God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World (47 page)

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Authors: Cullen Murphy

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #Research, #Society, #Religion

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The Frogs,


art: Pope Paul IV censors,

Art of Memory, The

Arts and Crafts movement,

Ash, Timothy Garton,

Ashcroft, John,

Assange, Julian,

auto-da-fé: ritual of, 65–66,
, 165–66

Aznar, José María,


Balasuriya, Tissa (father): CDF excommunicates,

Barry, Dave,

Bélibaste, Guillaume: execution of,

Bell Ringers, The

Bellarmine, Robert (cardinal),

on censorship, 121–22

denounces Copernican system,

prosecutes Bruno,

prosecutes Gallileo, 129–30

threatened with censorship,

as heretics or witches,
, 135–36

Benandanti, I
, 135–36

Benedict XII (pope): Bishop Fournier as,

Benedict XVI (pope),
, 177–78,
, 223–24,
See also
Ratzinger, Josef (cardinal)

as “grand inquisitor,”

and opening of Vatican’s Inquisition archives,

on Teilhard de Chardin,

Bentley, Robert (governor),

Berlin, Isaiah: on moral certainty, 248–49

Berlin Document Center: Nazi archives at,
, 203–4, 207–8

Stasi archives, 204–8

Bethencourt, Francisco,

on decline of Inquisition, 140–41,

Béziers massacre (1209),

Bibles, vernacular: Roman Inquisition censors,

Big Sort, The

bin Laden, Osama,

“birthright citizenship”: as U.S. controversy, 76–78

Bishop, Bill:
The Big Sort,

Black Death: in Spain,

“Black Legend”: Spain and,
, 187–88

Bloomberg, Michael,

Boccaccio, Giovanni:
The Decameron,

Boff, Leonardo (father), 17–18

CDF silences & censors,

Boniface VIII (pope),

book-burning: censorship and,

evangelical religion and,

Boss: J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition, The
(Theoharis & Cox),

Boykin, William G. (general),

Bradbury, Ray:
Fahrenheit 451,

Brazil: Portuguese Inquisition in,

secular inquisition in, 188–89

British Library (London),

Bruce, Lenny,

Bruno, Giordano,

Roman Inquisition prosecutes & executes,
, 127–29,

Buddhism: Catholic Church and,

bureaucracy: Arendt on, 235–36

in CDF,

in government, 234–35

in national security, 234–35

nature of, 234–35

in Roman Inquisition, 121–23,

Burghley, Lord,

on secular inquisition,

Bush, George W.,

approves torture,

California: Inquisition in,

Calvin, John,
, 185–86,

Camerarius, Philip, 123–24,

Camp Delta.
Guantánamo detention facility

Camp Justice.
Guantánamo detention facility

Camp X-Ray.
Guantánamo detention facility


canon law: and heresy, 38–39

Carafa, Giovanni Pietro.
Paul IV (pope)

Carnivore (surveillance software),

Carroll, James: on censorship,

Carvajal, Luis: Inquisition executes, 152–53

Case for Imperfection, The
(Sandel), 247–48

See also
Albigensian crusade

Church suppresses as heretics, 9–10, 28–29, 30–35,

cultural legacy, 29–30

in Montaillou, 57–58

Montségur massacre (1244), 28–29,

theology of, 26–29

Catholic Church: anti-Semitism in,

and Buddhism,

bureaucratic record-keeping in, 40–43

centralization of authority in, 37–38

condemns Modernism, 170–71

and Confucianism,

demands anti-Modernist oath,

enforces doctrinal rigidity & social control, 169–71

printing revolution and, 112–14

prosecutes Albigensian crusade, 30–33

Queen Elizabeth I and,
, 193–94

relationship with civil government, 21–22

supporters kill Gov. Rosas,

suppresses Cathar heresy, 9–10, 28–29, 30–35,

“Catholic Church and Modern Science, The” (document series),
, 229–30

Catholic Encyclopedia
(1907): approves censorship, 118–19,

cell phones: and surveillance, 237–38

See also
Index of Forbidden Books

of Abelard,

by Amazon,

threatened with,

Bellarmine on, 121–22

Bellarmine threatened with,

and book-burning,

Carroll on,

Catholic Encyclopedia
approves, 118–19,

CDF and,

Congregation of the Index and,
, 118–19

in France, 197–98

by Goldman Sachs,

Google and,

Hentoff on,

Master of the Sacred Palace administers, 117–18,

and power of imprimatur,

under Queen Elizabeth I,

by Roman Inquisition, 69–70, 118–26,

in Russia, 115–16,

Savonarola promotes,

of self, 126–27

social damage of, 125–26

in Spanish empire,

St. Paul approves,

Tedeschi on, 123–24

by Texas State Board of Education, 238–39

in Inquisition archives, 17–18

of WikiLeaks, 240–41

Chadwick, Henry,

CHAOS program (CIA): surveillance by,

Chavez, Angelico (father): on Inquisition in New Mexico, 145–46,

Cheese and the Worms, The
(Ginzburg), 136–37

Cheney, Dick: “Cheney Doctrine,” 245–46

defends waterboarding,

China: control of Internet in,

intellectual freedom restricted in,

church and state, separation of: Obama on,
, 243–44

in U.S.,
, 241–44

Cifres Giménez, Alejandro (monsignor): administers Inquisition archives, 15–17, 225–29,

civil liberties: national security and, 210–11,

Clement V (pope),

Clement VIII (pope): and coffee,

COINTELPRO program (FBI): surveillance by,

Collins, Paul: on Inquistion in modern world,

Columbus, Christopher,

accompanied by

personality & ambitions of, 146–47

Comey, James B.,


communications revolution: Inquisition and, 148–49

Concordia discordantium canonum
(Gratian), 38–39,

Confucianism: Catholic Church and,

Congar, Yves,

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).
See also
Inquisition, Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office

and apparitions, 227–28

archives of, 4–6,

and censorship,

criticizes Harry Potter books, 18–19

excommunicates Balasuriya,

functions & organization, 2–4,

official pressure as weapon of,

questions Schillebeeckx, 177–78

Ratzinger as head of, 2–3,
, 180–81, 225–26

reputation for bureaucratic mediocrity,

rescinds Küng’s authority to teach, 181–82

secret archives of, 4–6,

silences Boff,

takes action against Curran,

tightens controls on universities,

Congregation of the Index,
See also
Index of Forbidden Books


and censorship,
, 118–19

conspiracy theorists: and Inquisition, 20–21

Columbus accompanied by,

migrate to Spanish empire, 150–53, 160–61

Spanish Inquisition prosecutes, 9–11,
, 68–69, 95–96, 98–99,

Copernicus, Nicolaus: Bellarmine denounces,

heliocentric system of, 127–31

Coulter, Ann,

Council of Tarragona (1242),

Council of Trent: and Counter-Reformation,

Sarpi on,

Counter-Reformation: Council of Trent and,

Roman Inquisition leads,

Cranmer, Thomas,

Crucible, The

crypto-Jews: and DNA research,

and Pentacostalism, 161–62

survival of in New Mexico, 152–53, 161–63

Curran, Charles (father): CDF disciplines,

da Gama, Vasco,

Darkness at Noon

data collection: national security and, 208–15

De la Mare, Albinia,

De Laurentiis, Dino,

De Luca, Giuseppe (monsignor): on attempted suppression of Graham Greene,

Decameron, The
(Boccaccio), 136–38

Deighton, Len:
Funeral in Berlin,

Derrida, Jacques:
Archive Fever,

Dershowitz, Alan: on torture,

Descartes, René,

Roman Inquisition censors,

deviance: and anti-communism,

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