Forbidden Fruit (28 page)

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Authors: Nika Michelle

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit
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“Fuck love. That didn’t mean shit to you, and now it don’t mean a damn thing to me.”


I felt him release me. “I’ll give you some time baby. I know I hurt you, but we goin’ get pass this. We always do. I ain’t goin’ let you go. You belong to me. Do you hear me? I will never let you go. If I hear about you givin’ my pussy away I promise I’ll kill that mufucka. It’ll be a slow, painful death. Would you want that shit on your conscience? Huh? You better think about what the fuck you said to me in there. If I ever find out you fucked another nigga it’s fuckin’ over for his ass. You fuckin’ hear me?” He asked angrily. I could tell he was serious. I could see it in his eyes.


I ignored him and got in the car. I turned the key in the ignition and had to keep myself from running his cheating ass over. He stood there and watched me as I drove off.


I had some money stashed away that Shamira’s in a safe. I stopped by her crib to get the money, so I could get a room for the night.


Once I was inside the room I realized that I didn’t have anything to do. I turned the TV on, but it was watching me instead of me watching it. Although Diablo had done me wrong I still felt incomplete without him. After seven years together I couldn’t imagine myself with another man. He was all that I knew. I couldn’t take his cheating ways anymore, and I was convinced that he wouldn’t change. It was painfully obvious that Diablo only cared about himself.


A few hours later the stillness of the room forced me to leave. I didn’t want to see any of my girls, or Maya because I didn’t feel like explaining what had happened. Before I realized it I was parked in front of El’s apartment building. I had no idea what caused me to make such a drastic move. There it was almost one in the morning, what most people called booty call hours. He’d looked out for me though. That was more than I could say for Diablo lately. I got out of the car and activated the alarm. After taking a much needed shower I’d changed into some black stretch Evisu jeans and a tight fitting white tank top with no bra. Okay, maybe I was playing with fire, but payback was due for Mr. Diablo. At that point I could give a shit about consequences. No one knew that I was there, so how would Diablo find out?


I hoped that El was alone as I made my way to his apartment door. I rung the bell and waited for the sound of footsteps. After ringing the bell again I finally heard someone walking to the door. El had a sly grin on his face as he opened the door.


“Yanna, come in,” he said as if he’d expected my arrival.


“You act like you knew I was comin’,” I said walking past him into the apartment. I could feel his eyes on my ass.


“Mmmm,” he said behind me. “I was hopin’ you would. Ablo stupid as hell. I wouldn’t have ever cheated on you. Wit’ your fine ass.”

“Yeah right. That’s what all men say ‘till they actually get you.” I sat down on the couch and he joined me.
“You hungry? Thirsty?” He asked.
“Got some alcohol?” I asked.
“Yeah. I got some Henney and coke. Want some?” He asked eagerly.
“You wanna get me drunk?”
“Whatever makes you comfortable,” he laughed.

“A lil’ bit of coke and a lot of Henney. I need it.” I couldn’t help but laugh too. I had a feeling that if I’d met El in different circumstances I would have liked him a lot.


He left the room to fix my drink. I tried to relax, but I felt a little nervous. I hadn’t really been alone with a man other than Diablo.


El returned to the room and handed me my drink. “What do you know about men and what they say? I’m the only nigga ‘round here brave enough to step to you. I heard about how you been faithful to that sorry ass nigga,” he said.


I sipped it and then responded. “Yeah, I been faithful, but that don’t mean ain’t no other niggas ever stepped to me. I ain’t always under Diablo’s ass. That’s obvious because if we were always together he wouldn’t have time to fuck Carmen, Tanisha and those other bitches I don’t even know about. Besides, everybody don’t know Diablo. Niggas try and run game on me all the time. I just don’t fall for it.” I gulped the drink down and sat the empty, plastic cup on the coffee table.


El stared at me and grinned. “Hell yeah niggas step to you. You fly as hell. I don’t know if that nigga tell you how beautiful you are. I don’t care. I know that if he was takin’ care of home you wouldn’t be here. It’s like this baby girl. You been wit’ that nigga so long that he take you for granted. He been getting’ away wit’ his dirt for so damn long, but what goes around comes around. Pay that bitch ass nigga back. For all the times he put other women over you, and your feelings. Just to get some easy pussy?” He shook his head. “You walk like you got some good pussy.”


I felt a chill travel down my spine. I watched as El licked his sexy lips and continued talking.


“You a dime, and you should be treated as such. Look at you. Is that nigga blind? You beautiful. I love your lips and your eyes. Yeah, your eyes the shit shawty. They gorgeus. Brown wit’ them crazy ass green specks. Cat eyes. That’s what my grandma used to call ‘em. You the whole package baby. You got that sexy, coke bottle shape. All curves. He crazy. If you was my girl, I wouldn’t let you outta my sight. That’s for sho’. He just like me tho’. I love some pretty skin, full lips, and a fat ass with thick thighs to match. Damn.” That sexy southern drawl in his voice made me melt.

“He the only nigga you been wit’?” El suddenly asked.
I stirred uncomfortably in my seat as he slid closer to me.
“Yeah,” I said and cleared my throat.
“Want some more?” He asked pointing at my cup.
I nodded yes.
He returned with the drink and I tried to relax. I was there because I wanted to be. It wasn’t like he’d forced me to come.

“Relax sexy. I ain’t goin’ hurt you,” El said as if he’d read my mind. “So Ablo popped the cherry and it’s been his ever since. You want me just like I want you or you wouldn’t be here. You over there lookin’ all sexy and shit. I can see them big ass nipples from here. I wanna suck ‘em and then I wanna suck that pussy. Am I wrong for sayin’ that?”


I blushed visibly. I could finally feel the alcohol taking effect. No other man had ever been that bold with me and I was curious. “I guess you ain’t wrong. It ain’t like you his boy or nothin’. I know I’m wrong for bein’ here, although it’s over between me and him. I still know I shouldn’t be here.” Tears suddenly filled my eyes and started to fall down my cheeks. “You were right about him and that bitch Tanisha. I wanted to say thank you for telling me.”


El reached over and hugged me. I clutched him as I cried familiar tears. “Don’t cry,” he consoled me. “Us men, we got a one track mind. I’ll be the first to admit that shit.”


I pulled away and looked at him. “I don’t even know you and here I am cryin’ on your shoulder and shit. All I ever been told to do is hate you. I don’t even know you as a person, and I been practically raised to hate you. You can kind of say he raised me.”


“How old were you…”


“Fourteen when I met him and seventeen when he popped the cherry.” I laughed at his elementary reference to me losing my virginity.

“Mmm, and I bet it’s sweet and juicy just like a fresh, ripe cherry. Only one nigga been up in it and you how old?” He asked.
“Twenty four.”
“Damn, I know it’s good,” he said breathlessly.
I wanted him. I did, but I didn’t want to make the first move. I was only uninhibited with Diablo.

El wiped my tears away. “I don’t know what you searchin’ for by comin’ here. I don’t like your man, so I told on ‘em. My only agenda honestly was to get you. The first time I saw you I knew I had to have you, one way or the other. By any means necessary, at least once. Just one time baby. That’s all I need to erase that mufucka. I’m goin’ make you feel so free. You need sumthin’ different. I promise it’ll feel good. It’ll feel so good that it can’t be wrong. Ain’t nobody else got to know. Even if you decide to take the nigga back he’ll never know. I just want you so bad I can taste it.”


He was so close to me. I could even smell the mouthwash on his breath. I wanted to kiss his silky lips, but that would’ve been going too far. He kept licking his lips as I spread my legs to become more comfortable. His eyes drifted below my waist. I knew what he was looking at.


“Damn, you got a fat ass pussy. Oh shit, baby, you gotta let me taste you. I got to. Why do I wanna eat you so bad?” He asked me as if I knew.


I shrugged my shoulders. The alcohol and my pussy had taken over. “ ‘Cause I’m fine,” I unbuttoned my jeans. “This stays between me and you right? Just one time.” I confirmed. We both felt a passion about defying Ablo and enjoying some good fucking at the same time. He had defied us both in some way.


I wiggled out of my jeans and exposed my white, lacy thong designed by Versace’. Els’s eyes got wide as he removed my thong exposing my hairless pussy. I had gotten a Brazilian wax a couple days before.

“Damn that shit sexy,” he said.
I felt such a rush because we were sneaking. I had never felt that way before. Sweet revenge.
“Can I touch it?” He asked.
“Yes,” I said.
He caressed my smooth, soft skin. “It’s so smooth, and soft. Lay back,” he whispered.
I did as he said and then I felt his warm mouth on my nipples. He practically swallowed them.
“Yesss,” I moaned pushing his head down. I needed to feel his mouth somewhere else. He got the point.
“Ahhh, ohh, damn. What the…?” My words were lost and my ears were filled with the sound of him sucking on my clit.
“He don’t appreciate the sweetness,” he said between sucks. “I want you to come in my mouth,” he whispered.

He had me reaching for shit that wasn’t even there. By the time he’d finished eating me I was out of breath. I didn’t have any regrets…yet.


“Got any condoms?” I asked hopefully. That was why I couldn’t be a lesbian. Not that women weren’t pretty. I just needed something hard and real after getting my pussy licked good. Not a strap on.


“Hell yeah,” he said reaching under the sofa cushion.


I laughed. “How convenient.”


He kissed me, and then slid the condom on. “You goin’ love this,” he whispered in my ear and slid deep inside of me. I was so slick and wet that his entrance was not resisted. He found my spot quick, put my knees on my shoulders and fucked the shit out of me. By the time he turned me around and started long stroking me from the back I had came about four times. I was so wet and loose and I was loving it. El was loving it too.


“Ahhh fuck! You wetter than…a….river! Ohhh fuck you feelin’ too damn good…oh shit…I’m ’bout to cum!!”


Then we realized the condom had broken. Drama.


Chapter 14


El sat up and looked at me. “No wonder it felt so fuckin’ good,” he said. “Look Yanna, I’m sorry.” He rubbed my back.


I jerked away from his touch. “This was a huge mistake El. The condom breaking confirmed that. Oh God. Please don’t let me be pregnant. I hope my birth control don’t fail now.”


“It really don’t matter now. Shit, what happened happened. If you pregnant…it’s whatever. If you don’t wanna have it…”


“You’ll pay for the abortion,” I sighed in frustration. “Anyway, the sex was good. I gotta admit that, but this can never happen again. Please don’t let me hear about this in the streets. Let’s keep this between us.” I stood up and got dressed.


“Of course. I ain’t some lil’ boy. You don’t have to worry ‘bout that nigga findin’ out,” he said.


“I ain’t worried ‘bout Ablo. I don’t give a damn ‘bout him. I just…”


He cut me off. “Yes you do. That nigga done fucked more bitches than you can count and you still goin’ end up takin’ him back. That’s why you so worried. Well, don’t worry your pretty little head. This is it, even though I would love to hit it again. Just let me know if you need me to take care of sumthin’.”


I shook my head. “That’s why I shouldn’t even had done this. What the fuck do I think I’m gonna gain? Revenge in my head? In your head? That’s bullshit El. What’s the point of revenge if the person we getting back at don’t even know about it? Why did it all make sense at first, but now it seem so fuckin’ stupid. What the fuck was I thinking? We ain’t just two people who actions don’t have consequences. It ain’t like we just two regular people who acted on a physical attraction. What we did could cause a whole lot of unnecessary drama. What the hell was the point El? Was it worth what could come later? The condom broke and all you can say is that you’ll pay for the abortion if I am pregnant. If I want one? Like you wouldn’t want me to. You right though. This shit is over. I’m glad I finally fulfilled my fantasy. Now we can go back to how things was at first. Well, at least I hope we can. I see now that sex can be so unemotional. Bye El,” I said and left him sitting there with his limp dick on his thigh.

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