God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World (61 page)

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Authors: Stephen Prothero

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Tao Te Ching
) or
) of, 281, 291–303, 312; description of, 279–81; disappearance motifs of stories of, 315; Eight Immortals of, 306–7; growth during Tang dynasty of, 120; interactions between Confucianism and, 110, 114, 129, 192, 289–91, 302, 303, 312–13; Jade Emperor (Lord Heaven) of, 306; Lady of Great Mystery immortal of, 315; nurturing life focus of, 285–88, 313–15; as one of Three Teachings, 103–4, 105, 121, 281; philosophical and religious, 311–13; popular, 310–11; popular culture influence and contemporary impact of, 281–85;
Quanzhen (Chuan-chen
) tradition of perfection, 309–10; Queen Mother of the West deity of, 307; rituals of, 311; superhero immortals of, 303–6, 312; Tang dynasty prominence of, 290; Way of Orthodox Unity (
Zhengyi dao
) sect of, 308, 310;
) of, 280, 299–303, 313
Daoists: “art of the bedchamber” practice by, 305; Celestial Masters among, 291, 308; “genuine person” as exemplar for, 303; global demographics of, 284–85, 290–91; nurturing life focus of, 285–88, 313–15
David and Goliath story, 246
David, King, 243, 246
Da Vinci Code
(Brown), 1
Dawkins, Richard, 9, 318, 319, 321, 325, 337
Deborah the judge, 273
Debray, Régis, 77, 208.
Deng Xiaoping, 290
Dennett, Daniel, 9, 318, 319
(power/virtue) [Daoism], 298–99
Descartes, René, 179
(Buddhist teaching), 181
(Hindu duty), 161
Dharma Bums
(Kerouac), 176
Diagoras, 317, 318
different paths up the same mountain metaphor, 1–2
Dobson, James, 86
Doctrine and Covenants (Mormonism), 83
Doctrine of the Mean
(Confucianism), 104, 117, 121
Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem) [Islam], 37, 256
Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands
(film), 229
Don Quixote,
Douglas, Mary, 245, 259
DuBois, W.E.B., 11
Duke of Zhou, 114
(Buddhist suffering), 177, 179, 182–83
Durkheim, Émile, 91
Dylan, Bob, 246, 302
East India Company, 164–65
Eckel, David, 295
Eckhart, Meister, 99
Eight Immortals (Daoism deities), 306–7
Einstein, Albert, 247, 249
Elijah Muhammad, 29
Eliot, T. S., 9
Elizabeth II (Queen of Great Britain), 117
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 135
emptiness (
) [Mahayana Buddhism], 193–96, 199
Endo, Shusaku, 9
Engaged Buddhism, 180
Enkidu (Gilgamesh epic character), 332
Episcopal Church, 79, 96
Epstein, Greg, 271
Eshu (Yoruba orisha), 212–13
Esoteric Buddhism, 197
ethics: Confucian, 127–28; the Golden Rule, 2, 102, 258–59; Humanistic Judaism focus on, 271; New Atheists, 325
ethics of war: Bhagavad Gita, 160–61; Quran vs. New Testament on, 45
Eucharist, 81
European Muslims: popular culture influence of, 29–30; Progressive Islam movement and, 20, 54–57; religious struggles faced by, 29
Evangelical Left, 86
exile narrative (Judaism), 253–57
faith: Protestant
sola fides
(faith alone) doctrine on, 77; religion and role of, 69.
See also
faith healing, 94
Falun Gong, 282
Falwell, Jerry, 27, 320
Fard, Wallace D., 29
Farrakhan, Louis, 29
Fatiha (Quran
), 31
(Islamic legal opinion), 50
fear of God, 46–49
feng shui, 282
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 320
filial piety: Confucianism, 106–7, 116; Judaism, 116
(interpretation of Shariah) [Islam], 49
First Zionist Congress (1897), 272
Five Classics (Confucianism), 102–3, 104, 113, 115
Five Pillars (Islam): overview of, 31–34; Sufism rejection of, 57–58, 60, 199
Five Relationships (Confucianism), 112
Five Sacred Peaks (Daoism), 310
Five Virtues (Confucianism), 112
Focus on the Family, 86
Four Noble Truths (Buddhism), 172, 181–84, 200, 201
Four Quartets
(Eliot), 9
four-step problem/solution/techniques/exemplar analysis, 13–16
Francis of Assisi, St., 80, 98
Francis de Sales, 78
Frank, Anne, 247
Freeman, Morgan, 29–30
French Revolution, 323
Freud, Sigmund, 91, 250, 318, 320, 332
Friends (Quakers), 68, 276
Frost, David, 127
fundamentalism: Christianity, 86, 88; “fundos” (Hinduism fundamentalists), 167; New Atheists, 9, 322–23, 336
Gandhi, Indira, 9
Gandhi, Mohandas, 1, 2, 10, 167
Ganesha (Hindu god), 131–33
Garden of Eden, 71, 72–73
Geter, Preston, 73
al-Ghazali, 5, 60
Gilgamesh epic, 332
Gilligan’s Island
(TV show), 210
Ginsberg, Allen, 246
Glenn, John, 65
Global North and Global South Christianity, 95–96
God: Christian’s Trinity of, 36, 68–70, 84; comparing Islamic and Christian fear of, 46–49; covenants made between Jews and, 257–58; Hebrew Bible’s capricious, 243; humbled through our belief in, 339–40; Judaism on, 248–50, 252–53; Kabbalistic Judaism on, 217, 275; Mormonism on, 83;
nirguna Brahman
(God without attributes), 151; religious differences on perception of, 2;
saguna Brahman
(God with attributes), 151;
(ignoring oneness of God), 37;
via negativa
(negative way) to, 99.
See also
Allah; Jesus Christ
Godthink: description and dangers of, 3, 320, 334, 336–37; New Atheists’ version of, 9, 322–23, 336
The Golden Rule, 2, 102, 258–59
Good as New
(New Testament), 75
Good Without God
(Epstein), 271
Graham, Billy, 72
Graham, Franklin, 27
Great Awakening (Buddhism), 171–72, 181, 200–201
Great Learning
(Confucianism), 104, 121
Greek Orthodox Church, 75–76
Guide to the Bodhisattva Path
(Shantideva), 188
Gulledge, Amanda, 328, 329
Habitat for Humanity, 337
Hadith (Muhammad’s sayings), 49
hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), 34
(Judaism “law or way”), 2, 245, 250, 259, 267–69
Haley, Alex, 229
al-Hallaj, Mansur, 60
Hallman, J. C., 69
Hamas (Palestinian territories), 52
(Shakespeare), 11
Han dynasty (China), 113, 120
Hanukkah (Jewish festival), 263
Hare Krishna movement, 51, 151–52
Harris, Barbara, 90
Harris, Sam, 9, 318, 319, 321
Harvard University atheism rally (2009), 327–28
Hasidism (Judaism), 268–69
Head of Christ
(Sallman), 94
Hebrew Bible: creation story of, 243–44; rhythm of wrongdoing, punishment, and exile in, 244.
See also
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 267
Hedges, Chris, 322
hell: Christian view of, 47–48; Islamic view of
(hell), 46–49

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