Full Moon on the Lake (16 page)

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Authors: D. M. Angel

BOOK: Full Moon on the Lake
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Michael pulled up to the gate just as Daniela rounded the corner of the hanger across the field.  He looked over at the Derrick and smiled and nodded, assured they had gotten here before Garret had taken off in the plane with the girls.  Grabbing the walkie he gave the orders, “A team with Derrick, B go around the right side and cover with Jacob, D team cover the back with me.  Let’s go get them!” He finished as he gunned the gas. 

The vehicles fanned out as they went through the gate and crossed the field getting as close as they dared, stopping 200 yards from the targeted hanger.  The sheriff continued on as decoy for the teams heading for the front of the hanger. He was going to make sure the law was followed as closely as possible, knowing with this type of man, they would be lucky if no one died today.

Men dashed out of the cars going in three different directions as Sheriff Jameson drove by.  Jamison nodded as he passed Derrick then stopped behind Daniela’s car.  Checked his gun as he called in his position and the need for backup on the radio and opened the car door. Standing with the car between himself and the opening he shouted, “Garret Bentley; Come out with your hands up!  This is the sheriff.”  Thinking this should get interesting as he looked from one place to another to see that everyone was getting in position.  Silence answered him as he waited patiently for a reply.

Jamison looked over at Derrick and started to walk to the door.  Unexpectedly, there was the roar of an airplane engine and the large hanger doors opened.  Jamison ran over into the path of the plane to block its progress, as the plane moved forward out of the hanger.  The plane continued forward as shots rang out around him, first from inside the hanger, then return from outside.  He dove to the ground toward cover.

Michael yelled, “Hit the tires!!!” 

Everyone’s aim headed south.  The sound of tires blowing and the plane inched forward slowing then stopped.  All the shooting stopped waiting to see what Garrets next move would be.  Derrick’s group stepped out and stood by Jamison, his control on his wolf edgy at best.

After moments seeming like hours, the door on the side of the airplane opened.  Garret stepped in the doorway with Kate over his shoulder as a shield and stared at the group.  A roar was heard coming from the other side of the hanger, Derrick knew it was Jacob.  A gun flash up from Garrets hand and he placed it on Kate’s back near her heart, and smiled.  Taking careful steps down stairs of the plane, he nodded to one of the men on the ground. The guard ran for the limo in the hanger and started the engine. Jacob seeing the man in the car aimed and shot toward one of the tires, missed.  Garret pulled back the hammer on his gun in warning. Behind him from inside the plane came another man with Kyla in front of him awake but very groggy. 

“We wouldn’t want to do anything harsh now would we?” He smiled as he nodded to the other man to follow. 

Derrick roared in frustration, his wolf pushing to the front with the need to protect.  Garret moved raising an eye brow in confusion, keeping the smile of confidence on his face.  Slowly he continued his descent down the stairs with Kate, Kyla just behind him.  Jamison and the pack kept very still, with guns aimed at Garret and the other men.  Suddenly a shout erupted the quiet,

“Jacob!  NO!” someone yelled into the silence. Suddenly there was a large wolf in the hanger.

Jamison knew it was too late to control the situation as more wolves appeared in the hanger as well as men.  This needed to end before other officers showed up. Garret stood frozen in fear at what he had witnessed, men changing into wolves. With the suddenly reality of his situation, Garret ran toward the limo that pulled up between him and the closest wolf. As he reached for the door the large wolf impossibly jumped over the car at him, as shots rang out again all over the hanger.

The man holding Kyla dropped her as the wolf attacked, Kyla falling uncontrollable toward the floor. He instinctively shot toward the wolf and hit it in the shoulder. Before he could fire off another shot another bigger wolf jumped grabbing him by the throat and ripped it out.  The man who had held Kyla, lay on the floor in a growing pool of blood dead, a look of horrored surprise frozen on his face.  Wolves and men attacked each other in complete chaos inside the hanger as those who did not change covered the wolves. Men screamed and yelps were heard as some of the wolves and bullets hit there marks.

The driver in the limo realized he would not get out of this alive, turned off the car as the last of Garret’s men fell.  He looked out the window, and opened the door slowly as more wolves converged toward the car. Stepping out he looked at Garret pitifully and put his hands up in surrender. He saw the look of pure evil as Garret shot him.  Garret allowed Kate to slide down in front of him as he placed his back to the limo.

Holding Kate’s limp body around the chest Garret placed the gun to her head.  Jacob’s wolf whined as lowered himself to the ground.  If Garret shot her he would kill him.  He halted ready to pounce the second there was an opportunity.  The wolf that stood protectively over Kyla growled.  Garret smiled thinking what an advantage he would have with an army of men who could turn into wolves. 

“Seems we are at an impasse.”  He stated calmly, “Wonder what you would be willing to do to keep her safe?” He laughed arrogantly, “It seems I have a few openings in my security.”

Changing back, Derrick stood nude remaining protectively over Kyla. “You will not get out of here alive if you do not let her go.” 

Garret shifted slightly as if in thought, “True, but if I go, so does she.” He threatened menacingly.  Jacob growling low and deadly gradually crept forward.

“Uh-uh-uh.” Garret said staring at Jacob.

Tension in the hanger raised a notch as growls echoed all around the hanger.  Garret smirked thinking he had the upper hand; they were not going to let Kate die.  He had won, he thought laughing at the frustrated wolves.

“We can work together and control the world around us.”  He started.  “You all work for me, you will be greatly paid and you get the girl.” He stood confident thinking, “After a time of course; when we learn to trust each other and I will release her back to you.” His smile said she would not be safe while he held her captive.  Jacob growled in frustration, anxiously moving from foot to foot.  He need to kill this man and save Daniela. But they were at an impasse.

In the silence that hung in the air like a vise, a loud roar broke the quiet as a large white Nubian Lion jumped over the limo and grabbed Garret’s arm with the gun and throwing him to the ground and away from Daniela as he dropped her.  Jacob shifted catching her and cradling her in his arms before her head hit the ground.  Garret laid on the cold cement floor pushing himself back up to stand.  Growls rang in the air and he stopped looking up at the wolves moving to surround him.  As they crept closer he glanced out of the corner of his eyes at the gun on the floor just feet away from him.

The lion on the top of the limo jumped down and shifted back in to Sheriff Jamison,

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He said walking slowly toward him.  Jamison stopped next to a gold wolf and scratched her ear gently.  Garret looked at the wolves around him and sighed.

“Fine, I give up.” Placed both hands on the floor to stand. Slowly he moved up to stand, then quickly reached for the gun and fired toward Kate. The wolves were on him in a flash. His ear-splitting screams of terror echoed in the hanger then he went silent.

Everyone spun then toward Daniela’s body to find Jacob lying across her, shot in the chest shifting back to human form.  Kyla stood groggily and rushed toward Daniela as one of the other wolves rolled Jacob over and off Daniela.  Sheriff Jamison checked Garret to make sure he was dead, the smell of blood and death filled the hanger.  As Jamison walked over to where Jacob lie, sirens could be heard off in the distance heading their way. 

“Derrick you need to get your wolves out of here.  Leave Michael and those with clothes here.” He continued with a smirk, then turned to his car moving swiftly opening the trunk and putting on another uniform.

Derrick laughed at the situation relieving the tension in his bones and gave the orders to leave.  Turning to follow he stopped considering Jamison,

“We need to talk when you are through here.” Looked over at Michael, nodded and ran following the rest of the pack to the cars.

Once at the cars, anyone who had not yet changed, shifted while Jacob and a few other wounded were put in the vehicles. Once everyone climbed in, the SUVs were started than moved quickly behind another hanger. They waited as the cavalry, late as always, drove by to the main hanger.  When the area was clear, they headed to the gate and back home.  Trained in emergency and combat medicine some of the wolves worked on the wounded as they moved swiftly onto the highway.  Derrick called Doc to prepare him for all the injured he was bringing back and informed him of Jacob’s condition.  It did not look good, there were worried faces apparent on everyone in the car.



Doc came running out of the pack house with those he could find to assist him, as Jacob was unloaded from the car. 

“Leisa take Marlene she just needs bandaging.” He ordered as he quickly assessed the first of the injured he came to.  Walking to the next he yelled over to Derrick,

“Get Jacob into surgery, there is a team standing by to prep him.” 

Derrick nodded and opened the door to let those with Jacob move quickly without hindrance, then followed them in with Kyla in tow. Doc assessed the last two injured gave instruction then turned running back into the house.

Doc came up behind where Derrick stood watching Doc’s team prepped Jacob. Thomas walked in with Daniella in tow and she moaned.  Checking her quickly and satisfied she receive no injury told him to get her in bed then turned walking away.

“I will do all I can. You need to go get on some clothes and check in with the elders.” Smiled at Kyla and walked in to prep for surgery.

Kyla laid her hand on Derrick, “Come on Doc will do everything he can, and you need to be Alpha.” Kyla took his hand and walked him towards their rooms.

The living area was full of people working on the others with minor injuries, while some of the women handed out clothes to those not dressed.  Kyla pulled on Derrick’s hand when he would have stopped and lead him up to their room.  Walking through the door, she let go of him pushing down on the bed and walked to his dresser opening drawers for pants and a shirt, then other for socks and underclothes setting them on the bed next to him.  Then walked to the closet for his shoes.

“He will be okay.” She said as she handed Derrick his shoes.  He looked up at her falling to his knees and grabbed her holding her close, thinking how close he had come to losing her.

He laid his head in her lap whispering into her stomach, “God, I don’t know what I would have done if I had lost you.” and just held her close breathing in her scent.  That was when he heard it, soft and fast like a fluttering bird.  A small heart beating.  In shock, he looked up to Kyla, awe spreading across his face. 

“You’re Pregnant?!” he announced in amazement as her condition finally became reality. He stood checking her out for injuries, suddenly feeling overtly protective of her and set her on the bed as he knelt in front of her.

She looked into his face scared he would suddenly become angry again, whispered, “Yes.” As she lowered her head.

“I’m sorry, I know we said…….” Grabbing her face he covered her mouth with kisses holding her tightly, yet gently.

“Shh.” He said between kisses. Smiling as he could not get enough of her, just then.  She giggled slapped him on the chest,

“Stop, you have to go be the alpha right now.”  Both over joyed as they pulled apart.  Kyla stood finally relieved the baby issue was out in the open and he was not upset.

“Get dressed or we will never get out of here.”  He smiled as he grabbed his clothes, putting them on sighed dejectedly.

“The things I suffer through being the alpha.”  Kyla laughed.

Dressed, Derrick stood, grabbed Kyla up and kissed her reverently. 

“We will talk later when things slow down.” Grabbing her hand, he walked toward the door.  Stopping suddenly he turned to her awareness dawning on him,

“Was this what was bothering you?”  He asked placing his hand on her stomach.  She looked at him, then lowered her eyes and said,


Hugging her again he took her face in his hands and lifted her gaze so she could look at him. “We will definitely talk later.” Kissed her and walked out the door.

As he stepped off the last step he noticed the injured were taken care of and everyone was sitting on the couches and chairs deep in thought. 

“Anyone hear anything from Doc yet?” he asked the room in general.

Everyone looked up but it was Caleb who answered, “No nothing yet.”

Leisa and Emily walked out of the kitchen with trays full of sandwiches and set them on the table.  Jasmine and Marlene walked out with cups and pitchers of drinks. Everyone ate waiting patiently, quietly for Jacob to get out of surgery.

Word of what happened spread through the pack like rapid fire. Other pack members wandered in as time went by slowly, waiting on word of Jacob’s condition. The front door opened, as the rest of the pack from the rescue walked in talking and laughing. Seeing some of the sandwiches still left on the table and noticing how quiet the room was, they split up grabbing a sandwich as they split into groups updating each other. Michael walking through the door with Jamison and stopped by Derrick. 

“My office.” Derrick said standing looking to Kyla he continued, “Let me know as soon as Doc is finished.”

Derrick walked into his office with Michael and Jamison following behind. Derrick sat at his desk and waited until the others sat.

“So, brief me on what happened after we left.” He ordered no one in particular looking to both men. 

Jamison spoke, “After you all left the State police and FBI arrived. Since we still had Daniela unconscious there, we left out the part with Kyla but explained the kidnapping. The FBI was not surprised by what had occurred with Garret Bentley. When Daniela semi-woke she supplied some important information on him. Then was sent here to get medical help.” Stopping and looking around he asked. “She is here right?”

With Derricks nod he continued. As soon as she is better we are to bring her in for a more in-depth interview.” 

Michael Continued when Jamison finished, “They decided it would be best if they cleaned up our mess and thanked us for our, ‘help’.” He laughed sarcastically.

Michael moved uncomfortably, “What is the news on Jacob?”

“I do not know. Doc has been with him now for over an hour. He was in pretty bad shape; he’d lost a lot of blood.”  Derrick said sadly. 

Michael sighed, “Maybe we should go out and wait with the rest of the pack.” 

“Is there any more information you should tell me?” Derrick inquired. 

“Nothing that can’t wait for another time.” 

Derrick looked at Jamison, “And what about you?”  Michael and Derrick gave Mike Jamison a look of inquiry.

“Yeah, I guess it is time.”  Mike said rubbing his hand over his head.  “I am a lion shifter, as you know; I came here three years ago.  I did not plan to stay but while passing through I stopped at a bar in Waverly, I unbelievably met my mate.” Mike paused looking for the words to continue.

“Lions are not pack animals. When we reach a certain age, the males in our pride leave to find our mates.  We are very much like lions in the wild we mate we raise our children and the males leave the pride when they reach a certain age.  We become aggressive when there is more than one male major alpha around.”

“If you are a beta, you can chose to stay where you are mated to your mate from another pride or you can go to her pride as a beta to the alpha. It is how we form alliances with other prides.” Mike stopped talking and inhaled deeply to gather courage to continue. “I am an alpha and have found my mate here in your pack.” 

Derrick and Michael growled low and Mike continued, “I am not a threat to your pack as you are not a lion and I am not a wolf and not all alphas desire to have their own pride.” Mike finished. Derrick looked at Michael, “And your desire?” Michael questioned in a low growl.

“I also have no need of a pride of my own.” Mike acknowledged.  All I ask for is a right to my mate; I formally request permission to court my mate. I will live where she wishes and as is our custom, will pledge my alliance and that of my home pride with yours.” 

Derrick and Michael visibly relaxed, observing Mike, confident there was no deception.  “Why did you not come to us sooner?” Derrick probed.

Mike laughed, “Until recently I did not even make my, umm, feeling known to her. And only just recently. Yet, I do not know if she feels the same way.” Mike smirked, “I, ummm,” he fidgeted, “Have not had a chance to talk to her yet.” Mike smiled and his eyebrow raised in embarrassment.

Both men laughed in sudden understanding of Mike’s predicament.  “And who would this member of my pack be?” Derrick asked good-humoredly. 

Mike looked serious as he said, “Marlene.” 

The men looked at each other flabbergasted then Michael could not hold back and longer, busted out laughing as Derrick joined him.  Mike looked at both men confused.  Derrick calmed first. Standing he walked over to Mike, laid a hand on his shoulder and gave Mike his blessing. 

Michael just shook his head and said, “Good luck.” Then continued laughing at Mike’s look of confusion.

Derrick moved to the door, “Let’s get back to the living area and see if there is any news on Jacob.”

Everyone looked up as Derrick entered the room expectantly.  Kyla rose and walked over to him,

“No word yet.”

Laid her head on his shoulder worried. He snaked his arms around her waist and held her close, giving her and himself some measure of comfort.  It had been two hours and Doc was still working on Jacob. The room was quiet with trepidations. Derrick noticed Caleb was holding Leisa as much the same way. Looking around he saw many members of the pack comforting each other.  Derrick knew he needed to instill confidence into the whole pack as alpha, give encouragement and hope.  Yet, he did not feel like there was a lot of hope at the moment.

He looked down into Kyla’s eyes and found the hope deep within them.  Clearing his throat he spoke to the room, “Jacob will pull through!” he announced. His pack turned to give him attention.

“He is strong and has much to live for. His love for Daniela will not allow him to die. We are a strong pack and together we will get through this.”

As Derrick started to continue speaking the door opened and Doc stepped through; the room quieted even further in anticipation.

Doc looked around the packed room at all the faces waiting in support and love for one of their own.  He looked to Derrick and with one nod spoke,

“He is not out of critical condition, but he is alive.”  Sighs of relief echoed around the room,

“The next twenty-four hours will be the hardest for him. He lost a lot of blood so any donations would help him greatly.” 

The entire room stood in unison volunteering to donate.

“Well with this kind of support how could Jacob leave us?” He chuckled.

The tension in the room release another notch in quiet laughter, but would not be gone until Jacob was completely out of the woods.


Daniela arrive back at the pack house close to midnight when the FBI dropped her off.  Mike went out to meet them as Kyla took Daniela’s arm and escorted her into the house passing Derrick on the way in. He smiled at Daniela and she blew out a sigh of relief.

As the door closed behind them Kyla spoke, “He is still in critical condition, but is doing well.” She told Daniela as she led her to the room where Jacob lay.  “He is hooked up onto tubes and wires to monitor his condition and someone has been with him every minute since he got out of surgery. Are you ready to go to him?” she asked stopping at the door to his room. 

Daniela stared at the door, she had worried for hours at his condition.  Was he even alive? Now that she knew he was, where did her heart really lay? Her heart ached suddenly to be with him and she knew her answer.


Opening the door Kyla stood back to let her enter. Doc stood over him looking exhausted, checking his IV lines and vitals.  Daniela stood in shock in the doorway at Jacob’s condition; lying there in the bed, so quiet, so helpless.  Tears ran down her face.

Doc looked up a kind expression on his face walked over and held both of her hands pulling her into the room as he spoke.

“He looks worse than he really is,” glancing back at Jacob continued, smiling, “I have a feeling he is about to get a lot better.  Come sit with him. Did you eat?” 

Shaking her head absently as she sat next to Jacob, she reached for his hand as tears fell silently down her cheek.  Looking at Kyla he ushered her out the door and spoke,

“Then we will get you some food.”  Daniela never heard him so intent she was on Jacob’s face, never heard the door shut behind her when they left. Daniela looked at how pale he was, and a new fear pierced her heart.

“Don’t you leave me.” She whisper to Jacob through her tears. 

“Please Jacob, I love you.  Please don’t leave me.” She pleaded again, her head fell on his arm and she cried as if her world would end. Her crying spent, her exhaustion getting the best of her from the long day, she fell asleep her head resting on his arm as the tears continued to fall.

Mike spoke first, “Did you get all the information you needed for your case?”

One of the agents answered, “Yes, she was very helpful.  She did seem to hold something back, but we concluded it was something personal and not pertinent to the case.  We will be able to shut down the rest of his operations and certain information is being shared with the CIA and Homeland Security.” 

The silence lengthened as the other agent volunteered, “She refused witness protection. We feel she should not be in any danger at this time so we did not press it.”

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