Full Moon on the Lake (10 page)

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Authors: D. M. Angel

BOOK: Full Moon on the Lake
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The ride in was quiet and uneventful, Doc explaining to Derrick that Jace had taken Serena back home to rest and that Jacob was being held in security. The reports he got from Thomas said, Jacob was lucid and had some control, yet was extremely agitated more often than not, and seemed to be getting worse. Doc needed more information to know what direction he needed to go, to save Jacob. Derrick thought the same thing. They needed to find the information on how to help Jacob’s wolf and Jacob to come to terms with what was happening. To find a way to calm him or there would be no mating.  The idea brushed briefly into Derrick’s mind, “I don’t want to have to put Jacob down.’  Derrick shook his head to clear the unsettling thought from his mind.

Derrick made his report to the council answering what seemed to be many repetitive and unanswerable questions, and then Michael entered the room later that morning with his report, starting the whole thing over.  Everyone was still at the council meeting when he arrived. Michael made his report to the council as well as Derrick saving time.  What Derrick thought would be fast and hopefully easy meeting; ended up taking longer than he really wanted it to take. He was only half-attentive to his surroundings worrying about Kyla and whatever it was that was bothering her. He desperately wanted to get back to her, not sit here and listen to the same questions being asked and answered over and over.

At one point, he sat hardly listening to the room as he watched Kyla walking by the council room heading to the kitchens deep in thought.  She sent some refreshments and a late lunch into the council room via other pack mates. Derrick noticed she did not come herself.

Getting closer to the fall season, it had started getting dark outside when Derrick stopped the meeting frustrated at the lack of a solution to the problems they all faced.  “We can sit here all night but we have gone as far as we can at this point.  Michael will keep the increase in security up until further notice. As soon as Kate is better we will get more information from her.  Caleb has calls out to other packs to see if there is something we can do to help Jacob.” He held his hand up to stop the questions that were about to be repeated over the concerns with Jacob. “At this point there is nothing more we can do. It is late we have been here all day. Go home!” with that Derrick rose and left the room, heading to his office.

  Michael and Caleb followed him. “Damn windbags, they irritated the crap out’a me too!” Caleb chuckled in agreement. 

Derrick smiled “So, Michael what did you not tell the council?” He looked at Michael letting him know he knew he had left something out.  Michael gave out an exaggerated sigh.  Caleb raised an eyebrow astonished to realize he had not caught the missing information that Michael left out when he gave his report. 

“The guy called Henderson said that the Client seemed very insistence that the package needed to be returned.  He was offered a lot of money to get Kate back, and I mean a lot. Have to hand it to the man he never gave up Bentleys name directly no matter what we did. He did hint he was not the only ones working on the contract, to achieve that end.” 

Derrick walked around his desk and sat, motioning to the others to sit as well. Michael continued after everyone was comfortable. “I have Brian looking for as much information into Bentley and all of his associates and operations. As soon as we have what we need I will let you know.”  Pausing to see if anyone was going to speak before he continued when Caleb and Derrick looked expectant.

“I would advise you get Kate inside the pack perimeter, it will be easier to guard her closer to the pack house instead of the outer limits.

Caleb nodded agreement then spoke, “It would be beneficial to Jacob as well, and if she were closer and he could see and feel her safe he may just calm down.”

“Fine, I will talk to Kyla as soon as we leave here to see what she can arrange.” Stopping suddenly in frustration, “Damn it, after I go see about Jacob.  Has he been told Kate is back and safe?” 

Michael nodded his head a sad look on his face that suddenly turned angry. “I told him, but I left out the bruises on her face, her stomach and ribs and everywhere else those bastards hit her.”  Michael explained further, when he saw the questioning looks in the men.  “I got to the cabin first thinking you would be there, Leisa had just called Doc.  Kate woke up and when Kyla had tried to help her sit up she screamed.  It seem that she may have put up a pretty good fight at one point.”  Michael laughed.

“When the other four got back, we lined them all up for questioning and noticed bruises and scratches on almost all of them. Guess she got in a few well aimed kicks in too.” Michael informed them smiling.  “I just don’t understand them hurting her like that.  When Doc got through with her she had two broken and bruised ribs, bruises on her stomach and back, and he thinks her leg may be broken.” He looked up serious, one eyebrow raised, “It was probably a good thing we didn’t know all of that when we questioned them.” 

All three men nodded in agreement leaving unsaid of all the things they were thinking they would have liked to do to those men.  You just did not hit women. For any reason. They were valued, precious to the pack to the future. Without them, there would be nothing. No softness, no beauty to be seen in the world, no children’s laughter.  The world would be a dark place without their light.

“So, what did you do with them?” Derrick asked realizing Michael had not said.

“Oh well, after we finished we call the cops and let them know there had been a kidnapping and that they needed to come pick them up. I talked to the chief, filled out a report and he wants to talk to you and Kate tomorrow. ” He was not too happy we handled the problem without consulting him first. Pulling a paper out of his shirt he handed it to Derrick, “Here is a copy of the report.”

Derrick took it, ‘there was another problem he needed to handle’ he thought as he set it on his desk, “Fine, good job.  I will read this tomorrow.” Looking at Caleb, “I need to go talk to Jacob. Can you come up with a plan to help him get back to normal? Sounds like I am going to need all my men to deal with all of this.”

Caleb looked thoughtful for a moment, “We will definitely need Kate here.  I will contact everyone I know from the older packs again and see what they have found out and get you some ideas tomorrow afternoon.”

“Good.” Derrick stood, “You all get some rest I am going to check on Jacob, then I need to find Kyla.” 

Caleb cleared his throat, “I noticed she seemed distracted, is everything alright?”  Concern evident in his eyes.

Derrick looked at the two men as they stood in the door, “I don’t know, it could be everything that is going on” he swept his hand out, “but something tells me it is more.  I need to talk to her but we have been so busy.”  

“It could just be all this stuff going on with Kate and Jacob.” Michael offered, “Her being so abused has me rattled, it is probably worse for women to see a friend in that condition.” Derrick nodded in agreement, yet, knowing in his heart, that was not the problem.

Caleb laid a hand on his shoulder, “Be patient, she’ll come around when she is ready.” Derrick watched Caleb as he left wondering if he knew more than he was saying.  Would she talk to Caleb and not him?  ‘No.’ he decided, she would not. Rubbing his hand through his hair in the frustrated tell he always had he left the room.


Jacob sat squatting in the corner his arms resting on his knees and his head down when Derrick walked into the room.  Derrick walked up to the cage and looked in on his friend, knowing he was not asleep.  “Jacob?”

Jacob raised his head, slowly. Derrick didn’t recognize his friend in the face that looked up at him. “Jacob, come on man, shake it off.” 

A low growl started out of Jacob’s chest getting louder as it reached his throat. Suddenly he pounced at the cage reaching for Derrick, his nails elongated as Jacob half changed to his wolf. Derrick jumped back just out of reach.

“Let. Me. Out.” Jacob threatened in a deep resounding growl.

Derrick looked at his friend feeling destitute to help him.  “You know I can’t.” Derrick sighed, “You have got to get it together. Look at you, if Kate came in here you would scare her away!”

Jacob roared in frustration and paced the cage like a trapped animal. Derrick watched for a few minutes, confused as to why Jacob was in such bad shape.  What was different from this mating than any other? Was it Jacob himself or something more? Making a decision, Derrick grabbed a chair setting it in front of the cage and sat down. He sat quietly watching Jacob pace. Jacob stopped after a while and turned to Derrick.

“I can feel she needs me.  Let me out!” he pleaded one more time. 

Derrick sighed, “Dude, you need to sit tight and get it together.”  Jacob stared at him looking Derrick in the eyes sighing he dropped to the floor crossing his legs.

Derrick waited to see if Jacob was actually calm, or if it was an illusion to throw him off.

“Jacob, Kate is fine and safe at the cabin.” Derrick decided. He needed to tell him everything.  “She has guards at the cabin as well as around the cabin.  When Doc clears it, we will try and move her here to one of the spare rooms tomorrow.”

Jacob’s look intensified but he did not move a muscle. Nevertheless, his right eye twitched slightly, “Try?” 

Derrick realized his mistake shook his head and sighed. “Jacob, you need to stay calm.”

Jacob barely moved, yet growled, “Tell me!”

“Michael left some things out to protect you.” Derrick Admitted.

Jacob sat straighter, his gaze penetrating, and growled, “TELL ME!”

Shaking his head Derrick looked at Jacob hoping for understanding from him started talking.

“You knew she was sedated when they took her right?” Jacob nodded once his eyes never leaving Derrick’s eyes daring him to lie to him. Derrick took a deep breath as he rubbed his hand through his hair stalling.  Jacob stared unmoving.

“She didn’t stay sedated.” He started reluctantly, “When she came out of it,” Derrick paused knowingly to gage what Jacob’s reaction would be.

“TELL. ME!” Jacob roared threateningly. Derrick watched as every muscle rippled and tensed.

Blowing out a breath, “She fought them Jacob, she fought them well.  She left them hurting, she gave them bruises and scratches, even kicked a couple of them.” Derrick laughed uncomfortably trying to lighten the sting of what he was going to say next. Jacob Growled menacingly when Derrick stopped.

“She will be fine Jacob, just a bruise on her face,” Derrick started saying getting solemn as he listed her injuries. “a couple of broken ribs, more bruises on her back and stomach and possibly a broken leg.”  Derrick finished looking up a Jacob dreading the look he knew would be on his friends face. Knowing how he would feel if it was Kyla.

Jacob stared back uncontrollable rage emanated from him even though his face never changed. Derrick realized he was not calm anymore. Jacob’s eyes were darkening, deadly, his hands flexing slowly as he started to change.

“LET. ME. OUT. NOW!” Jacob growled low and deep.  Derrick’s eyes widened at the power behind his words. Thank God he was a strong Alpha, but he worried at the strength of the others.  Jacob was Dangerous.

“Jacob,” Derrick said forcefully needing to get Jacob to calm down, “I cannot let you out when you are like this.”

Jacob threw himself at the bars vehemently trying to break them.  Derrick heard the strain of the metal when he hit them a second time, “JACOB STOP!” he said more forcefully. Guards ran into the room at the ready, yet confused at the site they saw. Jacob growled and crouched preparing to hit the bars again.  Derrick raised his hand slightly signaling them not to proceed.

“You keep this up we will have to sedate you.” 

Jacob growled low and darkly, “Let. Me. Out.” 

Derrick looked sadly at his friend, “I can’t. You will hurt people if you get out right now. You might even hurt Kate when you are like this. You need to calm down until we figure out how to help you.”

Jacob growled loudly and hit the cage again, repeatedly, he was done listening. He howled in pain, in anguish and frustration, his wolf taking complete control. Red, everything turned into a red haze. His wolf took control, nature at it’s most fierce. At it’s most dangerous and protective state.

He didn’t hear Derrick anymore as he implored Jacob to stop.

He needed to get to Kate now.

He didn’t hear Derrick yell into the other room for the dart gun.

He need to protect her.

He didn’t see the men rush in stunned at the condition Jacob was now in.

He needed to claim her. 

He didn’t see them shoot two darts into him.

Derrick watched as they hit him once, then again with the darts. Suddenly Jacob stopped, looked up at Derrick with more hate in his eyes than Derrick thought any one person could have, and smiled ominously.

“I will get out.” Jacob whispered a promise threateningly as his eyes rolled up to the back of his head and he fell to the floor. 

Michael had come running in hearing the commotion and laid a hand on Derricks shoulder.

“That was not Jacob.” He assured Derrick. 

“I know.”  Derrick sighed and turned toward Michael, “Keep him sedated from now on until we figure out what to do. His alpha is stronger in this condition and might be a problem to the weaker alphas and as well as the others.”  Looking at Michael he continued, “Alphas only guard him.”

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