Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America From Colonial Dependence to World Leadership (134 page)

BOOK: Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America From Colonial Dependence to World Leadership
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Great Depression
Great White Fleet
Greece: and Britain; Cold War missiles in; Mussolini in; in NATO; and Truman Doctrine
Greeley, Horace
Greenback Labor Party
Greene, Nathanael
Grenville, George
Grenville, Thomas
Gresham, Walter Q.
Grew, Joseph
Grey, Sir Edward
Gromyko, Andrei ; and arms control; and Cuban missile crisis; and Vietnam
Gruenther, Alfred
Guichen, Luc Urbain du Bouëxic, Count de
Guiteau, Charles J.
Gulf War (1991)
Habsburg Empire: and Bismarck; end of; fragments of; Franz Ferdinand assassination ;
see also
Hacha, Emil
Hagerty, James
Hague, Frank
Haig, Alexander M.
Haile Selassie
Haldeman, Bob
Halifax, Edward Wood, Lord
Hall, Fawn
Halleck, Henry
Hamilton, Alexander; vs. Adams; adultery of; ambitious agenda of; and Constitution; on Bill of Rights; as counselor; on debt; duel death of; on French Revolution; influence of; vs. Jefferson; on meritocracy; monarchism of; as Treasury secretary
Hamilton, Lee
Hamlin, Hannibal
Hammarskjöld, Dag
Hampton, Wade
Hancock, John
Hancock, Winfield Scott
Hanna, Marcus Alonzo
Harding, Warren G.; and Hoover; naval disarmament; on world court
Harriman, Averell; and Korean War; and Marshall Plan; in Moscow; as New York governor
Harriman, Job
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, William Henry; and Indian wars; at Tippecanoe; in War of 1812
Hart, Gary
Harvey, Robert
Hastings, Warren
Hawaii; annexation of; coup in; Pearl Harbor base
Hawke, Sir Edward
Hay, George
Hay, John Milton; and China; and Panama
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Hay-Herran Convention
Hayne, Robert
Hay-Paunceforte Treaty
Hearst, William Randolph
Heath, Edward
Helms, Richard
Helsinki Accords
Hemings, Sally
Hendricks, Thomas A.
Henry, Patrick; and Constitutional Convention
Herriot, Edouard
Herter, Christian
Hindenburg, Paul von
Hirohito, Emperor
Hiss, Alger
Hitler, Adolf; anti-Semitism of; Austria annexation; as chancellor; and Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland); FDR’s fear of; France invasion; Greece invasion; and Hearst; and Japan; and Munich Agreement; and North Africa; Norway invasion; Nuremberg rallies; and Poland; Rhineland occupation; Russia invasion; and Stalin; suicide of; and Yugoslavia
Hoare-Laval Pact
Hobart, Garret A.
Ho Chi Minh; as communist believer; and Nixon
Holborne, Francis
Hollande, François
Holy Alliance
Holy Roman Empire
Homestead Act
Homestead Strike
Hood, John Bell
Hooker, Joseph
Hoover, Herbert C.; on “American System,” and “Bonus March,” and Commerce Department; on gold standard; on New Deal program; on Prohibition; reelection campaign; on reparations; and stock-market crash
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hopkins, Harry
House, Edward Mandell
Houston, Sam
Howe, Geoffrey
Howe, George Augustus, Viscount
Howe, Julia Ward
Howe, Louis McHenry
Howe, Richard, Lord (Admiral)
Howe, William (General)
Huerta, Victoriano
Hughes, Charles Evans; as chief justice; and naval disarmament
Hull, Cordell; on de Gaulle; on Japanese aggression; on Korean War; Roosevelt on
Hull, William
Hulsemann, Johann Georg
Human Rights Watch
Humphrey, Hubert H.; and McGovern
Hungary; as democratic republic; Soviet power in; uprising;
see also
Hurley, Patrick
Hussein, King of Jordan; an dNixon; and PLO
Hussein, Saddam: and Gulf War; and Iraq War (2003)
Hutchinson, Thomas
Ickes, Harold
immigration; curtailment of; free vs. slave states; illegal; and Know-Nothings; open; suspicion of; “Yellow Peril,”
income tax; in McGovern platform; Reagan cuts
Independent Treasury Act
India: British Empire in; and Bush agreement; and East Pakistan; independence movement; in Seven Years’ War
Indiana Territory
Indians (Native Americans): Black Hawk War; as British allies; demonization of; Fort Mims massacre; in French & Indian Wars; and Gallatin; and Jackson; and Jumonville massacre; at Little Big Horn; and Office of Indian Affairs; at Tippecanoe; Treaty of Greenville ; in War of 1812
see also
Indonesia; as communist domino ;
see also
Dutch East Indies
industry; and GNP growth; and monopolies; and tariffs; trade embargoes
Influence of Sea Power on History The
Ingersoll, Jared
Inonu, Ismet
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Bureau of American Republics
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
Interstate Commerce Commission
Iran: Khomeini & hostage crisis; Mossadegh regime; and Reagan; Shah of
Iraq: coup in; Gulf War (1991)
Iraq War; and democracy aim
Ireland; immigrants from; and Northern Ireland
Ishii, Kikujito
Israel; and Camp David Accords; creation of; and Egypt; and Gaza; and Gulf War; and Lebanon; and Oslo Accords; Six-Day War (1967); Yom Kippur War
Italy: Communist Party in; and Mafia trial; Popular Front in; provisional government; unification of; and World War II
Jackson, Andrew: and Bank of the U.S.; Calhoun purge; on Clay; economic policy; Florida invasion; Force Bill; as improbable president; Indian removal; in Indian wars; and nullification; as presidential candidate; on public works; slavery policy; spoils system; and Texas; toughness of; on Union preservation; in War of 1812; Whig opposition; White House parties
Jackson, Henry M.
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Rachel
Jackson, Richard
Jackson, Thomas J. (Stonewall)
Japan: battleship building; British alliance; vs. China; economic bubble in; embargo on; in Great Depression; Hiroshima; on Iwo Jima; Lansing-Ishii Agreement; MacArthur reforms in; Meiji Restoration; and Nixon; on Okinawa;
attack; Pearl Harbor attack; Perry’s opening; surrender of; Taft-Katsura Agreement; tension with; in World War I; in World War II
Jay, John; and Justice Department; as New York governor; treaty with Britain
Jay’s Treaty
Jefferson, Thomas; vs. Adams; on Alien & Sedition Acts; on Anglo-Saxon Britain; on “apostates,” on Articles of Confederation; and Barbary pirates; on Bill of Rights; and Burr trial; and Canada; and Committee of Correspondence; and Continental Congress; and Declaration of Independence; death of; Embargo Act; and Federalists; in France; on French Revolution; as hypocrite; informal style of; on “Intolerable Acts,” and Lewis & Clark expedition; and Louisiana Purchase; Military Academy founding; political skill of; as polymath; presidency of; as presidential candidate; as propagandist; as romantic revolutionary; rural ideal of; as secretary of state; and slavery; spending cuts; on suffrage;
Summary View of the Rights of British America
; on trade policy; and University of Virginia; as vice president; Virginia constitution; as Virginia governor
Jews: vs. Arabs; and Hitler; Lieberman; and Palestine Mandate; and Pompidou; as refugees;
see also
Joffre, Joseph
John Paul II, Pope
Johnson, Hiram W
Johnson, Andrew; impeachment of; presidency of; as senator
Johnson, Hershel Vespasian
Johnson, Joseph E.
Johnson, Louis A.
Johnson, Lyndon B.; Civil Rights Act; Great Society; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; Higher Education Act; and Humphrey; on immigration; on Kennedy staff; and Kosygin; legislative control; on McCarthy; Medicare / Medicaid; reelection of; and southern vote; space program; on Suez crisis; as vice president; and Vietnam; Voting Rights Act; War on Poverty; World War II service
Johnson, Richard M.
Johnson, William Samuel
Johnston, A.S.
Johnston, Joseph E.
Jordan: and Israel; and Lebanon; and Nixon; and Syria
Jordan, Vernon
Juárez, Benito
Judiciary Reorganization Bill
Kalinin, Mikhail
Kaltenborn, H.V
Kames, Henry Home, Lord

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