Full Moon on the Lake (9 page)

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Authors: D. M. Angel

BOOK: Full Moon on the Lake
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Derrick’s thoughts were running in so many different directions, days like this were thankfully far and few between, but today he wondered why he was the alpha.  He should have been more alert, more ready to stop all this.  He should have prepared better, he should have been able to protected Jacob and Kate. He just should have known he was the alpha; it was his job to protect the pack.

A twig snapped behind him, however he did not move.

“Caleb, you gotta death wish?” he said at his sternest. 

Caleb slowly walked forward and laid his worn and wrinkled hand on Derrick’s shoulder gently,

“You can stand here and beat yourself up for all the things you didn’t do if you’d like. I will not stop you. But know this, you did everything I would have done with the information we had.”

Derrick turned looking at Caleb searching into the depth of his knowing eyes, seeing the truth in his words. Caleb continued,

“When I retired, I knew you would take my place as alpha, but pack law stated you had to earn it.  When the elders and I decided to make it a fight to first blood instead of to the death, it was not just because, this was not a normal challenge. It is because we saw potential in not just you, but in the three of you. You, Michael and Jacob. Being my son did not offer you the job automatically, you earned the position.” Derrick remained silent.

Caleb continued reminding Derrick. By the draw, Michael and Jacob fought first.  Jacob won that fight making Michael Head of Security. Three days later Jacob fought Derrick, the fight being so closely matched it took over forty-five minutes before first blood was drawn, Jacob becoming Derrick’s Second in Command.

“All was and is as it should be, you will get through this if you keep your head. Stop blaming yourself for things out of your control.  Trust in your Command Council, trust in your Elders and Security to advise you.”  Caleb looked at Derrick with the sternness and love of the father he was, “Trust in yourself Derrick.”

With that Caleb removed his hand turned and walked away.

Derrick stood watching his father walk away. His father was right it was time for him to be the alpha he was meant to be. There is no room or time for blame or self-pity, now is the time for action. Finding peace with himself, he stood taller and with the resolve to get a plan in motion, to get Kate back as soon as possible if not sooner.  Then work on the problems they had with Jacob. With a renewed strength of mind, he walked swiftly to where everyone had gathered waiting on him.

Everyone became silent and turned as Derrick walked into the clearing with the confident steps he now felt. 

“First you all need to know information that was kept on a ‘need to know only basis’ which has now become ‘a need to know’ for everyone here.” Derrick spoke with the strength of an alpha behind each word. “Daniela Casey is actually Kathleen Bentley, the recently divorced wife of Garret Bentley.”

Astonishment circled the area from those who knew the name, while other were confused and started asking questions of those around the group. 

“You can brief each other on the specifics of Garret Bentley later but know this,” Derrick paused as everyone returned their attention back to what Derrick was saying, “He is a very dangerous man and has now become a threat to the pack. This threat is at Kate and then Jacob.  What effects one affects us all.”

Nods and growls of agreement echoed the clearing.

“Michael where are we on the search for Kate?” 

Michael rose and addressed the group, “Ben’s group found the tracks of an SUV southeast of the lake and alerts have gone up along the only road off the mountain in the direction the kidnappers could have taken. Everyone except the group investigating the camp site they were at, have been called back and are on alert. We are waiting to hear from anyone seeing any trace of the vehicle.”

Derrick nodded to Michael and looked to Caleb, “Caleb, you need to brief everyone on the condition and complications to Jacob in regard to the mating process with Kate.”

Caleb stood and looked at the concern for another pack mate on everyone face. “A long time ago when our kind were hunted to almost extinction, a safety mechanism was built into us in times of danger.  No one knows how it works but the mating male always knows when his would be mate is in danger.” 

Those with mates nodded in understanding.

“But, since we became secretive, and humans think us only as myths, part of that instinct was not needed any longer and went dormant.  Because of the danger Kate is in right now, in Jacob it has become active,” He stated sadly, “Jacob’s wolf has taken over.”

Surprised disbelief and astonishment flashed on everyone’s faces as Caleb continued explaining what had happened so far to Jacob, and what was still to come. “He will have to be caged for now, for his and Kate’s protection as well as the packs.” He stated regretfully. Caleb sat on the steps to the cabin, as disagreements broke out on the idea of caging a pack member.

Michael’s phone rang at that moment, raising his hand for silence he answered it.

“Tell me what you have!”   Everyone went silent again awaiting news.  Listening to the person on the other end of the call Michael looked up at Derrick and smiled. “Alright keep a discreet eye on them, do not approach them until we get there unless they start to move again. Understood?  Good.”

Michael hung up putting the phone in his pocket announced,

“We found them! They are holed up in a hotel in Waverly.”

Derrick stood as everyone followed suit, he noticed everyone anxiously waiting on orders, Derrick looked to Michael,

“What are your plans?”

He gave Michael the control, knowing he needing a boost in his confidence, Derrick let him take the lead showing his trust in him. Caleb nodded in approval, his pride shown in his face at Derrick, as Michael took control.

“Teams A and B with us!” He commanded with certainty, “Team C wolf form and patrol the perimeter of pack land and around the lake till we return, Team D with them in Human form and armed, Pair up. The rest of you go back and protect the rest of the pack.”

Orders given, groups shifted and took off in organized chaos to do as ordered. Derrick kissed Kyla and left with the group loading into the cars.

Kyla watched as the last of the cars disappear around the bend. Turning, she went inside the cabin to check on Serena. She walked in to find she was not the only one checking on Serena. Jace sat wretchedly on the bed holding her hand.  Leisa and Emily were sitting at the table; Jasmine making coffee and breakfast for those who stayed behind. Jacob had been moved to a corner and was chained. Doc knelt on the floor checking on him with Caleb standing over him and Eric and Thomas standing guard. The room was silent no one felt the need to speak.  Kyla walked over and sat at the table with Leisa and Emily.

Kyla’s mind worked over time worrying about all the things that could go wrong absently started wringing her fingers in nervous thought.  She watched everyone in the room as they wandered aimlessly waiting on news and contemplating uncertainties.  Looking at Jace, she smiled wondering if he and Serena realized yet, that they were getting ready to go through the mating soon and smiled. She looked over to Leisa who smiled knowingly at Kyla agreeing with her thoughts. Leisa looked down at Kyla’s hands and raised an eyebrow.

She stopped fidgeting and stood walking over to help Jasmine with breakfast. Pouring everyone a cup of coffee and setting them on table, handing one each to Thomas and Eric, then one to Jace who look to not be moving away from Serena anytime soon. Kyla went back and started another pot, it was going to be a long wait.

Doc finished and stood moving to sit tiredly at the table, Caleb followed sitting next to Leisa.  She watched the two of them interacting and smiled when Caleb laid a hand on Leisa’s. It was about time they found someone to help fill the empty spaces left by spouses who had left them both behind so suddenly.  No one should be alone.  Looking at Doc she laughed quietly thinking of Doc’s Daisy, wondering why she couldn’t be here. Her death last year had been felt by all in the pack. Wondering how he was doing; Kyla was just about to ask him when Serena moaned.

All attention turned to Serena as Doc moved swiftly for an old man to her side. Holding her hand he spoke softly,

“OK Serena, your fine take it slow and easy.”

Her eyes opened sleepily, and she looked around, her eyes still unfocused, until she found Jace and smiled. Raising a hand to her head she whispered asking Jace,

“What happened?” 

Jace explained briefly how he had found her unconscious and Kate missing. She started to get up but Doc pushed her back down to the bed telling her to lay still.

“You are not going anywhere for a while, let Jace fill you in on everything while you just lie here and relax. Serena relaxed into the bed as Jace started talking. 

Jace told her of all had transpired and the information they knew about since Kate’s abduction. Serena looked around the room for confirmation and sighed when they nodded.  She looked over at Jacob laying on the floor, a growl emanated from him even in his sleep.

“What’s to be done with him? Are we really going to have to lock him up?”

Caleb sighed,

“Yes, it is the only way to protect him and the pack. He is too close to losing all control and becoming Feral.  I am still awaiting more information but so far I don’t see any other recourse.”

Kyla stood in front of Jacob, watching him becoming more restless on the floor,

“Thomas, Eric, you need to take him to the cells at the main house.  Keep him calm,” She heave a quiet sigh sadly, “make him as comfortable as possible until Derrick gets back.”

They nodded at Kyla’s order then conferred with Doc on all they needed to know to keep Jacob Calm. Once Doc was assured of their understanding of what he had said, Thomas picked up Jacob and walked out the door Eric following close behind.

Kyla turned frustrated with the circumstances and walked out of the cabin as she called Derrick to inform him, that Serena was awake and she had sent Jacob to the cells. He told her they were almost at the hotel and that he would call her when it was over.

“I love you, be careful.” She told him then hung up the phone not waiting on his answer.

She was not in the mood to go back into the cabin so she walked down to the peacefulness of the dock to look out over the lake, and listen to the water lapping at the shore.




Derrick hung up the phone thinking, ‘I love you too!’ worried about Kyla. She rarely spoke to him of caution let alone hanging up before he could answer. He knows she worries about everyone in the pack, even if she acts the strong alpha female she is, but this seemed different. She seem deep in thought about something she would not voice unless he asked.  She never liked burdening him with extra problems. Yet this was more than the recent events. He had noticed her quietly thinking off on her own more than normal before the shit hit the fan.

“We’re here.” Michael said interrupting his thoughts.

“Good, what’s the plan?” Derrick asked.

Michael pulled the car into the parking lot of the bar next door, keeping them out of view from the hotel the kidnappers were at.

“We wait for everyone and come up with a plan.” Michael stepped out reaching into the back seat pulled out a vest and tossed it to Derrick, “You need to put this on Sir.” He stated more as a command than a request. “I would rather deal with you being upset having to wear it, then deal with Kyla if you get shot.” He finish smirking.

Derrick shook his head as he donned the jacket smirking at the thought. “Yeah, me too.”

As the last of the vehicles pulled up, the men met at the back of the SUV Derrick and Michael had stepped out of. The team watching the room came across the parking lot and laid a paper place mat down on the back of the car with the layout of the hotel drawn on one side.

“They are in this room here on the first floor,” Brian pointed to the room farthest from them on the map.  “Four men just left in the one SUV they have, two are still in the room.”

Brian looked up at that point, “Kate is in there too, she is may not be conscious. I think they have her drugged like they did to Serena. We heard her struggling at first and she screamed once, but it has been quiet since.”

Michael acknowledged the report with a nod, looked down at the layout deep in thought. Studying the lay out as he finally worked out a plan. 

“Brian take your team around back, place two of your best men at this back window, they need to get inside without being detected if possible, and wait for us to enter. The rest of your team is to continue around the building to the other side of the room and wait for us.”

He slid his finger across the sketch show them what he wanted.

“We will come across the front of the hotel from this side and meet you here,” tapping to the right side of the door to the room.  Michael looked up, around at all the men, “Everyone understand?  Good, let’s go!” 

Michael grabbed a bag from the back of the car and unzipped it, took out a gun and handed Derrick the weapon.

“Here this is loaded and ready to go, just remove the safety. Closing the back of the car, he moved toward the hotel to the front corner and stopped. Looking at Derrick and two of the men he spoke to them,

“You three,” Michael paused looking pointedly at Derrick continued, “are going to remain outside and guard our backs after we go in. I want no surprises understood?” Derrick nodded. 

Michael felt enough time had passed for everyone to get into position, moved quickly across the front of the hotel followed by Derrick and the rest of the men, staying close to the walls.

Arriving at one side of the door, the other team moved to the opposite side. Michael pointed to the three men and pointed to the ground, next he pointed to the door. They nodded. To the other team he pointed to his eyes and to the left again pointing to himself then the right. Everyone acknowledged and Michael kicked the door in.

The banging of the door swinging open abruptly and the sudden bright light made Kate jump in fright. Tied to the bed she couldn’t get down or roll away, so turned her head away from the bright light. She blearily watched the two men jump up from the table at the back of the room facing the intruders coming through the door.  Busy preparing to defend against the intruders at the front, they never did see the two men who came out of the bathroom to knock them out from behind. Michael cleared the room then told two of his men to relieve Derrick and have him come in as he holstered his weapon,

”Have someone watch at the entrance to the parking lot” he said as he walked slowly over to where Kate lay tied to the bed.

“And someone tie those two up.”

He moved slowly and talked to her showing his empty hands proving he was not threat. He was there to help. She stared unfocused at him cautiously and nodded at his offer of assistance.  Reaching for the gag he removed it,

“Kate, I am Michael, Derrick’s Head of security for the pack.  We are here to rescue you, Derrick will be here in a moment.”

“I’m here” Derrick said coming up behind Michael into Kate’s field of vision. “You ok?” Derrick asked as Michael untied her hands as another person untied her legs.

“I will be.” she replied angrily attempting to sit up but failing miserably.  “I’m afraid I may be pretty well drugged though.” She barely got the words out before her head hit the pillow.

Michael looked down at Kate, a bruise still forming on her left cheek; his face became gruff with anger as he spoke. 

“Derrick, get her back to the pack. Brian! Will! You two go with him.” 

Derrick reached down and picked Kate up from the bed cradling her in his arms.  Standing he faced Michael his face stern, a message passed between them without words. Understanding, Michael continued,

“The rest of us will stay here. We have a mess to clean up.” 

Derrick nodded once then turned and left.


Kyla did not know how long she sat on the dock or when her feet ended up in the water. Yet that was where they were when Leisa came down and sat beside her.  Leisa placed an arm around Kyla’s shoulders,

“They will be okay you know.” She said more as a statement than a question. 

Kyla sighed,

“I know.“

Leisa looked out at the lake mesmerized by the morning sun dancing like sprites on the water. 

“So what is bothering you?  Is it Jacob?”

Kyla glanced down at the little fish nibbling on her toes,

“No, I know it will take time and patience but he will be fine too.”

Leisa tilted her head questioningly,

“Then what is the problem that has you so deep in thought?” 

Kyla stared at the waves hitting the poles of the dock, only to roll back out again and remained quiet.  Leisa had many years of learning on how to be patient. Knowing Kyla needed her to help sort out her thoughts, she quietly took her shoes and socks off waiting patiently and dipped her toes in the water.

“Oooh warm, Nice-e!” 

Kyla looked over at Leisa’s feet in the water, staring blankly finally spoke,

“I’m pregnant.”

“Hmmm,” Leisa replied swinging her feet back and forth in the water, “And this is a problem because?” 

Kyla sighed, “Derrick has only been Alpha for ten years.” She paused, waiting for Leisa to say something but she just kept swinging her feet back and forth smoothly moving the water, so she continued.  “Derrick wanted to wait until we were in our 50’s to have a kid, that’s still ten years away. What am I going to do?”

Kyla looked up to see Leisa smiling at her, “Have a baby.” She offered.

“It’s not that simple Leisa, Derrick will be upset, it is too early.” 

Leisa pulled her feet out of the water and turned to look at Kyla, tears were running down her face.  Leisa reached up and wiped them away.

“Dear there are times in life where we just don’t have a say in what is going to happen, we just learn to accept it.” Leisa smiled, “Besides Derrick is going to be head over heels over this you watch, that man will make a wonderful father, and you will be a wonderful mother.” 

“You think so?” Kyla asked hopeful. 

“Yes, I do. Now get your shoes on and let’s get up to the house there is a car coming up the road.” Leisa said calmingly, motherly.

They walked up to the driveway when the car came around the bend and Kyla could see Derrick in the front seat.

“Leisa, let’s not say anything just yet. Lets’ get through this then, I will tell Derrick.”

Leisa looking at the car waiting spoke softly,

“All right dear, but don’t wait too long. It is not like you could hide it from him for very long.” She snickered smiling.

Derrick pulled up next to Leisa and Kyla and stopped.  Brian opened the door as Derrick came around handing Kate up out of his lap.  Derrick took her, turned and headed quickly into the cabin. Kyla walking ahead of him holding the door open as Derrick walked in and set the unconscious Kate on the now empty bed and Doc got to work.

When Derrick stood he turned around and kissed Kyla soundly, watching her closely. She kissed him back but seemed to keep her attention on Kate. Grabbing her around the waist asked quietly,

“What wrong?” 

Kyla glanced up her eyes looked far away and sad,

“Nothing, we will talk later.” She whispered, and turned back to watch Doc work on Kate. Derrick looked over to Leisa as she stepped up beside them, questioning her with a look. Leisa just smiled back.

Doc stood, “It looks to be the same sedative they used on Serena, and she will be fine.  She just needs to rest and be look after today. With a couple of day’s rest she and Serena will be their old selves again. Doc smiled at that and turned, “I need to get back to the pack. Someone wanna drive an old man home?” 

Derrick watching Kyla confused, “I’ll take you,” he paused a second troubled by Kyla; “I need to brief the council.”  Kyla looked up and smiled at him, kissed his cheek and pulled out of his arms to make some coffee. Her smile Derrick noticed did not reach her eyes.

Those members of the council in the cabin rose to leave for the meeting. Derrick decided he would talk to Kyla later in private. Right now, he needed to update everyone in the council but; as soon as he was finished, he would find out what was wrong. To find out what had changed her mood to one he could not recognize.  It was more than just what was going on between Jacob and Kate. He could feel it through their bond; he just could not see what it was.

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