Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America From Colonial Dependence to World Leadership (138 page)

BOOK: Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America From Colonial Dependence to World Leadership
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Somoza, Anastasio
Sonnino, Sidney
Sons of Liberty
Soule, Pierre
South Africa
Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO); and Vietnam
South Korea: and Carter; Nixon in; success of;
see also
Korean War
South Vietnam; abandonment of;
see also
Vietnam War
Soviet Union; and Afghanistan; alcoholism in; and Angola; and arms-control talks; Azerbaijan conflict; and China; collectivization; Cominform; Comintern; containment strategy on; in Czechoslovakia; disintegration of; embassy exchange; espionage by; ethnic division in; in Finland; at four-power summit; German invasion of; and Gorbachev; and Hungarian uprising; and ICBMs; KAL 007 shoot-down; “missile gap” with; and Nazi-Soviet Pact; Nixon state visit; nuclear parity with; nuclear program; nuclear test ban; peaceful transition in; Poland partition; and Reagan’s SDI;
& space program; and U-2 fiasco; World War II casualties; and Yom Kippur War
Spain; and American Revolution; civil war in; and Cuba; decline of; and Latin America; and Louisiana Purchase; Madrid bombing; at Paris peace talks; and Philippines; in Seven Years’ War; and Treaty of San Lorenzo
Spanish-American War
Spark, Muriel
Sparkman, John J.
Spellman, Francis J. Cardinal
Stalin, Joseph; and atom bomb; on Attlee; and Balkans settlement; Berlin blockade; and Churchill; death of; and defectors; on de Gaulle; and Eisenhower; and FDR; at foreign ministers’ conference; and Hitler; and Hopkins; and Korea; on Lend-Lease; and Overlord; postwar agenda; at Potsdam; purges by; and separate peace temptation; on Truman; underestimates America; and Warsaw Uprising; at Yalta Conference; Yalta violations
Stamp Act
Standard Oil Company
Stanton, Edwin
Stark, Harold
“Star-Spangled Banner, The,”
Stennis, John
Stephens, Alexander
Stephens, John L.
Stettinius, Edward
Steuben, Friedrich, Baron von
Stevens, Thaddeus
Stevenson, Adlai E.; on nuclear test ban; as presidential candidate
Stevenson, Adlai, Jr.
Stilwell, Joseph
Stimson, Henry L.: on atom bomb; on Britain’s war scars; and FDR; and Preparedness Movement; as secretary of state; as secretary of war
Stobo, Robert
Stockton, Robert F.
Stoddart, Benjamin
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Straight, Willard
Strang, Sir William
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT)
Strategic Arms Reduction Agreement (START)
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
Strauss, Lewis
Stuart, J.E.B.
Suez crisis
Sukarno, Kusno
Sumner, Charles; on Confederate states
Suvorov, Alexander
Swallow, Silas C.
Sweden; and Norway; and Seven Years’ War
Swift, Benjamin
Switzerland; individual rights in; as “porcupine,”
Syria; and Egypt; and Hezbollah; and Jordan; and Nixon; and Six-Day War; and Yom Kippur War
Taft, Robert A.
Taft, William Howard; budget discipline; Canada trade policy; China policy; domestic reform; on League of Nations; and Philippines; presidency of; vs. Roosevelt; on Supreme Court; as war secretary
Taft-Hartley Act
Taiwan; defense of; and Nixon; success of; and Vietnam;
see also
Talleyrand, Charles Maurice; at Congress of Vienna; and Louisiana Territory; on Napoleon
Tammany Hall
Taney, Roger B.; and
Dred Scott
Tariff of Abominations
Tarleton, Banastre
Taylor, Glen H.
Taylor, Maxwell
Taylor, Zachary: election of; and Mexican War; presidency of
Teapot Dome scandal
Tedder, Sir Arthur
Templer, Sir Gerald
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tenure of Office Act
terrorism: Bali; Beirut (1993); in Clinton years; London; Madrid; World Trade Center
Texas; annexation & slavery issue; and Mexican War
Thatcher, Margaret: and Falklands; and German reunification; and Gorbachev; and Grenada; and Gulf War; on nuclear talks; and Reagan; retirement of
Thieu, Nguyen Van; and Johnson; and Nixon; as refugee
Thomas, George H.
Thomas, Jesse
Thomas, Norman
Thompson, Llewellyn
Thompson, Sir Robert
Thomson, Charles
Thurman, Allen
Thurmond, Strom
Tilden, Samuel J.
Tito, Josip Broz
Togliatti, Palmiro
Tompkins, Daniel D.
Torrijos, Omar
Tower, John
Townshend, Charles
Townshend, George
Townshend Acts
Travis, William
Treaty of Versailles; on reparations; violations of
Trevelyan, George Otto
Triple Alliance
Triple Entente
Trist, Nicholas
Trudeau, Pierre
Trujillo, Rafael Leónidas
Truman, Harry S.; assassination attempt on; as average man; Berlin airlift; Berlin tour; and Churchill; on civil rights; containment strategy; and Eisenhower; and Hiroshima / Nagasaki; on “iron curtain” speech; and Korean War; and MacArthur; and Marshall Plan; and McCarran Act; and Mexico; National Security Act; reelection of; and Stalin; unpopularity of
Truman, Margaret
Truman Doctrine
Turgot, A.R.J.
Turkey; Cold War missiles in; and Cyprus; decline of; in NATO; and Truman Doctrine; in World War I; and World War II
Turner, Nat
Twain, Mark
Tweed, William M.
Twining, Nathan
Tydings, Millard
Tyler, John
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Union Pacific Railway
United Fruit Company
United Nations: corruption of; founding; and Japanese surrender; and Korean War; and Saddam Hussein; and Suez crisis
United States Constitution: and Bill of Rights; checks & balances; on Congress; drafting of; Eighteenth Amendment; on Electoral College; on executive power; Fifteenth Amendment; Fifth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; genius of; ratification of; Seventeenth Amendment; Sixteenth Amendment; three-fifths slavery compromise; Twelfth Amendment; Wilson on
United States Military Academy at West Point
United States Navy; motto of
United States Steel Corporation
United States Supreme Court:
Brown v. Board of Education
Bush v. Gore
; on Civil Rights Act of 1875;
; and Roosevelt
Upshur, Abel P.
U Thant
Van Buren, Martin; and Barnburners; vs. Calhoun; multiple offices of; popularity of; presidency of; reelection loss; as secretary of state; on Texas/slavery issue; as vice president
Vance, Cyrus R.
Vandenberg, Arthur
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Van Devanter, Willis
Vanguard rocket
Van Rensselaer, Stephen
Vargas, Getulio
Vatican; anti-communism of; and Father Coughlin
Vaudreuil, Pierre de Rigaud, Marquis de
Venezuela: and Britain; debt default
Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Count of
Victor Emmanuel III, King
Vidal, Gore
Vienot, Pierre
Vietnam: “advisers” in; Dien Bien Phu; and Eisenhower; French in; Nixon in
Vietnam War; casualties of; cease-fire; and China; and draft; and draft dodgers; force reduction; and France; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution; and Ho Chi Minh Trail; Johnson’s ambivalence on; My Lai massacre; Nixon success in; and Paris talks; preferable scenarios for; protests against; public division over; support forces in; Tet Offensive; “Vietnamization” of
Villa, Francisco (Pancho)
Vinson, Fred M.
Virgin Islands
Vishinsky, Andrei
Viviani, René
Voice of America
Volcker, Paul
Voroshilov, Klimenti
Voting Rights Act
Wade-Davis Bill
Wainwright, Jonathan
Wake Island
Walker, Robert
Walker, Walton
Walker, William
Wallace, George
Wallace, Henry A.
Walpole, Horace
Walpole, Sir Robert
Walters, Vernon
Wannsee Conference
War of 1812; capital burning; and Congress of Vienna; and national anthem; New Orleans battle; and presidential election; Roosevelt on; and Treaty of Ghent; and White House

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