God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World (62 page)

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Authors: Stephen Prothero

Tags: #Religion, #General, #History, #Reference

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Henry VIII (King of England), 79
Henson, John, 75
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
(Campbell), 5
Herzl, Theodor, 272
Heschel, Abraham, 16, 47
Hezbollah (Lebanon), 52
(Muslim women’s head covering): European controversies over, 29, 56; as symbol of Islamic identity, 56
Hildegard of Bingen, St., 82
Hillel, Rabbi, 249–50, 258–59, 278, 339
Hinduism: Bhagavad Gita, 134, 135; Brahma (the creator) and Vishnu (the sustainer) of, 132, 137, 152, 153–57; deities of, 131–33, 134, 142; devotional, 137, 150–53; Ganesha, 131–33; differences between Indian and American, 240; four different aims of, 136–37; Hindu trinity, 153–57; holy men of, 137–38; Indus Valley civilization and birth of, 138–39, 143; Mahabharata epic, 153, 159–62; modern, 164–67;
(spiritual liberation) of, 136–37, 138, 147–48, 150, 151, 152–53, 161–62; mythological dimension of, 108–9; origins and description of, 133–35; philosophical, 144–50; puja (worship), 157–59; Ramayana epic, 153, 159, 162–64;
(life, death, and rebirth cycle) of, 136, 151, 152–53; as
Sanatana Dharma
(Eternal Law), 135; Shiva (the destroyer), 132–33, 137, 153–57;
categories of scriptures, 140, 159; today’s political, 167–68; Upanishads of, 137, 140, 144–45, 149–50, 151; Vedas of, 134, 137, 139, 140, 141, 148; Vedic religion, 140–43, 144, 145–46;
Vrat Katha
tradition of, 159
Hindu nationalism, 167–68
Hindus: castes of, 142, 150; demographics of, 133; history of the, 135; holy man, 137–38; renouncers (
), 145–47, 162
Hindu Students Association, 168
(Hinduness) movement, 8, 143, 167–68
Hitchens, Christopher, 9, 19, 318, 320, 325, 326, 329
Hitler, Adolf, 17, 256, 272
Hobbes, Thomas, 299
Hoff, Benjamin, 283
Holiness movement, 87
Holley, Lonnie, 232–33
Holocaust, 10, 17, 256–57, 258, 272
Holy Communion (Christianity), 80, 81
homosexuality, 95–96
Hu Jintao, 122
Humanist Association of Canada, 325
Humanistic Judaism, 270–71
Husain (Muhammad’s grandson), 52
Huxley, Aldous, 5
“Hymn of the Primeval Man” (Rig Veda), 141–42
ibn Abd al-Wahhab, 53–54
Ibn Arabi, 61
I Ching (or Yijing), 102–3
Id al-Fitr (Islamic festival), 33–34
Ifa divination practice (Yoruba religion), 205, 213, 234–36
Ignatius of Loyola, 78
I Love Lucy
(TV series), 229
Imam (Sunni Muslim leader), 51–52
Incarnation doctrine (Christianity), 68, 331
Indra (Vedic god), 142
indulgences (Roman Catholic), 76
Indus Valley civilization, 138–39, 143
Inquisition (Christian), 69
Institute for Humanist Studies, 324
Interfaith Dialogue 2.0, 335–36
Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), 336
International Federation of Secular Humanistic Jews, 271
International Monetary Fund, 63
International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON, or the Hare Krishnas), 51, 151–52
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, 86
Introduction to the Devout Life
(Francis de Sales), 78
Iranian hostage crisis (1979–81), 25
Iranian Revolution (1979), 10, 25
Islam: “clash of civilizations” between Christianity and, 12, 54, 56, 98; demographics of followers of, 18–19; Five Pillars of, 31–34, 57–58, 60, 199; Islamism ideology of, 52–54;
(struggle) and, 34–36; making the case for preeminence of, 18–20; as missionary religion, 19; origins of, 39–40; Progressive Islam movement of, 20, 54–57; relationship between Christianity and, 96–97; Shariah (law) and, 49–50; Shia and Sunni divisions of, 12, 50–52; justice in, 42, 56–57; Sufism, 57–63, 109; Wahhabism theology of, 53–54; Western images of, 25–26.
See also
Muhammad; Muslims; Quran
Islamism ideology, 52–54
Israel: founding of modern state of (1948), 256; Zionism movement leading to modern state of, 268, 271–72
(mother of secrets), 204
Jackson, Phil, 176
Jade Emperor (Lord Heaven), 306–7
(hell) [Islam], 47
Jainism, 15, 172
Jakes, T. D., 93
Jantzen, Grace, 106, 286
Jefferson, Thomas, 84
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 82
Jennings, Ken, 203
Jerusalem: First Temple destruction in, 254, 261; Muslim-Christian struggles over, 97; Second Temple built in, 255; Second Temple destruction in, 255, 256, 261
Jesus Christ: biblical description of, 70, 71–73; Book of Mormon on, 41, 83; on casting sinners to hell, 47–48; comparing the Quran to, 39; “Great Commission” of, 85; Islamic beliefs related to, 37; number of books written about, 70–71; portrayed as Asian, African, or female, 94; questions raised by, 339; as transformer, 115; Trinity doctrine on, 36, 68–70, 84.
See also
(film), 67
Jesus of the People
(McKenzie), 94
The Jewish Catalog,
Jewish with Feeling
(Schachter-Shalomi), 277
Jewish Renewal, 276–78
Jewish Renewal
(Lerner), 277
Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS), 269, 270
The Jew in the Lotus
(Kamenetz), 276
Jews: Ashkenazi, 247; covenants made between God and, 257–58; Ethiopian, 247; exile and return of, 253–57; global demographics of, 245; Holocaust and the, 10, 17, 256–57, 258, 272; death of Jesus used to justify persecution against, 35; Kaddish prayers for the dead by, 106, 252;
(Jewish head covering), 56, 268; as “people of the book,” 26, 57, 256; Quran on relations with Muslims, Christians, and, 48–49; Sephardic, 247, 250; Zionism and, 268, 271–72
(struggle) [Islam], 34–36
Jim Crow legislation, 11
jnana yoga
(Hindu discipline of wisdom)
Jodo Shu (Pure Land) Buddhist school, 191
John the Baptist, 75
John of the Cross, St., 5
Jones, Regina, 273
Jordan, Michael, 13
Joshua, 254
Judah (southern kingdom), 254–55
Judaism: on “arguing for the sake of God,” 4, 248–50; birth of, 239; community and memory as central to, 252–53; Conservative, 269; covenants made in, 257–58; demographics of modern, 245; dietary laws of, 259, 260; divisions within, 12, 251; exile and return narrative of, 253–57; feminist theology and role of women in, 272–73; filial piety importance in, 116; God of, 252–53; Hasidism, 268–69; Jewish Renewal movement of, 276–78; “Judaism of the dual Torah,” 262; Kabbalah, 217, 273–75; Kaddish prayer of, 106, 252, 266; Levitical codes and commandments of, 258–59; liberation and law traditions of, 257–60; life cycle rituals of, 266–67; Modern Orthodox, 268; narrative and law elements of, 243–45, 257–60;
text of, 244; Orthodoxy, 256, 266, 267, 268; Passover and major holidays of, 263–66; Reconstructionist and Humanistic, 270–71; Reform, 266, 267–68, 270; Sabbath and minor holidays of, 260, 262–63;
formula of, 251–52; worldwide influence of, 245–48
Judaism text: Haggadah reading, 265; Mishnah, 244, 267; read during Seders, 265–66; scriptures of, 244;
Shulchan Aruch,
250; Talmud, 244, 249–50, 251, 262, 273, 275; Tanakh, 244, 249, 253, 254, 257, 261–62, 275; Torah, 41, 140, 244, 258–59
Judeo-Christian-Islamic notion, 26–27
Judeo-Christian tradition, 26–27
Jude, St., 80
Julian of Norwich, 99
(exemplary person) [Daoism], 110
justice: Gita on
161; Progressive Muslims on the struggle for, 54–55; Quran’s social themes concerning, 42, 56–57
Kabah shrine (Mecca), 34
Kabbalah Centre (Los Angeles), 274
Kabbalistic Judaism, 217, 273–75
Kaddish prayer (Judaism), 106, 252, 266
kali yuga
(degenerate age) [Hinduism], 11
Kallen, Horace, 249
Kamenetz, Rodger, 276
Das Kapital
(Marx), 125
Kaplan, Mordecai, 270, 271
The Karate Kid
(film), 282
karma (action), 147

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