God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World (64 page)

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Authors: Stephen Prothero

Tags: #Religion, #General, #History, #Reference

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Onfray, Michel, 9, 318, 319, 326
On the Jews and Their Lies
(Luther), 272
OPEC nations, 63
Orishas (DC Comics series), 229
Yoruba orishas
Orthodox Jews, 256, 266, 267, 268
orthodoxy (right thought) vs. orthopraxy (right practice), 32, 70, 157, 252
Orunmila (Yoruba orisha), 214, 234
Osanyin (Yoruba orisha), 218
Osborne, Joan, 68
Oshun (Yoruba orisha), 214–15
Osteen, Joel, 93
Ottoman Empire fall (1918), 19, 40
Otto, Rudolf, 48
Oudil, 273
Oya (Yoruba orisha), 218
Oyotunji African Village, 227–28
pacifism, of Sermon on the Mount, 11
Paradise: as goal of Muslims, 32; Quran on the path to, 32, 42–43
(Morrison), 227
Passover (Jewish festival), 258, 263–66
Patel, Eboo, 336
Patriarch of Constantinople, 75
Paul, 93
Pearl of Great Price (Mormonism), 83
Pentecostalism, 87–91, 92
“people of the book” (
Ahl al-Kitab
), 26, 57, 256
The Perennial Philosophy
(Huxley), 5
perennial philosophy, 6–7
Perfect Realization Daoism, 309–10
Peter, St., 75
Petersham, Maud and Mishka, 65
philosophical Daoism, 311–12
philosophical Hinduism, 144–50
Pink Floyd, 103
Pinker, Steven, 318
Pitt, Brad, 292
Pittsburgh Platform (1885), 268
Plato, 123
Platonism, 172
Pledge of Allegiance lawsuit, 323
politics: Jewish influence in American, 246; Bible used in American, 18; Christianity and modern divisions of, 95–96;
(Hinduness) movement in Indian, 8, 167–68; Islamism ideology of Muslim extremists, 52–54; religious role in, 6–11; Religious Right impact on, 8, 320, 338
Pol Pot, 317
popular Daoism, 310–11
Prabhavananda, Swami, 6
Prabhupada, Swami, 51
prayers: Jewish Kaddish, 106, 252, 266; Muslims called to
, 27–28, 30–31; Orthodox Jews three times a day, 256; Progressive Islam’s mixed-gender Friday prayer service (2005), 55
Presbyterianism, 79
Progressive Islam movement, 20, 54–57
Progressive Muslims
(Safi), 54
Protestantism: comparison of Catholicism and, 80–82; evangelicalism, 84–86; Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans, and Anabaptists, 78–79; origins of, 76–78; Pentecostalism, 87–91
Protestant Reformation, 76–78
puja (worship) [Hinduism], 157–59
Pullman, Philip, 103
Purim (Jewish festival), 263
Puritans, 79
al-Qaeda: Islamic extremists of, 19; Islamism ideology of, 52–54
(breathing exercises), 282
Qin dynasty (China), 120, 122
Quakers, 68, 276
Quanzhen (Chuan-chen
) tradition (Daoism), 309–10
Queen Mother of the West (Daoism), 307
Quran: chastisement warnings in the, 46–47; comparing Christian Bible to, 43–45; comparing Jesus to the, 39; content, themes, and organization of, 41–45; descriptions of Allah in the, 36–37; “The Forenoon” sura in the, 45–46;
(hell) in the, 47; mentions of war in the, 35; on path to Paradise, 32, 42–43; revealed to Muhammad, 28; justice in the, 42, 56–57; “sword verses” in the, 97; written by Allah and the word of God, 40–41.
See also
Qutb, Sayyid, 53
Rabin, Yitzhak, 9
Rahner, Karl, 6
Ramadan (Islam fasting month), 33–34
Ramakrishna, 165–66, 167, 339
Ramakrishna Vedanta Society, 6
Ramayana epic (Hinduism), 153, 159, 162–64
(comic book series), 164
Ram Lila
(weeklong performance), 163
Rand, Ayn, 324
Rastafarianism movement, 15
Reagan Revolution (1980s), 10
Reconstructionist Judaism, 270–71
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College (Philadelphia), 270
rectification of names (Confucianism), 112
Reform Jews, 266, 267, 268, 270
(New Testament), 75
religion: American public’s growing concerns about, 320–21; Confucianism debate of philosophy versus, 105–9, 129–30, 186; dual toxic and tonic nature of, 9–11; examining the influence of, 17–18; “false and your own” categories of, 5–6; futile search for essence of, 12–13; Harvard University atheism rally (2009) protesting, 327–28; making the case for preeminence for a specific, 18–20; metamorphosis promise of, 331–32; New Atheists’ attacks on, 9, 66, 317–18, 319, 320–26; perennial philosophy on, 6–7; seven dimensions of, 49; social, economic, political, and military importance of, 7–11.
See also
religious Daoism, 312–13
religious differences: “argument allergy” reluctance to discuss, 4–5; blind men examining elephant story demonstrating, 338–39; different paths metaphor of, 1–2; fairness in examining, 20–22; “false and your own” categories of, 5–6; four-step approach to problems/solutions/techniques/exemplars, 13–16; Interfaith Dialogue 2.0 for exploring, 335–36; overview of the multitudes of, 1–3; revelations of examining, 333–40; sports analogy of, 22; on what is wrong with the world, 11–13
Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know—and Doesn’t
(Prothero), 13
religious literacy: 20–24, 337
Religious Right, 8, 320, 338
religious rivalries: “clash of civilizations” as, 12, 54, 56, 98; social, economic, political, and military impact of, 7–8
religious tolerance: “all religions are one” mantra of, 3, 4, 8; attacks on ideal of, 321
(human-heartedness), 113, 115–18, 129
renouncers (
), 145–47, 162
(New Testament), 75
Rey, Terry, 221
Rig Veda (Hinduism), 140, 141–42
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 23, 178, 248, 339
Rinpoche, Sogyal, 195
rituals: Confucianism on need for, 141; Daoist, 311; Hindu puja, 157–59; Judaism life cycle, 266–67; Judaism’s commandments, 258–59; range of senses in religious, 158; religious importance of, 69; Vedic religion on, 141
Robert, Dana, 94
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
(film), 30
Robinson, Gene, 95
Roman Catholic Church: comparisons of Protestantism and, 80–82; Protestant Reformation split from, 76–78; Second Vatican Council (1962–65), 82; split between Orthodoxy and, 75–76; transubstantiation doctrine of, 78
Romney, Mitt, 91
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 17
(Haley), 229
Rorty, Richard, 23
Rosh Hashanah (Jewish festival), 264
Roth, Philip, 246
Roy, Ram Mohan, 165, 166, 167
RSS (Rashtriya Svayamsevak Sangh), 168
Ruge, Arnold, 326
Rumi, 60–62
Russell, Bertrand, 324
Sabbath (Judaism), 260, 262–63
Sacred Hoops
(Jackson), 176
Sadat, Anwar, 9
Safi, Omid, 54
The Sage and the Second Sex
(Chenyang Li), 123
Said, Edward, 54
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church (Cape Cod), 67
Saladin, 97
Salafism (Islamic intellectual movement), 53–54
Sallman, Warner, 94
salvation: biblical stories on sin and, 72–73; as Christian goal, 21–22;
(spiritual liberation) versus, 136–37
Samaj, Brahmo, 165
(life, death, and rebirth cycle) [Hinduism], 136, 151, 152–53, 200
(community), 180, 181
Santeria, 219, 223, 227–30
Saraswati, Dayananda, 166–67
Sarnath (Buddhist sacred place), 173, 174
(Zen moment of awakening), 192–93

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