Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS) (13 page)

BOOK: Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS)
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Aaliyah moaned when she was pulled forward out of the cage. 

Oh, no. Not again.
She felt the pulse beating in her neck. Everyday since she boarded this god-forsaken ship, they had come for her. For some reason the boss had taken a special liking to her, and didn’t bother with the others. He had the audacity to claim she should be honored he chose her. Who the hell said things like that? A madman. 

Up until her capture, she’d always felt blessed to have her mother’s good looks, but now she knew it was a curse. 

The brute’s hand gripped her bicep like a vice.  A feeling of terror seized her. He pushed her forward and she stumbled, scraping her bare knees on the rough metal flooring. He yanked her hard until she was back on her feet. The floor was cold on her bare feet and sent shivers up her spine. If there was anything positive to be said about the cage, it would be that the body heat from the others kept them warm. 

Without a word, he dragged her down the narrow corridor.  Being out of the cage unleashed an overwhelming need to escape. It was so strong, it filtered through every fiber of her being. Her eyes darted back and forth, seeking any opening. If she could just find a hiding place. Somewhere no one would find her. And then what? Starve to death? 

She didn’t have the answer. How could she help Darrius if she didn’t even know where they had taken him? Hiding was not the solution. Once she made the mistake of asking where her brother was, and she was punished severely. Her back still ached from the beating. 

Much too soon, they reached the bathroom. He shoved her through the doorway, causing her to catch her foot on the uneven flooring and she fell, sprawled out on the floor. With haste, she used her tied hands to push herself back up. Her muscles ached from the effort, but she wasn’t about to give the creep even more reason for his hands to roam her naked body. She was able to bring herself to her knees.

The grungy shower stall stood before her. The lighting was very dim, but she could still see the rings of rust at the bottom of the shower and the built up grime. At least she got to shower, unlike the others. 

The man wrapped his arms around her chest, yanking her to her feet. His forearms squished her breast, and she fought the urge to struggle. 

The first time she had been taken to the shower and the guard’s hands touched her body, she had kneed him. Big mistake. He backhanded her so hard, her head felt like it was going to snap off. It took a full day for the ringing to go leave her ears. Now, she just endured the roaming hands. She tried to convince herself it wasn’t her body. But that didn’t work. It never worked. Her nerve endings were constantly on fire. And not in a good way, not the way Noah used to make her feel. 

Now, when she closed her eyes and tried to recall what Noah’s touch had felt like, it never came. The only thing she could remember was Dasvoik and his guards. Noah was becoming a distant memory. She tried desperately to hold onto him, but he was slipping away. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. She wanted to stomp her feet and scream like a spoiled child. If only that would work…

Without warning, she was pushed into the shower stall.  

She tried to brace herself for the shock of the freezing cold water, but it didn’t help. It never did.  She yelped out loudly. 

Closing her eyes, she willed her mind to withdraw into itself as the large callused hands roamed over her soapy body. She couldn’t stand to look into the monster’s eyes. She wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. Always pinching and prodding as he washed her. The antiseptic smell of the soap made her eyes water. Or maybe that was just more tears. She couldn’t tell any longer. 

The cold water stung, but at least it was washing the filth off of her. Momentarily. 

Oh, God.
How could this be happening to her? Bile rose in her throat. 

Her only consolation was that Dasvoik would kill the guards if they went any further than roaming hands. He’d made it clear she belonged only to him. 

Her blood went cold, knowing what would happen after they left the bathroom. 

Seventeen-years-old, and she was ruined. No one would ever want her again. 

Tainted. Defiled. Disgusting. 

She sucked in a breath as her back was scrubbed. Her body still ached from Dasvoik’s latest punishment. But worse than the aches was the mental anguish. Like a loop, the images kept replaying in her mind. She tried to block them out, but they would not leave her alone. They went everywhere with her. Even in her fitful sleep, Dasvoik always showed up. 

To fight the images, her mind went to Noah, like always, remembering how his green eyes always looked at her with total adoration. He was always so patient with her. Never pushed her further than she was willing to go. Oh, she had been tempted. His kisses had been so sweet and felt so good. So right. They had been inseparable over the last few months. What started as friendship, had quickly turned into something more. She missed his dark hair, pale freckled face, and his moss green laugh-filled eyes. He must be going crazy not knowing where she was. A sob escaped her mouth, and her shoulders shook. 

He could never love her now.  Not that she blamed him, but it still hurt. Hell, she wondered if she would ever be able to love herself again? Wasted thoughts. She had not asked to be abducted. Or catch the attention of a madman. This was
her fault. Then why did she feel so responsible? Maybe if she had taken a different route home after picking up Darrius from after school soccer, or let Noah give her a ride. If she hadn’t turned around when the car pulled over to ask directions. So many what-ifs and regrets. 

More than anything, she wished she had given Noah her virginity. That was her biggest regret. At least then, she would have that memory to cling to. But no, she had insisted on waiting until marriage. A lot of good that had done her. 

Dasvoik had been so pleased when he realized she was pure. Apparently, he had her checked when she had been knocked out during the abduction. Her stomach dropped at the thought of how many men had seen her naked. 

 Dasvoik claimed he could have made a fortune out of her virginity but wanted her for himself. At least for the remainder of the trip. Then, she could be sold off like the rest of them. 

The man yanked her hair back as he washed it.
Ignore the pain. 

How could she make it through this horror? She wanted to live! Oh, how much she wanted to bask in the sunlight, eat her mamma’s cooking, read a good book, and be back in Noah’s arms. Somehow, she had to make it out of this hellhole. 

A part of her knew she was kidding herself. Once she got out of there, it would be replaced with a new hell. Perhaps even worse. She couldn’t think about that. She had to hold onto the slim chance that she could escape. 

The first few days, she had fantasies of the American soldiers storming the boat and bringing them home to safety, like in the movies. That dream had long faded. If she were going to escape, she would have to do it on her own. But she couldn’t leave her brother. No, she could never leave him. Perhaps, once they got off the boat, she could find a way.  Maybe while they were being unloaded, an opportunity would present itself. 

If that didn’t work, hopefully they would be sold together. She couldn’t bear the thought of being separated again. Her shoulders sagged at the thought.

Too many unknowns. 

Next thing she knew, the water stopped and a rough towel dried her body, taking extra time over her sensitive parts. She wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear. Where the hell was the magic pixie dust when she needed it? 

He pushed her down onto the bench, and roughly ran a brush through her knotted hair. Her head snapped back as he yanked the brush. The other women envied her. She could see it in their eyes when she was returned. They had yet to shower. If they knew what she had to go through in order to be scrubbed clean, they might not want to trade places. Or maybe they would. Who knew. She hated to admit it, but a small part of her was secretly grateful. When she acknowledged that fact to herself, it made her feel very dirty. So in the end, the showers never cleaned her. 

The guard’s voice startled her. Once again, she had drifted. It was happening so often now. Aaliyah hadn’t even realized she was no longer being groped or that her feet were moving down the dark hallway. The guard held her wrist in his hand and pushed her up the staircase. Each step was met with dread. One step closer to an evil that shouldn’t be allowed to exist in this world. 

The large man rapped his knuckles against the door. The familiar sense of fear overwhelmed her.  Silently she tried to compose herself. Dasvoik thrived on her fear. She willed the trembling to stop. Why couldn’t she stop shaking? 

Let go Aaliyah, find that hidden place and hide, until he’s done with you. 



Aaliyah blinked several times after she entering the bedroom, or torture chambers, as she had come to think of it. The bright fluorescent lights were always so jarring to her senses. The room was massive. A large, carved wooden four-poster bed waited for her. It would be beautiful if it weren’t for the horrors that took place on it. Sometimes, while locked in her cage, she found herself mentally tracing the swirls on the wood. 

     Did that mean she was going crazy? 

Her nose flared from the stench of sweat, sex and the coppery scent of blood that filled his room.

Somehow, the bright light made the torture more real. Made her feel even more vulnerable, if that was possible. More exposed. She hated seeing his face so clearly. She often wondered how the face of a monster could be so beautiful. A fallen angel. That’s what he was. Kicked out of heaven for his evil ways. Why would God allow him to walk the earth? There had to be a special place in Hell for men like him. Wasn’t there? Maybe earth was Hell? No, that couldn’t be true. She had experienced too much happiness in her short lifetime to believe that to be true.

He smiled at her, and she blinked again, still not believing her eyes even after all this time. He stood at the end of the bed, leaning against the wooden frame, his arms casually by his side, his feet crossed at the ankles as if he had all the time in the world. As usual, he was shirtless, showing off his broad, muscular chest. His wavy black hair was tousled. He had high cheekbones, a straight nose, full lips, cleft chin, olive skin and eyes that seemed to see into her soul. He looked like a carved statue from a museum.  He certainly didn’t look like he was capable of the horrors he put her through. But he was definitely more than capable. 

The sun poured through the small round window. She wanted to see what was outside, but she was not allowed to move unless he told her to. She wondered if they were close to land. How much longer would she be stuck in the cage? Would she ever feel the sun on her skin again? What would happen once they got to land? Sold into slavery? She tried to think of a worse fate than that and could think of none. 

“By my side.” His deep, silky voice cut through the still room. 

Her muscles ached as she forced her feet to move forward. It was still a shock to her body to be able to move her limbs after being cramped in the cage for so long. 

“My beautiful flower has come to me again. I laid awake last night thinking of this moment. I almost called for you, but didn’t want to wake you.” The face of evil came forward and lightly ran his thumb across her cheek. Aaliyah flinched. His golden eyes bore into hers. She knew better than to look away. For some reason, it made it so much worse when he said kind things to her. It confused her mind.  He was evil. It didn’t matter that he was strikingly handsome, or occasionally said nice things to her. What mattered was he was cruel and would burn in hell someday. 

Although, lately she was beginning to wonder if there really was a heaven and hell. If there were a God, why would he allow this? There were dozens of children locked in those cages. All of them ripped from a life and thrust into a nightmare. Aaliyah once again silently prayed, begging for God to notice them. To stop this madness. As usual, she was met with silence—he did not reply.

Her naked body trembled. Partly from the cold but mostly from fear. His hand slid down her face, to her neck and down to her breast. Lightly, he stroked her and Aaliyah whimpered. His softness was so much worse than the pain.

“Now, now there is nothing to fear. You know the rules. You do as I please, and no harm comes to you. Understand?”

Aaliyah nodded. How this vile creature could believe he was not doing harm to her body and soul was beyond her. He was never pleased. He made up reasons to get angry. He loved to inflict pain on her. 

“You know I do not enjoy it when you are bad.” 

Why did he have to talk so softly? She’d much prefer he screamed. The softness of him almost made her believe if she tried harder maybe she could please him. 

His lips touched hers, but she refused to part her lips. He pulled back. “It pains me to hurt you.”

He must be sick. Psychotic even. Nothing else made sense. He talked like he truly believed what he said. How could he believe that it pained him more than her to hurt her? As if.  

“I don’t get pleasure hurting you.” His lips trailed down her neck. 

Another whimper escaped when he turned her and pushed her down on the bed. Her breast ached, still sore from the shower, as he pressed her harder against the rough fabric. Her legs hung off the bed, not quite touching the floor. 

Block it out. Think of a happier time.
She imagined running through the fields of flowers as a child. Laughter. Light. Happiness. 

His hand lightly ran down her back. She inhaled sharply when he drove himself into her without warning. He was big and stretched her painfully. Quickly, he went from the soft touch to his savage hunger. He blamed her for bringing it out in him. She lay awake at night and wondered if it were true. Had she done something to provoke him? He wrapped his hand around her long hair and pulled her head back roughly, his hot breath on her back as his heavy weight bore down on her. The friction made her raw. 

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