Finding Allie (15 page)

Read Finding Allie Online

Authors: Meli Raine

Tags: #New Adult & College, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #Romance, #Mystery & Suspense, #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: Finding Allie
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“We’re not tracking you,” Galt shouts back. “We need to get your little piece of ass—”

“She has a name!”

“Yeah. Sweet Piece of Ass is her name.”

Scuffling sounds, and then the sickening thud of a punch. I start to run outside because if these two have a throw down, I’m not sure who would win. Plus, in a weird sort of way, it’s me they’re fighting over. Shouldn’t I at least watch, or something, when two men have a fist fight over me? Isn’t that an unwritten rule?

As I try to walk outside I limp, my knees seizing up. I walk like, Chase really did what Galt thinks he did.

The sight outside is as bad as it sounded, with Chase and Galt wrestling on the ground, kicking up dirt. The only sound I hear for a few seconds is their heavy breathing and the occasional exclamation of “fuck!” or “ow!”

A familiar, sickly voice shouts, “You two pussies get the fuck off each other! You look like a couple guys in a biker movie getting ready to fuck each other! Last I knew, Galt, you weren’t no bottom.”

Chapter Seventeen

Ah. Frenchie has arrived. He walks over and looks me up and down.

“Damn, Girlie. If I hadn’t just had myself a buffet dinner of two redheads I’d be all over you for dessert. But I’m kinda full right now,” he says, cupping his crotch.

I try to make a face of disgust but my road rash hurts.

He pauses. “Actually,” he says with a chuckle, mercifully letting go of his balls, “they’re the ones that are full.” His cackle carries on the wind as he reaches down and shoves Chase and Galt apart.

“Frenchie?” Chase says in disbelief, looking from me to the nasty little man. “You brought Frenchie here, of all people? Stay the fuck away from Allie, Frenchie!”

“Ooo, her magic pussy got you under your spell,” Frenchie taunts Chase, who takes the bait and charges Frenchie, grabbing him around the waist. Chase has a good eight inches of height and fifty pounds of muscle on the little Italian man and the sound of Frenchie’s body hitting the rough ground makes me groan in sympathy.

That’s got to hurt.

Galt stands up and wipes his mouth.

“Chase!” I scream, running toward the ball of muscle and bone, of flailing limbs and punching fists.

Strong hands grab my waist and wrench me away. “Look what you did, little girl,” Galt says, shaking his head sadly at the sight of Chase and Frenchie fighting. He puts me down a few feet from them and gives me a look that says
Don’t move

“Me?” I squeak, staying put.

“Yep. Got me and Chase fighting, got Chase and Frenchie fighting, and your dad—okay, okay,” he says, holding up his dirt-covered palms—“your
all ready to kill every biker in the Atlas gang.”

“Why? Why’s Jeff looking for me like this?”

Galt gives me an uneasy look. “How old are you?” he finally asks. Oddly enough, we’re pretending Frenchie and Chase aren’t pummeling each other just four feet away.


“When’s your birthday?”

“A few weeks ago.”

He just nods slowly, “Okay, then.” Galt walks over to Chase and Frenchie and places his boot directly over Frenchie’s ass, giving it a huge shove.

“What the fuck, Galt! I don’t want no size eleven up my ass!”

“No, Frenchie, I know you prefer a women’s nine. Stiletto heel,” Galt says dryly. “Now get the fuck off my boy and let’s get this little girl where she belongs.”

Chase jumps up and steps in front of me. He’s bleeding and now his face matches mine. Ouch. “She isn’t going anywhere,” he says menacingly.

“You don’t control her, Chase. Jeff does.”

“Jeff doesn’t control me!” I insist. “What am I, a slave?”

Frenchie’s standing now, holding his back and moaning a bit. “Jesus, Chase, you went for my kidneys. I’ll be pissing blood for a week.”

“You’re lucky you can piss at all, Frenchie. You talk about Allie that way again and I’ll break your dick in half and shove it through your eye sockets,” Chase replies.

I snicker.

They all turn and look at me.

“Sorry,” I say, the giggles overwhelming me. “It’s been a long, long day.” The giggles won’t go away, even though it really, really hurts my face to smile and laugh. “And the idea of Frenchie’s broken penis shoved in his eyes...” I just can’t stop laughing.

Galt starts to laugh too.

“Why’s that so fucking funny?” Frenchie asks everyone.

“Because your dick’s too small to break in half,” Chase answers.

Galt sputters and a stream of bad words pours out of Frenchie’s mouth at Galt, most of them involving a variation of the word “fuck.”

Now I start screaming with laughter. I sound like a banshee and my lip’s split all over again. I double over, my stomach cramping from laughing so hard. Chase turns to me and with gentle hands, tries to calm me down. I can tell I’m not laughing because anything’s funny.

I’m laughing because I am completely, hopelessly, utterly out of control.

It takes another five minutes and two glasses of water for me to stop shaking with the giggles. When I’m finally finished, all my pain comes rushing back.

Galt turns on the lights in the shack and gets a cup of water. The light shines on me and Frenchie lets out a low whistle.

“Chase, you’ve never been rough with a woman before. You into that now?”

“Huh?” Chase says stupidly, completely surprised by the comment. He’s so shocked he doesn’t get angry.

“You beat her up like that?” Even Frenchie seems a little angry at the idea. Which is weird, and vaguely unsettling.

“No. Hell to the fucking no,” Chase roars. “I would never hurt her. And I won’t let anyone else, either,” he says.

“I fell off my bike,” I explain as Galt hands me a glass of water. The gesture is kind, and I try to smile at him. I fail.

“You ride?” Galt and Frenchie ask in unison.

“A bicycle.” Geez, I need to get used to this. Bike, bicycle, motorcycle...

“And I found her and brought her here to make her feel better,” Chase declares

“I’ll bet you made her feel all better. She hurt her tits, ass, and—” Frenchie looks me up and down. “Nice, wide hips. She’s got a big titty rack. Like the cleavage that comes up. Some nice meat on her.”

Chase looks like he’s going to rip Frenchie’s windpipe out of his neck and strangle him with it. “Quit talking about her like that.”

Frenchie looks genuinely confused. “Like what?”

“Like she’s a piece of meat.”

“All women are pieces of meat, Chase,” Frenchie snorts. “Some are just a little better tasting than the others. And a few are damn tough. Those are the ones you want at your back in a fight, but not on their backs in bed.” As Frenchie’s eyes comb over my body, he licks his lips. “Her? I’d want her in my bed. A lot. She’s got curves that a man can hang on to while he falls—” 

Chase throws a helmet at his head. Frenchie ducks just in time and gives me a stained-tooth grin. “Oooo, Chasie’s got himself a crush.”

“I got a lot more than that, asshole.”

“That’s right,” Galt adds. “You got yourself a problem, Son. Because there’s no way you can be with her.”

“Why not?” 

“Because she’s taken.”



Read what happens next in
Chasing Allie
, book 2 in the Breaking Away series, available right now: 


Chasing Allie
(Breaking Away #2)


It turns out my stepfather has plans for me.

Plans that make dying look like a walk in the park.

He’s selling my virginity to a Mexican drug lord to get out of debt. Chase just found out and is here to take me away to safety. To the ocean. To my dreams.

But while I’m gone, a murder takes place back home. 

I receive a phone call. It’s the police.

I’m the prime suspect.

And if I go back, I may become the prime victim.

They say love conquers all, but can Chase save me from this?


Suggested Reading Order


Finding Allie

Chasing Allie

Keeping Allie


Meli Raine rode her first motorcycle when she was five years old, but she played in the ocean long before that. She lives in New England with her family. Visit her on Facebook at 

Join her New Releases and Sales newsletter at: 
See all her books at her
Amazon author page

Table of Contents

What if Romeo and Juliet had a happy ending?

Finding Allie

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Also by Meli Raine

About the Author

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