Forbidden Fruit (27 page)

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Authors: Nika Michelle

BOOK: Forbidden Fruit
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"Thanks for the ice cream El, but we shouldn't be discussin Ablo. We shouldn't be talkin' period," I said trying to walk away from him. He caught up with me.


"You opened the lines of communication between us the day you showed up at my crib. You made me notice you. I'm sorry if I haven't been able to get your fine ass off my mind ever since. It really go deeper than you bein' that nigga's girl. Even if you ain't have shit to do wit' him I'd still be diggin' you, straight up. That's real talk shawty."


I rolled my eyes toward the ceiling. "And you just like him. You think you got game too. This here got everything to do wit' me bein' Ablo's girl. I won't let you use me to get at him. Remember you said today that you'd do some shit to get at him like miss wit' his girl? Or did you forget. Looks like your game just blew up in your face," I said.


"Ain't shit just blew up in my face baby. I ain't goin' front. Of course I'd bask in the victory of fuckin' my number one enemy's woman. On the other hand though I'd enjoy fuckin' you 'cause you a fuckin' dime piece for sho'. I mean look at you. You got pretty skin, pretty hair, pretty eyes, nice full lips, round, perky titties, small waist, and a nice juicy ass. Plus you got style, and you ain't no dumb ass broad. I would want to fuck you anyway. I wouldn't give a fuck who's girl you is." He threw his ice cream in the trashcan. "And wit' all that said and done I don't understand why that nigga keep fuckin' up."


"You don't know if he's fuckin' up or not El," I said.


"Oh, I must disagree wit' you on that one sexy. I know for a fact that nigga's fuckin' up. I ain't tryin' to put salt in that nigga's game, but I saw him last night wit' this lil' short dark-skinned shawty. She thick as hell. Her name Tanisha or sumthin' like that. Anyway, I know her 'cause she used to fuck wit' my boy Ty. Anyway, that nigga was all hugged up wit' her and shit. They was leanin' against his truck. She live in the apartment complex my cousin live in. They didn't notice me when I pulled up. I went to holla at my cuz and shit. If I didn't know any better I would've thought they went together and shit the way they was all up on each other." He shook his head. "If you was mine it ain't no way I'd fuck up wit' you for her."


So that's where that nigga was all night. "You sure it was him?" I asked. My heart sank.


"Yep. I'm positive. I looked right at that nigga, but he was so into her he didn't notice me. It was your man, believe me I know. Shawty cute, but she ain't got shit on you."


"What's the name of the complex?" I asked throwing my half eaten ice cream in the trash. My appetite for ice cream vanished.


"Alden Ridge apartments, in Clarkston. You know, over there off Brockett. Down the street from Strokers. He was parked in front of building 1393, so she must live in one of those apartments. I seen her over there a few times before then. She tried to give me some pussy, but I heard about how that broad get down. I heard she freaky as hell, but I ain't fuck her. I just let the nasty bitch suck my dick. I guess quantity means more to that nigga than quality. He need to take care of home 'fore he lose you, fine as you is."


"Look El, thanks for the ice cream and the 411, but I gotta go," I said rushing off. El yelled after me as I hurried out of the exit doors nearest the car.


He was talking about Tanisha Lewis. She had gone to high school with me and we hated each other back then. She always wanted Diablo, and I always wanted to bash her head in. She was about five feet tall, and was small up top, but had a nasty looking ghetto booty and big legs. She'd been a nasty slut all her life and had I had something for her and Ablo. This time when I went on the hunt for him I would be alone.


* * *




By ten thirty that night I'd put on some black tights, a long black t, black Air Ones, and a do rag on my head. I was at Tanisha’s building ready to catch Diablo in the act, or at least scare the shit out of his little girlfriend. I hadn't talked to anyone about anything. I was on this hunt alone. I didn't know how I would catch them, but I tried my luck and looked under the welcome mat for a key. There wasn't one there so I reached into the light fixture. I couldn't feel anything so I stood on my tip toes. I actually felt the key. The fool had left her spare key in the light fixture. This shit was just too damn easy. I would get his ass.


I turned the key and heard the lock snap. I softly pushed the door and I was in. I tip toed in the dark feeling my way through the hallway. I heard voices. I knew that the male voice was Diablo although the voices were faint, because his truck was parked exactly where El had said it was the night before.


"She know about us?" Tanisha asked.


"C'mon Nisha. You already know what's up wit' that. She sense sumthin's up, but I ain't admitted shit. I told her that I stayed at Ace crib. We got into it, and she called herself breakin' up wit' me."


"Good. Now she out the way and we can be together," she said.


"Bitch," I whispered outside of the door.


"She don't know about us, and it's goin' stay that way if I can help it. I told you before that Yanna's number one. You know that I'll take her back, and she's definitely comin' back to me."

I pushed the door open and they jumped out of the bed. Neither one of them had on anything other than underwear.
"Yanna? What the..." Diablo said looking shocked and scared at the same time.
I had one of his revolvers pointed at them and they had their hands up like it was an episode of cops.
"You crazy bitch!" Tanisha yelled.
"You shut up 'fore you be a dead bitch!" I yelled pointing the gun at her face.
I saw Ablo move out of the corner of my eye and I pointed the gun at him. He froze. "Yanna you trippin' baby."

"No nigga, you the one trippin'. I'm just fed up wit' your bullshit," I said angrily. "I'm here to put a stop to it. You was right when you said I'd come to you. Just not the way you thought I would." I looked at Tanisha. "Sit down on the bed bitch."


She sat down. "If you could please him he wouldn't have come to..."


I pointed the gun to her face again.


"Shut the fuck up bitch. I'm fuckin' warnin' you. I'll blow your face up like a mufuckin' pumpkin'. Do not fuck wit' me. I ain't scared to use this mufucka. I don't wanna hear your voice. This shit ain't 'bout you. I need to talk to my ex-boyfriend. He need to hear this. And don't even think about movin' bitch, 'cause I'm watchin' you."


I turned the gun and my attention to Diablo. "You sorry, bitch ass nigga. I can't believe that you did this shit again. All that remorseful bullshit was just that, bullshit. Well, what a good performance Ablo. Your lying skills have improved over the years, 'cause I was actually convinced that I could trust you again. I was wrong tho', 'cause you still sorry as hell. You sorry as hell and I'm done wit' your ass. I'm finished and I oughta kill you for breakin' my heart over and over again. You ain't a real man,’ cause a real man would appreciate a good woman. You hear me nigga! Fuck you! You ain't shit!"


His eyes drifted the floor. He looked ashamed. He cleared his throat and said. "I can't say shit baby."


"You ain't gotta explain shit to her," Tanisha said.


I was so fired up that I actually grabbed the bitch by her hair and lifted her up from the bed. "Didn't I tell you to shut up bitch? Open your mouth!"


She did what I said and I pushed the barrel into her mouth. "I know you like to have hard, black steel in your mouth bitch, but how 'bout I bust a cap in your throat instead of a nut! How would you like that?"


She looked scared as hell, so I removed the gun from her mouth. "I'll do it bitch if you say one more fuckin' word!" I pushed her back on the bed.


"I don't expect you to say shit Ablo, 'cause you can't say shit to change the way I feel. And you bitch! You ain't shit but a stankin', low budget, dollar store, thrift shop clothes wearin' bitch!" I yelled.


"Fuck you! You just mad 'cause your man want me!" Tanisha yelled.


I hit her in the face with the gun. "I told you to shut the fuck up!" She fell back on the bed and clutched her jaw. "Maybe that'll shut your ass up."


Diablo moved toward me and I pointed the gun toward his balls. "You still wanna be able to have babies?" I asked. "Don't play games wit' me nigga."


"I still wanna have babies wit' you. I still want 'em wit' you baby. Put the gun down Yanna. Don't do no crazy shit baby," he pleaded.'

"Against the wall nigga. I ain't playin' wit' you or this bitch!"
Tanisha was on the bed crying. "You a crazy ass bitch!" She yelled as loud as she could.
I slammed the gun into the other side of her jaw. She cried out in agony.
Ablo moved toward me again as an attempt to stop the torture on Tanisha.
"C'mon Yanna, damn. You killin' the poor girl."

"Fuck her! You can get the same treatment nigga. I told the bitch to shut the fuck up and she keep on fuckin' talkin'!" I pointed the gun at him again. "Against the wall."


He leaned against the wall. "How'd you find out baby? I was careful as hell."


"Well you won't careful enough 'cause I found out. I got my ways, believe that. I just wanted to let you know you can have that bitch nigga! I don't give a fuck no more. I just hope she don't be as ugly as she is now when her jaw heals. You know me. I'm a real bitch, and I'm fine, so I'll survive. I don't need you. A dime piece like me'll never go broke. Just like I pumped you I can pump another pussy whipped, so called balla. So you can fuckin’ kick rocks and have a nice mufuckin' life. Just keep this one thing in mind. Just like all these bitches you fuckin' I got a pussy too. And every time you fuck you better believe I'm fuckin' too. Everytime you fuck some ugly chicken head bitch you goin' see my fine ass wit another nigga knee deep in this good ass pussy. You goin' see my face, but you ain't goin' see his. Could be one of your niggas, could be your worst fuckin' enemy. Just believe you goin' see that shit. It's goin' drive your sorry ass crazy. That bitch right there ain't got shit on me and you know it. I hope it was worth it nigga!" I'd said my piece.

"I'll kill you and that nigga Yanna! Lemme find out!" Ablo yelled behind me. "And gimme my fuckin' car!"
I slammed the door and walked to the Jag. I saw him run out of the apartment. He’d put on a pair of jeans.
“Baby, stop. Let me talk to you,” he said.
“Fuck you Ablo. Go back inside and help your bitch. I think I broke her fuckin’ jaw.”

He grabbed my arm and spun me around. He had the nerve to have tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry Yanna. I don’t know what’s wrong wit’ me. These bitches out here make it too fuckin’ easy for a cat like me. It don’t mean I don’t love you baby. Believe me when I say I only love you. It ain’t never been nobody else baby.”


I rolled my eyes in frustration. “You better be glad we outside, ‘cause if I shoot you there’ll be witnesses. After all that shit you talked I catch you with another bitch. Did you not believe me when I said I would leave you if I caught you again? You thought I was fuckin’ jokin’?” I shook my head at him. “I’m sick of this Diablo.” The tears fell down my cheeks and he wiped them away and attempted to hug me. For the first time I saw tears fall from his eyes too.


“This is it huh?” He asked in a hoarse whisper. “I really fucked up this time didn’t I? You really through wit’ a nigga.”


“Look at me Diablo. I’m tired. I can’t play these games wit’ you nomore. I’ll end up killin’ you if you hurt me again. I was so close to it a while ago. It’s over.” I turned my back on him and opened the car door.


I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I could hear his soft sobs. The nigga was really crying. “Yanna, don’t leave me. I can’t live without you. I’m serious this time. I will fuckin’ change. Just don’t leave me. Please, baby. Please. If you really love me you will give me one more chance. I’m fuckin’ beggin’ you. Please Yanna. I’m cryin’ and I’m fuckin’ beggin’. You ain’t never seen a nigga like this. Shit, I’ll fuckin’ go crazy if you leave me. I love you baby.”


“Get off me Diablo. I can’t believe you. You didn’t give a fuck about me when you was in there fuckin’ that bitch. You can beg and you can cry, but it don’t compare to the tears I have shed over you. I ain’t cryin’ for you nomore. Shit, it’s your chance to cry over me. Now you realize what the fuck you had, but it’s too fuckin’ late. Fuck you. I don’t need you. I’m movin’ on wit’ my life and I hope you can do the same. Now I’m beggin’ you to let me go so I can fuckin’ leave.” The tears were gone and all I could feel was true hatred for him. The love had taken a back seat to the pain he’d caused me over the years.


Diablo dropped down to his knees and put his arms around my waist. He rested his head on my stomach and gripped me tight. “I need you baby. Don’t leave me. I love you. I won’t let you go that easy. I love you.”

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