HARDER (14 page)

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Authors: Olivia Hawthorne,Olivia Long

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Chapter 28

want this room
!” Lucy screamed and took off like a shot through the massive master bedroom of the mini mansion we were touring.

I laughed, “Not on your life, little missy.”

“This is our room,” Caleb laughed and reached out to grab her. He winced as she accidentally kicked his still healing leg, but he held her above his head and put her on his shoulders.

“But I want the biggest room,” she protested with a glint in her eye. She was joking, she knew the pink flowered room down the hall would be hers if this ended up being the house for us.

“We’re sharing a room though,” I said, “so we need the biggest one.”

“And if you have a baby you will need to put a crib in here,” Lucy contemplated and glanced down at me.

Caleb laughed and swung her around, she clung to him and giggled madly. “You’re a cheeky monkey,” he said and set her on the floor.

“And not very subtle,” I added and watched her scramble over to the huge window and jump onto the window seat.

“You can see the stable from here though,” she pouted. “If I get a pony I want to be able to see him.”

“You can see the stable from your room too,” I said and then stuttered. “I mean if Caleb likes this house. It’s up to him.”

“How many times do I have to tell you this is
decision?” he said and smacked my behind playfully.

I squeaked and jumped away from him but he reached out and grabbed my arm. I looked up at him and smiled. “Maybe I just like hearing it.”

“Then I’ll say it a million times again…this is our decision, Brooke, because without you my life loses meaning. Without you I might as well live in a tent, it would all be the same to me.”

“I could live in a tent,” I smiled up at him, “as long as it was with you.”

He kissed me, Lucy made her usual noises of disgust at us showing affection and our realtor decided to join us at that moment with her chipper voice. “How are you kids making out in here?” She paused, I broke away from Caleb and she grinned. “Like bandits I see. Or teenagers.” She snorted at her joke and I laughed.

“You caught us,” I said and watched as she fluttered around the room explaining the architectural details and features that would make us want to buy it.

This was the eighth house we’d toured. Being in a small town meant a small selection of properties, but it also meant that once we found one we had to snatch it up or it would be gone before we had a chance.

Patricia, the realtor, stood in front of the huge windows and put her hand to her throat dramatically. “Can you imagine waking up to this view every morning?” she gasped as if she hadn’t seen that view a hundred times before. She was right though; it was a good view.

I reached out for Caleb’s hand and walked to the window to join Patricia. “I could get used to this I suppose,” I said and looked over at Caleb. He was watching me and gave me a questioning look with his brows raised.

“Do you want it?” he asked.

“I…well…yes,” I replied and exhaled when he swooped towards me, picked me up and swung me around.

“Perfect, it’s ours,” he said and I laughed in joy until he set me down and put his arm around my shoulder.

It was funny, that amount of happiness. It scared me.

I’d had a good upbringing, it’s not like I was abused or anything, but Rolland had given me this strange sense of fear that stuck in my gut at all times now. It was like I expected life to go bad at the drop of a hat, and things were so perfect with Caleb I felt like they couldn’t go anywhere but down.

I shook this feeling off and let myself experience the happiness that was making my body almost vibrate with excitement.

“I get my pink bedroom?” Lucy asked, skipping back over to us.

“Yes, you do,” Caleb replied and ruffled her hair.

“When do I get my pony?” she asked, staring up at us expectantly. “I already have a name for him, Mister Feathers. And I want him to be white so he looks like a unicorn.”

“Wow, you’ve got this all planned,” I smiled. “We’ve got to move in first before we start picking out ponies.”

“So I do get one?” she asked slyly and I crouched down to kiss her forehead.

“Sure, why not?” I laughed.

“Anything you want,” Caleb said and I whipped my head around to shoot him a glare. It was fine to give in for a pony, but we didn’t have to go crazy. “All righty, a pony and then anything your mom approves of,” he chuckled.

“Yes, Mommy is the boss, remember that,” I laughed and Lucy put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes. It was gone in an instant though, she ran down the hallway to her room and we heard her singing her favorite song from Frozen and I imagined she was spinning around like a princess.

She was a princess though, and I felt like a queen with my king.

“I’ll get the paperwork drawn up,” Patricia said in her businesslike tone. “What offer would you like to submit?”

Caleb smiled at me, turned to her and said, “Full asking, all cash. I want to get in here as soon as possible though.”

Her face split into a wide grin and she said, “Excellent, I’ll go do that now. Please lock up on your way out.”

With that she flitted away like an excited little bird…a bird who was going to make a nice commission off this sale.

“Thank you,” I said and leaned back against Caleb’s chest.

“Thank you,” he replied and kissed the top of my head. “You’ve brought me happiness again and for that I’ll always thank you.”

I sighed and closed my eyes, listened to Lucy singing and the beating of Caleb’s heart.

This was home.

e moved
in a week later and a few days after that we had a meeting with Rolland’s lawyer. He was begging us to drop the charges against his client but he had no idea that I was out for blood and wanted Rolland behind bars as long as possible.

“All I’m saying,” his lawyer told me and leaned across the table to either intimidate me or engage me somehow…either way it wasn’t working, “is that Rolland needs help, but putting him in jail isn’t going to get him the help he needs.”

Caleb’s lawyer, Mister Miles, stuck his hand out protectively and said, “Please, stick to your own side of the table. My clients aren’t interested in your client’s well being, and they’re certainly not interested in seeing him walking the streets any time soon.”

“Unless…” Caleb said and brought his hand up to his chin in thought. “Can I speak to you for a moment?” He looked at Mister Miles.

“Sure thing,” his lawyer replied and stood.

I got up as well but Caleb put his hand on my shoulder and said, “In private.”

“What’s going on?” I asked as they walked to the corner of the room and huddled together, speaking in low whispers.

I sunk back down to the chair slowly and avoided looking at Rolland’s lawyer. The man was the definition of a shark, with his greasy slicked back hair and cheap polyester suit and grin with a mouth full of teeth.

I didn’t like him.

It felt like an eternity but Mister Miles and Caleb came back to the table and sat back down on either side of me.

“My client has a proposition,” Mister Miles told Rolland’s lawyer. I glanced over at Caleb and he gave me a supportive smile. “My client, Caleb Harder, will drop all charges against your client–“

“What? No!” I yelled and jumped to my feet.

“Brooke, it’s okay, hear him out,” Caleb said, touching my arm and gently pulling me back into my chair.

“Why would you do this?” I asked, still distressed.

“You’ll see,” he said and nodded towards Mister Miles. I sighed and let him settle his hand on my thigh to comfort me.

“Okay, after that little outburst what do you have to tell me?” Rolland’s lawyer smirked. He was so oily I shuddered as his gaze draped over me. He made me feel unclean even with just a look.

“My client is prepared to drop all charges against your client if he will agree to allow my client to adopt the little girl, Lucy.”

Rolland’s lawyer sucked in a long breath, glared at us and said, “That’s low.”

I was elated though. My happiness fluttered around in my chest and bubbled out in an excited laugh. Caleb and I had discussed ways we could get Rolland to sign over custody of Lucy to us, but this hadn’t crossed my mind.

“Thank you,” I told him. “For this alone I will thank you forever.”

“It’s perfect,” Caleb replied. “I can adopt Lucy and be her dad. I can’t imagine a single thing that would make me happier than having her as my daughter legally, to complete our family.”

I kissed his cheek and shot Rolland’s lawyer a dirty look. “Take this back to that piece of shit and tell him if he gives up rights to his daughter we’ll leave him alone,” I said.

“I will be advising him to not give up custody but ultimately that’s up to him,” he replied with a sneer.

“This concludes today’s meeting,” Mister Miles said, stood and offered his hand to Rolland’s lawyer. He stood up and shook it limply, gave Caleb and I a long look, turned and left.

I couldn’t help myself; I jumped up, threw my arms around Caleb’s neck and slipped onto his lap.

“You are amazing,” I said and kissed him. “Did you just think that up?”

“It came to me when his lawyer was paddling along over the charges. We both know Rolland will serve time for the things he did to you, but this gives us leverage.”

“I will let you know when he calls,” Mister Miles said and packed up his briefcase. “I wish you two all the best though, it seems like this little girl will be much happier away from your ex.”

He left and Caleb and I went home to have a quick lunch before picking Lucy up from school and taking her to soccer practice.

That was the best part of living with him now, being able to spend more time with him than before.

It hadn’t been easy for him, leaving his father’s house, but he’d done it anyways of course. Now there was a revolving group of nurses and cooks who cared for Caleb’s dad around the clock. The one blessing of his dementia had been that he didn’t seem that aware of what had happened. He didn’t seem to realize that Caleb had moved out yet.

I couldn’t bring myself to care about him yet and had a feeling I never would.

As long as Caleb and I were happy together, the old awful man could live alone.

And I knew we’d be happy for a long time. Forever even.

Chapter 29

hen’s the wedding
?” Addy asked me after I’d given her the grand tour of the new house.

“He still hasn’t asked me,” I said. “I mean, not formally. I know we will at some point but it’s not official yet.”

“Why don’t you ask him?”

“I’m old fashioned, I feel like that’s something he needs to do.”

“I think Gary might pop the question soon,” she said shyly with a big grin.

“Oh my god, that’s awesome,” I exclaimed. “What makes you think that?”

“Just a few hints here and there,” she replied and sipped her lemonade. We were sitting on the wide stone patio off the back of the house. Addy’s kids were with Lucy at the stable where our groom was giving them all turns on Lucy’s new pony. Yes, he was white and yes, he was called Mister Feathers.

“Like what?” I prodded. Gary seemed so back and forth with Addy at times, I really hoped he was about to commit to her. Addy was a wonderful woman and deserved to find love.

“I don’t know, I found him looking at my rings the other day and he asked me if I would prefer to get married in the winter or summer,” she said. “I can’t explain it, it’s just a feeling I have.”

“Interesting. I wonder if Caleb is planning anything,” I pondered. He wasn’t around today, he had to head to town to sign some papers for the family business. Ever since he’d taken over from his father, he’d been much busier managing investments and employees. I still didn’t know exactly what Harder Industries actually did. I guess it didn’t matter as long as Caleb was happy and he got paid for it.

“I’ll bet he is,” Addy said and smiled secretly.

“Do you know something?” I gasped. “You have to tell me if he’s planning a surprise, I hate surprises!”

“Even if I did know anything, which I don’t, I would never tell you,” Addy laughed. “And you don’t hate surprises, you hate bad surprises which are totally different.”

“True,” I replied and narrowed my eyes. “Come on, you have to tell me if you know something.”

“I know nothing,” she grinned and sipped her lemonade. I decided that she wasn’t going to tell me even if Caleb had confided in her. I would just have to wait and see what happened.

It would drive me crazy but whatever Caleb had up his sleeve would be amazing. I had to trust him, and I did. My heart gave me no other choice.

We walked down to watch the kids ride Lucy’s pony and ended up making lunch for the kids later on.

I loved days like that, they were perfect. I loved being surrounded by friends and family and bright sunshiny days.

Caleb came home after Addy had left. Lucy heard the front door and raced towards it to tell Caleb all about her time with her friends and Mister Feathers. He held out his arms and she jumped into them, hugging him close and babbling away about her awesome day.

I smiled at them with love in my heart. Lucy had never been that open with Rolland, it made me proud to see the two of them together.

“Mommy, can I have some ice cream before dinner?” Lucy asked as Caleb carried her towards me.

“You know that’s not how it works around here, missy,” I laughed.

“Caleb? Please?” she pleaded.

“You know your mom is the big boss,” he told her with a stern look. “You have to eat healthy before you eat dessert, you know the rule.”

“Fine,” Lucy sighed dramatically. She jumped down and was off in a dash to her room to play dress up before dinner like she did every night.

“So I’m the big boss, am I?” I asked when we were alone. “I can’t wait to take advantage of that tonight.”

“Oh, I said around here,” he told me and grabbed my hand. He pulled me into his arms, kissed my neck and squeezed my ass. “I didn’t mean in the bedroom.”

“I see how it is,” I said looking up at him from under my thick lashes, “I get to be boss lady out here but in there I’m still your little sex servant?”

“Isn’t that how it’s meant to be?” he growled and nipped at my neck. “Don’t you love it when I order you to strip naked and get on my cock?”

A shiver of excitement shot through me and I smiled seductively. “Of course,” I whispered. “You know I love it.”

“Later, my love,” he said in my ear. “Later and you’re mine. Your cunt, your body, your mouth…all of it is mine.”

“Always,” I exhaled and felt weak in the knees at his words. He had that effect on me; with just a single phrase he could turn my body to liquid desire.

Somehow we made it through dinner and Lucy’s homework, surviving on glances here and small touches there.

We read Lucy a story and tucked her into bed. I sat next to her until she fell asleep in her frilly pink bedroom that was above and beyond anything she’d ever dreamed of. And it was finally somewhere she could be proud to bring her friends to.

It wasn’t that I thought money solved everything, but it didn’t hurt. And it was nice that Lucy was finally no longer the poor kid with the single mom. I no longer felt like I was failing her somehow.

As soon as I knew she was deep asleep I practically fist pumped and snuck out down the hall to the master bedroom.

Caleb was more than ready for me. He had lit some candles and was waiting naked in the middle of the room, the golden light making him seem more like a god than a mere mortal.

He was my god, the god of my heart.

His massive cock thrust up and he reached for me the moment I stood before him.

“I thought that was going to take forever,” he rasped and covered my mouth with his. Our tongues danced against each other and I moaned softly, sinking into the sensations of his body against mine.

“Take these off,” he said as he pulled away. He tugged at my shirt and I stepped back and slowly stripped my clothes off. I stood in front of him in my matching bra and panties and did a little sexy dance.

“You mean all of it?” I smiled with a wink.

“All of it,” he growled and hooked my panties with his thumb and tore them from my body. “Don’t taunt me, Brooke, I need your cunt.”

“I’m not taunting, I’m teasing,” I laughed and stepped back, my bra still on. “There’s a big difference.”

“Not to me there’s not,” he said and stepped forward. He hooked his finger under my bra strap and yanked it off my shoulder. He reached behind me, undid the clasp and jerked it off my body, leaving me breathless and so bloody turned on I couldn’t think of a clever response.

I sunk slowly to my knees and looked up at him. I opened my mouth and gripped the shaft of his dick and pumped it as I sucked the head.

He grabbed my head and exhaled slowly. “Fuck, Brooke, I’ve been thinking about you all day. I hate being away from you. I wanted to sink myself inside you from the moment I left this morning.”

I moaned and vibrated my mouth against him, he sped up a little and fucked my face as I felt my core turn to liquid fire and melt deep inside.

He pulled out of me and reached down to pick me up, I laughed and said, “What are you doing?”

“You,” he replied and walked to the bed. He set me down and climbed overtop of me. “I’m going to fuck you, and then we can taste each other. But for now I need to shoot my load inside your cunt, Brooke, or I’m going to lose my god damned mind.”

“We can’t have that,” I said, pleased with the ferocity of his need. “Fuck me, Caleb. Fill me up and wear me out.”

He didn’t reply, he just made a guttural growl in the back of his throat, dropped down between my thighs and thrust himself inside of me.

I cried out and arched my back. He hooked his hand underneath me and drew me up, close to him.

He flipped over and ended up sitting on the bed, holding me tight against him, his cock buried deep inside.

“I love you,” he rasped and thrust up inside of me.

“I love you too,” I groaned and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He fucked me hard and fast, thrusting up and holding my hips so I didn’t bounce right off his cock from the force of his passion.

Our bodies fit so perfectly together there was no doubt in my mind that we were made for each other. Our hearts beat in time, our hips clashed together and our arms and hands traveled all around each other’s bodies, raising the passion higher and higher.

“Oh god, I want to come,” I groaned and my head lolled back on my neck, my hair hung down and brushed his knees.

“Come for me, Brooke. Come on my dick, squeeze it, milk me dry with your beautiful pussy,” he said in a low, thick voice.

“I am,” I exhaled, “I’m coming, Caleb. Just for you, only for you…”

And I did, I came so hard I felt like my orgasm was ripping me apart and stitching me back together. It was so intense that the electric energy roaring through my body escaped from my mouth, my voice cried out and I said his name like it was a way to keep me from flying away.

“Caleb,” I groaned and writhed on his lap. I felt his cock jump and twitch inside and he thrust one last time.

“I’m going to fill you up,” he said in my ear, “I’m going to put a baby in you, Brooke. I’m going to get you pregnant.”

“I want your baby,” I said as tears sprung to my eyes. “I want to have a child with you.”

“I love you,” he grunted and went completely still but his cock jumped so hard inside me I could feel it pounding against the wall of my pussy.

“I love you too,” I rasped and exhaled as I fell against his chest, feeling so completely connected with him that I could barely figure out where the two of us divided. We felt like one organism, two parts of the same whole.

I felt Caleb slip out of me and he stood, still holding me in his arms.

He turned around and laid me gently on the bed, he dropped between my legs and began to kiss and lick me all the way up my legs. His tongue and lips traveled the curved path of my thigh and his mouth found my swollen, slick pussy.

He pierced it and lapped at my clit, fingered me and brought me to yet another insane orgasm as the candles flickered and my heart filled with even more love for him, if that was humanly possible.

We came together and from each other’s hands again and again that night, and we fell in love even deeper.

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