Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (13 page)

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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Smiling as a tear rolled down her cheek, Kaya stood there watching, even when he was gone from her sight. He had been right about how she felt this morning, especially about the fear of what was to come. She had never seen Besh’s face, not that looks were the most important thing to her, but what if her dream Besh was much different than the real Besh? What if the dreams had only truly been in her mind and he was a vicious nasty man who would make her life hell? She sat back down to finish her breakfast, but her mind was still too preoccupied to eat a single bite.

Her mind ran rampant at the thoughts of what if, so she pushed out of the chair as she rose from the table and stalked into the bedroom, where J’Halle and Be’in were laying out one of the more stunning dresses Besh had bought her. It was two pieces of a perfect periwinkle blue sheer silk, the first wrapped around her upper torso like a mummy’s bandages and the second rode low on her hips and flowed open to her feet. The maids bathed and readied her with much more dramatic touches than she had ever been prepared. Every inch of her was scrubbed, and the maids even washed the inside of her sex with a special nozzle on the tub she had never even noticed before.

Her flowing auburn locks were piled high on her head, and a gold half headdress was placed around her face. Golden beads were braided here and there through the hair, and gold dust was spread on her entire body, not just her face, neck and arms like before. She looked into the mirror and was so numb with fear she did not realize how stunning she actually looked.

A heavy golden necklace, filled with all types of gemstones, was hung around her neck. Gold arm, wrist, and ankle bands were added. Heavy earrings were added. The earrings were not like those on Earth; these were golden wires which curved and curled into a shell-like shape and covered her entire earlobe. Gems were threaded here and there on the shape and those gems matched the heavy necklace she wore.

The beautiful silk was wrapped around her body, and she was given a pair of gem-encrusted panties to step into. These, fortunately, only had gems on the front, to cover her mound, and not on the path between her legs. Thankfully she would be able to walk normally when meeting the General. And her feet were left pleasantly bare.

She looked at the finished product in the mirror and even though she was more beautiful than she had ever looked, all she could feel was the pain of losing Lord Fatel and her nervous stomach, which felt almost as if she could wretch. J’Halle added one last item after she viewed herself, a sheer veil which attached to the top of the headdress and flowed down so its bottom rested on her breastbone, covering her face from view. She was so close to tears, but she refused to ruin Be’in and J’Halle’s hard work, so she took several calming breaths and turned to exit her dressing room.

When Kaya walked out, a woman dressed almost as exquisitely as she greeted her. “I am the General’s sister, Sigh. I will escort you to his chamber for you to meet him and make your choice known to our family, whether you will accept him or not.”

Kaya stood like a statue, unable to move. The tall beautiful woman standing in front of her began to stare at her with curiosity. “Are you unwell? Or are you afraid?”

“Afraid,” Kaya whispered, almost too low for Sigh to hear.

The woman stepped closer to her, grasped her hands, and smiled down at her. “How do you Earthlings say? Hmm … he won’t … bite.”

Kaya laughed quietly and smiled at the warmth this woman was showing her. Sigh squeezed her hands. “Why don’t we go see the General now?”

They left her rooms and entered the open hall, but instead of walking down the stairs toward the street, they turned left into another open hallway, this one open to a courtyard garden in full bloom below them. The riot of color was spectacular, and Kaya had wished she had seen this part of the building long before now. They turned right down another hallway and entered a large open space filled with people. Kaya instantly felt self-conscious of the audience around her, feeling like she was the morning’s entertainment for these eyes staring at her. She bent her head down shyly, even though she wore the veil and was effectively hidden from these people, and let Sigh move her to the front of the room.

As she approached the front, she realized there was a man standing at the front as well, also with a sheer veil covering his face.
It must be him
, she thought to herself. He was not wearing a shirt, but had loose white pants which rode low on his hips and gracefully floated to the floor to his bare feet. She noticed the same height and build she remembered from her dreams as well as the muscular arms, chest and stomach. His body was glistening with the same gold dust which covered her, and she noticed he was squeezing his hands closed and open and closed again. It touched her for some reason he seemed as nervous as she was, and she allowed some of her fear to subside.

But only some. Her butterflies still whirled around quite effectively.

Finally, she was moved beside him, turned to face him, with her side to the crowd around them. A man who was obviously a religious figure came forward between them, similar to a wedding ceremony. Kaya felt like she was trapped, about to do something she did not want to do. Besh grabbed her hand as he noticed she had slowly backed away. She heard him huskily whisper, “He will only bless the meeting, do not worry.”

It was the same voice she had heard each night in her dreams. And that voice calmed her. He dropped her hand, and the man between them began speaking in a language Kaya did not understand, but she felt lulled by it at the same time. He then sprinkled both their heads with a glittering substance and smiled at them both. A murmur went through the crowd behind them, the crowd who had been eerily quiet through the short ceremony.

Besh moved his hands toward the end of her veil, and slowly he lifted it over her head and removed it from her circlet. An audible sigh left his lips once he stepped back and looked at her. She stood looking at him, not exactly knowing what to do, or if she was even supposed to do anything. Damn Lord Fatel, he had never told her about the meeting ceremony, just the Joining ceremony. After a few more moments, Besh evidently realized she was not sure what she should do and grasped her hands and placed them at the hem of his veil. She slowly pulled the veil off his face, instinctively closing her eyes as she was doing it.

She stood there with her eyes closed and his veil in her hands. She heard him chuckle quietly under his breath. Realizing she was being silly, she laughed too. She opened her eyes slowly, and her knees went out from under her.

His strong arms grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. “I know I told you I would never tire of holding you, but this is getting ridiculous,” he whispered into her ear and winked down at her.

“Lord Fatel?” she whispered back to him.


“Why? What?”

“Remember what I told you, Princess. I am a stranger to you. Do not give away our little secret,” he whispered into her ear.

She glanced around the room at the questioning faces in the room. She pulled away from Lord Fatel … Besh, having a multitude of questions to ask him. Her head hurt from trying to connect the two men into one body. She looked at him, wondering what she was to do next.

A loud murmur ran through the crowd, and they moved back to make a path for someone. When Kaya looked across the room, she saw an elegant man and woman stalking toward her and her dream lover on the slightly raised dais. Members of the crowd began to bow as they passed, and Kaya wondered who the pair was. The couple stopped at the base of the dais.

“So, General Besh Et Fatel, this is your Earth woman you choose to Join with?”

“Yes, Your Excellency, it is.”

Excellency? Who is this? Is this the Emperor I’ve heard of?

“Emperor, this is Kaya Turner. She will hopefully choose to become my mate.” Besh turned to face Kaya with a hopeful look on his face.

“Woman,” the Emperor turned to Kaya, “will you have this male or not?”

Kaya was not prepared to answer yet; she had not had time to think. She loved Besh, but she was angry he had lied to her as Lord Fatel, but she was afraid if she spurned him now, she might lose the chance forever. Lies or not, she was getting the best of both worlds in one man, her friend and her lover.

“Yes, I will have General Besh
Et Fatel
as my mate.” She stressed the last words, with a quirk of her brow to show him his ruse was not appreciated. He smiled and looked away, trying to ignore her obvious ire.

“Well, it is about time someone had him. He should have been Joined years ago. He is the most obstinate, bullheaded man I have ever met, so expect to have your hands very full.”

“I’m sure I will have my hands quite full.”

“But not too full to not give me the grandchildren I demand.”

Kaya’s knees almost gave out once more. Besh pulled her close and supported her weight, noticing her stumble once more. “Grandchildren?” she whispered. She was not prepared to be shocked again so soon after finding her life partner was her friend she thought she would have to lose.

“What? Didn’t your teacher tell you that you were marrying the heir to the Empire?”

“No. My
did not tell me I was marrying the heir to the Empire.” She was going to kill him when they were finally alone, which she hoped was quite soon before she exploded.

“Well, my dear, we expect you at dinner soon. We are only here for the week to attend your Joining Ceremony, and we will be going back to Hara D’Noll,” the Empress spoke finally, laying her hand on Kaya’s arm and casting a warm smile down at her.

Kaya returned the smile just as affectionately, glad everyone had welcomed her here with such affection. The Emperor and Empress nodded and turned back and stalked toward the doors, the crowd again bowing as the pair passed, and then falling in behind them and leaving the room empty, all but for Kaya and Besh.

Once they were completely alone, Kaya turned with venom in her eyes. “I cannot believe you! Why didn’t you tell me instead of carrying on that you were two different people? And if you were not allowed to see me for a month, then how come you were my teacher? Was this some ploy to get me to let my guard down? Dammit, man, stop laughing at me and answer my questions!” Kaya stomped her foot on the floor, even more enraged at the wide smile on his face.

Besh grabbed her and yanked her into his arms, holding her there tightly as she pushed away in anger. “I told you that you were my Princess. No, I did not tell you that you were actually going to be a Princess or that I was the heir to the Empire. And yes, I broke the law by being your teacher, which is why I made a point of asking you to treat me like a stranger, which you did very poorly I might add. Maybe it was a ploy to get you to let your guard down. I hadn’t thought of it in that light. I hoped by getting to know me you would say yes when my veil was removed today, given I knew there was no way you would say yes to a total stranger.”

“And the dreams?”

“I still do not know how the dreams happened. And to be honest, it scares me a little to know you can get into my head so easily. What if I am mad at you and want to get away from you? You’ll just pop into my dreams to nag at me in my sleep. Maybe
should have a choice in this Joining decision. Why wasn’t
asked if
would take
?” His smiling face belied his true meaning; he was trying to piss her off even more, laughing the entire time.

She slugged him in the arm, but for the huge wall of muscle, it might as well have been her hitting a brick wall. But it did make her feel better, so she did it again.

“Your father was right. You’re an obstinate, bullheaded man, and I believe I need to re-think

“I won’t let you,” he growled, as he took her lips with his, plunging his tongue into her mouth, claiming her as his own. He pulled her even closer to his chest, nearly crushing her in his desire to have her. He grabbed her hips and pulled her thighs around his waist, walking toward the nearest wall and slamming her body into it, grinding his groin into her pelvis. His massive erection was painfully rubbing against her mound, and the heat rushing through her body had caused her to break out into a sweat which caused a fine sheen on her skin.

“Besh … not … here … stop … not here,” she begged between kisses.

He looked around and saw no one. “No one is around; no one will see. This is my private chamber. No one should enter without my requiring it. And in the event someone did come in, let them see our passion. I need to be inside you.” Pulling away slightly, he lifted her skirts, pulling her gem-covered panties down, rubbing his groin against her thigh. “Kaya, I must have you now. If I don’t, I think I will explode.”

“We cannot be together until tomorrow.”

“I can’t wait that long.”

“But the laws? I won’t have you harmed.”

“I think I have broken enough laws so far that one more will not be a problem. I must have you now.” He pressed her down on one of the large pillows, covering her with his long body.

He opened a flap on his pants, not even bothering to take them off, and he pushed the bulbous tip of his cock inside her labia. She felt a stabbing pain she was not prepared for. He had never hurt her before.

BOOK: Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga)
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