Europe: A History (281 page)

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medieval 380, 388–9, 1258

nineteenth century 739, 834, 1319

origins 235

Patriarchate established 380

Servetus, Miguel de Villanova

Seton-Watson, Hugh 14–15

Seven Years War 648–9

Shakespeare, William 423, 425, 482, 529,


Shamil 869

Shamir, Izaac 978

Shaw, George Bernard 952

Shelley, Percy Bysshe 840

Shevchenko, Taras 831

Sicilian Vespers 398

Sicily 102, 104, 139–47, 336, 339, 351, 638

Sièves, Emmanuel, Abbé 691

Sigismund III, King of Poland 504, 554, 555

Sikorski, Władysław 1037

Single European Act 1118

Sinn Fein 831

Sino-Soviet split 1104

166–7, 452–3

Slavonic peoples 224–5, 227, 234–5, 244,

1218, 1233

Slovakia 993, 995, 1127, 1128, 1134

Slovenia 235, 730–1, 979, 1124, 1230–1, 1307, 1313

Słowacki, Juliusz 1, 785, 787


Smith, Adam 523, 602, 604–5

Sobieski, John, King of Poland 641, 643, 655, 657

Social History 71, 128, 165–7, 166–7,

335–6, 413, 422–3, 442–3, 447–8, 516–17, 559, 582–6, 583–4, 585–6, 587–8, 650–1, 682, 724, 771–5, 776–7, 825, 925–6, 958–9, 961, 1043–4, 1077–8, 1095–6
(see also
Family History, Manners, Sociology)

Social Sciences 3, 775, 794, 955–6, 1076
(see also

Anthropology, Demography, Economics,

Psychology, Politics, Sociology)

Socialism 835–40,

Christian Socialism 835

co-operatives 836

First International 837, 838, 840

in post-war Europe 1072

Second International 838

Trades Union movement 835–6

(see also
Anarchism, Communism, Marxism)

Socialist Unity Party (GDR) 1061, 1071, 1100

Sociology 790, 837–8, 953

Socrates 110

Solidarity Movement 1108, 1122, 1123

Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 713, 964, 1055, 1098

Sonderburg-Glucksburg (Houses of)


Sophia, Tsarina of Russia

Sophocles 115

Sorbs of Lusatia 234, 829

Sound recording

Southey, Robert 682

Soviet Bloc 1089–1109, 1122–5

Soviet Russia (1917–22) 917–21, 928–32, 1314

Soviet Union
USSR) Spaak, Paul-Henri 1066, 1083


colonialism 511, 513, 580

early modern 526, 529, 531, 532, 534, 1271

eighteenth century 638

French Revolutionary Wars and 721, 728, 733, 736

inter-war politics 979, 981–2, 984–6

medieval 393–4, 451, 453–5

Muslim civilization in
, 1208

nineteenth century 803–4

post-1945 1076, 1087–8

sixteenth century 1271

(see also
Aragon, Castile, Galicia, Navarre)

Spanish Civil War 979, 981–2, 984–6,


International Brigades 982, 983–4, 1325

Spanish Inquisition 453, 454,

Spanish Netherlands
(see also
Belgium) 502

Spanish Succession, War of 625, 638, 648

Sparta 98, 100, 133


Special Operations Executive (SOE) 1032

Spengler, Oswald 952, 966

Speyer, Diet of (1526, 1529) 485

Spinoza, Benedictus 509–10





Olympic Games

Tour de France

‘Springtime of the Nations’ (1848) 1303

S.S. (Schutz Staffeln) 970, 975, 976, 997–8, 1002,

1003, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1051, 1326–7

Stalin, J. V. 915, 937, 959–61, 962, 964, 986, 991, 992, 996, 997, 1211, 1328–9

World War II and 998, 1000, 1003, 1010, 1012, 1013, 1027, 1028, 1030, 1036–7

post-1945 1047, 1052, 1058, 1059, 1062, 1067, 1090–1, 1100

Stalingrad, battle for (1942–3) 1031–2

Stalinism 961–2, 964–5, 1099–100, 1101

Stanford University 29–30

Stanisław August Poniatowski, King of Poland

608, 610, 659–60, 663, 692, 719,

Stanisław, Leszczyński, King of Poland 606, 653,


Staszic, Stanisław 611, 692

State formation
, 1268

Stauffenberg, Claus von 1040

Stefan Batory, King of Poland 555, 1209

Stefan IV Dushan, Serbian Tsar 389

Stein, Baron Karl von 611, 733

Steno, Nils 792

Stepanova, Elena 461

Stephen II, Pope 284, 286–7, 288–90

Stirner, Max 840

Stoics 124, 126, 597

Stonehenge xv, 74, 76

Stopes, Marie
, 958

Stradivarius, Antonius 592–3

Strasbourg 622–3

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) 1111,


Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) 1113

Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)

Streicher, Julius 1051, 1054

Stresemann, Gustav 942

Struensee, Johann Friedrich 640

Stuart, Charles Edward ‘the Young

Pretender’ 632, 657

Stuart, House of 545, 549, 628–9, 631, 632, 657

Stuart, James Edward, ‘the Old Pretender’ 631, 632

Stubbs, George 688

Sub-Carpathian Ruthenia 979, 995, 1249, 1314, 1315, 1316, 1317

Sudetenland 987, 989–90, 1049, 1317

Suetonius 177

Suleiman the Magnificent, Ottoman sultan 545, 560

Summertown, 1992 1130–6


Suvorov, Alexander 722, 726


Christianity and 328

civil war 504, 506, 554

early modern 553–4

eighteenth century 640–1

French Revolutionary Wars and 717, 737

gains Norway 737, 762

independence 553

inter-war period 977

liberalism 811

loses Finland 737


post-1945 1087

Thirty Years War and 564, 565

Swedish Social Democratic Party
, 977

Switzerland 1257

Counter-Reformation 502

medieval 404

post-1945 1087

Reformation 488

Symbolism 157, 194–5, 710, 1228–9


Syracuse 139–47

Syria 133, 148, 155, 252, 1069

Szátmár, Peace of (1711) 647

Szymborska, Wisława 1047–8

Tacitus, Cornelius 155


Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles de 695, 752, 753, 762

Tamara, Queen of Georgia 335

Tamerlane 298

Tasman, Abel 511

Tasso, Torquato 482

Tatarstan 364, 816

Tawney, Richard 518

Taxation 159–60, 185, 240, 523, 618–19, 648, 771

Taylor, A. J. P. 4, 45–6, 895–6,

706–7, 769
, 1208, 1272–3

Teheran Conference (1943) 1036, 1037–8

Terrorism 841

Tetzel, Johann 484–5

Teutonic Knights 359, 363, 364

Thales 119

Thatcher, Margaret 1075, 1116, 1119


Theodosius, Byzantine Emperor 211, 240, 259

Thera 92, 93

Thermopylae, battle of (480

Thirty Years War 563–5, 567–8

Thucydides 129, 132

Tiberius, Roman Emperor 188

Tilly, Johann, General 564, 565

Tilsit, Treaty of (1807) 727, 733, 747

Time 66–70, 152–3, 267–8, 432, 434–5, 698, 1215, 1250, 1288–9

Tišo, Josef 993, 1060
, the 796, 895

Titian, Tiziano Vercelli 481, 496

Tito, Josip Broz 1010, 1033, 1039, 1100, 1124

Titus, Roman Emperor 189

Tkachev,P.N. 839

Tokay 77

Tone, Wolfe 637, 737

Torquemada, Thomas 453


Totalitarianism 499, 944–9

Toynbee, Arnold 66

Trade 513

Tradition 708

Trafalgar, battle of (1805) 726–7

Trajan, Roman Emperor 189, 191

Transport 769
(see also
Canals, Communications,

Railways, Roads, Rome (Ancient) roads) Transylvania 521, 560

Treblinka 706–7, 1016, 1018

Trent, Council of 496, 497, 545

Trevithick, Richard 682

Trieste 1059

Triple Alliance 871

Triple Entente 871

Tristan and Isolde 223–4, 1208

Trotsky, Lev Bronshtein 894, 917, 919, 929, 931, 934, 959–60, 964

Troy 98

Truman, Harry 1047, 1062, 1063

Truman Doctrine (1947) 1063, 1099–100, 1109

Tukhachevsky, Mikhail 935, 941, 959

Tull, Jethro 680

Turgot, Jacques 602, 603, 605

Turkey, Republic of 938


origins 298

Seljuk Turks 298, 332, 333, 335

(see also
Ottoman Empire)

Turner, J. M. W. 688, 1211

‘Twelfth Century Renaissance’ 348–50, 361

Tyler, Wat 417

U2-incident (1960) 1111, 1112

Ukraine 1315


German occupation in World War II 1013, 1015

Hetman State 655

independence (1991) 1126

national question 831, 833

nationalism 828

, 334

religion 505

Russian Civil War and 928–9, 932

russification 655

taken by Muscovy 555–6, 558

Terror-Famine 964

(see also
Kievan Rus’)

Ukrainian Insurrectionary Army 1032,

Ulbricht, Walter 1061

Ulster 503, 549, 551, 636–7, 822, 831, 943, 1075,


Uniate (Greek Catholic) Church 505

Unigenitus Dei filius
, Papal Bull, 593, 621

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR, 1923–91)

agriculture 961, 964, 1097

archives 1014–15

armed forces 1095

August coup (1991) 1225–6

Baltic States incorporated 1009

Bukovina and Bessarabia incorporated 1009–10

cinema 918–19

collectivization 961, 965

Communist Party (CPSU) 1093–4, 1321

culture 1098

de-Stalinization 1091–2

dissolution of 1125–6

economy 1096–7

environment 1097

expansion 1314

Five Year Plans 961, 1096

formation 932

‘Glasnost’ 1121, 1122

Gulag 962, 963, 1330

inter-war foreign policy 986, 992

inter-war period 959–62, 964–5

‘Kulaks’ 964

New Economic Policy (NEP) 937, 960

nuclear programme 1091, 1097

‘Perestroika’ 1106, 1108, 1121, 1126

political system 1093–5, 1321

post-war foreign policy 1062, 1067

re-armament 961, 1111

religion 1098–9

reparations demands to Germany 1060

science 1091

security forces 962, 1095

society 1095–6

Stalinism 961–2, 964–5, 1090–1

Terror 962, 964

War Communism 937

(see also
Communism, KGB, Lenin, NKVD, Stalin, World War II)

United Kingdom

and Europe 13

British Commonwealth 1069

Clearances 632

Congress System and 763

de-colonization 1068–9

early modern society 632

foundation 628–9, 631–2, 1285

French Revolutionary Wars 721, 724–5, 726–7, 728

Hanoverian dynasty 637–8

Imperial policy 851

inter-war politics 976–7

July Crisis and 877, 879–88

liberalism 802–3, 807, 810

Luddite rebellion 737

Napoleonic Era 737

nineteenth century 807, 810

post-1945 1074–5

Regency period 737, 754

State Nationalism 813

Suffrage movement 958

war with U.S.A. 739, 742

Vienna Congress gains 762

(see also
England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales)

United Nations 1030, 1081, 1112

United Provinces of The Netherlands,


United States of America

‘Containment’ 1063

Declaration of Independence 637

historiography 29–31

inter-war period 927, 942–3, 965–6

Monroe Doctrine 763

post-1945 1059, 1062–4, 1070–1, 1077, 1080–1, 1109–17

War of Independence 637–8, 678–9, 689, 690

World War I 910–11, 914, 921

World War II 1008–9, 1028, 1030–1, 1036–48

Universities 361, 1248

Uralian-Finnic Group 219

Urban II, Pope 345

Utopianism 444,
491, 836–7, 945–6

Utrecht, Union of (1579) 538

Uzhgorod, Union of (1646) 505

Vagrancy 535–6

Valentinian, Byzantine Emperor 240

Valla, Lorenzo 477

Valmy, battle of (1792) 697, 719, 721

Valois, House of 408, 420, 421, 426, 539

Valtellina 537–8, 1219

Vandals 215, 222, 229, 242

Vasiliev, Alexei 1011

Vatican City 944, 1089

Le Preste)

Velazquez, P. 1210

Venice, Republic

Crusades and 359–60

demise of 345, 715

empire 1255

middle ages 344–5, 419


battle of

Treaty of (843) 306, 313

Vergniaud, Pierre 702

Verlaine, Paul 862

Versailles, Treaty of (1919) 927, 941, 942, 949, 986

Vespasian, Roman Emperor 189

Vespucci, Amerigo 511

Vico, Giambattista 603, 611, 683, 686

Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy 638

Victor Emmanuele II, King of Italy 824

Victoria, Queen of Great Britain 1300–1

Vidal de la Blache, Paul 47,


Congress of (1814–15) 738, 761, 762

in 1900

Jewish community

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