Full Moon on the Lake (11 page)

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Authors: D. M. Angel

BOOK: Full Moon on the Lake
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Michael’s eyes widened with the realization of what Derrick was saying. Saw the pain in Derrick’s eyes, “I will.” He confirmed.  With that settled, Derrick left the room.

Derrick walked through the pack living room with the intent of going to talk to Kyla but realized he was too upset. He would not approach her in his present state of mind. Instead, he walked out the back sliding doors to go for a run. He did not see Kyla standing at the top of the stairs looking sadly down at him as he walked away and shifted. He did not see the concern of other pack members whom had rushed in, looking toward him in question to the eerie and ominous sounds that had come from the cells, from Jacob.

Kyla knows she cannot talk to him in his present state of mind. She is not even sure how to comfort him, or if she could. A tear slides down her face knowing how hard this is for Derrick. Jacob and he have shared everything since they were kids. The friendship so close they were brothers in all terms but blood. Kyla watched as others looked up to her then turned and walked away quietly. Not know what to say or do, she goes back to their bedroom. With Jacob in this state, now is not the time to tell Derrick what has been bothering her. He has enough on his mind and she will not add to it, it will keep.

She had talked to Caleb about Kate staying here at the main house and managed the arrangements to have her moved tomorrow after Doc checked her out and he cleared her medically for the move. Caleb looked to her knowing there was something on her mind and waited. When she never turned to face him but continued to stare out the window, he laid a hand on her shoulder, turned and left quietly.

Walking into their bedroom, she closed the door behind her, sighing as she leans against the door. Overwhelmed she moves deliberately away from the door to sit on the bed. It has been over a week since they have slept here and she misses everything the room reminds her of.  The feel of his strong, gentle arms around her when they sleep, the cuddling in the middle of the night. The smells, the touch, the feel, and she smiles; at all the different ways he would wake her.  Her hand touches her lips, the memory of his warm lips on hers, the ghost of passion behind them whispers in her mind.

Kyla groans getting up and walked to her dresser grabbing a t-shirt and panties from the drawers. Walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower.  Getting undressed she steps in and lets the steaming water relax her tense muscles. As she soaps herself, her hand slides across her stomach and she wonders who is there. Will it be a boy like Derrick strong and alpha or a little girl with dark curly hair? Rinsing she exhales and turns off the water getting out to dry off.  She puts her panties on and her shirt and starts brushing the snarls out of her hair.  Looking in the mirror she see a woman worried looking back and wonders how she is going to talk to Derrick as her hand slides to her stomach.

‘Well we are not going to talk to him tonight’ she whispers to the child lovingly. Staring at her hand as she rubs her stomach lovingly, she talks softly to her baby, setting the brush down. Turning away from the mirror she decides to go to bed and wait for Derrick to come back. Crawling under the covers she wonders if Derrick will feel any better when he gets back.  Everyone in the house could hear what was happening down in the cells. Thinking about all the problems that seem to be happening all at one time, Kyla fell asleep.

Derrick ran himself out stopped suddenly remembering he still needed to talk to Kyla. ‘Crap’ he thought, ‘another problem that he needed to solve.’  Derrick turned around and ran back to the pack house as fast as he could.  He would find out what was bothering her and help, he’d solve whatever problem she might have.

Shifting as he came to the back door, he opened it, walked in grabbing sweat pants off the shelf, and pulled them on. Passing through the kitchen, he stopped and grabbed a glass of juice and downed it setting the empty glass in the sink. Turning around and walked out into the living room still no Kyla. He looked up the stairs toward their bedroom.  ‘She would be there’, he thought as he glanced at the clock, realizing how late it had gotten, rush up taking the stairs two at a time.

Reaching his room he opened the door to find Kyla is sleeping. Closing the door quietly he walked over to see Kyla peacefully on her side, beautiful, almost glowing in her sleep. She had a small smile on her lips but her brows were wrinkled with worry.  He reaches down sliding the hair from her face lovingly. Looking over to the shower reluctant to leave this wondrous sight.

Deciding a quick shower won’t hurt he moves swiftly and rinses off. Coming back into the room he sees she hasn’t moved, slides in behind her and wraps his arm around her waist pulling her close. She sighs and snuggles closer and whispers “I Love you” in her sleep. He moves his head and breaths in deep getting her scent in his mind and whispers back, “I Love you too.”  Closing his eyes he affirms, this is what I really needed. Relaxing, he falls asleep with her tightly in his arms.




The next morning Derrick not quite awake, groggily thought he would wake Kyla up in one of the very special ways she enjoyed waking.  Smiling with his eyes shut he reaches across the bed finding it empty.  He opens eyes thinking she must be in the bathroom. Turning over he looks to see the door open and the room empty. Derrick jumps out of bed, put on his clothes and heads down the stairs to see if she is in the kitchen.

Michael smiled sheepishly when Derrick walked in with the look of disappointment plastered on his face. “Sorry, she left an hour ago.” Michael told him. “She took Leisa and Doc up to the cabin to check on Kate and bring her back.”  Disappointed Derrick walked over and poured himself a cup of coffee sitting down at the table across from Michael.

Michael stood and walked over to the oven grabbed the plates of food warming. He set one down in front of Derrick, another at the end of the table just as Caleb walked in and the third in front of himself. Reach for a fork from the tray in the middle of the table, Michael started eating. 

“Kyla said these would be needed when you got up.” Michael stated chewing his food.  “I wonder how she does that?” He asked between bites.

Caleb grabbed a coffee and sat at the empty spot reaching for the sugar, “I don’t really know, Mark always said his mother could do that too.” 

“Yeah, my sister does it too, can’t sneak or get away with anything around those women.” Michael replied. 

“Nope, you can’t.  Leisa caught me once trying to sneak a cookie, never entered the room just yelled to ‘put it back’.” Derrick just shook his head smiling at the friendly banter between the men, picked up his fork and started eating.

When Derrick finished eating he stood putting the plates in the sink. Grabbing the coffee pot he filled everyone’s cups, then sat back down.  “So,” Derrick started, “how did it go last night with Jacob?” 

Michael sighed, He is gonna need a better sedative.  You were right last night with your warning.  He came close to having Thomas let him out.” Looking at Caleb’s astonished face continued, “I am changing things around and having the stronger Alpha’s guard him for now.”

Caleb nodded, “I wondered about that, there was some vague mention of an alpha having escaped, but no mention of what that problem was.  I did get a call from the North Rocky Mountain pack. Seems they had this problem several years ago.  Damn second in command screwed up thinking they didn’t need to follow anyone’s advice. The poor wolf went feral, he had to be put down.” Caleb sighed, “The historian there is going to fax me a record he has on the correct procedure. From what information he gave to me, Kate is involved or it will not work.”

Derrick looked at Caleb in concern, “Involved how?” 

“They have to go through the mating. “ Caleb answered, “He also told me it will be a lot rougher than what we are used to for the female.  But there are precautions that can be taken in the form of a ceremony.”  Looking at Derrick and Michael he frowned, “The women are going to be hard to convince to go along with it. If I understand correctly, in essence Kate is offered up like a sacrifice.”  The men looked at each other in stunned silence.

“Caleb when that fax gets in I want to see it immediately.” Derrick ordered as he stood up, “I’m going to go see Jacob, after that I am going to my office.  Anything else I need to know?” 

Michael reminded Derrick, “The Sheriff will be here this afternoon to talk to you and Kate.”

“Fine for now we keep this mating cure to ourselves until I can figure all this out.” Shaking his head Derrick left the room.

Michael and Caleb followed behind, “Mind if we join you?” Caleb asked. 

“No, misery loves company right?  We may as well all be miserable together.” Derrick answered sarcastically.  The other two nodded in agreement.

As they started down the stairs they heard someone yell, “Jacob Stop!”  They tore down the rest of the stairs hearing Jacob growling fiercely.

Entering the room with Jacob's cell, they all came to an abrupt halt as Jacob slammed himself against the now bent bars. Derrick, pissed and worried Jacob would hurt himself more yelled, “Jacob, STOP NOW!” Jacob froze with the force of the Alpha’s command.  Derrick walked up to the cage glaring at Jacob and the damage he had done. Not to the cage, but to himself as Jacob glared back, blood dripping down his face. 

Derrick stared back at Jacob his eyes never leaving Jacobs while talking to Michael, “I need cuffs and something to clean him up with.” Michael turned and gave the order, and grabbed the tranquilizer gun from one of the men standing nearby. When Michael stepped forward, Derrick raised one hand to stop him, never taking his eyes off Jacob.

Derrick held his hand out toward Michael without losing eye contact and Michael placed the key in his hand.  The noise behind him told him his request was filled and he held his hand out for those as well.  Receiving all the supplies he requested, Derrick instructed everyone but Michael and Caleb to clear the room.  “Caleb close the door and stand guard.  Michael stay back.”

Taking a slow deep breath clearing the tension in his shoulders and mind, Derrick spoke in a calm and irrefutable command, “Jacob, Sit Down on the cot!” When Jacob did not move, Derrick growled, “NOW Jacob!” allowing the pressure of the alpha behind his words.

Keeping eye contact Jacob lowered his head and moved to sit on the cot. “Now, place your hands behind you and hold the other side of the cot.” Jacob complied.

“Here is how it is going to be.” Derrick informed Jacob, “I am going to unlock this door, you will NOT move. You WILL remain just as you are.  You so much as flinch, Michael will tranq your ass. Got it?” Jacob just glared. Derrick ignored the glare and continued. “I will cuff your hands to the ring on the wall and clean you up. Then, we are going to talk.” Derrick waited for some kind of reply or acknowledgement and getting none he commanded him to answer, “You understand?”  Jacob nodded defiantly.

Derrick unlocked the door, walked into the cell closing the door behind him and locking it. Tossing the key to Michael he turned back toward Jacob holding the cuffs in his hand and stood patiently staring at Jacob.  When he was sure Jacob was not going to move, he walked over to the other side of Jacob, keeping Michael’s line of sight clear and set the supplies on the table. Reaching out he cuffed one of Jacob’s wrists then ordered Jacob to turn. When Jacob turned reluctantly, he slid the cuff through the ring. There was a collective sigh of relief in the room as the last cuff clicked shut around Jacob’s other wrist.

Derrick stood over Jacob sadly and started cleaning the wound on his head.  “Damn it Jacob, This is going to need stitches. Caleb, get me a stitch kit.”  Caleb opened to door and told someone to go get one then closed it again. Jacob shifted looking up at Derrick.  Derrick just glared daring him to move again.

“Look while I clean and stitch this, I am going to talk, you are going to listen.”  Derrick said making a decision.  “Kate is going to be living upstairs,” Derrick paused when Jacob flinched.

“Are we going to have a problem or are you going to listen?” Jacob sighed and relaxed slightly. Derrick continued, “As I was saying Kate will be living upstairs for a while.  You are going to learn to control your wolf or you will scare her enough she will want to leave. Understood?” Jacob nodded.  “Good, also we may have found a way to help you but, you are going to have to be patient and go slow.  Understood?” Jacob nodded again.

The door opened and Doc walked through the door with the sutures kit in his hands.  Looking around the room he walked over to the cell door and stood there, “Well, are ya gonna open the damn door? Or do I need to try and fit through the bars?” He asked sarcastically. Michael opened his mouth to protest, “Stop,” Doc started, “unless Jacob wants a horrible scar he will behave and let me in to suture his head.” He finished staring at Jacob to assure himself he was listening. Caleb walked over with the key and hesitantly opened the door at Derrick nod.

Derrick backed up giving Doc the room to work. “Well you would make a good nurse, Derrick.” Doc said examining the wound. “Nice and clean, ready for stitches.”

Caleb snickered as Jacob smirked.  Michael just cleared his throat.

“Now Jacob, because of all the meds you’ve been hit with you are going to have to suffer through the stitches. But I can tell you, it will not hurt as much as it did hitting your head repeatedly against the bars.” Doc admonished. “As I do this, I am going to give my assessment of Kate to Derrick and you are going to be a good boy and behave correct?” Jacob looked at Doc and sighed his agreement with a nod.  “Good.”

Starting the first stitch, Doc spoke, “Kate is recovering very well, she was able to move around some today, and will have to take it slow. No one has told her about Jacob yet.  We have managed to keep her quiet and sleeping so far. But, that is gonna change soon enough.” Doc tied off the first stitch and started the second.

“Her ribs are sore and will be for a week or two, her bruises will heal and her leg should be good in about three weeks.” Doc tied off the second and started the third. 

“She WILL need to remain calm,” Doc looked pointedly at Jacob making sure he was listening, tied of the third and started the fourth as he continued, “This means she can’t be jarred, she can’t be hurt, she cannot sustain any type of physical damage of any kind.”

Doc tied off the last stitch and leaned back looking straight at Jacob, The seriousness in his voice had his attention as Doc finished his report.  “She is not to be made upset for any reason! No anxiety at all!” Doc stood with that said and walked to the cell door. Michael unlocked the door and Doc walked out across the room opening the door to leave. As he got part way through the open door he stopped. “As long as both parties behave they may have visitors, tomorrow.”  Stressing the last word, then left closing the door behind him.

They all stood there looking at each other. Jacob started laughing relieving the tension in the room and they all laughed.  Finally laughed out Derrick looked to Jacob. “I am gonna uncuff you. You gonna behave?”

Jacob sighed, “Knowing she is alive and upstairs helps. I don’t know what sets my wolf off suddenly, it just happens, like a switch turns on.” He said frustrated.  “I am so confused all the time it is like there really is two of me at times and we are constantly fighting.” As Jacob finished with his explanation, there was a knock on the door.

Michael walked over and opened the door to find a young boy standing there smiling nervously. He handed a bottle to Michael, “Doc said to give these to Jacob every four hours and to call if you need more.” Fidgeting he looked up at Michael with a serious face, “Sir, is Jacob ok?  Is he in trouble?” 

Jacob hearing the small innocence in his voice answered, “Marc, I am fine.” 

Little Marcus peeked around Michael, “Jacob!” he said excitedly until he saw one cuff still on Jacob’s wrist. He looked up confused between Jacob and Derrick.

Derrick turned to Jacob smirking impishly and in his most demanding voice announced, “Now Jacob, if you behave we will not have to put you in cuffs again.” Derrick smiled unlocking the cuffs.

Jacob smirked back with that ‘I’ll get even with you later’ look, “Yes Sir, Sorry.” Looking down in as close to pitiful as he could muster with a smile on his face.

“Now,” Derrick started out, “You are grounded to this room until you can behave, understood?” 

“Yes sir.” Jacob answered peeking over to Marcus who was staring eyes wide with his mouth open.

Derrick turned facing the front of the cell and looked at Marcus as he walked to the door with an unyielding look on his face.  Marcus suddenly felt he needed to be somewhere else, waved to Jacob turned away quickly and ran out the door.  They all busted out laughing as the door swung shut.  Caleb opened the cell door letting Derrick out. When it shut again with a ring of finality, the seriousness of Jacob’s situation came back.  Derrick turn with an apologetic look at Jacob. Jacob just nodded that he understood and Derrick locked the cell.

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