walk. Her house is like three blocks away from mine.” It was more than that but I didn’t correct myself. I want to be alone and think of what might happen. My mom might not take the job. I’m hoping she doesn’t. I glanced at him and he stared at me, like really stared at me. I felt like he was trying to decipher why I was being cold toward him. Unless he was a mind reader, he wouldn’t find out. I kissed him on the cheek and got out. “Thank you, Bryan. I’ll see you at the party.”

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