Forbidden Fruit (26 page)

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Authors: Nika Michelle

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit
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"Damn Princess. You got a nigga fucked up. I ain't never had no pussy like yours. Man, the first time I got up in that mufucka I couldn't believe how good you felt. You got them strong ass pussy muscles and you was sqeezin' the hell outta my dick. Not only is that mufucka strong, and juicy than a mufucka, but you love to fuck. That shit crazy 'cause you can take some dick. It's like your ass don't never get tired and shit. And you fine, thick, and sexy on top of that. The way that ass jiggle when I hit that good shit from the back. You got me whipped baby. I don't know what the fuck you did, but you got a nigga gone over you. C'mon baby. Lemme get some more of that good ass pussy. C'mon," he said grabbing her.


She pulled away. "Get off me nigga. You need to leave. Tre will be here in a lil' while."


"Fuck that nigga! I oughta take the pussy! I want him to see me fuckin' you when he walk in the door! Every time I picture you fuckin' that nigga I wanna kill his ass!"


Princess couldn't help but think Ace had flipped his lid. She was used to niggas acting crazy after she fucked them. She knew that she had talent in the bedroom. She brushed it off. He'll get over it, she thought to herself. She didn't really think Ace would really do anything to hurt her or Tre‘. He was just talking. "I ain't fuckin' wit' you like that no more Ace. So please leave."


"Princess, other women ain't like you. Most women got some freak in 'em, but I ain't never came across one as freaky as you. I ain't had no woman do no shit like you did to me. I can't let it go. I wanna get up in that pussy again. I got to. The shit drivin' me crazy. I mean, your pussy is so tight, and warm. I love when you cum. You be squirtin’ and shit. Mmm, and you get so fuckin’ wet. I love that shit P. C’mon baby. Let me get some more of that good ass pussy," he said walking toward her again. He was looking and acting like a fiend.


Princess walked to the door. "You gotta go Ace," she said opening the door. She was surprised to see Tre standing there. He was just about to put his key in the door.


"Baby, you back," Princess said. She stood on her tip toes and gave him a kiss on his lips. She was relieved to see him.


"Yeah, I left before the race was over. I missed you. What's up Ace, what you doin' here?" Tre' asked. The smile on his face instantly faded.


"What's up Tre? Ain't nuthin man. I was just on the way to Ablo's and I stopped by here 'cause I saw your Caddie out there. I thought you was here. I'm 'bout to be out though. Ablo want me to make a run wit' him and shit. Be easy my nigga." He glanced at Princess. "A'ight P."


"Bye Ace. Tell Yanna to call me if she at the crib."


"No doubt. A'ight ya'll."


"Ace, tell Ablo I'll holla at him later on. I'm 'bout to lay under my woman for a lil' while." Tre wrapped his arms around Princess's waist. They kissed as Ace angrily walked back to his car. He got in and drove off screeching tires.


Princess knew that he was mad. She hoped that Tre hadn't sensed what had gone down. Tre walked inside the town house and closed the door.


"Damn baby, if I didn't know any better I'd think Ace wanted you and shit," he laughed.


Princess let out a nervous giggle. "Ace in love with Keyvia. You ain't gotta worry 'bout that. She got that nigga wrapped around her pinky finger. Plus, wouldn't no nigga be crazy enough to even show that they thinkin' 'bout fuckin me. You don't play that shit, now do you baby?"


"HELL NO! I'll break that nigga's neck." He smiled at Princess. "You got me wrapped your lil' finger too shawty." He softly kissed her neck.


"How much do you love me Tre'?"


"Infinity times infinity squared and cubed to the highest power. Why?"


"'Cause it seems like the sex is what's keepin' you. Other than how good I fuck and suck your dick what do you love about me? You ain't ever told me that before," she said anxiously looking into his eyes like an innocent child who had so many questions. He loved the color of her eyes. They reminded him of how special she was, because everybody wasn't born with beautiful green eyes with brown and orange specks.


Princess watched his reaction closely.


Tre' cleared his throat and then grabbed her hands and kissed both of them gently. "I love how you bein' faithful to me right now, despite the lifestyle you done got used to. I love how you confident in yourself, and how you walk like it's all about you. That shit is a turn on for sho’. You always make a nigga feel special; especially when I'm feelin’ down and out. I love your attitude and your diva style. You keep yourself up and you don't mind gettin' sexy for your man. You strong and feminine at the same time. You a go getter baby, and it's that fuckin simple. You the total package. Sexy, smart, and beautiful with a fuckin' attitude. I love how you held a nigga down when I was in the pen. You my Princess shawty," he said placing a soft kiss on her forehead.


"Awww," she blushed with her pretty eyes twinkling.


"Oh, yeah. Those eyes were the first thing that hooked a nigga, before I even touched you. It ain’t just the sex that’s keeping me here. The first time I looked into your eyes I knew I had to have you. I promised myself when I was locked up that if I had another chance to be wit' you I'd do right by you and I'd never let you go. I ain't goin' nowhere baby." This time he kissed her deeply. He slowly caressed her tongue with his. He erased any doubts that she had in him. Instead of feeding his desire to be inside her they cuddled on the sofa and watched a Lifetime movie. Even the freakiest woman wanted to be held sometimes instead of fucked. He loved her. He really did and he wasn't finished showing her how much.


"I promise I'll never leave you again," he whispered in her ear after she'd fallen asleep. He didn't think she heard him, but a satisfied smile spread across her lips.


* * *


"Ju, she don't like peas or carrots okay, but she'll eat green beans. Please get


Gerber, don't be feedin' my baby no off brand. Oh, and don't forget to put her stuffed monkey next to her before she go to sleep. She won't go to sleep without it. Oh, and if she..."


"Maya, I have done the daddy thing before. Don't you worry your pretty little head." Ju attempted to put her at ease as he buckled Lexus securely in her car seat. They’d gotten the blood test done and Lexus was ninety nine percent Ju’s. He was so happy that the truth was finally out.


"I'm just not used to you doin' the daddy thing wit' her. At least she likes you. It's funny that she does 'cause she don't really take to strangers." Maya wanted to take it back as soon as she said it. Ju seemed to flinch at her reference to him as a stranger.


"Well maybe she know that I'm her daddy. I won't be a stranger to her for long." He smiled kissing his daughter's cheeks. Lexus cooed and smiled at her father's show of affection.


"Be careful Ju please," Maya begged. "Don't be speedin' or takin' my child wit' you on the grind. I don't play that shit. And don't have none of your tricks around my baby. You can do you on your own time. Let her get used to you first."


"Maya chill, err' than goin' be straight. I'm spendin' the weekend wit' my baby girl by myself. Now give her a kiss."


Maya leaned into the car and kissed her daughter. "Be good for your daddy," she said. Lexus smiled at her like she understood.


"She's so sweet. I'm glad you made the right decision Maya. Now it ain't too late for me to show you that I can do right by my child. I didn't do right by you, but now I have a second chance to be a man. Thanks."


To Maya's surprise he hugged her. She tried to swallow the lump in her throat. "I came to my senses thanks to Yanna. She got a way of tellin' it like it is and I needed to hear it. I'm just glad that you can forgive me and we can move on with our lives. I am sorry for my lies Ju. I hope we can be friends for our daughter's sake."


"Of course," he said and softly touched her cheek. "I don't agree wit' what you did, but I can understand it. I do forgive you. See you Sunday." He got into the car and waved as he drove off.


* * *


I had been driving around for about thirty minutes before I realized that I had nowhere to go. Diablo had left six messages on my voicemail since I'd left. They were all pathetic attempts to apologize, but I was mad as hell. The phone rang again, but it was Maya's number, so I answered it.

"Yeah," I said trying to sound like nothing was wrong. The truth was that I'd been crying the whole time.
"Yanna, where you at girl?" Maya asked.
"At the mall. I need some new boots to wear wit' that Dolce and Gabbana dress I bought last week. Why? What's up?"

"Uh, look, I'm goin' be real wit' you. Ablo's here and he wouldn't leave until I called you. He said that you won't talk to him. He told me about the argument and how you just walked out and shit. Get over here and talk to him please. He's a mess," Maya said sounding like she was desperate to get him out of her house.


"Fuck Ablo! Did that nigga tell you that he slapped me or did he leave that detail out?" I asked angrily.


"He what? Ablo you slapped my sister?" She asked him. "You got me helpin' you and shit and you fuckin' slapped her?"


I could hear him trying to explain to Maya that he was pissed because I threw some nigga in his face that was supposed to be picking me up.


"I don't give a fuck about that don't you be puttin' your hands on my sister nigga," she said.


"Look Maya fuck him I'm finished. I can't deal wit' that nigga's bullshit no more. Tell him that I'll be gettin' my shit out the house sometime next week. I'll just buy me some shit to last me until then. Tell him I don't wanna see him and not to come lookin' for me. He'll never figure out where I am."


Maya sighed and repeated everything I'd just said to Diablo.


"Tell her if it's like that to bring my mufuckin' car home!" I heard him yell in the background.


"Tell that nigga it's my car for now. Shit, I deserve this mufucka for all the bullshit I took all these mufuckin' years. Tell that sorry mufucka that."


"Look I'm tired of bein' the fuckin' messenger. Why don't you just come over here and talk to him yourself," Maya suggested.


"Hell no! All he care about is this fuckin' car and his dick! Fuck him!" I yelled.


I guess Maya gave him the phone because he said. "Baby, c'mon now. Please give me another chance. Just come home, fuck the car."


"No. I already told you that I ain't marryin' no cheater slash woman beater. I don't want you no more!" I yelled.


"Why you actin' stupid. You always say that shit and you end up right back wit me..."


I hung up on him and turned the phone off. I pulled up into the mall's parking lot. I knew that some shopping would make me take my mind off things. It always did.


In twenty short minutes I'd already purchased three pair of shoes, a cute Gucci skirt, a burgundy Prada tote bag, and a cute ass rust colored Roc A Wear velour suit. I wanted some ice cream all of a sudden and headed toward the ice cream stand. Suddenly I heard someone call my name. It was a man's voice, but it didn't sound like Ablo. Maybe it was one of the Cue Boys. To my surprise I spotted El walking toward me. I continued walking. Of course with his long strides he caught up with me quickly.


"What kind you gettin'?" He asked reaching into the pocket of his light blue jeans. He had on an authentic Iverson jersey and some fresh white Air Force Ones. The ice in his ears sparkled and glistened as he waited for my answer.


"Butter pecan in a bowl not a cone," I heard myself say.


"That and a bowl of vanilla," El said handing the man a twenty dollar bill before he could tell him how much it cost.


"I...thanks," I said taking the bowl and spoon from him. He put the change in his pocket and then started eating his ice cream. I walked off and he followed.

"Well, we meet again shawty," El said smiling a sly smile. "Twice in one day."
"Yeah, I guess so."
"What's up? You look like sumthin's on your mind." He was looking at me like he was really concerned.
"You the wrong person for me to be discussing my problems wit'," I said eating my ice cream.

"Well, you never know Yanna. I could be just the one you need right now. Fuck all that arrogant bullshit I said earlier. Let's start over. That's cool wit' you?" He asked staring at me eagerly.


"I don't know El. We shouldn't be walkin' and talkin' in public. Look at us eating ice cream and shit like we friends or sumthin'. It seems simple, but this innocent thing could cause a bad situation."


"We could be friends though Yanna. I don't like that snake ass mufucka you call your man. I don't have a problem wit' you," he said looking all sexy as he licked the ice cream off the spoon. I couldn't help but stare.


I shook my head. "Your problem wit' my man is a problem wit' me. Look, we shouldn't be talkin' at all."


"What Ablo do baby? Sumthin's wrong. I can tell. You're a beautiful woman, but you look like you stressed out. I can see it in your eyes," he said being all observant.

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