Good for Now (Book One of The Now Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Good for Now (Book One of The Now Series)
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Chapter 32




“Here is your office for now,” Heather says, as she sees my expression.

A wave of relief washes over me, “For how long?” I ask.

“For about a month but maybe sooner, this department is moving to the top floor, and then I will become your private secretary.”


“Yes, hopefully by then we will be friends.”

I grin, “I think we are already.”

“So glad you are not Robert, my last boss.”

“Please, don’t think of me as your boss, we are co-workers here.”

Heather smiles, “Is there anything I can get you?”

“No, I am good. I better start working.”

I sit at my desk, the room is small, but I am not complaining. I could work in here, but I do miss having windows, or at least one.

There’s a knock at my door, “Come in,” I say.

Mr. Diaz, is standing at the threshold. “Hi, Julie, I have a few files for you to start.”

“Great, I say, as I reach over to get them. Mr. Diaz then walks in and sits down, closing the door behind him.

“How can I help you Mr. Diaz, is there something I need to know about a file?” I ask, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Mr. Diaz’s eyes look at me, he has a twinkle in his eyes. I’m not liking the vibe I’m getting from him.

“Yes,” I say to break the silence.

“I just want to know if you fool around?”

I swallow hard, not wanting to say a word, feeling my cheeks burn, feeling so violated. Wanting to run out the door, but stand still, ready to push him away if needed.

“If you do, come and see me. I’ll always have time for you.”

I notice the wedding band on his left hand, feeling sick for his wife. Was this a come on line that lawyers used, having a hard time breathing, believing Kevin could have used the same line on his interns.

“Well, when you are done with these files, there are more.”

“I hope I didn’t interrupt you.”

“No, you didn’t,” I say, but think, at least I know who the hell to stay away from.


First case, involves a trespassing charge, involving an ex-boyfriend. The ex-girlfriend had called the police three times prior to the charge, and it wasn’t until after he broke his key in her lock that he was finally arrested.

Jerk, I think. Another man not letting a woman be after the relationship had ended, but then I read on.

Anna Thomas, is the so called victim and Nick Manor is the defendant. He claims she wanted him back, calling him, but after having sex, she would get upset when he wouldn’t commit to a relationship. She then would call the police saying he was trespassing.

I already see loopholes, like phone records of her calls to him where spot on, so I am thinking there is truth in his plead. Still I have to follow through and get this case moving, either to trial, some sort of plead deal or having the case dropped.

I look for her phone number in the file. Flipping through the pages, I hear a knock at the door. My stomach tightens, hoping Mr. Diaz wasn’t so bold to come back in with another question.

“It’s open,” I say.

It’s Heather.

“Hi, Ms. White.”

“Please call me Julie.”

“Oh, sure. Thanks,” Heather says, with a wide smile.

I smile back, waiting to see what she wanted.

“I was thinking we could have lunch together, you know we could talk about how things run here in the office. We could also talk about how you would like for me to handle your calls. I am sure there will be times when you don’t want to take a call, and we can decide on a code so I will know what you mean,” Heather says leaning against the door frame. “Sorry, I do talk too much.”

“Oh no, I agree. I think it is a great idea,” I say. “You also saved me from starvation or I would have been working until five. Sometimes I forget to eat.”

“Funny,” Heather says as she leans in and whispers, “this office needs some humor, I’m sure you figured that already. Let’s go across the street to Charlie’s deli. They have the best burgers.”

“The best?” I question.

“Well, the best around here,” she says, wearing a huge grin.

“Love burgers.”

“Let’s go.”

“I’ll be out in a minute, just want to straighten my desk. So when I get back I’ll be ready to work.”

“Cool, I’ll be in the front. Sally is handling the desk until I get back. She is Mr. Grant’s secretary.”

“Be right there,” I say, I grab my phone to see a voicemail message from Kevin.

Boom I felt liked my chest was pushed in by an invisible force.

I shake, the room is starting to feel small, and I feel the air being sucked out of me. I want to throw my phone away, but part of me is happy. What kind of sick thought is that?

Relax, I tell myself. It is fine. He is calling because he needs something. Or maybe he has changed. I lock the office door and listen to his voicemail.

Both hands on the phone, taking a deep breath, as he starts to talk.

“Julie, It’s Kevin. Call me.”

Tears stream down my cheeks. What is happening? Why am I crying over him? I thought I was over him. He sounded so good, his voice was just the same. Maybe I should call him back. Am I crazy?

I hear footsteps, then a knock on the office door. Heather’s voice say, “Are you ready Julie? I only have an hour lunch break, or Sally will be a real pill if I am late getting back.”

I open the door, “Yes, I just had to take a call.”

“Were you crying?

“I bet it was bad, because you look ten shades lighter.

“That usually happens when I don’t eat,” I say, covering up for Kevin again.

“Well, we better get going cause you look like you are going to faint.”

I laugh, feeling less tense, wanting nothing else more than to live a normal life. I couldn’t wait for my next session with Violet.









Chapter 33




Heather and I return from lunch. I can’t remember laughing as much as I did with her. Her tell it as it is attitude had me in tears, made me realize how out of the loop I am, needing to go out with friends.

She tells me pretty much what I felt about Mr. Diaz, saying he was always on the prowl for girls. I didn’t tell her that he didn’t waste any time, trying to get me to fool around with him. I suppose men do think with their dicks. I just hope it is not all of them.

Kevin’s voicemail is all I can think about now that I am back in the office. My phone rings again, it’s him.

I answer, my stomach in knots.


“I’d like to see you,” Kevin says.

I can’t exhale and speak, feeling like I am being squeezed by forces tightening my chest.

“Are you there Julie?”

I expected to hear, “don’t you dare give him the time of day” echo in my mind, but I don’t. I don’t hear the warning that I thought I would. It’s like I don’t remember how he left me. It’s like it has been erased form my mind because I am feeling those smitten feelings for him.


“How about now? I could swing by the apartment,” he asks.

“I am not there.”

“Oh, OK, can you be there in an half hour?”

I become hot, feeling my body temperature spike, “I can’t. I’m out. Actually I’m working,” I say, feeling like it was a bad thing. I hear Kevin let out a sigh.

“Oh, so you’re working for your dad now?”

I swallow hard, feeling my chest thump fearing his next question.

“Sort of.”

“Your dad would have you work for him, I bet he’s not even paying you well,” he say.

I don’t say anything.

“So when are you off?”

“Around five.”

“How about if I pick you up?”he asks. “Fuck that, I don’t want to see your dad. I can only imagine what a disappointment I am to him. I’ll come by the apartment.” Kevin says.


Now that he has called I do want to see him. I say one thing, but do another. I feel my private become wet.

I better start making my calls and get files moving.


"Hi, Ms. Thomas."

"Yeah, who is this?" She asks, offensively.

"Hi, again. I am Julie White from the district attorney's office. I will be handling your case, against Nick Manor."

"Oh, hi, sorry, but I have been having assholes calling here," she says softly. "Call me Anna."

"Anna, I am calling about the case and I have a few questions as I am not as familiar with the case. I've read the notes but I want to clarify a few things. Is that OK?"

She lets out a deep breath and I hear movement, like she is walking. "Hold on for a sec, I'm going outside."

"Sure, take your time."

"So what do you want to know?" Anna asks.

"Well, it says in the file that Mr. Manor were once a couple but not anymore."

"That is right,, we were a thing for a long time, then the prick cheated on me and...then he got me pregnant, and everything seemed like it was going to be right between us. But then I lost the baby."

"Sorry," I say, not wanting to say more, not wanting her to break down.

"It's OK. I wasn't ready for a baby anyway but I would have loved it."

I look at the file to see that Anna is 21. Too young to be in this situation.

"Do you talk to Nick anymore?"


"Good, we don't want to give the defense side a leg to stand on," I say, hoping Anna would ask what that meant but she didn't. So I moved on with my questioning. “Have you tried calling him?”


“Have your friends called him?”

“No, but I can’t control what my friends do. It’s not like I have that power.”

“Have you talked to him through your friends? I mean, have they been giving him messages?”

“A friend may have said something, but that is not against the law or anything. I mean come on, it’s not like I told him myself,” Anna says defensively.

“I understand, but this could be a problem in court.”


“Well, the defense could say you were being untruthful or and still have a thing for Nick with the phone calls. Phone records can be easily pulled and accessed and presented in court. I just want you to be aware, and not to be surprised, that’s all. If that happens in court.”

Anna takes a deep breath. I can feel she is thinking real hard.

“Nick is an asshole…I just wish he never happened,” she says, hearing her voice crack.

I look at my pad of paper, trying to think of how she can get him out of her life, but it may not be the way she thought she imagined.

“Well, I know how you can have it like it never happened. This case can be dropped and you can break ties with him,” I say.

“I can, just like that?”

“Yes, I, I just need you to sign a withdrawal request and it’s official.”

“It’s that easy?”

“Yes, do you have a way to get a fax? Or do you know someone who does?” I ask.

“No I don’t, can you send it?”

“Yes, but the case won’t be officially closed until I receive it back signed.”

“Thanks, I’ll get it to you fast.”

“I wish you well Anna.”

“It is time I stop the games, too. Nick wasn’t the only guilty one. I should haven’t called him the times I did.”

“Well, it sound like you are ready to move on.”

She hangs up and I question whether if getting this job, handling this file was not somehow a wake-up call for me? Was Anna’s actions meant for me to stop this back and forth with Kevin? I know I am taking this personally and I shouldn’t. I am not Anna and Kevin is not Nick. I think it is time I take a break. So I get out of my desk chair and walk our of my windowless office.

I need coffee. I realize I never asked Heather where the staff room is. I see she’s on the phone. From the corner of my eye I see Mr. Diaz and Mr. Grant still in the see through conference room, they are laughing. I can only imagine what stupid conversation they are having. I wonder if Mr. Grant knows Mr. Diaz is a sleaze of a husband. Shit, Mr. Diaz’s see me looking and waves. I turn away, in disgust. Man, I shouldn’t have done that.

“Julie,” a voice calls.

I turn around, it’s Mr. Grant.

“Hi, I smile, walking towards him with a make-shift smile. I pray he doesn’t make the moves on me.

“I was about to go and check on you, but since you are here. I want to know how is it going? he asks, he reaches to touch my shoulder.

“Good,” I say, relieved when he takes his hand off.

“You have been holding out on me, haven’t you?,” he asks.

“I am not sure what you mean.” I say, thinking what the fuck is going on here. Is this office for real or am I in a dream?

“You didn’t say you father is Joe White.”

Relief washes over me, “I didn’t think I had to.”

“Just kidding Julie, you remind me of your mother. She had a hard time taking a joke, no offense of course. I think if she had lightened up a bit…anyway, I am glad you are happy here,” Mr. Grant says, realizing that he crossed the line when speaking about my mother.

“I already closed a case.”

“Really, that was quick. Which one?”

“The trespassing one, Anna Thomas verse Nick Manor.”

“Keep it up. Our goal is to settle cases, going to court is the last option. Settling is our aim here, unless it is a clear sink and dunk case. Like the Kemp case.”

My heart drops, I realize how right he was. I feel sick thinking of Kevin’s true intentions. He wasn’t that stupid thinking he could win or maybe Mr. Grant was the stupid one because even a clear sink and dunk case can be torn apart. It is all in the handling. I wonder if Kevin lost on purpose. Shit, my mind is really playing head games.

I think of seeing him later, will we have sex? Will he even try to seduce me or will he take joy in knowing I want him to but he won’t. Because he wants me to make the move and be the woman he wants. Will I become Greta because I want him? What the fuck asm I doing? I look over to see Mr. Diaz looking my way, he waves again, I smile and wake for Mr. Grant to turn and walk away before I casually wave, with my middle finger a few inches in front of my other fingers.

He doesn’t seem to notice, still smiling my way. What an idiot, he is not seeing what I am meaning. I suppose he’s just like Kevin, thinking he can charm any woman off her feet.

Mr. Grant turns around, “Oh, I forgot to ask you.”

“Yes,” I say.

“I got a call from the Dean at FIU Law, and there is opportunity for an intern to assist here.”

My heart drops, this can’t be real.

“Do you want one?”

“No, I am fine. I like to work alone.”


“I thought you’d like the extra hand,” Mr. Grant says.

“Not really, I think they are more work than they are worth.”

“Smart girl.”


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