Finally (11 page)

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Authors: Miranda P. Charles

BOOK: Finally
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“If I say
a lot
, would you say
more than a lot

“Um, do you guys want to be left alone?” Amanda interrupted.

Jeff smiled lopsidedly, glancing up ahead. “I’d say yes, Amanda, but it’s not a good idea to be alone with Sarah right now. Maybe later, when no one apart from her best friends could witness how hot she’s feeling right this moment.”

Sarah gasped out loud at Jeff’s cheeky comment. “Speak for yourself,” she chastised, knowing her grin betrayed the fact that she wasn’t the least bit annoyed.

“They’re coming,” Rebecca murmured.

Sarah turned her head to see who Rebecca meant and found Magda walking toward them with Zach, Olga and Marilyn.

She swallowed her disappointment. Of course, those people—except for Zach—must not know. With Olga and Marilyn around, she and Jeff would need to be careful with their flirtations for Magda’s sake.

“Hasn't this day turned out to be such a beautiful day?” Magda said as they joined them in the gazebo. “It would be nice to have lunch out here, don’t you think?”

“Great idea, Gran,” Jeff said. “We can ask the staff to set up a table here for us.”

“Yes! Is everyone okay with that?”

Everyone nodded their head enthusiastically.

“I’ll let the kitchen know,” Jeff said, standing up to go back inside.

“Thank you, dear,” Magda said, before introducing Amanda to Olga and Marilyn.

Sarah surreptitiously observed Marilyn as everyone made small talk. The woman was sitting next to Magda and was showing her some pictures from her phone. It was evident they were close. Did Magda see Marilyn as a granddaughter? Would Magda mind if Jeff preferred Sarah over Marilyn?

Oh, stop it Sarah,
she mentally berated herself. A few flirtatious lines from Jeff and she was already hoping for a blessing from his grandmother.

She must remember that Jeff was just a big flirt. Their earlier exchange didn’t prove anything apart from confirming that their fling was still on. She shouldn’t jump to conclusions too quickly.

Magda coughed, trying to clear her throat.

“Sarah, could you make me another honey lemon tea? This tickle in my throat is starting to bother me again.”

“Of course,” Sarah said. “Anything else you need while I’m in there?”

“That’s all, dear. Thank you.”

“Excuse me,” Marilyn said. “I need to go to the bathroom. I’ll walk back with you, Sarah.”

Sarah glanced at Marilyn in surprise. The woman was actually paying attention to her! She didn’t have a choice but to fall in step with Marilyn as they made their way back into the hotel.

“Sarah, I want to apologise to you for my snobbishness when we were on the cruise.”

Sarah stared at Marilyn. She hadn’t expected

“I was just angry and jealous because Jeff had ended our relationship, then started one with you. No one told me, but I guessed. It’s so easy to tell with Jeff. Just pay attention to whom he’s being flirty with and you’ll know who his current flame is. And he was really flirty with you during the last days of the cruise.”

“I see. Are you, uh, okay now?”

Marilyn smiled—a little sadly, Sarah thought.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” Marilyn answered. “One thing my affair with Jeff taught me was to go for someone who’s relationship material next time. I don’t want to waste any more time and emotions on men who don’t want something more meaningful.”

Sarah didn’t know what to say, so she just sent Marilyn a sympathetic smile.

“Can I ask you something?” Marilyn said.


“The reason I want to ask is because I actually like you, and I kinda want to give some advice. If you don’t mind, that is,” Marilyn added a little a sheepishly.

“Go ahead.”

“Is it just a fling for you? I mean, are you hoping for something more?”

it’s just a fling,” Sarah said, not willing to answer the second question.

“That’s good you’re not getting carried away then,” Marilyn said. “When I was with Jeff, I found it hard to remember it was just a fling. He can be so sweet that it’s easy to forget it was just casual. You know what I mean?”

Sarah nodded, knowing exactly what Marilyn meant. There wasn’t the least bit of snark in Marilyn’s tone, and Sarah couldn’t help but feel a certain camaraderie with her companion.

“Jeff has a way of making women feel they’re special while he’s with them,” Marilyn continued. “I know he doesn’t do it to deliberately mislead, it’s just the way he is. That’s why it can be so easy to fall for him. But truth be told, I think he’s not over his ex-fiancée.”

“Bianca?” Sarah asked, remembering the name Jeff mentioned once before.

“Yes. Why else did he become such a playboy who doesn’t want commitment after Bianca broke up with him? He must have loved her a lot to be hurt by her so badly.”

Sarah’s heart sank with sadness. She’d thought exactly the same thing.


eff was heading toward the back exit to rejoin the others in the gazebo when he caught sight of someone from the corner of his eye. His heart skipped a beat and he knew it was Sarah. He backtracked and poked his head into the kitchenette where staff usually made hot drinks. Sarah was putting a kettle down, her back turned to him. He looked around, saw no one and quietly closed the door.

Sarah was stirring something. From the looks of it, she must be making his grandmother’s tea. He sneaked closer then ran a hand on her back.

She let out a short yelp, her hand flying to her chest. “Jeff! You scared the hell out of me!”

“Sorry,” he said with a chuckle, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling her cheek. Finally, he had her in his arms again. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d pined for a woman like he’d done for Sarah.

“Hey, someone might come in here,” she whispered, trying to escape from his embrace.

“I just want a kiss, then I’ll let you go.”

“Jeff...” she said with clear warning.

“The sooner you kiss me, the sooner I’ll leave,” he said in her ear.

She sighed—a heavy, resigned sigh—then cupped his face and planted her lips on his.

He couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped him, nor could he help crushing her to him and deepening their kiss. God, he missed her so much.

“That’s enough,” Sarah said breathlessly against his lips. “One of the staff will catch us if you don’t stop.”

“Missed you,” he murmured, refusing to loosen his arms around her.

“Really?” Sarah’s eyes were round and disbelieving—and hopeful. Just too cute. And damn, those eyes really were beautiful.

“Really, babe. I missed you
a lot.

“That’s nice,” Sarah said with a small smile. “Now go.”

He gaped at her. “That’s it?”

“What do you mean? You said one kiss and you’ll go.”

“Where’s my
I missed you more than a lot

“I missed you more than a lot, Jeff,” Sarah said quietly, staring at him.

Her words, and the way she looked at him, made his heart dance madly in his chest. Nice feeling—really good, actually.

“Now, will you leave?” she asked in a light tone.

“Maybe I’ll wait till you’re finished and I’ll carry that tray for you.”

“No. You better go first, so no one would notice you’ve locked us in here together.”

“The door isn’t locked.”

“You know what I mean.”

He exhaled loudly. Sarah was right. It wouldn’t be good if they were found out, especially with guests around. And Sarah seemed truly concerned about being caught. He didn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. “Okay. I’ll see you out there.”

He walked out, frowning. Suddenly the thought of having to sneak around to be with Sarah annoyed him. Why did they have to keep it a secret?


eff sat on a day bed by the pool, watching Sarah lead Magda in some light hydro-aerobics. Zach had taken the others to the winery, and he’d chosen to stay behind. Nothing better than watching Sarah in her sexy swimsuit, looking utterly desirable.

“Jeffrey, you should join us,” Magda said. “Get some exercise.”

“I’m happy to just watch, Gran,” he said. “You guys are doing great.”

“Here you are, beautiful people,” a male voice said from the threshold, startling them all.

“Connor!” Jeff and Magda exclaimed.

Jeff got up to greet the new arrival with a big man-hug. “Dude! Long time no see!” He hadn’t seen his childhood friend and Hunter Valley neighbour since his parents’ and grandfather’s funeral.

“I know. Far too long, bro. Hello, Granny Mags. You’re looking good,” Connor said, giving Magda a hand as she got out of the pool and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“So good to see you after so long, Connor,” Magda said, taking the towel Sarah handed her.

“I know,” Connor responded distractedly, staring at Sarah. “And who might you be?” he asked her with charming smile.

“I’m Sarah. Magda’s nurse.”

Connor glanced at Magda. “A nurse, Granny? Are you not well?” he asked with concern.

“It was just a chest infection. I’m almost over it,” Magda said dismissively.

“Good,” Connor said. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Sarah. I’m the son of the people who own the property next door.”

“Good to meet you, Connor,” Sarah replied.

“Anyway,” Connor continued, “apart from saying hello, I’m here to invite you for dinner with my parents. I was under strict instructions to only take yes for an answer.”

“Oh, I’ve been meaning to call on your parents,” Magda said. “But I’ve been waiting for my cough to go away. Sarah here watches me like a hawk to make sure I follow doctor’s orders.”

Connor chuckled. “Well, beautiful Sarah, what do you say? Is Granny Mags allowed to head over the fence for some dinner?”

“She’s fine to go wherever she wants as long as she doesn’t tire herself out,” Sarah said with a smile.

“Not a good time tonight though, Connor,” Jeff interrupted. “We have other people staying with us this weekend—this week, actually. Why don’t you and your parents come over here for dinner instead? We’ll have it at the restaurant. Our new chef’s cooking for us tonight.”

“Oh, I’m afraid we can’t tonight. We’re going to my uncle’s for dinner. It’s his birthday. Hey, isn’t yours next week, Jeff?”

“It sure is. Will you still be around to join us? We’re having a small party here.”

“Yeah, definitely. It would be great to see Zach and Greg too.”

“Zach’s here this weekend, he’s over at the winery now with the others. Greg won’t be here until next week.”

“How long are you in the country for, Connor?” Magda asked.

“I’m staying put for a while,” Connor answered. “I’ve quit my job. It was very exciting and full of perks, but I’m tired of not having a permanent home for seven years.”

“Wow, that’s a big move. Are you wanting to settle down?” Magda teased.

“I’ve got to find a woman who’d put up with me first, Granny,” Connor answered with a laugh. “I’m actually thinking of setting up my own servicing business for luxury cars—mainly sports.”

“Cool,” Jeff replied. “Right down your alley, bro.”

“What kind of work did you do overseas, Connor?” Sarah asked.

“I was a mechanic for Formula One cars.”

“Oh,” Sarah said. “Did you get to drive them too?”

“You bet,” Connor said with a grin. “Loads of fun when you’re test driving one of those beasts.”

“Wow,” Sarah said, looking impressed.

“And have you always been a nurse, Sarah?”

“Yes. I used to work full-time in a hospital, but I mainly do private nursing these days.”

“Ah. So you’re staying here with Granny Mags?”

“Yes, for another couple of weeks.”

“Good. I’ll see a lot of you then,” Connor said with an engaging smile. “I’m staying with my parents for at least a few weeks while I find myself a place to live in Sydney.”

“Hey, you want to see the changes we did to this place, Connor?” Jeff piped in, keen to stop the chit-chat between Connor and Sarah.

“Sure. I’d love to.”

“Let’s go. I’ll show you around,” Jeff said, leading his friend out of the pool house.

“We’ll have to do dinner some other time, Granny,” Connor called out. “And Sarah, you’ll have to come too. I wouldn’t take no for an answer from

“Thanks,” Sarah murmured.

Jeff was starting to get highly irritated at the turn of events. First, he still hadn’t kissed Sarah the way he wanted, and now he had to watch his old friend flirt with her.

He knew Connor. From the way Connor was smiling at Sarah, he’d be trying to charm the pants off her soon. No fucking way he was going to let that happen.

“Let’s go, Connor,” he repeated.


eff stood outside his door, patiently waiting. Sarah was still in his grandmother’s suite, helping Magda settle for the night. Finally the door opened and out came Sarah.

“Hey,” she said softly. “What are you doing standing out here?”

He raised an eyebrow. Did she really have to ask? He turned to open his door, then held out his hand to her.

Sarah took a deep breath and went in with him.

As soon as the door closed, he trapped her against it with his body, his arms braced on either side of her. “I was wondering when you would finish with Gran so I can have my time with you,” he murmured as he rained kisses on her face.

But something was wrong. He could tell. Sarah didn’t have to say anything, he just felt it. He pulled away to look at her.

“What’s wrong, baby?” he asked, voice laced with worry. Sarah had her eyes shut and had started taking deep breaths.

He cupped her face. “Sarah?”

“I.. um...” she started, but paused, still not opening her eyes.

He placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Tell me.”

She covered her face with her hands and mumbled something he couldn’t understand.

“What did you say?” he asked, prying her hands off her face.

She took another heavy sigh and looked at him with a troubled gaze. “I said I don’t want a fling anymore.”

His heart faltered, before hammering hard. No.
No, no, no.
“I don’t understand. You said you missed me. Didn’t you?”

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