Authors: Kimberly Schwartzmiller

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His eyes were red, his shoulders sagged, his demeanor no longer tall and proud. What he’d done was eating him alive. I realized that it had been eating
at him all along. I was just so lost over the years that I failed to see that I wasn’t the only one suffering.

I was still angry, but as I looked up at Shane and he said, “Give him a chance.”  I sighed and nodded my head. We followed him back out into the living room.

My mother was standing by the fireplace. Her eyes red and her cheeks covered in tears. She slowly made her way over to Shane and said, “I’m so sorry…for everything. I won’t make excuses for him, and maybe I’m as much to blame. I knew you were a good man…are a good man. We should have been there for you.”

It’s okay, it’s over.”

She wiped a stray tear from her cheek and said, “Can you honestly forgive us?”

I watched Shane glance at my father. He was so tense…terrified he’d lost me and Shannon…all of us. “I won’t lie, I’m angry. But, like I said, I have a daughter now, and I know I’d do anything to protect her. It’s time to move forward.”

I watched part of the tension drain from my father as my mother reached up and hugged Shane. He hugged her back and looked at me, willing me to go to my father. I wasn’t sure I was ready for that…ready to forgive him. But, as I watched Shane comfort my mother, I realized that if he could let it go, then
I could try.

I walked over to my father and looked up at him. He was broken, and I was the only one who could fix him. I took a deep, cleansing breath and said, “Do you promise to never interfere in my life again?”

He hesitated. I couldn’t believe it! I was offering him forgiveness and he was actually thinking it over.

I heard Shane laugh. I glanced back at him and said, “What’s so funny?”

“You’re his daughter, there’s no way he’s not going to interfere in your life.”

I turned back toward my dad. “Okay, then do you promise to never…and I mean NEVER interfere with my relationship with Shane

“I swear it! He’s a good man, I know that now. I’m sorry it took me so long to figure it out. I never should have pushed Parker on you. I was just so afraid you’d run off with Shane, and we’d never see you again. I knew Parker would stay here. I couldn’t lose you. I’m so sorry.”

I reached up and, even though I was still angry, I hugged my father. “I expect you to keep that promise. I love him.”

He hugged me tight. I could feel the last bit of tension drain from him. “I know you do. And, I know he loves you. Can you make me a promise?” he asked.

I pulled back. “I don’t think you’re in any position to ask for anything right now. I’m still angry with you.”

“I know. I don’t blame you.”

I rolled my eyes, “What promise do you want me to make?”

“I want you to promise me that you’ll fill this house with children. I want lots of grandkids.”

I reached down and patted my belly. “We’re working on number two…”

“I want more…lots more,” he grinned, starting to sound a bit more like himself.

“Well, that would mean Shane and I will have to…”

“I don’t want to hear about it!” he said, covering his ears.

I laughed and it felt good. “I want the videos Dad…all of them! The ones from Parker too! Promise me that!”

“I burned them all, Honey. They’re gone. I swear it!”

“Even the ones that Parker had?” I asked, my eyes narrowing, not sure if I could trust him.

“Yes. I burned them all. Parker handed them over without a fight. I told him that he wasn’t ever to come near you again, and that if he ever bothered you or Shane again, I’d ruin him. I promise you won’t have any more trouble from him…or from me!”

I sighed. “Thank you.” I looked around the house we were standing in. “So, we can really rent this house?” I looked over at Shane, hopeful, but cautious. I know he loved me, but I wasn’t sure what his plans were.

“No, you can’t rent something you own.”


“I put the hundred thousand dollars into some high equity stocks. They paid off. The house is yours…free and clear. It’s still in my name, but I have the documents ready for transfer.” He reached out and handed me some documents. “These documents are real. The house is yours…yours and Shane’s.”

I looked down at the paper. It was a title transfer from Bradley Brigham to Shane and Rebecca Ramsay.

“This says Rebecca…Ram…” I couldn’t say it, couldn’t dare say it out loud. I was afraid to jinx it.

“Well, I did promise to give you away seven years ago. It’s about time I kept that promise.”


“What? I’m not interfering, but I mean, you are carrying his
second child!
What the hell are you waiting for?”

Shane was laughing now, and seconds later my mother followed suit. Pretty soon we were all laughing.

Shane walked over to me and said, “Rebecca, I love you. I always have and I always will.  Will you…”

“Marry me, Shane! Please!” I couldn’t wait another second.

He put his arms around me, “Gee, why didn’t I think of that? Nothing will keep me from it this time,” he smiled. We both looked over at my dad.

“What? I want you to get married! I told you, I want you to fill this house full of grandkids for us!” he said, pulling my mother into his arms.

“Sounds wonderful!” my mom said. She’d managed to stay quiet, which I knew was hard for her, but she knew we had to sort this out and I think she was still in shock over everything.

“Mr. Brigham…” Shane started.

“I’d like you to call me dad, but I’ll understand if you can’t. I guess it’s my turn to earn your respect…Dr. Ramsay.”

“Thank you. I’m not sure about the…dad…thing, yet. I’ll work on it. But, I can’t accept this house. It wouldn’t be right. We’ll be fine. My business is growing, and I have some money saved up…”

“Good, put it toward your children’s college education. There’s a lot of rooms in this house and I expect a lot of grandkids.”

“I appreciate it, really…Bradley. But, I need to earn it.”

My father walked over to Shane, put his hand on his shoulder and said, “Believe me Son, you’ve earned it! I know it’ll never make up for what I did. For the pain I caused you…both of you. But, I really need to do this! No strings attached. Once your married, the house is yours…in your name, both of you!”

Mr. Bra …Bradley…Dad, um, I really think…”

“Don’t argue with me on this! Take the damned house! I purposely got one without a staircase!”

I had to laugh at that comment. “We’ll take it!” I said, hugging my dad.

I stepped back and looked up at Shane. “Please say yes. It’s a great house.” I pulled him down to whisper in his ear. “The master bedroom is way in the back and there’s a huge Jacuzzi tub just the right size…for two.”

I pulled back and noticed it was his turn to blush. I laughed.

“What are we waiting for? Let’s get married.”

“I kind of have to wait for my divorce to be final…first,” I said sadly.

“It’ll give us time to plan,” my mom said.

“I don’t want a big wedding. Just something small,” I patted my belly, “…before this one comes along,” I laughed.

“And the next one,” Shane smiled, bringing color to my cheeks once again. I reached up to kiss him.

“You’ll stay at home until then?” my father asked.

“Only if you’ll lift the ban on the staircase rule!”
I said sternly.

“Rebecca!” my father sighed, “Fine, it’s lifted.”

Shane laughed again. “No, the ban stays. We can wait until we’re married.”

“Speak for yourself!” I scolded. “I’m only going to get bigger,” I said, patting my noticeable bump.

“And more beautiful.” He put his arm around me. “But, I’m willing to compromise…”

I asked, confused.

“Yeah, hand-holding, hugging…and…kissing!”

I smiled, “Deal!” I pulled him down to seal it with a kiss, and just like that kiss so long ago, everyone and everything else disappeared. It was only the two of us, lost in each other. The rest of the world faded away…




Shannon made an adorable flower girl. My sister stood up for me, thrilled to finally being able to fulfill her duties as maid of honor. My father walked me down the aisle and handed me over to Shane without hesitation.

“Thank you, Daddy,” I said, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

“I should have done this seven years ago.” There was a tear in his eye.

“You’re here now. That’s all that matters.”

I took Shane’s hand and we smiled at each other before we turned to Father O’Brien. 

As we got to the part about the rings, I smiled as I reached out my hand, showing off the shining sapphire engagement ring I’d put back on the day we got re-engaged. He smiled and slipped on the matching wedding band.

“Where did you find one to match after all these years?” I whispered.

“I’ve had it. I picked it up the day I got out of prison.”

This brought a tear to my eyes and I was still smiling and staring down at the ring I’d waited
seven years to wear, as Father O’Brien pronounced us husband and wife.


The reception was at my parent’s home. It was a small affair, just as I’d requested. As we walked into the front door, I noticed a small sign at the bottom of the staircase;
The Ban is Now Lifted!

This had us both laughing, and my father was grinning from ear to ear as he started to cut the ribbon he’d placed at the bottom of the stairs.

Shane grabbed his arm and said, “Leave it! At least you know there’s ONE RULE we never broke.”

They shook hands and my father pulled Shane into a hug. My mother and Shannon joined in, and soon we were all teary-eyed and laughing.

“Can I call you Daddy, now?”  Shannon asked.

Shane looked at me and I took a deep breath, knelt down and said, “Um, Honey, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that.” I looked over at Shane, who had also knelt down to be eye-level with his daughter. “Um, Shane…well, he um, Shane IS your Daddy.”

She shrugged her shoulders and said, “I know that, Silly. I was just wondering if I could call him Daddy now, instead of Shane?”

“You know
I’m your father?” Shane asked.

“Yeah, I’m a kid, but I’m not stupid! I hear things,
ya know!”

I laughed, but Shane was serious as he said, “Do you want to call me Daddy?”

She reached out and hugged him and said, “Only if you want me to?”

He hugged her back and whispered, “
There’s nothing I want more! I love you, Shannon!” I saw a tear in his eye and knew he finally felt all the love and acceptance he’d always wanted but never felt worthy of. It all started one afternoon at the mall, and for all the trials and tribulations, he was worth the wait.  We were finally getting our ‘Happily Ever After!’



The Beginning!



A Quick Note

As an author, I depend on you, the reader, to let me know how I’m doing. Thank you so much for reading ‘Conviction.’ I hope you enjoyed it and will read the conclusion of the Interference Series, ‘Exoneration.’ I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please take a moment and post a review, I appreciate it!




Schwartzmiller is a wife, a mother of two, and a Labor and Delivery Nurse living in Northwest Montana with her family and a plethora of pets. An avid reader as well as a writer, she spends many late hours at the computer.


Also by Kimberly Schwartzmiller:

Parker’s Island

Exoneration (Interference Series, Book Two of Two)




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