Giving You Forever (27 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Giving You Forever
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“Oh my god, babe. Look at this one,” she holds up a blue onesie that says
automatic sprinkler
on it. “Can you believe we’re going to have something this little?”

“Doll, we have to get this one,” I chuckle, holding up another one that looks like two baby arms flexing on it.
Two tickets to the gun show

“Yes! Definitely need to buy that one,” she smiles.

An hour later and searching the store high and low for all the cute clothes, gadgets, and learning
more about pregnancy and childbirth than I was expecting, we finally leave with a bag full of things, including some pregnancy books for Alexa.

“Where to now?” I ask once we get back into the car. “Are you hungry? Do you want to stop and have dinner…celebrate?”

Tilting her head towards me with exhaustion painted all over her face, she asks, “Can we just start heading home? I just want our bed...”

Completely mesmerized by those eyes, I cup her cheek telling her, “Whatever you want, doll face. We just have to return the hotel’s room key first.”

“Should I call my mom back and tell her?” she asks with big eyes when I get back into the car.

“So, are we just telling family for now? How does this work?” I ask, completely in left field with this.

With Margo, we didn’t even know she was pregnant until she was three months along and kept it a secret until she started showing.

“I think you’re supposed to wait until the end of the first trimester to tell everyone. So yeah, let’s stick with family for now.”

“Let’s call my sister and Dylan!” I tell her, excited to tell who ever I can.

With a fucking adorable giddy grin, she holds up her phone, dialing her parents first.

“Mom!” she says before biting down on her lower lip, trying to contain her excitement. “Well, we stopped and bought a test…yup, it was positive!”

“Put it on speakerphone, I wanna hear, too!” she begs as I dial Kelly.


“Kel, it’s Nolan and Alexa…”

“Hi Kelly,” Alexa calls out from beside me.

“Hey, what’s up?” she responds.

“We’ve got some news,” I begin, wiggling my eyebrows towards Alexa.

“Uh oh. Should I sit down? Are you guys eloping? Moving somewhere crazy?”

We both laugh. My sister knows me too well.

“Nope,” I lick my lips. “Alexa’s pregnant!”

“Ahhh!!! Are you serious? Oh my god, I’m so excited for you guys!” she yells through the phone, making both mine and Alexa’s eyes tear-up. “How far along are you?”

found out, so not very far at all. She still has to go see the doctor. We’re just telling family.”

“Oh wow. Gosh, guys, I’m so happy for you, seriously. Congratulations!”

So full of love and emotions, I look over to Alexa, glowing with happiness, falling even more in love with her.

“Thanks, Kel, I’ll let you know how the appointment goes,” I tell my sister, putting the focus back on her.

“Yes, please. Let me know how everything goes. Love you guys,” she says before saying goodbye and ending the call.


Chapter Twenty-Three


It’s like a switch has turned on once I find out that I’m pregnant, making pregnancy symptoms come in full swing. Last night I fell asleep on the couch when we got home, ate, then showered and then went back to bed–totally exhausted. Now, it’s 7 a.m., and I’m hugging the toilet. Not getting more than two minutes into my morning ritual, the infamous nausea formed in my stomach, pushing quickly up my throat. Thank God I was only steps from the toilet.

And people enjoy being pregnant?

Finally ready for the day, I make my way downstairs for my coffee and breakfast. A sticky note is on the coffee maker like usual.

No caffeine? Are you stinking kidding me? How the heck is this going to work?

Not even bothering to hit start, the only reason why I drink coffee is for the caffeine, I grab a water from the fridge, crackers from the pantry, and huff and puff as I exit through the garage to my car.

Today is going to be interesting.

I manage to bypass Jamie’s questions, wondering why I don’t have a coffee glued to my hand and why I’ve been eating crackers like they’re going out of style.
I’m just not feeling well
, is all that I tell him.

After my second class, I decide I should probably call the OB, notifying them of my bundle of joy that hates me. Apparently, over the counter pregnancy tests these days are pretty darn accurate, so if it says that I’m pregnant then I’m pregnant, and I don’t need to come in until around eight or nine weeks–a month from now, and should start taking prenatal vitamins in the meantime. I asked if there was anything I could do about the nausea, or any substitute for my addiction to caffeine. The nausea they gave me some suggestions, but the caffeine, I’m basically crap out of luck, saying to just try and get more rest.

As expected, my phone buzzes with a message. I told Nolan that I’d be calling my doctor after my second class, and knowing that he’s probably been thinking about it all morning, it comes as no surprise that he is already texting me to see to what they had to say.

I smile to myself, knowing him so well and knowing what a worry wart he is. God help this poor child. The poor thing will probably have to live in a bubble.

Not bothering to put my phone back in my bag, I wait for his reply, knowing it’ll be within seconds.

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