| 31. The last phrase echoes the ending of Whitman's "When Heard at the Close of the Day," which was Stoddard's favorite poem:
| For the one I love most lay sleeping by me under the same cover in the cool night, In the stillness in the autumn moonbeams his face was inclined toward me, And his arm lay lightly around my breastand that night I was happy.
| See Leaves of Grass, C omprehensive Reader's Edition, ed. Harold W. Blodgett and Sculley Bradley (New York: New York University Press, 1965), p. 123.
| 32. Frank Millet to Stoddard, 10 May 1875 (George Arents Research Library for Special Collections at Syracuse University).
| 33. "A Modern Monte Cristo," pp. 463-69.
| 34. "The Mediterranean," San Francisco Chronicle, 8 August 1875.
| 35. Frank Millet to Stoddard, 10 May 1875 (Arents Library).
| 36. Frank Millet to Stoddard, 15 August 1875 (Arents Library).
| 37. "Over a Wall," National Magazine 25 (March 1907), 547-53.
| 38. "An Adriatic Queen," National Magazine 25 (November 1906), 130.
| 39. Stoddard to Ambrose Bierce, 13 September 1875 (Beinecke Library).
| 40. "A Sea Syren," San Francisco Chronicle, 12 December 1875.
| 41. Ibid.