Read Girl-Code Online

Authors: S Michaels

Girl-Code (19 page)

BOOK: Girl-Code
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‘I love you,’ he repeats, nibbling my
bottom lip.

‘We are on a train,’ I breathe, and he
shrugs. ‘Cameron,’ I insist as I fight the urge to push him down on the floor
and straddle him.  The train comes to a halt and he glances up his eyelids
heavy before pulling me off of the carriage and away from the curious
travelers.  I flush as I recall our journey in their eyes.

‘Cameron,’ I stop as our feet hit the
platform.  He turns and runs a hand through his hair pulling me to the back

‘Stop with the Cameron,’ he mutters
distractedly, his eyes moving around for the exit.

‘I need to get to work, I haven’t got time
for this,’ I jerk away from him and move quickly into the crowd joining the
rush to the exit.  As my feet find the road Cameron locates my hand and entraps
it into his, ‘I will be late,’ I inform him sternly attempting to retract my
hand from his but he refuses to allow it.  I huff and walk purposely towards my
building, his long limbs easily keep in stride with mine as my heart flutters
in my chest.

As I reach my building I turn frustrated
towards him, ‘Cameron let go now,’ I hiss and he does but not before he grasps
my chin and kisses me quickly on the lips.

‘Have a nice day darling, see you later,’
he turns and hails a cab and I stand, dumbfounded at his rigidity.

My brain is a mess, I make my way directly
to the ladies room where I sit in the cubicle attempting to calm the confusion
within me.  I cannot comprehend the morning’s events or decipher exactly what
Cameron’s game plan is.  I wash my face and reapply some make up and wander to
my desk to begin the day.

I am in a daze throughout the day as my mind
attempts to make sense of Cameron’s behavior.  My head is fighting against my
body in allowing him anywhere within my vicinity.  I eat my lunch at my desk,
nibbling on a sandwich, feeling once again vulnerable against the emotions that
he creates inside me.

How can he drop me so suddenly and attempt
to claw me back into his world so desperately it doesn’t make any sense. Maybe
he isn’t mentally stable my mind suggests? No, he is perfectly aware of what he
is doing, whatever it was that spooked Cameron so badly appears to have
subsided.  I sigh, I cannot be with someone that moods are so erratic he has so
much power over my emotions that I will develop into a blubbering wreck.

He says he loves me…..what does he know of
love?  He has never experienced a relationship before of a sexual nature or
within a family environment.  His father is a child!  Maybe that is what he is
running scared of turning into a similar creature.  I am so muddled!

I exit the office at seven o clock that
evening, remaining late to catch up on tasks from my recent absence.  I yawn as
I depart the building to find Cameron once again within my view leaning
casually against the door of his BMW an anxious look in his eyes.

‘Hey,’ he smiles gently.  ‘I thought we
would disperse with the underground journey this evening,’ he opens the
passenger door and gestures for me to enter.

‘What are you doing Cameron?’ I request

‘Get in,’ he instructs, ‘you look tired.’

‘No,’ I frown up at him and he slams the door
closed and locks his car with the fob.

‘Come on then, the tube it is.’ He insists,
as he turns as if to join me in my journey to the station.

‘What are you doing?’ I stand motionless,
my insides reacting once again to his close proximity.

‘Escorting you home,’ he mutters, his eyes
penetrating mine, ‘we can do this either way,’ he shrugs, ‘but I will be
joining you today, tomorrow and every day, until you forgive me.’ His voice
cracks slightly and my heart hammers inside my chest.

‘And if I never do?’ I test.

‘Then we continue to do this morning and
night,’ he has a stubbornness in his demeanor, that I don’t doubt his words for
a moment.

‘What are you attempting to achieve here,
Cameron?  Once you succeed in your challenge you lose interest and drop me just
as rapidly?’ I question, butterflies flutter deep within me.

‘Never!’ he whispers, ‘I will do what it
takes,’ he promises, ‘however long it takes.’

I shake my head as my eyes fall to the
ground, I cannot accept his words he has spoken them previously.  ‘You have to
forgive me for my lack of confidence you see all this seems rather familiar.’

‘I would forgive you anything,’ he murmurs,
moving towards me until he is an inch away from our bodies touching.

‘No.’ I step back, my eyes moving up to

‘Yes,’ he grasps my arm and brings me back
to him, ‘yes Lucy,’ he gazes down at me and I can hardly breathe.  ‘Get in the
car,’ he whispers, although the message in the instruction is strong, dominant.

‘No,’ I stern and he sighs.

‘Come on then,’ he moves towards the tube
station and I stride rapidly away from him almost jogging to escape his
perplexing presence.  It is pointless, as he once again catches up without
effort and falls in step beside me.  My body warms at the realization of him so
close and despite my resistance, excitement flows within my veins.

As I sit on the tube with Cameron beside me
I wonder about his vehicle, ‘you will get clamped,’ I remind him, ‘there is a
two hour limit on those parking meters.’

‘I don’t care,’ he mutters, as he pushes a
lose strand of hair behind my ear.  I cross my legs and his gaze moves to my
thighs.  He arches an eyebrow and grins suggestion glaring from his eyes as
they darken. ‘I have missed your body,’ he whispers quietly against my ear, ‘my
body aches for you Lucy, all it wants to do is be inside you and feel your warm
insides contract around me,’ his breathless voice sends delicious frissons
surging around my veins as my face flushes and I feel myself moisten in-between
my thighs at his words.

‘Stop!’ I all but pant, as my eyes sparkle
with lust.

‘I can’t. I miss you,’ he murmurs.  I
fidget as my body awakens to his words craving his body against mine.  I stand
and move to the door, despite having another two stops until I reach my
destination, to escape his presence.

‘I know you miss me too,’ he mutters into
my ear and I sigh.

‘Yes Cameron, I do,’ I admit, ‘every moment
of the day, but that does not mean for one moment that I am going to submit to
my addiction.’

‘You are addicted to me?’ he enquires as
his hand snakes around my waist pulling me against his hardening body.

‘Yes, but am prepared to go cold turkey,’ I
inform him as my body delights in his touching the length of me.

‘Too much effort,’ he nibbles my ear.

‘For someone that detest PDA’s, you sure
are doing a good job of performing’ I pant and he chuckles.

‘I couldn’t care less,’ he breathes, ‘I
desire you in my bed, once again, and on this occasion I am certainly not
allowing you to escape.’

‘Until you decide you have had enough of me.’

‘Never,’ he promises, ‘I am never letting
you go.’

I absorb his words, my heart skipping at
the prospect of Cameron never letting me go, ‘I don’t believe you,’ I sigh, ‘I
would love to but….’

‘Let me prove it to you?’ he pleads.


‘Please Lucy.  My dad fucked it up,’ he

‘No Cameron, you managed that all by yourself.’
I remind him.

‘Yes, I will take responsibility, but if my
father hadn’t of been present things would have been very different that
night.  He knows exactly what buttons to press, I thought I was protecting you
by staying away.’

The doors open at my stop and I step out
onto the platform, Cameron at my heels.  My mind is replaying his words
absorbing them and analyzing them, ‘you should have had more faith in me

‘Yes, I should,’ he agrees as we join the
escalator rising to the street level.  We walk the rest of the way to my
apartment in silence, ‘can I buy you dinner?’ he enquires, as we reach the

‘No, I don’t think so, I need to think,’
his eyes locate mine and I feel their intensity.

‘Ok, you will eat though?’ he probes.

‘I will,’ I smile lightly and turn away
waving at Greg as I move to the lift.


The next two days Cameron follows the same routine,
how exactly he knows what time I depart from work I have no idea as it varies. 
But there he is, outside leaning up against his car, suggesting we take the car
home and every night I refuse and he joins me on public transport.  For some
reason he never brings his vehicle in the mornings, but is waiting in the foyer
for our trip in on the underground.  We talk on the inward journey about our
everyday lives, but on the journey home, Cameron spends whispering suggestions
as to what we could do to each other if we were in private resulting in me
reaching home hot and bothered in more ways than one.

By day four, I am frustrated as hell, not
to mention grumpy, as I depart the office to find Cameron once again waiting.

‘Wow, you are cranky today,’ he mutters,
regarding me carefully.

‘You think?’ I grumble.

‘What’s wrong?’ he probes.

‘Nothing,’ I sigh before adding, ‘you need
to stop this Cameron.  I need to go cold turkey, how can I move on when you are
a constant reminder every time I leave my apartment.’

‘Well, that’s the point,’ he mutters amused
before frowning, ‘move on, where?’

‘I have needs,’ I vent.

‘Do you indeed,’ his eyes sparkle,
‘anything I can help with?’

‘No, I can take care of it myself,’ I tilt
my chin up stubbornly.

‘Really!’ he whispers into my ear, ‘did you
make yourself come, Lucy?’

‘Yes!’ I snap as my insides clench with
need and I groan as my mind rewinds to my shower when I arrived home last

Cameron takes a sharp intake of breath as
his eyes darken and his body leans into mine, ‘oh Lucy,’ he flushes and I gasp
up towards him.

‘I want you inside me’, I whisper into his
ear and he stiffens, ‘now,’ I insist and he grabs my hand moving me into his
car.  He slams the passenger door and enters into the driver’s side.

‘Seat belt on,’ he utters tightly as he
pulls out of the parking space. 

My body is tingling, in every way conceivable,
as I come to terms with the fact I want Cameron desperately no matter what happens
I have to have him once again.  My eyes move to his crutch area and notice how
hard he is, I groan as my hand locates his shaft and he gasps.

‘Fuck, Lucy,’ he growls pulling into an
underground car park a few streets away.

‘Where are we going?’ I flush.

‘This is my office,’ he informs me tightly
swinging into a designated parking space. 

The elevator arrives and we enter into the
small area, I stand observing Cameron’s face as he pushes the appropriate
button before moving in front of me.

‘Now,’ he tilts my chin towards him, ‘what
was you saying,’ he growls as his hand moves up my short skirt and locates my
sex.  He closes his eyes as I groan loudly as his finger enters me, ‘oh yes,’
he inserts another, ‘so ready Lucy,’ he thrusts in and out and I immediately
begin to feel the heightened waves of pleasure arriving.

‘Oh Cam,’ I pant, as I cascade around him violently
as he pushes against my clitoris and I continue to shudder around his fingers. 
I scream out and he groans loudly just as we arrive on the ninth floor.  He
removes his hand immediately and pushes my skirt down, I am still recovering as
he glances at me briefly with flushed cheeks and pulls me out onto the awaiting
floor my legs shaking beneath me.

The office is plush and luxurious, but I
notice nothing as Cameron pulls me into a door locking it behind him.  I fail
to observe my surroundings, I only have eyes for Cam as he lifts me and I wrap
my legs around him.  Our eyes are locked as he releases his erection and places
it at my entrance. We both call out as our heads are thrown back and Cameron
thrusts inside.

‘Hard and fast,’ I instruct, and he
complies.  He probes in and around, the ache increasing as he pounds into me.

‘Oh, I have missed you,’ he growls as he
finds my lips and sucks and licks in and around them.

‘More,’ I pant as he thrust deep inside and
I tense as the waves ride over me as my body finds its finale.

‘Yes,’ Cameron calls and stills, filling me
with his release. 

We are panting and gasping as we settle our
insides Cameron’s arms wrapped around me leaning against the door his face
buried in my neck.

‘God, that never gets old,’ he mutters,
‘you ok?’  I nod, words failing me.

He places me on the floor after withdrawing
himself and pulls me into his embrace.  ‘I love you, Lucy,’ he calls into my
ear and for a moment I allow myself to believe in a future as the aftermath of
our passion settles.

He gazes down and smiles, ‘not exactly how
I imagined introducing you to my business, but welcome,’ he grins and I cannot
help but smile up.  He releases me, ‘there’s a bathroom over here,’ he lightly
moves me towards it and we enter together to clean up after our sex session.

BOOK: Girl-Code
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