Everything I want: Will Alfie and Lily's love survive?... (34 page)

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I must have looked confused because he continued, “You’re not going to tell me you don’t remember. Maybe I should call the doctor back and tell him that you’re having gaps. He might need to keep you here a bit lo

He looked serious, but there was a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. He was teasing me. “You did. I do remember, and I believe I said no.” If he was going to play games with me, there was nothing in the rules that said I couldn’t play them

By then he was looking pissed, because his little ruse had backfired. I waited to see where he’d go with it next. “You did, but then we talked, and you confessed you could never live without me and agreed to be my bride.” It was my turn to smirk now. He recovered well from that

“Well I did agree, but only if you wore one of my thongs under your tuxedo.” Alfie’s eyes widened, and I could see the humor waiting to burst out of him, but he held his lips tight to prevent him from showing me what he was really fee

“I remember, and I agreed, but only if it was the black satin ones with the side bows and frilly mesh at the edges.” Alfie sat completely stern-faced, daring me to defy what he’d just told me. I wanted to giggle so badly, but I was tired a

“We need to pick this up again later, I’m exhausted, and I think I need to nap again.” A worried look crept over Alfie’s face. “What’s wrong, A

He looked a little unsure of himself, and I saw he was nervous. Alfie rarely gets nervous. In fact, the only time I’ve ever really seen him nervous was the first time we stayed together at Christmas after all our time a

He touched my cheek and gazed adoringly into my eyes. “I’m frightened,

I bunched my brows. “What are you frightened a

Alfie stared at me with so much love and hurt in his eyes, and I was confused that he was feeling this way. I was fine. “I’m worried if you go to sleep you won’t wake up a

Lifting my good arm, I patted the bed, motioning Alfie to get in beside me. He didn’t need to be told twice. He climbed on and snuggled into my side, placing his arm across my w

He inhaled heavily. “God, I’ve missed this.” His voice was gruff, and he sounded as if he might cry; his vocal range changed several times as he tried to keep his emotions in c

“Just lie with me, listen to my heartbeat, and hold my hand.” He did, and he must have been exhausted too, because he drifted off to sleep before I

Chapter 34
– Wedding Plans

lfie moving away from me woke me. “Hey,” he cooed, and bent to press his soft lips against my forehead. “I didn’t mean to wake you, but I’m kind of relieved to see that you are.” His smile was wide, and he looked so dishev

I felt really sorry for everything I had put him through. This was my fault, I was the one who wanted to tour with Cobham Street, and so it was my own fault that I was in the hospital. If I had just stayed with him, none of this past week would have happ

Jack arrived and I persuaded Alfie to go home and take a shower. He almost had a beard, and he must have felt so tired and drained after being here for the past eight

Alfie protested like crazy, but when I told him that he would be staying in a hotel in London instead of with me if he didn’t take care of himself, he reluctantly conceded that he could use a good bath, something to eat, and maybe a

Jack pulled him into a man-hug, and I saw Alfie’s body physically sag into Jack’s. “Take care of her until I get back.” His voice was raw with emotion. I wished I could have videoed the scene and kept it to show my kids in the future. “With my life,” Jack rep

This honest-to-god rock star was hugging my best friend from my childhood, and my heart warmed to Alfie even

Who could have known that those two guys would become firm friends? Alfie got what Jack and I were to each other, and that Jack would never come between us unless Alfie wasn’t treating me r

Alfie dipped his head and kissed my lips softly. His tongue barely grazed along my lips. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Kissing the end of my nose, he laid his forehead against mine, gazing longingly into my eyes. He inhaled sharply and pulled

“I love you so much, Lily,” he murm

“I love you too.” We smiled affectionately at each other, and Alfie backed away until his back hit the

Turning, he pulled the handle to make his way out, then turned back and winked at me before walking out, letting the door swing closed after

“Ack! Jesus, I’d tell you two to get a room, but you were already in one. That’s sick honey, staring all hot and sensual at each other, even when you’ve just come out of a

I swatted Jack’s arm. “Shut the fuck up,

He chuckled. “Uh huh, damn, you’re defending him with his lusty, I- could- fuck- you- right- here- never- mind- you’ve- been- a –coma- for-a- week eyes? I giggled at Jack, who almost ran out of breath when he sai
d it.

“Seriously, Lily, I am so relieved you’re okay. I couldn’t live without you, you know that, right? I nodded, because I felt the same way about Jack. He leaned in and hugged me, pouring all the love he had for me int
o it.

After persuading Jack to leave, I slept again. When I woke the oversized clock on the wall displayed 3:20am. Alfie was sitting on the chair to my left, his head resting on his arm on my bed. I hadn’t heard him come back, but felt bad that I was laid on the bed, and he was crouched over like

Running my fingers through his silky hair, I was rewarded with a soft moan escaping his throat. His head turned to the side so that I could see his beautiful face. Stroking his cheek produced a soft groan. His eyes fluttered open, and a slow, sleepy smile spread across his lips when his eyes met

“Hey,” he cooed, as he sat up straightening his back and running his fingers through his

“You want to come over here beside me, since you wouldn’t stay at home?” I smi

Alfie pulled his hoodie over his head, took his shoes off, and gently placed himself beside me then scooted down a bit, taking me in the crook of his arm, and snuggling me against

He inhaled deeply and kissed me softly on my head. “God, Lily, I desperately wanted to do this again with you, but I was beginning to waver a little, on my faith, that he’d give me another chance, to have this closeness with

Pulling my head back so that I could see him, his face was serious. The sadness in his eyes almost tore me in two. If I had ever had any doubts that Alfie truly loved me, they were demolished when I saw how tormented he was at the thought he would never be able to hold me a

Daylight streaming through the window woke me. Alfie was still beside me sound asleep, his arm firmly tucked around my waist. I could hear giggling and looked over in the direction of the door. There were some student nurses staring at us through the glass, as we lay together in my

I heard one of the students say, “Damn, what I’d give to be in her shoes. I can’t imagine what it would feel like having someone like that drool over me and sit patiently waiting for me while I was in a coma. Most rock stars would have seen it as an ideal opportunity to get laid somewhere else and blame her for being unconscious at the

Smiling, I glanced back down at my sexy- as- all- hell boyfriend. The girl was right. Most rock stars had problems being faithful, just from the temptation of what was offered night after night backs

After hearing tons of stories about guys that Alfie was in contact with, and some of the stuff I had seen with the groupies throwing themselves at guys like him, and even the guys in XrAid, I was lucky Alfie wasn’t like

He’d even told me that there had been a few times where some of the women had found their way into his hotel suite or show, one even managed to hide in the trunk of a limo one

After all we’d been through, and all we were to each other, I couldn’t believe that I was Alfie Black’s girl, or that he was finally mine. I swore to myself that I would do anything to keep it that

Stretching, I turned my butt to relieve the pain of laying in one position. Alfie’s grip immediately tightened on me. “Hey,” he cooed. “You okay, h

I smiled down at him. “Don’t look now but you’ve got an audi

His body tensed. “In a fucking hospital?” I nodded smirking, our faces were so close, our voices so soft toge

He smiled slowly. “Well honey, you know me, always the showman. He took his hand from around my waist and brushed some hair away from my forehead, tucking it behind my

Moving to kiss me, I said, “Wait. I need to brush my t

Alfie smirked. “Lily with the stuff we’ve done in the past you think a little morning breath is going to stop me from kissing you?” He didn’t let me answer, just pushed his lips and pressed them firmly against mine. His tongue swept out, asking for entrance, then demandin
g it.

My lips parted, and his tongue brushed against mine. He groaned and exhaled raggedly. I moaned, and he pulled away. “Fuck, what time do I get you home?” he muttered into my

I giggled and the girls at the door were still there, but were standing silently. We heard them sigh in unison. “Damn, how hot is

We heard a commotion and the voice of the nurse from yesterday telling them to get away from the door. She was scolding and shooing them, and I could hear murmurs of apo

The nurse, whose name I now knew as Angela, came into the room and walked over to us. “You need to get off the bed, Alfie. Dr. Scott is coming to discharge Lily after reviewing the latest MRI res

“Let’s get you up and showered before he gets here.” Alfie smiled at me and turned to Angela, “Okay Angela. I’ll shower her, there’s really no need for you to stay as

Angela’s eyes flicked to me then back to Alfie. “Actually, Alfie the way you were looking at Lily when I came through that door tells me I absolutely have to stay. Otherwise, Dr. Scott might be reviewing something he definitely won’t be expecting to.” She smirked at me, and I felt myself blush for the first time in a w

Alfie chucked. “Damn, what is it with you females? Anyone would think we can’t care for our women without sex coming into the equation.” Alfie was met with silence and the deadpan faces of Angela an
d me.

He smirked but it turned into a chuckle as he threw his hands up in submission. “You can’t blame a guy for trying, can

I giggled and blushed again. “Maybe you should go find some breakfast and come back in half an hour, Alfie.” He nodded, stretched out, placed a chaste kiss on the end of my nose, and made his way out of the

Angela shook her head and sighed. “You have no idea what I’d give for one night with a man like Alfie,” she swooned, looking wistfully at the door long after he’d

I cleared my throat, and she smirked then looked sheepishly at me. “God, I said that out loud didn’t I?” Her face registering the shock she’d given herself. I giggled, and she relaxed. “Come on let’s get you clean so that we can throw you out of here and give this bed to someone who really need
s it.”

When I was clean and looking fairly normal, I realized that my skin had lost a lot of its color, and I was looking slightly yellow instead of the healthy glow I had built up over the past few y

My arm still ached and was weak. There was no way I could have played my guitar. I couldn’t even hold a plastic beaker of water at this

Dr. Scott seemed pleased with me though. He told me that I might feel a bit tired for another week or so, but to listen to my body and just rest when I felt I neede
d to.

I wondered how I was going to rest when there was so much left to do for Elle’s wedding. This gave me the thought that maybe she’d changed her mind and didn’t want me there now. I hadn’t seen or heard from her since, but I’d worry about that when I got

Alfie had a car waiting for us when I left the hospital, and there were a lot of reporters. Alfie told me on the way down about the media frenzy there had been around what had happened. He told me that it wasn’t as bad as it would have been if it had happened in London or the

We were still relatively unknown here in France. I kept forgetting that because we were in a private US hospital. Alfie was big news, and the fact that my accident happened in a French stadium, and I was still in France made me newsworthy appare

As soon as he wheeled me outside and stepped out of the hospital into the fresh air, there were a huge amount of flashbulbs going off. Photographers all fought for the best pictures of us to sell to the newspa

Alfie shielded me by pulling my face tightly into his chest, while Henry and Carl pushed them aside and helped us into the limo. I was worried for the photographers as they ran alongside the car, still flashing through the blacked-out windows besid
e us.

We drove to a private airstrip where a charter plane was waiting, courtesy of Rick, and within about twenty minutes of being on board we were in the air and on our way home to London. Alfie stated, “I guess I need to get us one of t

I was exhausted and fell asleep as we took off, and the next thing I knew, Alfie was stroking my cheek and smiling. Stretching I was suddenly reminded my arm was still sore, and flinched when I had extended it so much I jolted my damaged nerves. Alfie lifted my fingers and kissed them. “We’ll get you settled in the car, and I’ll find your pain relief pills for

The look on my parents’ faces when they opened the door was difficult for me. I had caused them so much worry during the past

I sunk into the large leather couch, and Alfie was immediately by my side, settling himself down, and snuggling me into his c

“Thank God you’re okay, Lily. Everything is going to be better from now on. We’re just going to be guided by you. When you need to rest do it, you promise me?” I nodded, I felt as weak as a ten-day-old kitten right now anyway, so I was not going to protest about taking it

I fell asleep again, and when I woke, Alfie’s voice was vibrating in his chest, and I felt so comforted to be in his arms. Waking and listening to Alfie sounding so relaxed, talking to my dad, was a lovely feeling. I just lay with my eyes closed and listened to two of my favorite men getting along. It was music to my

“Absolutely. I’ll love this girl forever. If she wasn’t with me, nothing else would matter. Lily is the other half of me I didn’t know was missing, until she wasn’t ar

I felt like I was eavesdropping, and that wasn’t really fair to Alfie, so I shifted and opened my eyes. I couldn’t pretend to be sleep while he poured his heart out about me to my dad. I stretched out a little and when I stirred he looked down at me. “Hey,” he c

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