God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World (63 page)

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Authors: Stephen Prothero

Tags: #Religion, #General, #History, #Reference

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karma yoga
(Hindu discipline of action)
Kennedy, John F., 126
Kerouac, Jack, 176, 192, 282
(Judaism), 244
Khadijah, 39
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 25, 50
Kierkegaard, Søren, 81
Kimbanguist Church of Congo, 67
King James Bible, 79
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 54, 81
Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC), 93
King, Walter, 228
(Jewish head covering), 56, 268
The Kitchen God’s Wife
(Tan), 307
“knights of faith,” 81, 99
Knox, John, 79
kosher dietary laws (Judaism), 259, 260
Koufax, Sandy, 246
(out of balance life), 11–13
Ku Klux Klan, 11, 70
(film), 29
Kung Fu
(TV show), 282
Küng, Hans, 6
Kurien, Prema, 168
Kuti, Fela Amkulapo, 229
Lady of Great Mystery (Daoism immortal), 315
Lalli, Nica, 327
Lamaism, 197
Laozi (Lao-Tzu), 281, 290, 293–94, 296, 298–99, 314, 315
), 219–93, 281, 292.
See also
Last Supper, 81
Last Supper
(Leonardo da Vinci), 9
Latin American liberation theology, 54
Lawrence of Arabia
(film), 29
Leaving Church
(Taylor), 301
Lee, Bruce, 283
Lenin, Vladimir, 317, 324
Leo IX, Pope, 75
Leonardo da Vinci, 9
Leon, Moses de, 275
Lerner, Michael, 277
Letting Go of God
(Sweeney), 327
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
(Agee), 294
Libeskind, Daniel, 246
(Confucianism), 113, 116–17, 118, 124
Lincoln, Abraham, 87–88
Little Buddha
(film), 176
Lobdell, William, 327
Losing My Religion
(Lobdell), 327
(TV series), 103
Lotus Sutra, 191
Lu Dongbin, 282
Luther, Martin, 76, 77, 78, 83, 90, 93, 272
Lu Xun, 125, 126
McKenzie, Janet, 94
Mahabharata epic (Hinduism), 153, 159–62
Mahayana Buddhism: compassion of, 42; conventional truth versus Absolute Truth of, 195, 200–201; description of, 176–77, 186–90;
(emptiness) teaching of, 193–96, 199
Maimonides, 252, 266
Mair, Victor, 280
Malcolm X, 29
Mao Zedong, 122, 290
Marsden, George, 86
Marx Brothers, 247
Marx, Karl, 125, 180, 218, 317, 320, 323–24
(place of prostration) [Islam], 27
The Matrix
(film), 176
Mecca: Kabah shrine of, 34; Muhammad’s “night journey” from, 26–27, 40; pilgrimage to, 34
meditation practices (Buddhism), 178–79
megachurches, 93–94
Meir, Golda, 273
Mencius, 119–20, 123, 124, 126, 299
(Confucianism), 104, 121
Mencken, H. L., 319
Methodism, 87
meditation, 178–79
Meyer, Stephenie, 84
Miami Vice
(TV show), 217
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” (Lutheran hymn), 78
Milosevic, Slobodan, 317
Mishnah (Judaism text), 244, 267
Modern Orthodox Jews, 268
Mohists, 116
(spiritual liberation) [Hinduism], 136–37, 138, 147–48, 150, 151, 152–53, 161–62
monasticism: Benedictines, 66; Buddhism, 174, 176, 180
monotheism: Christian Trinity doctrine and, 36, 68–70, 84; Islam on nature of Allah, 36–37, 45–46; Judaism, 248–250, 217, 252–53, 257–58, 275
Mormonism: early history of LDS Church and, 82–84; growing quickly, 12; members from Latin America and South Pacific, 91–92; split over successor of Joseph Smith, 51.
See also
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Morrison, Toni, 226–27
Moses: biblical story of, 73, 244, 254, 255, 257; as Jew by adoption, 262; as liberator and lawgiver, 258; Torah delivered through, 244; transmitting the Law, 114–15
Moyers, Bill, 6
Mo-zi, 116
Muhammad: accomplishments and influence of, 38–39; Hadith recording of words and deeds of, 49–50; life of, 39–40; “night journey” of, 26–27, 40; on questioning for learning, 23; questions raised by, 339; Quran revealed to, 28; as transformer, 114, 115.
See also
Muhammad Ali, 29, 187, 283
Müller, Max, 16, 133
Murphy, Joseph, 224
Muslim feminism, 55–56
(call to prayer), 27–28, 30–31; global demographics of, 28–29; growing political power of American, 20; Mecca pilgrimage required of, 34; Progressive Islam movement of, 20, 54–57; Quran on relations with Jews, Christians, and, 48–49; Ramadan observance by, 33–34; relationships between Christians and, 96–97; required to give charity to the poor, 32; rise of Islamism ideology among some, 52–54; Shariah (law) adhered to by, 49–50; Western popular culture portrayal of, 29–30.
See also
Islam; Shias; Sunnis
mysterium tremendum
(fear of God), 48
mysticism: Christian, 98–99; Kabbalistic Judaism, 217, 273–75; Sufism, 58–59, 60, 109, 199
Nagarjuna, 193
Narayana (Vishnu) poem, 152
Naropa Institute (Colorado), 276
National Council of Ex-Muslims, 325
Nation of Islam (NOI), 29
Nazism, 10, 256–57
Neo-Confucianism movement, 104,
120–21, 285
Neusner, Jacob, 255
(Judaism), 244
Neville, Robert, 124
New Atheists: attacks against religion by, 9, 66, 317–26; crossroads facing, 328–29; debate over creed of, 323–26; ethics of, 325; Godthink, 9, 322–23, 336
New Confucianism, 123–24
Newdow, Michael, 323
New Testament.
Nicene Creed (Christianity), 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 199, 251
Nichiren, 191
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 176, 317, 325
Nigeria: independence (1960) of, 218; Islam and Christianity religions in, 221.
See also
(Wiesel), 9
9/11: Engaged Buddhism criticism of
racial profiling following, 180; Judeo-Christian-Islamic reconception following, 26–27; need to understand religions following, 17; public power of religion influenced by, 320; reading the Quran following, 45; Muslims’ rejection of terrorism and, 10; religious role in terrorism of, 8, 11; U.S. postage stamp issued prior to, 34.
See also
terrorism; United States
nirvana (Buddhism): no distinction between samsara and, 200; overcoming suffering to goal of, 177–80, 182–83
Nixon, Richard, 127
Noah’s Ark, 73, 246
Noble Eightfold Path (Buddhism), 14, 172, 181, 200, 201
Noll, Mark, 95
Obama, Barack, 117, 317
Obatala (Yoruba orisha), 215–16
O’Connor, Flannery, 300
Ogun (Yoruba orisha), 216–18
Olcott, Henry Steel, 173
Olodumare (Yoruba Supreme Being), 211–12
Olupona, Jacob, 221
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History,

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