Grace’s Sweet Surrender (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Grace’s Sweet Surrender (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Not yet. The ones that have been coming around haven’t had much experience in waitressing. Don’t forget, it’s your week to clean the house,” Hunter said with a hint of humor. Neither one of them enjoyed their turn at cleaning the house.

“We need to hire a housekeeper while we’re at it.” Brody placed the clean glasses behind the bar on the shelf.

“Jamie’s our best server. She’s getting ready to go on maternity leave in a few weeks, and we need her to train someone before she goes on leave.”

“Maybe we should put an ad in the newspaper for a housekeeper while we’re at it?” Brody came out from behind the bar with a glass of water. “I’m starving. Want to grab some lunch with me?”

“Sure, I’ll go put in an order for a couple burgers and fries while you go have a seat in the back booth.” Hunter made his way to the kitchen, and when he entered the dining room, he noticed a beautiful woman standing at the front looking around nervously. Hunter walked toward the woman. “Can I help you with something, ma’am?” He noticed that she seemed uncomfortable, like she wasn’t sure what she was doing there.

“I was inquiring about the waitress job you have advertised out front,” the woman said.

Hunter just stared at her and asked, “Do you have any waitress experience?”

“Yes, sir, the only thing I know how to do is a waitress. I’ve done nothing else since I was eighteen years old. I’m now about to turn twenty-three in a few months.”

She didn’t look to be much older than twenty-one, but he figured he should believe her. Hunter just examined the woman before saying, “What is your name, Miss?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, how rude of me. My name is Grace…Grace Adams.” Grace stuck her hand out to shake his hand.

He then extended his hand to shake her long, slender fingers.
Grace Adams…what a beautiful name for such a beautiful woman.
Hunter looked at Grace then remembered why she was here. Hunter then reached out his hand and shook hers. He felt a slight tingle in his hand as he touched the woman’s soft hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Grace. My name is Hunter, and I own half of this bar and grill with my best friend Brody. We were about to sit down for some lunch. Will you join us?”

“Oh, I don’t want to intrude on your meal. I can wait till you’re done. I’ll just leave my resume with you and you can discuss it when you have a chance.”

“Nonsense, Grace, I’ll go back to the kitchen and tell them to add another burger to our order. We can conduct the interview while we eat. You can meet Brody, and we can get to know each other better.” Hunter excused himself for a minute and left her standing at the entrance, then returned from the kitchen to escort her to the booth where his partner was sitting.


* * * *


Brody watched as Hunter led a gorgeous long-haired blonde beauty back to their table. She was a petite little thing. She seemed so much shorter walking alongside his six-foot-four friend, at least a foot shorter. As she got closer to the table, Brody noticed her hair had long curly ringlets in the back. Her bangs were swept off to the side, out of her eyes. The woman kind of resembled Taylor Swift, and she appeared to have a sweet country girl look to her. She had curvy thighs, and her breasts weren’t really big, though nicely proportioned to her body. Brody had to adjust himself under the table before they reached the booth.

“Brody, I would like to introduce you to Grace Adams. She is here to apply for the waitress job. Grace, this is my partner and best friend, Brody.”

Grace turned to smile at Brody and said, “Sorry for interrupting your lunch. I told Hunter I could wait, but he insisted I sit and eat lunch with you.”

“Grace, we would love your company.” Brody scooted in so Hunter could sit next to him. That way they could look across the table at Grace. Brody was excited to be sitting across from such a good-looking woman as Grace. It had been a long time since someone had captivated his interest so quickly.

Hunter glanced at the paper and said, “Well, Grace, your résumé says you used to work in the city. Why did you decide to move here?” Brody watched as she stared at her napkin and wouldn’t make eye contact with them.

“I didn’t like living in the city any longer. I broke it off with my fiancé, and I thought it would be best if I started off fresh away from the city. I thought this town looked friendly as I was passing through, and then I saw you sign as I drove up to the restaurant to have lunch.”

Brody addressed her first. “So you are new to town? Do you know where you will be staying if you get the job?” He then peered at Hunter to confirm he had the same look in his eyes. Brody knew what Hunter was thinking.

“No, I haven’t thought about that yet. I guess I could rent a motel till I find somewhere permanent to stay,” she said.

“Well, Grace, you seem qualified enough to work here. I think Hunter will agree with me in giving you a chance to work for us. We need to run a background check on you first. Other than that, we could use your help here. Would you like to work for us, Grace?” Brody watched as her face lit up with a smile.


* * * *


Grace was starving. She hadn’t eaten breakfast and was planning on just stopping in at this restaurant for a quick meal. When she saw the help wanted sign, Grace thought she might inquire about it while she was there. She was shocked and struck by how attractive Hunter was when he first approached her. He must have been about six four, and he had these wide shoulders. Hunter looked like a linebacker. He had shaggy hair that was kind of blond, maybe light brown. He was wearing jeans and a tight polo shirt that had the restaurant’s name in the corner.

She couldn’t believe how attractive these two men were. Hunter’s partner, Brody, was as handsome as he was. Brody’s hair was cut short to the scalp and looked to be brown. Brody’s eyes were a light brown color. Hunter’s eyes were a mix between hazel and light green. Brody’s eyes held hers for a moment before he addressed her.

Grace was so excited. She never thought she would find a job this quickly. She couldn’t wait to leave so she could go find somewhere to stay, temporarily. “Yes, thank you for this opportunity, gentlemen. I won’t let you down. I’m a hard worker, and I’ll work any shift you need me to,”

“There’s something else we want to run by you, Grace,” Brody said. “We have another job we want to propose to you.”

Grace stared from one man, then to the other. She was a little confused. She didn’t even know these men and they wanted to offer her another job already. “What kind of job are we talking about?” Grace was kind of dumbfounded as to what they were implying.


* * * *


Hunter could tell by the expression on her face that she concerned they expected something in return for a job with them. “Grace, we are two bachelors that are looking for a housekeeper to take care of our house we share. We don’t have the time to maintain it since we spend most of our time here at the restaurant. What we are proposing is you need a place to stay, and we’re looking for someone to pick up after us. If you want this job, we’ll give you room and board for free, and in exchange you keep the house clean for us and do our laundry.”

She stared at him for a moment, wanting confirmation about Brody’s surprising proposal. “You don’t even know me. I don’t know anything about you either. You’ve already given me a job here at the restaurant, and now you’re offering me a place to live if I become your live-in housekeeper?” Grace couldn’t believe how her luck had changed. These two handsome guys were willing to give her a job and a place to stay?

“First of course, we just need to run a background check on you and call your past employer. Will you be able to start the day after tomorrow if everything comes out clean? The woman you are replacing, Jamie, is leaving on maternity leave in two weeks, and we want her to train you to take her spot.” Hunter watched as she got excited, and then her face changed to sudden disappointment.

“Oh my, I have one problem. I have a dog named Duke. He’s been with me for some time. Do you have a problem with dogs living at your house?”

Brody smiled at her. “Not at all, Hunter and I love pets. We just don’t have the time to care for one. We have a big backyard that’s fenced in. So, does that mean you’ll accept both positions we are offering you today?”

“Yes. Absolutely. Does my job entitle me to also cook meals? I’m a fairly good cook if you need some meals prepared. I don’t normally get a chance to cook like I want to. I don’t like to cook if it’s just for me.”

“We can fend for ourselves in the kitchen. However, if you feel inspired to cook once in a while, we wouldn’t turn a meal down.” Hunter watched as Grace smiled and looked to see the same expression on Brody’s face. “When we finish up here, we’ll take you to the house and show you around,” Hunter said as he slid out of the booth. As they made their way to the entrance of the restaurant, a short brunette walked toward them.

“Ah, there’s Jamie now.” Brody watched as the ever-so-pregnant Jamie waddled up to them smiling.

“Please tell me this beautiful young lady is going to be my replacement?” Jamie eyed both men.

“Why yes, she is in fact. We were going to call you later and ask you if you would be able to come in the day after tomorrow to train her,” Hunter said to Jamie.

“Of course I can come in. I would love nothing more than to quit working so I can start my maternity leave as soon as possible. My feet and back are killing me,” she said as she rubbed her lower back.

Brody looked at Jamie’s belly to say, “I’m sure it has nothing to do with the ten-pound bowling ball you have been carrying around for the last eight months?” Jamie then slugged him in the arm for his smart-ass comment.

Jamie then turned to speak to Grace. “I’m Jaime by the way. Have you waitressed before?”

“Hello, Jaime. My name is Grace. And yes, I have years of experience. That’s all I know how to do.”

Hunter then interjected, “I want to show Grace around, introduce her to the staff. We’ll see you the day after tomorrow, Jamie, for the lunch hour?”

“I will be here, boss. I’m going to grab my paycheck and head home. I’ll talk to you all in a few days.” Jamie smiled and waved to them all as she headed to the office.

“Jamie is our best waitress. I have a feeling you two will get along well,” Hunter said with a smile. “Now, let’s take a tour around the place, shall we?”


* * * *


Brody watched as Hunter led Grace around the restaurant. She was beautiful. He felt as though all his prayers were answered. She was everything they had talked about wanting in a woman. He and Hunter had known ever since their first ménage encounter in college, where they met, that they were a good team. They knew how to take care of a woman, and they worked well together.

Hunter and Brody found that they both enjoyed seeing the pleasure erupt in the woman’s bodies when they could bring her to orgasm. He and Hunter discovered they liked to dominate the woman they were sharing in the bedroom. That was one thing they needed, total control of the woman’s body. They liked to see the flesh turn a bright shade of pink when they felt the need to reprimand her and spank her butt.

As the dominant men they were, they visited a few BDSM clubs after college, and they realized it was something they wanted and craved in the bedroom. They weren’t interested in having a slave full time. He and Hunter just wanted someone to dominate and control in the bedroom only. While visiting the club, they were taught how to take care of the female’s needs, to soothe and care for her after they had brought her to orgasm. They didn’t want or desire the full-time lifestyle. Nothing gave them more pleasure than to see their partners fall apart during sex. They agreed that they wanted the same thing, to settle down and marry a woman they could share for the rest of their lives.

As roommates they shared their bed-mates together and vowed once they graduated with their business degree that they wanted to go into business together. After college they found a house and bought it together. This was the perfect house for their family.

They had talked about once they were fully established in their restaurant and were happy with their accomplishment, they would find a woman to share their heart with. Brody only hoped that Grace would be that woman they were looking for to submit to them in the bedroom and their hearts. He wanted to get to know her, and he could tell that Hunter did, too.

Chapter Three


Grace followed behind in her car as Hunter drove his truck up a gated driveway. Brody riding in his passenger’s seat. She looked over at the dog and said to him, while rubbing his head, “Wow, I wish you could really appreciate how beautiful this house is, Duke. It is simply breathtaking.” Duke wagged his tail from the passenger’s seat.

She still couldn’t believe she had agreed to become Hunter and Brody’s live-in housekeeper. Grace had seen the help wanted sign and took a gamble by inquiring about the job. She surely didn’t think she would get hired, much less live with these two hunky men. They made her feel comfortable around them. Hunter and Brody seemed to have a sweet and gentle aura about them. Just because they appeared to big larger-than-life men, she had a feeling that she could trust them not to take advantage of her gentle demeanor.

Grace didn’t have a second thought about saying no to sharing a room in their house. Their house seemed large enough that they wouldn’t get under each other’s feet. She admired the scenery as she approached the house.

The paved driveway leading to the house was beautifully landscaped. Flowers grew alongside the driveway in a variety of spring colors, and the lawn looked well manicured. As Grace approached the house, she noticed the trees were big and shaded the large one-story neutral-colored house. The house had dark brown shutters and a wraparound porch that had a few rocking chairs and a swing. The outside appearance of the house looked very homey.

As Grace parked her car next to Hunter’s truck she noticed the SUV parked next to it.
That must be Brody’s car
. When she opened her door, Duke jumped out and ran toward Hunter and Brody as they rounded her car.

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