Full Moon on the Lake (14 page)

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Authors: D. M. Angel

BOOK: Full Moon on the Lake
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“It was already a dangerous time for all to begin with. The world has not been quite as savage in the last several hundred years, so it has slowly gone by the wayside no longer needed.  In the past our numbers were being extinguished, not just by hunters, but because of mating as well. We were different then, not quite as civilized, and more animalistic. Women were not treated with the respect they receive today. Fathers sold their daughters into arranged marriages and slavery as common practice. Those that weren’t were considered free game to put it politely.” She looked at everyone in the room as she spoke.

“We as wolves learned reluctantly and quickly that without taking care of our women we would become extinct.  The result was that our males becoming very possessive protectors.”

As she spoke, you could feel and hear the cry of wars and of battles that she spoke of.  The clashing of swords, the yells and screams of warring and dying peasants and soldiers alike. What she had lived through, vivid in your mind.  The terror of violence, inflamed the minds of that which was done in the name of God, the self-righteous religions, the fighting for supremacy. The greedy empires stretching out to claim lands and people as slaves. The men set in determination to get what they wanted by any means possible.  The senseless loss of men, women and children caught in the crossfire, too staggering to comprehend.

“Most here know or at least understand that, when a mate is found there is a natural protectiveness in our animals that becomes so intense in their demand to mate, to protect what is theirs.” 

Heads nodded in agreement.

Emily continued having the entire room’s rapt attention,

“When there is a threat, the wolf’s knowledge to protect increases tenfold.  That means the need to claim her, to protect what he knew was his becomes even more urgent. He needs to claim her as quickly as possible, to protect her from that threat.” Her voice lowered she continued, “That protective side is a violent animal and will take the threat it sees to the extreme. If he feels her life is in any kind of threat of death, the reaction becomes uncontrollable. The mating with her become just as urgent and demanding, with the same violence he perceived as real.”

Emily stopped speaking for a moment, letting the facts sink in then continued,

“Many mates were lost to these matings. Most killing the females during the desperate passion and the males dying in anguish; or having some of the wolves becoming feral to be put down to protect the female and the pack. This directive was intended to take the uncontrollable violence the male felt and change it into controlled compassion and yearning. To take the fear away from the female and change it to wonton desire. A need so strong the violence and fear all but disappeared.  It was to instill a strong trust not just to the mating pair but also to the whole pack. A trust had to be reestablished not to just the mate but to the entire pack if it had any chance of success. A trust so complete it calmed the soul leaving no room for anything else. No questions, no doubts, no fears for or of anyone. ”

She sighed then, the sadness few had ever seen in her evident as she continued with tears in her proud eyes, “I lost my mate in one such mating over 800 years ago.”

Emily turned away somberly. Away from the sad and astonish faces, away from the deafening quiet of the room. She looked up at Derrick sadly and walked back to her chair.  As she sat everyone remained quiet stunned by her revelation and the remarkable person she was. Her life has been long and hard, yet she remained. What a treasure they had and knew nothing about. Kyla stood deliberately, understanding, compassion and respect shining in the look she gave Emily, “So this is what we need to do to protect Jacob and Daniela?”  

“Yes, or you could lose them both.” Emily Nodded.

Kyla turned to Derrick, “What must we women do to help Daniela prepare?”

Derrick stood and explained in detail with the help of Doc and Caleb the strategy they had come up with. The meeting went on for hours with ideas and suggestions being offered by the council members in unity, adjusting the plan.  Some agreed upon and some not agreed with, removed.  A finalization of the plan and its implementation almost decided when a knock came at the door. 

Eric walked quietly into the room while conversations continued, walking up to Kyla he whispered in her ear.  Kyla looked up and nodded to Eric then stood placing a loving hand on Derrick’s arm. 

“I need to take a phone call, meet you later? Also you might want to let all these people get lunch.” Smiling, she kissed his cheek and left the room.

Derrick sat there watching her leave the room, smiling at all the things they had discussed in his mind. He might just like to try, some of it did sound fun under controlled conditions he thought, and she might enjoy it too.  “Hmmmm.”  A cough, followed by a snicker interrupted his thoughts.  Turning he saw a knowing look on Caleb.  Guess there will be a lot of experimenting going on over the next several months or years after this crisis was over.  Derrick thought more about that then decided that would be another problem to solve another day.  Derrick looked down at the original file he received and laughed.

BDSMM- Bonding Directive Suppressing Masochistic Mating.





Kate walked down the hall and stood outside the door.  She felt confused by her feelings and everything that was going on.  True she had not been with Garret for the last two years. She had not really been with anyone; she did not feel the need to be with anyone ever again. At least until Jacob. Was she ready to get involved now, this soon after the divorce?  Could she feel love again? Jacob did something to her, she just did not know if it was need, desire, or love. Between the divorce, the kidnapping, and being with these people, everything has been so complicated, so confusing. Daniela just wanted things to slow down so she had time to sort through her feelings.

She laid her hand on the doorknob tentively.  It was fear that stilled her hand. Nevertheless, what kind of fear?  ‘If I open the door what am I committing myself too?’ she whispered to herself.  These people, she laughed nervously to herself, these wolves.  She took her hand from the door. She was not afraid of them yet…  A lone howl came through the door, so mournful, in so much pain, so heart wrenching.  She opened the door on instinct alone, he stood there, behind bars one arm chained to the wall, looking so lost and forlorn, so pitiful.  A little boy, longing to be loved, to be needed, her heart ached. Kate stepped through the door, a strong need to comfort him, a need so extreme she realized suddenly, ‘I do love him’.

Thomas quickly stood placing himself between Jacob and Daniela.  “I need to see him please. I need to talk to Jacob.” She told Thomas in a desperate whisper never moving her gaze from Jacob.  She sat on the floor inches from the cage and just stared at him.  Did she do this to him, her coming here? Tears fell slowly down her cheek. Jacob moved toward the bars, ending up only able to get within a foot of them. Slowly, he reached out through the bars and wiped the tears from her face. She leaned into his hand, needing his touch. Thomas moved back to his chair looking at the door.  He would have like to give them privacy, but knew with Jacob so unpredictable he could not.

“I don’t understand.” She softly whispered in anguish. 

“I know.” He answered his strong, callused hand laid softly against her cheek.  “We will figure it out.  Together.”

She laid her head against the bars weeping softly. The anxiety from the last week coming to a head, the clarity of her feelings warring in her mind and heart. She longed to be held by him.  He growled at her distress and his frustration.

She lifted her head “Jacob please stay with me.” She whispered so softly, if was not for his wolf hearing he would never have heard, “I need you.” She confessed to him as well as herself.

He sighed, he understood her apprehension she was afraid he was losing control. And he was, it was only her desperate plea that had stopped him this time. She did not understand how hard he was trying to hold on for her. Barely holding on by a thread.  His wolf wanted out to claim her now.  His human knew she was not ready to commit. Emotionally he was not sure he was. They just sat there looking at each other. Her hand slid passed the bars and reached for him, the tips of her fingers grazing his cheek. He reached up and held her hand, bring them to his lips he kissed her fingertips. She laid her head against the cold bars longingly. There in this room, at this instant, they both found peace even if was just for the moment.


“Hello?”  Kyla said into the phone. 

“Hello? Is this Kyla Lupine?” The woman’s voice asked nervously.

“Yes.  How can I help you?”  Kyla replied cautiously.

“I need to meet with you immediately; I have information about Garret Bentley.” She offered anxiously, and then whispered the tears in her throat obvious, “Please… I need to protect Kate.”  There was a pause as she spoke then silence that should have warned Kyla, but all she could think of is the need to protect this woman. She would just hurry out, get her and convince her to come back to the compound for her own protection.

“Where do you want to meet?” 

The woman’s voice shakily answered, “The Outpost, on County Road 88 just off of Hwy 38.  Do you know where that is?”  

Kyla answered, “Yes south of Waverly, no problem. Will be there in fifteen minutes.  Umm. Are you ok?” 

“Yes, hurry please!” She answered rapidly and the line went dead. 

Kyla looked at the phone then hung up. Something did not feel right, but she could not place the reason for the warning feelings.  She would just go meet with the woman. Kyla looked toward the conference room.  She is a wolf, an Alpha, ‘I will be fine’. Kyla thought walking toward the door; she grabbed the keys and walked out to her car.  The meeting was all but over, they would be breaking for lunch soon ‘she would be right back thirty minutes; forty-five tops’ Kyla thought to herself. 

She drove out of the compound onto Menefee Pond road. Crossing Patrick Street, she got on 88 and headed south.  The skys seemed to darking ominously in the coming storm.  She prayed it was not an omen as he Crossed Highway 38, and pulled into the parking lot at the Outpost.  The store was closed this late in the day and at first, she saw nothing. As she drove closer to the building. Kyla saw the car parked around the side of the building and parked quickly, opened her car door and got out. She immediately smelled blood and looked around nervously.  She grabbed her cell phone and started to dial when it felt like something bit her.  Annoyed she slapped at the nuisance and her hand came back with a dart.  She stared stunned at the dart, lightening thundered loudly as rain suddenly began to fall.

“Oh shit!” She hit the send button, but it was too late.

The laughter from the kitchen was infectious to anyone walking in for supper.  Most did not know what the laughter was about as it seemed like an inside joke involving the elders. When those not involved in the meeting entered no matter how hard they tried to stay quiet the laughter would break through. The rain pouring down slamming into the windows did nothing to change the mood of the room. Blushes from the women and grins on the men gave away that they had been talking about the mating with Daniela and Jacob, but nothing more. ‘Yeah,’ Derrick thought, ‘this is gonna be a problem’.  He smiled and shook his head.

Leisa walked in looking around smiling at the rest of the group.  “Has anyone heard from Kyla lately?”  She asked no one in particular. 

Eric answered first, “Not since she got the phone call during the meeting.” He got a look of concern when no one else answered, “That was several hours ago.” He volunteered as he turned and looked at Derrick.  Lightening flashed and thunder rolled in unpromising reply.

The laughter stopped. The silence deafening in the room rapidly over ridden with the tension growing cold and menacing. 

Derrick froze in concentration, reached for her mind; ‘NOTHING?’ and roared, “Michael!” as he stood quickly racing out of the kitchen to his office next to Michael’s office, as he continued to roar for Michael. Eric, Serena and Caleb followed close behind. Leaving those in the kitchen worried looking to Leisa for support. She stood worried wringing her hands in fear.  Someone always knew where the Alphas were, always.

Michael met him in the hall and followed into Derrick’s office, “What’s going on?”  He asked entering the room.  Caleb, Eric and Serena followed Michael into the room, the last person closing the door.  Derrick turned worried, the stress of fear evident in his face, he sunk into his chair helpless.

“I can’t feel Kyla.” While that sunk in Derrick turned to Eric, “Who called her?”

Eric standing by the door answered, “I don’t know Jace gave me the message and relayed it.  I will find Jace and get the information. He turned and rushed out the door. 

Serena looked toward Michael then to Derrick, “I will go check surveillance tapes.” Getting a nod from both, she left as well.

Knowing Kyla would not block their connection, Derrick looked up at Michael, “Call Sherriff Jamison in Waverly, I have a bad feeling about this.”  Michael pulled his cell out of his pocket and dialed stepping out into the hall.

Jace walked into the room confused a few minutes later, to Derrick pacing, “Sir I don’t know who called.  All I can tell you is; the woman said it was an emergency.  “I‘m sorry. I didn’t think to stay to hear the conversation.” He looked forlorn and guilty.  Michael walked in and nodded to Derrick the sheriff was already on his way.

Derrick rose looking at the feeling of failure written all over Jace’s face, walked over and laid a hand on Jace’s shoulder. “We don’t yet know what has happened; you did the only thing you knew to do under the circumstances.” Eric walked in at that moment behind him was Sherriff Mike Jamison with Henderson in tow. 

“I think we can help.” Mike announced when he walked in seeing the anxiety.  Derrick pounced, growling and reaching for Henderson. Michael grabbed Derrick as the sheriff stood in front of Henderson, roaring back loudly in warning. Jace, Eric and Michael jumped between the two separating them, protective of the Alpha. Everyone froze.

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