Hearts Ablaze (Hearts On Fire Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Hearts Ablaze (Hearts On Fire Series)
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We’ve each finished another glass when my phone rings with an incoming video call. It’s Noah. I smooth my hair down and press Accept.

“Heyyyy, Noey!”

“Hey, baby. What are you doing?”

I simply hold up my empty wine glass to him, and he starts laughing.

“I was wondering why you called me that. You and Kennedy having a good time?”

“Noah! Tell Grayson he was supposed to call me back. But he didn’t. He is a butthole. You tell him that, Noah. Tell Grayson he’s a butthole. Butttt. Holeeee!!” Kenni is slurring her words and yelling into my phone, and neither Noah nor I can stop laughing at her shrieking.

“Sorry, Kennedy, but I will not tell Gray he’s a butthole. That’s all on you.” He’s shaking his head with a huge smile on his face. “How much wine have you guys had?”

“Three bottles. She’s way more smashed than I am though.”

I give a loud hiccup, and slap my hand over my mouth. Noah just laughs harder.

“I can see that. Anyway, I was just calling because I’m not sure if we’re gonna get a call, so I’m heading to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning, Aubrey.”

“Good night, Noah. I love you.”

“Love you too, baby. Now, go to sleep. We have a date to move your ass tomorrow.”

He gives me a small wave and I blow a kiss back at him. I click End on my phone and turn around to find Kennedy passed out on the couch. I snap a quick picture and text it to Grayson.

Aubrey: Here you go, butthole.

Grayson: Hahaha. Thanks, Aubrey. And for the record, I was not supposed to call her back tonight. I’ll see you in the morning.

I throw a blanket over Kennedy and head to my bedroom. Tossing my phone onto the bed, I crawl under the blankets. My head is spinning and I know I’m going to regret drinking so much in the morning. I can hear Kenni snoring from the living room and can’t help but laugh. Forgetting to plug my phone in, I roll over and fall asleep.




The next morning, I wake up around six thirty, head pounding and stomach rolling. I sit up with one thought on my mind—I need coffee. And lots of it.

I head into the living room and find Kenni still asleep on the couch. I reach over and shake her awake.

“Oh, hey. Morning, Aubs. Damn, we drank too much last night. How do you feel?”

“I feel like I need a gallon of coffee. Freaking Noah and Grayson are gonna be here in two hours to help me move.” I groan as I go through the cabinets. “Shit, you’re out of coffee.”

“No worries, there’s a Starbucks like 5 blocks down. Let’s go grab some.” I go into my bedroom and throw on a T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. I pull my messy hair into a bun and walk back out. Kenni has also put on fresh clothes and is braiding her hair. When she’s finished, she grabs the house key and her wallet.

“Coffee. And let’s walk. I could use the fresh air. I feel sweaty and gross. It’s so hot in here.”

I agree and we head out. As we walk the five blocks to get coffee, I remember my cell phone is dead on my bed.
Oh well, we’ll be back soon enough.





This has been the longest shift of my entire life. Since I came in yesterday morning, we haven’t gone on one call. Now I know that’s not a bad thing, considering that means no fires happened in our area, but it makes for a really long shift. I get up this morning around five thirty and start the pot of coffee in the common area. I’m off shift in just a couple hours, and then Gray and I are heading over to get Aubrey’s stuff moved in. It’s gonna be a damn good day.

By six, everyone on shift is up and in the common area. Gray grabs a cup of coffee and walks over to me.

“So, you sure you’re ready to leave the single life behind? I’m gonna have to get myself a new wingman, dude. Not gonna be the same without you.”

I just laugh and shake my head. Reaching up, I smack him on the back of his head.

“Shut up, jackass. You’ll be fine.”

We sit at the large round table and drink our coffee, just shooting the shit. I know he likes to give me a hard time, but deep down I think he’s jealous. Gray wants the family life like I do, but he just won’t settle down.

We finish our coffee and I head to my bunk to pack up my bag. Once I’m done, I look up at the clock on the wall and notice it’s just before seven.
Thank God. Almost time to go.
I’ve just made it back into the kitchen when the alarm blares and the call comes over the speakers.

“Truck 62. Ambulance 72. Assistance with structure fire. 327 Goodman Ave.”

I feel the blood drain out of my face and I can hear a ringing in my ears. Looking up, I make eye contact with Grayson, who looks scared shitless. That’s Aubrey and Kennedy’s building. We go racing out to our truck, suiting up in a matter of seconds.

“Let’s go, Grayson! Now, dammit!” My hands are shaking as I pull my cell out of my pants pocket and call Aubrey; it just rings and goes to voice mail. Without thinking, I hit redial, my leg bouncing up and down as I listen to it ring.

“Come on, Aubrey. Pick up, pick up. Please, baby. Answer the damn phone,” I mutter to myself as we race to the scene.

“Noah, we’re a minute out. Have you talked to her?” Grayson yells from the front seat.

“She’s not picking up.” My hands are shaking. This is a nightmare.

When we pull up to their apartment, we all jump out of the truck and take in the scene before us, bile rising up my throat. The entire apartment complex is in flames from top to bottom. There are people scattered all across the lawn in front of the building, the tenants and onlookers. I start scanning the crowds, but Aubrey isn’t there. Neither is Kennedy. I start to calm down for a second, thinking they must not be here, but then I look across the lot and what I see has my stomach dropping. Both Kennedy’s and Aubrey’s cars are still parked in the lot.

Jesus fucking Christ.
My pulse starts racing.

“Aubrey!” I scream her name as I start walking around aimlessly.
She has to be out here. I just missed her.
I step over people and look inside the small portable triage tent the other paramedics have set up to treat people for smoke inhalation. The more I look around, the more frantic I become.

She’s not here. She’s not fucking

I can see my chief talking to Gray and the next town’s chief, so I run over to them.

“We’re going in, right? Is anyone left inside?” I hear Gray ask.

“We can’t. They had to pull out because the building was compromised. They aren’t sure if they cleared all the floors.”

“Gray, I can’t find her. She’s not answering her phone, and both their cars are here. We have to go in.” I can see the panic in his eyes.

My chief turns to look at me. “I’m sorry, son, but we aren’t going in. This isn’t a rescue mission anymore. The buildings structure is compromised.”

I can’t be hearing him right.

“Fuck that. What do you mean we aren’t going in? What if there are people in there?”

“I’m sorry, but it isn’t our call.”

“My girlfriend is inside, Chief. Fuck that! I’m going in!” I start pushing against him. There is
fucking way we’re letting this go. No way.

“Davis! I gave you an order! You are
going in there and getting yourself killed!”

“It’s Aubrey, Chief! I’m going in! I don’t give a fuck if I get myself killed. If she’s in there I might as well die. No, Chief, let go of me!” I go to take a swing at him, not caring that he’s my superior, when we all hear a loud groaning noise. We all watch in horror as the roof of the apartment comes crashing down, a large cloud of smoke rising from the flames.

“Aubrey…” I drop to my knees, hearing people racing around me to start putting the fire out. Tears are coursing down my cheeks, and suddenly life is flashing before me. Taking a road trip to the beach at the beginning of the summer. Dancing with her at the club the night we finally got together. The first night we made love. The first time she told me she loved me. Her smile. Her eyes. Our entire future that we were looking forward to.

A sob breaks from my chest and I bend over, placing my hands on the ground.

“Oh, baby, I’m so fucking sorry. Jesus Christ, I’m so sorry.” I can’t stop the cries coming out of me. How the fuck can this be happening?
My beautiful Aubrey. Please, God, no.
I don’t know how long I stay in that position, my life falling apart. It feels like hours before a hand come down on my shoulder and I look up through my tears to see Grayson standing there. He kneels next to me and cups the back of my neck, forcing me to look at him, tears shining in his eyes.

“They weren’t in there, Noah. They’re okay. I just got off the phone with Kennedy. They walked down to Starbucks to get coffee. Aubrey is okay, man.”

I almost can’t believe what I just hear. Looking at Grayson, I know he’s not lying to me. I’m pretty sure the weight of the entire world is lifted off my shoulders. I scrub a hand down my face, trying to get control of myself.

Grayson hugs me tightly, then lets me go.

“I had them take a cab to your place, Noah. When we get back to the firehouse, I’ll drive you home.”

I nod and stand, wiping my cheeks off. Then I head over to my chief and start apologizing to him. He shakes his head at me.

“Son, I’m real glad to hear your girl is okay. But you need to understand that if I hadn’t stopped you, you’d be dead right now. And it would’ve been for nothing. It sucks, but that’s our job. We have to follow protocol, even if someone we love is in danger.”

I nod and hold my hand out because, as much as I hate it, he’s right. He gives me a hard handshake.

“Now pack up the truck and grab the guys. Go home. We aren’t needed anymore.”

I take off running, shouting to our team. We all load up into the truck and take off for the fire station. When we pull in, I jump out before the truck is even turned off, racing for the bunks to grab my bag. After pulling off my gear, I run out to my truck. Grayson is already waiting for me, throwing his bag into the bed.

“Let’s go, Grayson. I need to get home.”

“I know, man. You need to calm down.”

“No, what I need to do is get home.
, Gray.” I jump into the passenger side of the truck and he hops in, starting the truck quickly before tearing out of the parking lot and heading to my house.

It’s only a ten-minute drive home from the station, but it feels like it takes hours. Every stoplight feels like it lasts forever. My hands are shaking and I’m still fighting tears. I can’t believe how close I came to losing everything today. Being a firefighter, I’ve seen death more than I’d like, but it’s never hit this close to home before.

Finally, we’re pulling onto my road and I have my hand on the door handle. My leg is shaking up and down and I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest. I can hear Grayson talking to me, but I can’t focus on what he’s saying. I need to get to Aubrey.

When we pull into my driveway, I’m opening the door before he’s even fully stopped the truck. As I jump out, I look up and there Aubrey is, standing in front of me.

In that moment, I send up a prayer of thanks.







I’m still in shock. Kenni and I were just sitting down with our coffees when we heard the sirens flying past, but we didn’t think anything of it. Starbucks was pretty busy, so we tucked ourselves into a corner and sipped our coffee slowly. We were talking about the plan for today, and how much fun we had last night. Kennedy’s phone rang at about seven fifteen and it was Grayson. We were surprised he was calling so early until she answered. To say we were devastated to learn what had happened was an understatement. To hear that Noah had thought we were inside? I haven’t been able to stop crying since I heard that. What if I hadn’t woken up when I did? We were passed out drunk. We could have died.

Gray told Kenni to get a cab and meet them over at Noah’s. We throw our half-filled coffee cups away and stumble out of the shop. Luckily, there’s a cab company a street over, so she calls for one and it’s there in just a few minutes. She holds my hand tightly as we ride the cab to Noah’s. She is also teary-eyed. I can’t believe this is happening.

When we get to Noah’s, we pay the cab driver and climb out, then walk up the front porch and grab the spare key from under the plant next to the steps. I let us inside and we sit on the couch. Grayson sends a quick text to Kenni that they’re heading back to the firehouse and then are coming here. I blink back the tears. I need Noah.

As I pace the living room, waiting for him to get home, I’m shaking like a leaf. I just got off the phone with Landon, who flipped his shit. Once he’s calmed down, I promise I’ll call him later today. He told me he’ll tell Mom, so she doesn’t freak out if she hears about it. It’s probably only twenty minutes later that I hear Noah’s truck pulling in his driveway. I race for the front door and yank it open, running down the steps. The truck hasn’t even stopped and Noah is jumping out of the passenger side. We both stand there for just a second, and then I lunge for him.

I start crying as I run to him, jumping into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Noah crushes me to him, burying his face in my neck, his hot tears on my skin. I turn my head to place a kiss to his temple and that’s when I feel him start to shake. He drops to his knees in the front yard, still holding me on his lap. The loud, hoarse sobs roaring out of his chest break my heart. His grip never loosens and my shirt is soon soaked with his tears. I cry along with him, trying to comfort him as best as I can.

As scary as it was to find out our apartment had burned down, Noah watched the building go down thinking I was inside. He thought I died. I can’t even imagine the agony he must be in right now. I just hold him tighter, kissing his hairline and whispering that I’m okay.

Finally, he lifts his head to look at me, his eyes are red and swollen, tears still streaming down his cheeks.

“God, baby. I thought you were in there. I saw the whole fucking place collapse. I thought you were taken from me forever. I love you so much, baby. So fucking much.”

He grabs my face and kisses me hard, his tears mixing with mine. Our kiss becomes frantic and I know without a doubt I can never go without Noah. This man means everything to me, and I never want to lose him. He breaks the kiss and we just hold each other tightly before finally standing. Noah grabs my hand and leads me into the house, bypassing Grayson and Kennedy and heading for our bedroom. Shutting the door behind us, he pulls me into the bathroom, turns the shower on, and comes to me. We remove each other’s clothes and get into the shower together.

Once we’re both under the spray, Noah again takes my lips with his, kissing me until I’m dizzy. I can feel his erection against my stomach and I reach down to stroke it. He lets out a load groan, then reaches down to grab my waist and picks me up. Pushing me against the shower wall, he kisses me, our tongues dueling in a messy, frantic kiss. Before I know it, and with no warning, he’s thrusting inside me. We both moan loudly and I throw my head back, banging it off the shower door.

“Fuck, baby. Your pussy feels so fucking good,” he groans, flexing his thighs and thrusting harder and faster. I tighten my legs around his waist and hold onto his shoulders, rolling my hips in time with him as we both chase our orgasms.

“Oh, Noah! Harder, I’m so close!” I don’t even care how loud I’m being, and the groans and moans coming out of him are so fucking hot. He grunts loudly and slams into me, and I cry out as I begin to come. I grab onto his hair and kiss him hard, moaning into his mouth. He keeps going, not slowing down. His thrusts become harder and more erratic and then Noah’s breaking our kiss and throwing his head back as he orgasms.

“Oh, fuck, baby. Oh. My. God.” I feel his body shaking as he comes down from the orgasm. My legs feel like jelly, and I know if he puts me down I won’t be able to walk, but he continues to hold me up, kissing me softly. When we’ve both recovered, he sets me down on my feet and we lazily wash each other. Noah turns me around and washes my hair, gently massaging my scalp. Once we’re done, we step out of the shower and dry ourselves off. I run a towel through my hair and grab one of his shirts, pulling it on as he finds a pair of boxer briefs.

We get into bed and, after pulling the covers up, he pulls me back to his chest. I rest my head on his arm and feel his other arm come around my waist. He holds me tightly and brushes the hair back from my face. Kissing my neck, he buries his face in my wet hair.

“I love you so much, Aubrey. Forever.”

“I love you too, Noah. More than you know.”

And with that, we fall asleep, grateful to have each other. We know what we both could have lost today. Life is precious, and I will never take it for granted again.


BOOK: Hearts Ablaze (Hearts On Fire Series)
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