Authors: Peter Freestone
Tags: #Arts & Photography, #Music, #History & Criticism, #Musical Genres, #Rock, #Biographies & Memoirs, #Arts & Literature, #Actors & Entertainers, #Composers & Musicians, #Television Performers, #Gay & Lesbian, #Gay, #History, #Humor & Entertainment
Rupert Cavendish
Still ensconced in his Empire empire.
Annie Challis
Rod Stewart’s assistant.
David Chambers
Don’t know.
Charles the Canadian
I hope you’re well, Charles.
John Christie
I still get Christmas cards.
Dave Clark
Still misses you.
Trevor Clarke
Holding his own.
Roger and Kashmira Cooke
Looking after your parents.
Carolyn Cowan
Now a very good photographer.
Gordon Dalziel
Blonder than ever.
Jo Dare
Don’t know.
John Deacon
Glad it’s all over.
Derek Deane
Director of English National Ballet.
Still cutting?
Jim Devenney
Come in, Jim.
Richard Dick
I hope he’s still around.
Anita Dobson
As Elvis said, Taking Care of Business.
Rudi Dolezal
Queen are a big loss.
Wayne Eagling
Director of Dutch National Ballet.
Ken and Dolly East
Gone down under.
Eduardo the Venezualan
I still feel guilty.
Gordon Elsbury
Don’t know.
Kenny Everett
Joe Fanelli
Pam Ferris
She was wonderful in Roald Dahl’s Matilda.
Tony Fields
Saw him in a movie the other day.
Michael Fish
In deepest Brixton. No, not the prison.
Leslie Freestone
Still working. Will never retire.
Brian Gazzard
Now a very eminent authority on HIV Aids.
David Geffen
Now makes films as well. As what.
Bob Geldof
Just as famous as ever.
Boy George
Has become a wonderful writer using that razor-sharp wit.
Terry, Sharon and Luke Giddings
Alive and well. Terry now drives proper company directors.
Julie Glover
Works full-time for Brian May now.
Harvey Goldsmith
Still promoting. Now really, really famous.
Bruce Gowers
Don’t know.
Richard Gray
Looked happy and well at your photographic exhibition at the Royal Albert Hall.
Tony Hadley
He really thought a lot of you.
Graham Hamilton
Semper factotum.
Gary Hampshire
Still with John Reid. Still.
Sarah Harrison
Living in France with Gerard Manchon.
Stephen Hayter
Peter Hince (Ratty)
Now a very, very good photographer.
Jennifer Holliday
Probably somewhere on tour in the USA.
George Hurrell
We think he’s still around.
Jim Hutton
Alive and well and happy and living in Ireland.
Sally Hyatt
Working now for Roger Taylor.
Michael Jackson
Still touring. Taken to fatherhood like a duck to water.
Elton John
Still touring. Now one of the outer knights.
Peter Jones
Off the map.
Petre von Katze
Trip Khalaf
Haven’t heard in a long time.
Tony King
Now working with Prince Rupert Loewenstein.
Winnie Kirchberger
Debbie Leng
Happy with Roger and Rufus Tiger and Tiger Lily.
Carl Lewis
Now has a seriously wonderful collection of crystal.
John Libson
Still accounting but now your second executor.
Sir Joseph Lockwood
Rheinhold Mack, Ingrid and John Frederick
America didn’t quite work out.
David Mallet
From what I know, he’s still directing.
Fred Mandel
Not a dicky bird.
Diego Maradona
Became the ‘hand of god’.
Brian May
Can’t lose the recording bug.
Donald McKenzie
Still bogged down with Joe’s estate.
Roxy Meade
Got out. Happy with child.
Bhaskar Menon
Gives a lot of interviews.
Robin Moore-Ede
Who knows?
Mike and Linda Moran
I don’t hear.
Peter Morgan
Haven’t a clue. Care less.
Diana Moseley
She’s still working hard.
Graham Moyle
Still researching into HIV/Aids.
Russell Mulcahy
Moved up a rung. Feature film director.
Nina Myskow
Still in touch.
Anna Nicholas
Still trouping.
Lee Nolan
Happy, waitering in San Diego.
Gary Numan
Occasional sightings.
David Nutter
Does he direct the ‘X’ Files? Please inform.
Terry O’Neill
Still snap-snapping away.
Elaine Page
Conquered Broadway as Norma Desmond.
Rudi Patterson
Alive and well.
Christopher Payne
Often on the telly.
Yasmin Pettigrew
Graduated a degree course.
Mary Pike
Still around.
Tony Pike
Still there.
Paul Prenter
Kurt Raab (Rebecca)
Bill Reid
Last heard of was very sick.
John Reid
Calmed down.
Tim Rice
Now Our Lord. Oscar winner.
Cliff Richard
Appeared as Heathcliff after upstaging Wimbledon.
Dave Richards
Bought Mountain Studios.
Howard Rose
Haven’t heard.
Hannes Rossacher
Still hard at work.
Pino Sagliocco
Presumably still gigging.
Amin Salih
Presumably still doing sums.
Joe Scardilli
Last time I saw him he was doing okay.
Jane Seymour
Medicine woman.
Wayne Sleep
Hoofing away.
Lord Snowdon
Watch the birdie.
Gladys Spier
Still with us.
Billy Squier
Fine. Has become a script writer.
Rod Stewart
Going for respectability in a very big way.
Gerry and Sylvia Stickells
We’re looking forward to his photo book.
Peter Straker
Still alive and Brel.
Phil Symes
Once again doing Queen’s PR.
Barbara Szabo
No know.
Gail Taphouse
Still on
Mr Tavener
Still the only gentleman builder.
Chris Taylor (Crystal)
Alive and well and gardening in Australia.
Domique Taylor
Still a very brave and beautiful lady.
Elizabeth Taylor
She was a star at your Memorial and a true survivor.
Gavin Taylor
No idea.
Roger Taylor
Another one who can’t get rid of the recording bug.
Baroness Francesca von Thyssen
Moved up a rung or two. Now an Arch-Duchess. Lovely as ever.
Douglas Trout
Still crimping?
Barbara Valentin
Life has never been the same.
Vince the Barman
The one that got away. Lucky?
Paul Vincent
I dunno.
Clodagh Wallace
Still managing.
Misa Watanabe
I wonder if she’s accrued the other half of Japan, yet?
David Wigg
Still hacking for the Daily Distress.
Margie Winter
Still about.
Stefan Wissnet
Don’t know.
Carol Woods
Back in NewYork.
Susannah York
Still lovely.
Richard Young
Older and wiser. Oh, well, perhaps…
Brian Zellis (Jobby)
Alive and kicking but out of the business.