| 45. A Cruise Under the Crescent: From Suez to San Marco (Chicago & New York: Rand McNally, 1898), p. 146. Henceforth CUC.
| 46. Frank Millet to Stoddard, 9 July 1876 (Arents Library).
| 47. Mark Twain to Stoddard, 20 September 1876 [*] (Rutherford B. Haves Presidential Center, Fremont, Ohio).
| 48. See Mark TwainHowells Letters, ed. Henry Nash Smith and William M. Gibson (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960) 1:153-55.
| 49. Joe Strong to Stoddard, 22 September 1876 (HM 38023, The Huntington Library).
| 50. Frank Millet to Stoddard, 21 February 1877 (Arents Library).
| 51. Charles H. Webb to Stoddard, 21 March 1877 (location unknown).
| 52. Quoted in George Wharton James, "Charles Warren Stoddard," National Magazine 3 4 (August 1911), 661.
| 53. Frank Millet to Stoddard, 29 June 1877 (Arents Library).
| 1. Stoddard to Jeanne Carr, 8 July 1874 (CA 168, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California).
| 2. William H. Rideing, "A Corner of Bohemia," Bookman 3 2 (February 191), 623-24.
| 3. Life and Letters of Edmund Clarence Stedman, ed. Laura Stedman and George M. Gould (New York: Moffat, Yard, 1910), 2:318.
| 4. San Francisco Alta California, 2 April 1878, quoted in Carl G. Stroven, "A Life of Charles Warren Stoddard," (Ph.D. diss., Duke University, 1939), p. 201.