Find, Fix, Finish (53 page)

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Authors: Aki Peritz,Eric Rosenbach

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Bani Hassan tribe
Barbary pirates
Barre, Siad
Beheadings, of hostages
Benjamin, Daniel
Berg, Nicholas
Berger, Sandy
Bhatti, Salahuddin
Bhutto, Benazir
Biden, Joe
bin Laden, Osama
before 9/11
after 9/11
in Afghanistan
al-Zarqawi pledges
and the CIA
communication systems
gives interview
kill mission
legal status of
meets Abu Faraj al-Libi
meets Abu Zubaydah
meets Zarqawi
as military target
in Pakistan
personal security
religious training
and Shaykh Said
Tarnak Farms compound
ties to Yemen
and U.S. embassy bombings
Biological weapons
Black, Cofer
Black Hawk Down
Black Hawk Down
(book and film)
Black sites
Blackhawk helicopters
Blair, Tony
Bloomberg, Michael
Bojinka conspirators
Bombs, making
Boren, David
Borger, Gloria
Boumediene v. Bush
Brennan, John
al-Qaeda in
British Security Service (BSS, MI5)
forces in Iraq
intelligence gathering in
intelligence organizations
London transit system attacks, 2005,
Operation Overt (plot to blow up commercial flights).
Operation Overt (plot to blow up commercial flights)
response to Powell’s UN address
Britain’s, Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC)
British School, Lahore Pakistan
British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS, MI6)
British Security Service (BSS, MI5)
Brooklyn Bridge, as terrorist target
Bulgaria, response to Powell’s UN address
Bureaucracy, of intelligence organizations
Burjak, Ali and Yasmin
Bush, George H. W.
assassination plot
rendition under
Bush, George H. W. administration
Bush, George W.
and bin Laden
defends rendition
elected president
and Guantanamo prison
meets with Yemeni president
and Operation Overt
public confidence, post-9/11
response to 9/11 attacks
response to civilian attacks
on war on terror
and warrantless searches
Bush, George W. administration
2004 reelection campaign
and al-Qaeda
defends Iraq-al-Qaeda connection
expansion of presidential power
intelligence analysis
and Libya
misuse of intelligence
and Operation Cannonball
public confidence, post-9/11
response to 9/11 attacks
on war on terror
Bush Doctrine
Byman, Daniel
Bybee, Jay
Byrd, Robert
Caldwell, William
Canal Hotel, Baghdad
Capitol Report
(CNBC TV show)
Cartoon, of Prophet Mohammad
“Case Closed” (
Weekly Standard
article, Hayes)
Centennial Olympic Park bombing
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
as bureaucratic
and Clinton administration
Counterterrorist Center (CTC)
Directorate of Intelligence
errors in intelligence
errors in rendition
and the FBI
internal investigation
interrogation methods
investigation of
Iraq and al-Qa’ida
Iraqi Support for Terrorism
Khost, Afghanistan base bombed
Office of General Counsel
paper on Iraq–al-Qaeda connection
and PDD 39
Special Activities Division
traditional role
Chemical and biological weapons (CBW)
Cheney, Dick
Chertoff, Michael
Chowan University
Church committee
Civil liberties
Clarke, Richard
Clinton, Bill
plan to assassinate
targets al-Qaeda
Clinton, Hillary
Clinton administration
and the CIA
rendition under
Cloonan, Jack
Cohen, David
COIN (counterinsurgency)
Cold war
, USS (naval destroyer)
Columbia Law School
Combating Terrorism Center at West Point
Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community
The Creed of Abraham
Cressey, Roger
Crigler, Frank
Crocker, Peter
Cruise missiles
Danish embassy, bombed
Darfur genocide
Darkness at Noon
Daschle, Tom
Davidson, Lynne
Death and Life of Great American Cities
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Delahunt, William
Delayed notice search
Delta Force
Democratic Party
Denmark, cartoon scandal
Department of Defense.
see also
Pentagon, Military plans to combat terrorism
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Deportation, of terrorists
Derwish, Kamal
Desert One operation
Detainee Treatment Act
intelligence from.
Debriefing; Torture
legal status of.
Terrorists, legal status
tried in U.S. courts
Deutch, John, “Worldwide Threat Assessment Brief,”
Diego Garcia (island)
Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
Disco bombing, Germany
Drug lords, as targets
Durbin, Dick
Economist, The
Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ)
Egyptian nationals
EITs (enhanced interrogation techniques)
Electronic surveillance
detected by subjects
effect on al-Qaeda
limitations of
Predator UAVs
Embassy bombings, in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998,
Emigrants, the (al-Muhajirun)
Enhanced interrogation techniques
Eoyang, Mieke
Estonia, response to Powell’s UN address
European Union
Ex Parte Quirin
Executive Order 13492,
Fadl, Doctor (Sayyid Imam al-Sharif)
Faisalabad, Pakistan
Fakhiri, Ali Abdul-Hamid al- (ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi)i)
on bin Laden
interrogation of
life before al-Qaeda

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