Giving You Forever (29 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Giving You Forever
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Her moans match mine, feeling every square inch and fucking loving it. The thought of getting this for the next nine months almost has me coming in seconds. Sliding her hands up the back of my head, her sweet little fingers tangle in my hair, gently tugging, completely turned on. It’s the little things she does that turns the heat up another notch, making me want to fuck her even harder.

Intensity rising, her hips grind faster, causing a warm sensation to begin descending through my body.

“Yeah…yeah,” she yells, moving closer to the edge herself.

“Come, doll. Come with me.” I hold her face in my heads, needing to watch her as she unravels over my cock, loving the pleasured look she provides when she does.

“Oh, fuck…baby!” she yells, letting go and finding her sweet release.


She clenches, squeezing the shit out of my cock.

“Ahh…” I growl, losing control, pumping and finding my own release.


Chapter Twenty-Four


Once I step out of the shower, I skip brushing my teeth right away like I used to, knowing that within the next few minutes the nausea will be kicking in, and I’ll be hugging the toilet. It’s been two weeks since I found out I was pregnant and my pregnancy symptoms are becoming routine. I get sick at almost the same time every day, and as long as I take a nap when I get home from school, I’m golden, being able to function for the remainder of the evening and night without feeling completely exhausted.

Nolan has been a saint, catering to my every need, making sure I’m as comfortable as possible. Though, we still have a ton of time before meeting our baby, Nolan has already started clearing out the spare bedroom and moving things around, making room for everything that we’re going to need. My parents aren’t much better, already buying enough neutral colored clothes to last us for the first few months. There’s not a darn thing that this baby is going to be lacking, I can see it now.

At exactly six o’clock the doorbell rings, sending a rush of warmth surging throughout my veins. I love how Nolan treats date night. Like we’re still dating, picking me up at my door.

I hold nothing back tonight, wearing a strapless, fitted black dress, hugging every square inch of my body.

“Shit, doll,” he greets me, responding just as I assumed he would. “I swear these things get bigger by the day.” He cups my breasts, having no care in the world that our neighbors may see.

Pregnancy is definitely doing him well.

“You ready?” I ask, knowing that if I don’t push him along, he won’t stop playing and instead of going out to dinner, we’d be starting with dessert with me pressed up against the wall. Normally I wouldn’t mind, but it’s been hours since I’ve eaten and I need to get something in my stomach before I hurl instead.

“I’ll see you girls later,” he says to my breasts before dropping his hands and leaning forward, pecking my lips. “Ready, baby doll.”

Nolan brings me to the same fancy restaurant he did not too long ago, the night he surprised me with the whole reception get up at his apartment. We’re seated immediately and greeted by the waiter moments later.

“Can I start you off with a glass of wine? We’re featuring our house—”

“No, thanks. We won’t be drinking alcohol this evening,” Nolan rudely cuts him off, not letting him finish his schpeel. “Doll, would you like a soda, or something different?” he continues.

Embarrassed, I respond, “No thank you. I’ll just stick with my water,” I force a smile, bringing the glass up to my mouth to take a sip.

“For you, sir,” the waiter turns to Nolan.

“I’m good for now, too.”

“Could you stop doing that, please? It’s incredibly rude,” I snip at him once the waiter is out of hearing distance.

“Letting him go on and on with no intention of ordering is rude.” He smirks.

I roll my eyes. “You’re something else.”

“And you love it!” he winks.

“Something like that.”

“Are you ready to order?” the waiter returns after giving us a moment to look over the menu.

“Yes,” I smile, then begin my order. “Could I please have the filet mignon, cooked medium well with a baked potato?”

“Sure. Caesar or garden salad with that, ma’am?”

“Um, Caesar, please.”

“Does your Caesar dressing have raw eggs in it?” Nolan interrupts, causing me to look at him confused.

“I believe it does, sir,” he answers.

Nolan turns to me with an apologetic look, “Sorry, doll. You’re gonna have to go with the garden salad.”

He seriously has been doing too much research!

Smiling politely towards the waiter, I tell him, “I guess I’ll have a garden salad with Italian dressing instead.”

“I’ll do the same,” Nolan adds, handing him our menus.

Now by ourselves, I ask, “Are you going to do this for the next nine months?”

“Look out for you and the baby?” he questions with a smirk.

“Be obsessive?” I reiterate with an amused grin.

“Protecting what’s mine is not being obsessive, baby doll. So yes, I
going to be like this for the next nine months, so get used to it.” He winks before taking a sip of his water.

How can I argue that? That’s just how he is, and I’d rather him be involved than not.


“Would you hate me if we didn’t have sex tonight?” Alexa asks when we get back into the car. “I’m so tired all of a sudden.”

“Yeah, I’m pissed!” I joke because, honestly, the question is ridiculous. Though, I think I spent the entire evening sporting a half chub, staring at her in that dress, and will probably have to jerk off once she falls asleep. But how could I possibly be pissed at her for being tired? She’s carrying my baby, for Christ’s sake. “Of course, doll. If you didn’t want to have sex for the next nine months, I’d be okay with it. We’d probably have to prescribe to the playboy channel in the meantime, but I’d be fine. Honestly, sweetheart, don’t worry about shit like that.”

“I love you,” she says, eyes sparkling with the most amazing smile spread across her face, making my insides weak, causing me to fall in love with her all over again.

“More than you know, love.”


Pulling myself out of bed this morning is rough. It isn’t until I sit down to empty my bladder and wipe myself that I fully wake up, noticing some blood on the toilet paper.

Oh my god.

Freaking out, I quickly pull up my underwear while running back into our room to fetch my cellphone to call my mom.

“Morning, honey!” she answers, way too chipper for seven in the morning.

“I think something is wrong.” I lay right in.

“Okay, calm down,” she softly says, hearing the panic in my voice. “What’s going on?”

“I just went to the bathroom, and when I wiped there was blood on the toilet paper.”

“Was there any in the toilet?” she asks.

“Um, I don’t know,” I answer, already walking back in the bathroom to look. “No,” I tell her, not seeing any inside. “It was just on the toilet paper.”

“Was it really red or like a dark, almost brown color?”


“Oh honey, it’s just dry blood. Probably a little implantation bleeding,” she confidently tells me, making my body visibly relax.

“Should I call the doctor?” I ask.

“If it’ll make you feel better, yes, but it’s actually really common.”

“Alright. Thanks, Mom.”

“No problem. Have a good day,” she adds before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.

Already, I feel much better, but I know that as soon as I tell Nolan about this, he’ll be ordering me to call the doctor. Figuring I’ll just skip that discussion, I put a reminder in my phone to call them after my second class.

Surprisingly, I make it throughout getting ready and through my first class without throwing up or feeling nauseous.

Hmm, maybe it’s finally going away?

Nolan had told me that he read in my book that usually after the first trimester the morning sickness and exhaustion starts to go away. Even though I’m only just a little over halfway through the first one, I’m not going to complain. If I can be done with them already, I’m good with that.

After my second class, I do as I said I would and put a call into my OB office. They pretty much said the same thing as my mom, that it’s probably nothing, but if it’d make me feel better than I can certainly come in and get checked out. Though, I believe my mom and the receptionist, I know that it won’t be enough for Nolan, so I go ahead and make an appointment for tomorrow morning.

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