Finally (12 page)

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Authors: Miranda P. Charles

BOOK: Finally
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Sarah didn’t answer and averted her gaze.

“Sarah,” he pleaded, cupping her face again. “You don’t want us to continue?”

She swallowed. “No, I don’t,” she said hoarsely.

“So you really didn’t miss me?” he asked, deflated.

“I did.”

He frowned. “But you don’t want me anymore?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You said you didn’t want a fling anymore.”

“That’s right,” she said, casting her gaze to the floor.

His heart skipped a beat as understanding dawned. Then it did that dance that it had become fond of doing when Sarah was around.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“For what?” he asked, a happy smile tugging his lips.

“For not being able to keep it simple,” she answered, still looking at the ground. “I shouldn’t have agreed to this second fling. I’m just not built for this casual-only stuff, Jeff.”

“Honey, look at me.” He tilted her head upwards with a finger under her chin. She finally looked up and her eyes were sad and moist. His heart constricted and he bent down to kiss those tears away.

“Jeff, please don’t make this hard,” Sarah pleaded tearfully.

“Baby, we—”

Sarah shook her head vigorously, interrupting him. “Please don’t say anything. You don’t need to spare my feelings. I knew exactly what I was getting into. It’s not your fault at all. And I’ll be totally fine and you don’t have to feel guilty—”

“Shut up, Sarah,” he said softly, before claiming her mouth to make her do just that.

Sarah sobbed, then kissed him back fervently, her fingers fisting through his hair.

He groaned, lifting her off the ground so her legs were wrapped around his waist. He carried her to the bedroom, angling his face so he could see where he was going without taking his mouth off hers.

He placed her on the bed, planting hot kisses all over her face, her neck, the valley between her beautiful breasts. “I missed you. Terribly,” he said again, in case she didn’t get it the first couple of times.

“What does this mean, Jeff?” Sarah asked with clear concern.

He kissed his way back to her face. “It means we’re no longer having a fling.”

“Oh. What are we having then?”

He caressed her cheek with a knuckle. “I guess we’re dating now.”

“Really? Is this what you want?” she asked in surprise.

“Yes,” he said, pulling her up to a sitting position and unzipping her dress.

“But... you only want a fling,” she said in confusion.

“Not anymore. I want us to get a bit more serious too, Sarah.”

“You do?” she asked, her tone hopeful.

“Yes. You know what else I really want?” he asked as he lifted her dress off her.


“To make love to my girlfriend right
. I’ve really missed you so much, baby.”

Sarah giggled—a happy sound that expanded his heart.

“Well, I don’t want you to continue suffering,” she said sultrily, reaching for his shirt buttons.

Sarah started out slow, kissing the parts of his chest that she’d exposed with each unbuttoning. But just like before, their need for each other after a long period apart was just too great to keep moving slowly. Before long, they were tearing each other’s clothes off.

He kissed her all over. Showing—not just telling—exactly how much he’d yearned for her. Sarah was burning just as much as he was, her lusty gasps and restless hips exciting him even further.

Their hands roamed each other’s bodies, their lips sought to kiss everywhere, and Sarah ended up straddling him.

He panted hard as he stared at her beautiful, flushed face looking down at him. He’d never get enough. Never.

Sarah took his stiff cock in her hand and stroked, her thumb swiping the moisture at the tip.

He groaned.

“Did you miss this, too?” she whispered.

“Yes,” he hissed.

“I missed this, too,” she said and started grinding herself against his hardness, her wetness spreading on him.

His head dropped back in pleasure, then he sat up so they were nose to nose. Sarah raised herself and guided his cock into her waiting core.
Ahh, so fucking good.

“Sarah,” he breathed as they moved in perfect tandem, hips rolling as he moved in and out of her. He kissed her lips, her face, her neck, then took a nipple in his mouth.

Sarah moaned, leaning back and arching her chest toward him. He flicked his tongue, laving her hard nipple and loving her reaction. The rocking of her pelvis against his was getting faster, and her gasps getting louder. He reached in between their bodies and rubbed her clit with his thumb.

“Oh God, Jeff,” Sarah cried, her hips grinding faster still, her body sheathing his hardness in the most pleasurable way.

“Did you miss this, baby?” he asked gruffly, his own breathing hot and heavy.

“Yes,” she mewled.

Together they rocked, their bodies fused as one as they soared to their heaven. When Sarah keened and her body clamped around him, he gathered her tighter.

“Sarah... oh, baby...” he breathed in awe as he exploded inside her, trembling as he held her in his arms.


have to go back to my room,” Sarah murmured sleepily.

to?” he asked, running his fingers lightly over her arm. “You don’t

Sarah shifted so she was lying on his chest, staring at him. “I think we should still keep this quiet while Marilyn is around. She still likes you, Jeff. I don’t want her to feel hurt and uncomfortable.”

He lifted his eyebrows in surprise. “You two have been talking?”

“She just told me a couple of things. Anyway, I think she’s a nice person who doesn’t deserve to have your relationship with me rubbed in her face. Not this week, especially when she’s here as your guest.”

He tucked her hair behind her ear, touched that she could be that considerate about someone he used to sleep with. “Okay. As long as you’re back here tomorrow night.”

Sarah grinned her lovely, sunshiny smile. “As early as I can, honey.”

He sighed contentedly. That was a smile that could make him do anything she wanted. Anything.

“So what else did you and Marilyn talk about?” he asked.

“Not much. We only spoke for a couple of minutes.”

“Was she at all bitchy to you?”

“No. Not at all. Although she thinks we’re only having a fling, so I don’t know how she’d react if she finds out I’m your real girlfriend now. And I think she’s still jealous of your ex-fiancée.”

“Bianca? Why?”

“She thinks you’re not over her.”

“Oh. I’m surprised she thinks that.”

Sarah buried her face in his neck. “Well, I’m glad she’s in New York,” she murmured.

“Why? You think I’m not over her?”

“It’s not that. I just have a thing with exes still being in the picture. I’m glad I could enjoy my new relationship with you without having to worry about you crossing paths with her.”

He opened his mouth to set the record straight, but shut it again. This night was special. It wasn’t the time for disclosures. Besides, he and his brothers might still decide not to give Bianca an ongoing role, so there was no point upsetting Sarah about his ex being around.

He squeezed Sarah tighter, forcefully ignoring the worry that sprouted its ugly head.


arah stretched as she awoke, the delicious aching in some of her muscles reminding her of the hours of incredible pleasure she’d spent in Jeff’s arms last night.

She glanced at the clock and bolted out of bed. Well, she tried to. A heavy Jeff was wrapped around her, trapping her in the bed with him.

“Jeff, I have to get up,” she whispered, shaking him awake.

He mumbled and tightened his arm and leg around her.

She smiled, caressing his hair. She loved waking up next to him. “Honey, I have to get up. Let me go,” she repeated.

“No,” he murmured sleepily, puckering his lips and blindly kissing her face.

“It’s almost nine and your grandmother would have been up for ages. We usually have breakfast together.”

“It’s the weekend. Don’t you get a day off?”

“Technically, weekends are my days off and I could do whatever I want. But I generally just spend them here and do what I do with your gran. So she’s used to me having breakfast with her everyday.”

“There are other people around. She has plenty of company this weekend—for the next couple of weeks, in fact,” Jeff said, kissing her shoulder.

“But she’ll wonder what’s happened to me.”

“You can tell her you slept in. She won’t mind,” he said, running his hand along her naked back and bottom.

Oh, she wanted to purr at his touch. “I suppose you’re right. She does have plenty of company today.”

“Yes. And wouldn’t you rather keep
company in bed?” he asked, nuzzling her neck.

Jeff’s phone rang, startling them both. He groaned and reluctantly picked it up, keeping his arm around her so she wouldn’t go anywhere.

She sighed and settled on his chest with a contented smile. Could she really resist when the man she loved wanted to keep her in his bed?

“Hey, bro, what’s up?” Jeff said to the caller. “...Oh yeah, I forgot... Are you?... Okay. Sorry. I’ll be there soon.”

“Was that Zach?”

“Yeah. I forgot we were supposed to go to the winery to talk about a couple of issues.”

“It’s the weekend. Don’t you get a day off?” she teased.

Jeff chuckled. “Not today. Anyway, I’m afraid that we do have to get up. I’ll probably be out and about with Zach most of the day, inspecting things and talking to the weekend managers, so I might not see you until later this afternoon.”

“Okay. I’ll spend the day with Bec and Amanda,” she said, already feeling melancholy that she wouldn’t see him for a week. How pathetic was that? She shook her head at herself.

“What?” Jeff asked.

“Nothing. I’m just thinking I won’t see you for a week.”

Jeff grinned, pulling her back in his arms and kissing her lips. “I’m already looking forward to some hot sexing when I come back. That’s sure to occupy my mind for the whole week.”

“Is that all you ever think about? Sex?” she asked with a mock frown.

“Can’t help it. You’re too hot,” he said, cupping a breast.

She playfully swatted his hand away. “Okay, stop. We
to get up.”

“Fine,” he said with a loud sigh. “Just remember that it’s my birthday next week. So I should have a double dose of you.”

“And since it will be your birthday, don’t forget that you’ll have guests who’ll be here for the weekend. You’ll have to be up for hours entertaining them.”

Jeff groaned and she giggled.


ey girls!” Sarah said to Amanda and Rebecca, who were looking oh-so-relaxed sitting in the inviting Jacuzzi in the pool house.

“Here she is,” Amanda said. “We were thinking Jeff’s bed might have eaten you up.”

“Or Jeff might have,” Rebecca giggled.

Sarah chuckled.

“Last night, I debated whether to wait up for you or not,” Amanda said. “But when midnight came and you still didn’t turn up, I decided to go to sleep. Good thing I did. Because when I woke up, your bed wasn’t even slept in.”

“Sorry,” Sarah said, joining the girls in the hot tub. “I wasn’t planning to spend all night in Jeff’s room, but I just fell asleep there. When I woke up it was already morning.”

“Zach had waited for Jeff since eight thirty so they could walk to the winery through the vineyards. He was going to knock on Jeff’s door to see what was keeping him, but I told him to ring instead.”

“Thanks, hon,” Sarah said. “We didn’t mean to sleep in.”

“Late night, huh,” Amanda said.

Sarah grinned. “Very.”

“Marilyn was asking where you were this morning,” Rebecca said. “She saw us having breakfast and you weren’t there.”

“I saved you and said you were still in bed,” Amanda quipped.

“Oh, thanks,” Sarah said. “I don’t really want her seeing proof of Jeff and me sleeping together, even though she knows we are. Were all of you there for breakfast? Even Magda and Olga?”

“No. The grandmothers and Marilyn didn’t have breakfast with us. They went to have it at Marilyn’s godmother’s place not far from here. Apparently, the godmother is also Magda and Olga’s long-time friend.”

“Did Magda say anything about me not being around to make her tea? I’ve made it for her everyday since we arrived here.”

“Well, fortunately, Zach and I were already having breakfast when she came out,” Rebecca said. “I made her tea. She didn’t ask where you were. Knowing Gran, I wouldn’t be surprised if she already knows about you and Jeff.”

“Hmm. I was telling Jeff we need to keep things cool in public for Marilyn’s sake. She specifically sought me out to apologise and give some friendly advice. I don’t want to be walking around the place making her feel uncomfortable—or hurt.”

“So you and Jeff are ready to come out? What does that mean?” Amanda asked.

Sarah grinned. “Well, we spoke last night and we decided to end our fling and officially date.”

“Really? How did that happen?”

Sarah told them about her night with Jeff—omitting the details of their hot sex.

“Wow,” Rebecca said. “I’m surprised. But I’m glad for you, honey.”

“Well, it’s still all new,” Sarah said. “I was actually prepared to go back to my room and cry on Amanda’s shoulder all night. But his response surprised me. I wasn’t expecting it.”

“There you go. You never know when playboys might change their spots,” Amanda said.

“Actually, Marilyn told me yesterday Jeff wasn’t always a playboy,” Sarah said. “She said she noticed how he’d changed after his ex-fiancée broke up with him. I kind of think there’s some truth in her observation because I’ve thought the same thing too.”

“Changed as in how? He started to sleep around because he became free?” Amanda asked.

“No. That he must have been so shattered that he’d closed himself off to other women.” Sarah grimaced. Just thinking about Jeff being so in love with someone else pricked at her heart, even if it was in the past.

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