Authors: Kimberly Schwartzmiller
We sat down and she stared at me. “So, what’s new?” she grinned.
I sighed. “I’m assuming you know what’s new.”
“Yeah, I do. But, what I don’t know, is why you’re still here…in this house…with
, when you could be with the man of your dreams.”
“That’s not an option, and you know it!”
“Why not? What’s keeping you here? You don’t love Parker…” she visibly trembled when she said his name. “You never did and you never will. But, you’ve always loved Shane. What are you waiting for?”
“I’m married.”
“They have this thing called…divorce. You should try it, it’s all the rage!”
“Be serious!”
“I’m dead serious! Um, by the extra baggage under your eyes, I’m assuming you haven’t slept much since he’s been back?”
“Have you slept
with him
?” she asked, grinning.
I stood up a
nd grabbed the coffee pot.
You did sleep with him! Was it as good as…before?” she brazenly asked.
She knew. She could read me like a book. I couldn’t hide it, and frankly, I needed to talk about it. “No…it was so much better. But, it’s over. We had two nights together…closure. And I ended it.”
She laughed, “Yeah, right. You keep telling yourself that.”
“He left me! I won’t fall into that trap again. I can’t believe you’re pushing me to leave my husband and run off with a man that almost killed me when he left.”
“Oh, Rebecca! Maybe he’s grown up now. I know he hurt you. I know he did a lot of things. But, he really did love you. Maybe he just got scared. He’s older now, with a good career. He obviously isn’t just going to up and run off with a thriving business. Isn’t he worth another chance?”
“He didn’t just leave me, Jillian. My father paid him…to leave me,” I said, the tears starting.
“My father offered him a bribe to leave me. He…he took it! And he left!”
“A bribe? Why would your father do that?”
“He was trying to protect me.”
“Look, I um, I admit, I was always rotten to Shane. But, it wasn’t for the reasons you think.”
“What does that mean?” I asked, dabbing my tear-stained cheeks.
She sighed. “I’d seen him…across the street at the tire store, long before you met him at the mall. He um, he was the
…” she said, looking down.
“Oh…I didn’t know. I swear I didn’t know. I honestly thought it was Jeb
Henstrom that you had that crush on.”
“Yeah, I know.” she grinned.
“So, it was Shane that you were so in love with…and I just…I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”
She shrugged her shoulders. “It was a long time ago. I was jealous and I was a bitch! I’m sorry for that. When we saw him at the mall that first day, I was hurt that he was looking at you the same way I had been looking at him…for months.”
“I’m sorry,” I said, crying again.
“NO! Stop it! I’m happy!
More than happy, actually. I love Jake so much! I have my dream guy…now, what’s stopping you from re-claiming yours?”
“I told you. I can’t risk it. I won’t be hurt like that again! And, I won’t let him hurt Shannon like that, either.”
“Hmm, so then, you’d just rather rattle around in this big old house…alone, when you could be getting laid by the man you’ve always loved? Grow up, Becca! Put your big girl panties on and leave Parker!”
“And do what? What happens when he leaves again?”
“What happens if he doesn’t? Oh, wow, maybe…just maybe you might actually find some happiness!”
“But for how long? I’ll die if…I just can’t!”
She stood up and said, “I didn’t know about the bribe, but honestly, I don’t buy it. Something’s not right here, Becca. I may have been horrible to you when you started dating Shane, but I wasn’t blind, I could see how much he loved you. Don’t let him go…not this time!”
“I didn’t let him go! He left!”
“I have to go. I have a doctors’ appointment,” she said.
“You didn’t even touch your coffee.”
“I um, I’m drinking decaf…these days,” she grinned.
Oh…really?” I stood up and hugged her.
“Yeah, you’re the first to know…well, beside
s Jake.”
“I’m so happy for you. I’m going to be an aunt twice! Sam’s pregnant too!”
“That’s great. Give her my love.”
“I will. Thanks for stopping by.”
“Yeah, well, it feels good to get that off my ‘suddenly larger’ chest!” she grinned, sticking out her 32 AA’s, that may have possibly grown to a 34 A. That made me laugh, and it felt good.
“Talk to him. Find out his side of the story. You belong with him. You always have. You were never happier than when you were with him. And, Shannon deserves a father.”
“I’ll think about it.”
She shook her head at me and then headed out the door.
The next afternoon, I walked to Shannon's school, getting there a little early. Shane was already there, eagerly awaiting his time with his daughter.
“Hi,” I said, looking up at him.
“Hi. You didn't have to come. I told you, I'll bring her back...”
“I know. I'm not worried. I um, I wanted to talk to you...for a minute.” I decided Jillian was
right, I needed to hear his side of the story.
“Okay. Do you want to go sit on the swings?” he asked, grinning.
“Um, okay,” the blush was instant.
Parker came up behind us then. I cringed when I heard his voice. “What are you doing here Parker?”
“I wanted to see
daughter and set some ground rules.”
“Parker, go back to work. I can handle this.”
“Yeah, because you've done so well up to now!”
I closed my eyes. I was concentrating on taking a few breaths and gathering my thoughts, when Shane spoke up.
“For the record, I'm her father. You know it and I know it. And, since I've been deprived of spending time with her, or even knowing she existed until a few weeks ago,
going to set the ground rules...with Rebecca!”
“You listen to me...” Parker started.
Shane towered over him. “I don't think you really want to mess with me right now! Back off and let me talk to Rebecca for a minute!”
“You mean
“I know she's your wife, although I still haven't figured out why. But, she's also the mother of my child, so we are going to have a conversation. In fact, I'm certain that we're going to have quite a few conversations about our daughter, so you better get used to it!”
“Whatever you need to say about my...Shannon, you can say to me!”
Shane laughed. “Hayes, the only reason I'm even bothering to talk to you now is out of respect for Rebecca. But, if you so much as come near me,
then believe me, the next time I go to jail, it'll be justified!”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Call it what you want. You will anyway. But, I will see my daughter and I will talk to Rebecca about Shannon or anything else that needs to be said.”
So, now you want to
to my wife? Or, are you planning on kissing her again?” he glared, waiting for Shane to hang his head in shame.
He only smiled. “Well, I guess that's up to Rebecca.”
“You Son of A BITCH!” Parker shouted and lunged at Shane. Shane, the faster of the two, quickly averted Parker and had him in a choke hold with no effort on his part.
“I told you, I learned a lot about self-defense. I also know my rights. Go back to work before you get hurt!”
“Parker, please go. What do you think we're going to do standing outside of Shannon's school?”
“I wouldn't put anything passed HIM!”
Shane let Parker go and stood prepared for another attack. He must have realized that he was no match for Shane and said, “I'll see you tonight! And, we
Just...go to work,” I ordered, irritated that he showed up at all.
Finally, we were alone and as we started to walk over to the swings, the bell went off and suddenly the doors burst open and kids came out running and screaming. “Um, well, I guess we can talk later. Why don't you come inside to the office with me and I'll put you on the list so that you can pick her up without me having to call.”
“Hmm, so, is that your way of avoiding me?”
“I was kidding, Rebecca. I appreciate it, really.”
Shannon came running up to us and ran straight to Shane. I have to admit, I was a little hurt, but as I looked at the two of them together, I knew it was a good thing. He was going to be a great father, he'd already proven that. I’d just prayed he’d stick around.
We walked into the office and patiently waited while the school nurse and the secretary fussed over a child who’d run into a door and had a nice shiner on his eye.
“Well, next time
watch where you're going, Jason.”
The child sniffled and moaned and soon the secretary walked away, leaving the nurse to deal with the crying child. “How can I help you?”
“Hi, um, we need to get Mr. Ramsay's name on Shannon's pick up list.”
She pulled the card from a file and said, “Name?”
“Oh, um, Shane Ramsay.”
Shane rattled off the numbers for both his cell and his office.
This stunned us both. He looked at me, waiting for me to answer. I know he wanted me to say ‘father,’ but since we hadn't told Shannon who he was, I couldn't give him what he wanted. He knew it and started to say something, but Shannon spoke up instead, “He's my friend!”
This seemed to appease her and she wrote it down, “Okay, you're all set. If for some reason you need to pick her up early, just give us a call and we’ll have her ready.”
“Thank you,” Shane said and took Shannon's hand.
“So, can I see the puppy now? I've been waiting forever!”
“Yep, it's time to feed her too, so let's go.” He smiled and turned to me, “Do you want to come?”
What I wanted, and what
was appropriate were two entirely different things. I wanted to scream yes, but I said, “No, I have some accounts to take care of. You um, you two have fun.”
“She'll be home by six-thirty at the latest. I'll take care of dinner.”
I nodded and watched them walk away, hand in hand.
“Wow, why don't I have friends that look like that?” the secretary said, watching Shane out her window.
I turned and smiled. “Yeah, he is...well, he's...”
“YES HE IS!” she winked at me.
I blushed and slowly made my way home.
I puttered around the house, not really having any work to do. When the house was
spotless, the laundry folded and put away and the cookies I made for dessert were all done, I realized I hated the time away from my daughter. I had enough time away from her when she was in school. But,
was my time with her. That's why I worked at home. I knew Shane deserved time with her. He had been deprived, but to no fault of mine. As I wandered through the house, I knew what was really bothering me. It was more than just being away from Shannon; it was that I wanted to be with them both. I wished it could be the three of us. But, the fear of him leaving again kept me from doing what I really wanted, which was to leave Parker and move in with the man who’d had my heart since I was 16 years old.
Parker made sure to be home from work early, holding up in his upstairs office to finish working so that he’d be around when Shane dropped off Shannon. I knew he was trying to protect what was his...namely, me.
“I’m glad you're home!”
“Where else would I be?” I asked, ignoring his insinuation.
“Why didn't you tell me Ramsay was the vet?” he asked, ready for a fight.
“Because I wanted to avoid...this!”
“You're lying! You wanted to avoid me, and sneak around with him! That's what you wanted!”
“Don't be ridiculous. I didn't even know he was back!”
“The cat's been well for a while now, so you've known! I don't want you anywhere near him!”
“Parker, he's her father, and whether you like it or not, he has rights.”
“He's a criminal!”
“He’s done his time. He also said he was acquitted of all charges.”
“So, you're going to stand there and defend him after all he’s done? He took a bribe from your father, for God's sake!”
This had been one of the key elements holding me back. I had wanted to believe him, but he willingly took money from my father as a leave me! This, I couldn’t get past! “He’s still her father.”