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Authors: Karen Rose Smith

Heartfire (26 page)

BOOK: Heartfire
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But now it was time to let go of the anger and move on.  His actions the past couple of weeks probably had convinced Tessa he didn't love her.  Max shook his head, disgusted with himself.  So now what could he do?

Only one thing gave him hope—her question before she'd left. 
Do you want me to come back for Thanksgiving?
  Yes, he did.  And maybe if he told her he loved her, she'd reconsider taking the job in New Haven, or another one in New York, or one anywhere else in the same country so they could share a life.  She mattered too much to let her get away a second time.  He'd made her career an insurmountable stumbling block, but it didn't have to be one.  They could work something out.

Flexibility had never been his strong suit, but somehow he'd adjust.  To be with Tessa, he'd do almost anything.

Max checked his bedside clock.  It was probably around five a.m. in Oslo.  The summit wouldn't be over for another day.  If he called now...

Before he lost his nerve, he found the number that Tessa had given him for the hotel where she'd be staying and dialed.  The hotel rang her room, and he held his breath.

"Hello?"  She sounded sleepy.

"Tessa?  It's Max."

"Max!  What's wrong?  Has something happened to Ryan?"

"No," he was quick to reassure her.  "Ryan's fine."

He heard her sigh of relief.  "Then I don't understand..."

He turned the ring around on the tip of his thumb.  "I wanted to know if you've made plans for after the Summit."

Her hesitation tortured him as he prayed she hadn't.  Clearing the morning huskiness from her voice, she answered, "Not exactly."

What did that mean?  He had visions of her and Dan Holloway or some other journalist who realized how special Tessa was skiing down a mountain.

She went on, "Yesterday, I extended my reservations here for a few days.  I was going to do some research."

Now was the time to put his heart on the line.  As it pounded so loud he was sure she could hear, he asked, "Will you come back and spend Thanksgiving with us?"

The dead silence almost killed his hope until she asked, "Do you want me to come back for Ryan?"

Knowing he had to take the risk, he laid his heart in her hands.  "I want you to come home for me."  When she didn't respond, he asked, "Tessa?"

Her voice was husky, but he could hear her clearly.  "I heard you, Max.  I can be there Thanksgiving Day."


Holding herself in check so she didn't break all the speed limits, Tessa pulled up in front of Max's house, not bothering to turn into the driveway after what seemed to be an endless trip.  Since Max's call, she hadn't been able to think straight, let alone work efficiently.  She'd wanted to drop everything she was doing and fly back immediately.  But history and caution made her finish her assignment in Oslo before rushing into—

She wasn't sure what yet.  But she was hoping.  She was filled with more hope than she ever thought she could hold.

The late-afternoon sun was descending behind tall maples as she pulled her bag from the backseat and practically ran to Max's front door.  He opened it before she put her hand on the knob.  The longing on his face, the desire in his deep brown eyes, his uncertain smile, turned every bone in her body to wobbling sticks.

Dropping her bag, she said softly, "I'm home."

Max swept her into his arms and kissed her long and hard with a breathtaking intensity that brought tears to her eyes.  Kicking the door shut with his foot, he carried her into the living room and finally put her down in front of the fireplace.  It was lit, filling the room with its coziness and warmth.

But it was Max's gaze and the caress of his fingers on her cheeks that warmed her inside and out.  And his words as he said,  "I love you, Tessa.  I didn't want to say it for the first time over the phone.  I should have said it long before now.  But if you'll let me, I'll say it and show you how much I mean it for the rest of our lives."

His words shook her so terrifically, she could hardly stand.  Holding onto his broad shoulders, she murmured, "I love you, too.  But, Max, I can never take Leslie's place.  I'm different.  I'm..."

.  The woman I love.  I don't want you to take Leslie's place.  I'll keep her memory alive for Ryan.  But it's time for me to let go of the past.  I love you for who you are—for all the excitement you bring to my life, for your loyalty, for your passionate caring.  I love
, sweetheart.  And I'm sorry I put us both through hell the past couple of weeks.  I guess I was too afraid to risk admitting what I felt as well as saying it."

"Max, about my job—"

"We can work something out.  I know you can't give up your career.  I don't expect you to.  But—"

She laid her fingers over his lips.  "I was offered a job with a new news network out of New Haven."

"I thought you didn't tell me about it because you weren't considering it and didn't want to stay."

She lovingly stroked his jaw.  "I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you felt.  I didn't know if you wanted me to stay."

He lifted her chin and gave her a thorough, deep kiss that she knew would keep their heartfire burning forever.  She had no more doubts about his love or where she fit into his life.

When the intensity became almost too much to bear, he tore his mouth from hers and held her tight.  After a few moments of their hearts beating in unison, he leaned back.  "Do you want to take the job in New Haven?"

"Yes.  I'm not afraid to settle down anymore, Max.  I'm not afraid to belong.  Not if I can be with you.  It still might involve some traveling, though.  How do you feel about that?"

"I know how important your work is to you.  I'll miss you when you're gone.  So will Ryan.  But we'll be waiting here for you when you come home."  He saw the emotion his words evoked and he caressed her face.  "I guess I haven't asked the most important question.  Will you marry me?"

A tear rolled down her cheek as she answered softly,  "Yes, I'll marry you."

The back door slammed shut, and Ryan came running into the living room.  "Is the turkey done yet?"  Then he saw her.  "Tessa!"

He swooped toward her, and Tessa caught him in her arms.  Lowering herself to the hearth, she cuddled Ryan against her.

"Did you call her, Dad?" Ryan wanted to know.

Max nodded, not taking his eyes from Tessa's.

"I knew she'd come.  Can you stay a long time again?"

"A very long time."

Max added, "She might have to make a trip now and then.  But she'll always come back to us."

"Like California?" Ryan asked.

Tessa answered, "Like California."

"Like now?" He was trying to wrap his mind around the idea and wanted to make sure.

"Like now," she assured him.

That seemed to settle the whole thing for Ryan.  "Are we gonna eat soon?"

Max laughed.  "It won't be too long.  We are missing one thing, though.  Dessert.  The bakery sold out of pumpkin pies before I got there."

Tessa looked over her shoulder at the beautiful fire leaping and dancing with the warmth and love that filled her heart.  "What about toasted marshmallows for dessert?  We can make them our tradition."

Max sat on the hearth beside her, curving his arm around her shoulders.  "I can't think of a better dessert or a better tradition."

With Ryan on her lap, Max's strong arm around her, Tessa knew she finally belonged.  When Max softly kissed her lips, she was happier than she'd ever been in her life.

Belonging came from loving and being loved.  She'd searched the world but had found her heart and her place because of one boy.  This Thanksgiving, she knew the true meaning of gratitude.

When tears threatened to overflow again, she said, "Let's go peek at the turkey and find the marshmallows.  We have a Thanksgiving to celebrate."

Ryan's enthusiastic "yeah!" and Max's gentle smile guaranteed this would be a Thanksgiving to remember for always.




HEARTFIRE was originally published as HEARTFIRE, HOMEFIRE by Silhouette Books.  With editing, updating and revising, this romance fit perfectly into my Search For Love series.  Readers might remember Tessa as the journalist who interviews Emma in ALWAYS DEVOTED.  Linc Granger, hero from ALWAYS DEVOTED, also plays a part in Tessa's career in HEARTFIRE.  HEARTFIRE is sensually sweet and has a special place in my heart because it is one of my first books.  I have gone on to write and publish over seventy more.  My intention is always to keep the focus on emotion and my characters.  I use family themes in many of my books because I think they're so important to us all.  It is a joy to bring a couple, as well as a family, together in a book.  I hope readers enjoy reading about the process as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

To families and the net of love they share with everyone around them.

For more about me and my latest releases, including excerpts, photos and short stories, please visit my website at  To keep in touch day to day, follow me at Facebook, on Twitter @karenrosesmith and on my blog—Cats, Roses...and Books!  Look for more of my books on  

Thanks to Judy Bullard for my beautiful new cover.



A Man Worth Loving

Because of Francie

Everyday Cinderellas

Everyday Prince Charming

Forever After

of Fantasy

Kit and Kisses

Mom Meets Dad

Love in Bloom

Ribbons and Rainbows

Toys and Wishes

Wish on the Moon



Nathan's Vow, Book 1

Jake's Bride, Book 2

Always Devoted, Book 3

Always Her Cowboy, Book 4

Heartfire, Book 5




Excerpt from ALWAYS DEVOTED:


Chapter One


"What do you believe happened to your sister?"

BOOK: Heartfire
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