Georgia On My Mind (14 page)

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Authors: Brenda Stokes Lee

BOOK: Georgia On My Mind
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“You mean anybody except you.” Peaches giggled.

“Peaches, that's not fair.  You did those things because you loved me.”

“Yeah, you’re right Charles. And you left me for Mercedes because you didn't love me.  But in retrospect I ain't mad at you, in fact I’ve never been happier.”

“Look, I just want you to be careful.  You can't be hooking up with strangers and shit. It’s just not safe.”

“He's not a stranger, Charles.” Peaches sighed. “I’m not an idiot or a child.”

“Do I know him?  Cause I swear I know him from somewhere but I can't place him.” Charles asked puzzled.

“Whatever…  Don't worry about me because I'm always going to be alright.” She assured him.

“Look, I think we need to sit down and talk.”

“About what?  What do we have left to talk about?  And if you want to talk about that damn ring forget it.  You're not getting it back.  I earned it and I'm keeping it, so just forget about it!”

“Peaches, I don't give a damn about that ring anymore.  Keep it.  You're right.  You've earned it.  Just have dinner with me.”

“What?  Hell no! Fuck that and fuck you!” She laughed.

“Why not?  It's just a meal.  I don't want to end things like this.  We've got a lot of history. Your family is my family and my family is yours.  I want us to remain friends at least. My momma told me to tell you hello! She said don’t stop loving her just because her son is an idiot!”

“Lunch, maybe.  And no desert!” She agreed.

“Done.  I'm free tomorrow around noon.  Just name the place.  Hey maybe we can go to that new Italian restaurant that you're always talking about.” Charles responded, uncharacteristically excited.

“Maybe… Look, I'll call you after I check my schedule. I’m in the middle of something right now and I have to go.” She lied. 

“Okay.  Well, I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.  Enjoy your day pretty lady.”

“Yeah, whatever.” Peaches thought to herself. “Tell your mother I love her and I’ll call her tonight.” She said.

With mixed emotions, Peaches hung up and tossed the phone in her bag. “Charles must think I'm Boo - Boo the Fuckin Fool if he thinks I'm going to let him screw this up for me.  I'm not falling for that concerned ex bullshit.  You want to be friends Charles?  Okay we'll be friends.” She vented.

Not one hundred percent certain that Charles motives were sincere, Peaches grabbed a phone book and quickly flipped through the pages in search of a number. A devious grin transformed her beautiful smile once she found it.  

“Oh I got your friend alright, Charles Preston.” She laughed as she dialed the number. “Let’s see if you still want to be friends after this!”

Chapter 23

For some inexplicable reason Peaches had let Charles’ phone call get to her. She had spent her entire life loving a man who pretended to love her while he furthered his career. She loved spending time with Rashawn, but she’d be damned if she spent the remainder of her life in a man’s shadows financing his dreams while suppressing hers. She decided she needed to have a heart to heart talk with Rashawn. She had just begun her stretching ritual for her morning jog when Rashawn jogged up.

“I was hoping you were coming today.  I haven't seen you in a minute.  What's been up with you?  Is everything okay?” He asked as he gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.

“Yeah, everything's great.  I've just been concentrating on getting myself together.  I've lived my whole life in the shadow of Charles.  I'm just trying not to...” She hesitated, and then paused to choose the right words.

“Come on, just tell me what's wrong.” Rashawn coached as he saw her hesitation and sensed something was wrong.

“Rashawn you are an incredible man.  I appreciate your friendship and I appreciate the attention.  But really... where is this going?” She sighed.

“What do you mean?” He asked puzzled.

“Look, I've been down this road before.  Hell I've wasted my whole life on a damn road just like this.  I'm too old to waste time going nowhere. I want a husband and a family.”

“What did I say or do to give you that impression that I was a waste of your time?  I like you.  You know that.  Right?

“Rashawn, you have a boyhood crush on me.  And I get it.  But seriously... can you see yourself in a serious long term relationship with me.  I mean look at me... yeah I've lost some weight.  Thank God.  But look at you.  You're built like a damn super hero and you have the chiseled face of a god.”

“Is that what all this shit is about?  Peaches, we’ve been through this. I don't give a damn if you lose an ounce.  I'm feeling you and I just want to be with you.  Let's just enjoy each other and see where it goes.”

“Rashawn, I'm afraid I don't have the luxury of time. I don’t think I can do this anymore.” She confessed.

“So, you just going to toss me because I'm fine?  Is that what you're saying?  Peaches, come on... Seriously?  I thought we'd already discussed this a hundred times.”

Rashawn flashed a big sexy smile as he stepped to Peaches, hugged her around her waist and tried to steal a kiss.  Unfortunately, Peaches was not feeling it.

“Stop Rashawn, I'm serious.  I can't do this again.” Peaches reluctantly resisted.

“Do what Peaches?  I don't understand. What are you trying to say?” Rashawn asked as he pulled her closer and locked eyes with hers.

“Get hurt again.” She sighed in a small voice.

“Peaches I understand that you're still fragile.  But, I'm feeling you and I thought you were feeling me too.  I just want to hang with you.  Is that so bad?  I have no intentions of hurting you.  Look, I can show you better than I can tell you.  Give me a chance to do that. Okay?” Rashawn pleaded as he kisses Peaches forehead. 

A smile brightened Peaches’ face.  In her heart she really hoped and prayed that Rashawn could actually be the real thing. He had never lied to her before. She softened and decided to trust him. “Okay, well let’s get this run over with and we’ll go back to my place for something special for breakfast.”

“Are you cooking?” Rashawn grinned.

“No baby… You are!” She seductively breathed before sampling his soft lips.

Smothering her mouth with his Rashawn sealed the deal. “I’d love to.”  It was obvious to Rashawn that Peaches was falling for him. Unfortunately, her low self-esteem and her fear of being disappointed and hurt were holding her back. She was fragile and Rashawn realized that he had to be slow and gentle with her, else he’d lose her forever.

Chapter 24

Six weeks to the day she broke up with Charles, Peaches finally agreed to have lunch with him.  At this point Peaches had lost a significant amount of weight and needless to say she looked amazing.

Looking great and feeling great she showed up looking like the Diva she was. Her hair, nails, makeup and outfit were all flawless. Dressed in a sexy, but simple red dress and stiletto heels she turned heads as she strolled through the crowded Italian restaurant to meet Charles.

Spellbound by her transformation Charles gawked as she headed towards him carrying a beautifully wrapped gift box. Stunned at how spectacular she looked he was speechless.  Peaches pretended not to notice that Charles was blown away by her appearance as he stood to get her chair for her.

“Sorry, I'm late Charles.  I had a meeting with the landscaper at the mansion and it took a little longer than I expected.  I hate to tell you this but I really can't stay long, because I have another meeting with the upholsterer in a little less than an hour.  So do you mind if we order?”

Charles, who still had not uttered a single syllable stared in disbelief as Peaches scanned the menu. Finally regaining the ability to speak he breathed, “Peaches, you look absolutely, breathtaking.  It’s incredible, you look like you did when we were in college.  Hell you look better than you did when we were in college!”

“Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say.” Peaches nonchalantly responded as she continued to cruise the menu.

“What have you been doing?  I mean it's obvious that you've been working out, but... you're actually radiant.”

“I think they call it good old fashion, clean, healthy living, Charles.  I've been living my life... free of worry, free of stress and for once free of financial burdens.  Thank you Jesus! He deserves all the glory.” She casually replied as she folded the menu and placed it on the table.

“I just can't believe how beautiful you are.  You must have lost at least forty pounds. Hey, are you still seeing that young guy that was at the house?” Charles babbled.

“Charles, let's try to stay out of each other’s personal affairs.  Look, I know that it's a little late, but I got you a gift for passing the bar.”

“Peaches, you didn't have to get me anything.  I can't accept this.” Charles said as he eyed the beautifully wrapped present.

“No, I wanted to.  I'm actually very proud of you.  Besides, you're right we've known each other forever.  We've been at odds for weeks now.  It's time we bury the hatchet somewhere other than each other's backs!” She joked. Charles nervously laughed. “Congratulations Charles, I’m so very proud of you.” Peaches replied as she presented the gift to him.

“Thank you Peaches.  I hope you know that this means a lot to me.  Should I open it?”

“Sure!  I want to see your face when you do.” Peaches smiled.

Charles cautiously shook the gift and then put it to his ear to listen for a ticking sound.  “Well at least it’s not ticking. Should I be concerned?  This isn't a stink bomb or some exploding dog shit or something is it?  Cause I have to be in court in a couple of hours.” He laughed.

Peaches snickered. “Damn, why didn't I think of that?  No it's nothing like that.  Open it, I think you'll like it.”

Excited, Charles anxiously ripped the gold foil paper from the box and opened it.  To his surprise it's was a very expensive 14K gold watch with a black leather band. “Oh Peaches, you shouldn't have.” He said as he quickly removed his old watch and put the new watch on.  Holding his arm out he admired it on his wrist.

“No, trust me you deserve it. It looks good on you.” Peaches smiled.

Now, unbeknown to Charles, Peaches had an invisible fence sensor strategically concealed in the letter band and she had an invisible fence installed around her home. Her plan was to give Charles the shock of a life time if he showed up at home uninvited again.

“This watch is so exquisite, but way too expensive.  Peaches you can't afford this.”

“Charles, just stop! Don't worry about it.  I got a big bonus from Miracle.  Besides it's not like you pass the bar every day.  We've been looking forward to this for ten years.  Please just take this as a token of our new friendship.”

Charles continued to admire his new watch. “Okay well if you insist.  Thank you.”

“Look, I hate to do this Charles but I seriously have to run if I'm going to make it to my meeting on time.  I just didn't want to stand you up. You understand don’t you?”

“But Peaches I waited weeks to see you.  Can't you reschedule so that you can stay a little longer? You just got here. Please stay… Okay?” He begged, disappointed that she had to go so soon.

“I know and I'm sorry, but I can't.  You know what?  Let me make it up to you.  If you're free tonight I'll cook dinner for you at my house.  We can talk then.  I mean if you're not working late...” She offered.

“I'd love to come by for dinner.  Just tell me what time and I'll bring the wine?” Charles grinned, excited about the prospect of being alone with the new and improved Peaches.

“Great!  Can you be at my house around eight?”

“I'll be there at seven forty five.” He flirted.

“Great! I’ll see you then.” Peaches smiled as she stood to leave.

Charles quickly stood to get Peaches’ chair. “I’ll see you tonight.” His deep voice said as he hugged her and cautiously sampled her lips and her willingness to be kissed.  Peaches allowed it. “Wow, it's amazing how much you've changed.  Sexy, beautiful and so sweet... I wonder what else has changed...” He teased as he licked his lips. 

“I'll see you tonight.” Peaches winked.

Charles grinned as all types of naughty thoughts danced in his head. “I can't wait!”

As Peaches walked away she could feel the sting of Charles eyes beaming in on her new and improved tight booty.  Looking over her shoulder she caught him looking.  She smiled and gave Charles a sexy wave as she made her grand exit in rump shaking Diva style.

Charles discreetly adjusted himself as the rhythm of Peaches’ ass made his dick hard.

Chapter 25

Later that evening Charles was trying to finish a legal brief before his date with Peaches. He’d been thinking about their brief moment at lunch and his dick had not stopped aching for her since he watched her round ass bounce out of that restaurant.

Now everyone has heard the old saying, You never miss your water until your well is try.” Well, Charles’ well had completely dried up and was filled with dust. He never realized how much Peaches did for him and she never once complained.

His laundry hadn’t been properly washed since he left home. His whites were now all pink or dingy yellow from various laundry mishaps. His shirts were either over starched or wrinkled. And he hadn’t had a home cooked meal since the night before he proposed to Mercedes.

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