Her Heart's Desire (7 page)

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Authors: Lisa Watson

BOOK: Her Heart's Desire
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Ivan’s right eyebrow shot up. “A tank?”

“Yes, a devastatingly handsome, incredibly sexy tank,” she added.

“Oh, well, then I can deal with tank.” He grinned lasciviously. “And no, I don’t think she would’ve tried matching us up. I was pretty clear when I told her I wasn’t interested in blind dates. So far she’s respected my wishes.”

Tiffany looked skeptical. “About as clear as Adrian has been over the last twenty years?”

“Well, he’s her son. Of course she has a vested interest in him marrying.”

They both had a good laugh at that. Since Ivan was relatively new to the Love Broker experience, Tiffany brought him up to speed on some of her not-so-near misses.

“I think you all should find Jeannie a new hobby. It doesn’t sound like she’s that great a matchmaker.”

“I wonder about that,” Tiffany said seriously. “I think she’s shrewder than anybody gives her credit for.”

Ivan glanced up from his plate. “How so?”

“Think about it. She sets up all these dates that go awry, and when a real connection is made, it’s like fireworks, and all the past nightmares make couples appreciate when it goes right. You don’t think that’s like reverse psychology or something?”

Ivan pondered that for a moment. “Nah. Jeannie didn’t have anything to do with Adrian and Milán getting together. She introduced them for business reasons, and then they found their way on their own.”

Tiffany was speculative. “Or did they?”

* * *

After dinner, they shared a torta al ricotta e mascarpone for dessert.

“Okay, I’m seriously done,” she groaned after taking the last bite. “I can’t thank you enough for bringing me here, Ivan. It was the best Italian I’ve ever had.”

Ivan paid the bill and then helped her up. “I’m glad you liked it.”

When they got outside, Ivan had the valet bring his Range Rover around.

He checked his watch. “I’ve got an idea for what we can do now, but we have to hurry.”

Ivan drove them the short distance to Navy Pier, a Chicago tradition for entertainment and summer fun on Lake Michigan since its revitalization years before. The landmark had over fifty acres of gardens, promenades, restaurants, shops and attractions.

“Where are we going?” she asked. “If you think I’m going on a hundred-and-fifty-foot-high Ferris wheel after eating all that food, think again.”

“That’s not what we’re doing.”

Tiffany took a moment to ogle the forty spokes of the ride lit up in sparkling lights. “It’s beautiful.”

Ivan stopped to grab her hand. “It is, but keep moving.”

“We aren’t going to ride the carousel, or the wave swinger, are we?”

“I promise that you won’t be going on anything motorized.”

They reached the dock, where Tiffany was afforded a beautiful view of the water and the surrounding sites.

“It’s so lovely at night, isn’t it? I’ve often wished that—”

Tiffany halted when she saw the first fireworks burst overhead, followed by loud claps and applause.

“Oh, my gosh,” she exclaimed excitedly. “I forgot about the fireworks.”

“Two nights a week during the summer, and lucky for us, we’re here at the right time.” He put an arm around her and eased her into his side.

“I will give you one thing, Colonel Mangum,” she said over the racket. “When you take a girl out, you go all in.”

“Go hard or go home,” he said with a grin. “Words I live by.”

After a loud cheer at the latest light display, she said, “I can see that.”

By the time they arrived back at her apartment, Tiffany was still wired. On the doorstep, Ivan wrapped his arms around her waist, and then reeled her in. He bent his head and claimed her mouth for a searing kiss. Tiffany wrapped her arms around his neck to get even closer. They parted a few seconds later, their breathing labored.

“This was an incredible night, and the best first date I’ve had.”

“Me, too,” she confessed. “Of course, I would’ve said that no matter where we ended up, because the best thing about my date was you.”

“I agree.” He grinned.

They shared another kiss, then he opened the front door and stepped into the corridor. “I’ll see you later.”

“Call me when you get home so that I know you’re safe,” she commanded. “I take my watch seriously, too.”

With a grin, Ivan nodded. “I will.”

Tiffany watched him until he was out of sight, then locked the door.

“Ivan Mangum,” she purred. “You were definitely worth the wait.”

Chapter 10

swear next time he kisses me, the clothes are coming off.
Just seeing Ivan saunter through the door of her shop each time was enough to make Tiffany giddy. It was like he had a direct line to her libido, and he never failed to get it pumping. Between helping Ivan with self-defense classes at the community center and their dates, they saw each other on a regular basis. That suited her just fine because she never tired of being around him—or looking at him.

She attempted to quell her sporadic breathing when their gazes connected from across the room. “Hi,” she called out.

“Hey, yourself. How’s your day been?”

“Great. I had a lovely group of ladies from a book club come in. It seems one of their members had on a shirt she bought from me. They liked it so much, they all decided to come in and get one. Isn’t that fantastic?”

Ivan leaned over and kissed her. “Way to go. Do you have time for a break?”

“For you, I might.”

They walked to the coffeehouse. Both ordered vanilla-bean frappés. It was a lovely day out, so Tiffany suggested they sit outside.

“So what’s up?” she asked after a minute of companionable silence.

“I have to go out of town on assignment.”

“Okay, where to?”


“How come you get to go to all the supercool places? What happened to guarding some insurance salesman going to the Ramada Inn in Hackensack, New Jersey?”

“None called.”

“Fine.” She laughed. “How long will you be gone?”

“A week.”

She leaned forward. “I’ll miss you.”

Ivan kissed her. “How much?”

“More than you know. The Love Broker is having a Fourth of July party at her house on Saturday. We were invited,” she informed him.

“Damn, I forgot all about that.” He groaned. “I can’t make it. I have another assignment—in Las Vegas. It’s just overnight, though. I’ll let her know today. She’s going to kill me for not responding to her invitation sooner.”

“You’d better do it before you leave,” Tiffany warned. “You’re coming back on Sunday, right?”


“Then, we’ll go over then. She’s having her usual Sunday night dinner.”

“Two parties in a row? Isn’t that a bit much, even for Jeannie?”

“Yes, but she insisted on doing both.”

“Okay. I’ll phone her on the way home. How about dinner tonight?”

She frowned. “I can’t. I’m doing inventory later.”

“What about tomorrow?”

“I don’t know. I’ll have to consult my calendar, Colonel Mangum. I can’t be—”

Ivan silenced her with his lips. He was thorough in his assault, and when he pulled away, Tiffany almost went with him. She sat back slowly and said with considerable effort, “I’m free on Friday.”

He gave her a smug look. “Great. How about seven o’clock at my place?”

“Your place? Uh, yeah. You certainly don’t think I’m going to turn down an invitation to see where you live, do you? I was starting to think that it was some mythical place where unicorns and leprechauns lived.”

“Funny,” he countered. “We’ve got it back to a place where my mother won’t kill me for having you over. She’s old-school. She doesn’t think of having company if the house doesn’t look one hundred percent.”

“I can understand that,” Tiffany replied. “I’ll be there at seven on Friday.”

“We’ll be there,” he informed her. “I’m picking you up.”

“Ivan, you don’t have to come get me. I can drive myself.”

“I know, but I’m picking you up anyway—if you have no objections, of course.”

Tiffany started to protest, but then stopped. “I’ll be awaiting my limo and driver.”

He winked. “I also do private parties...if you’re interested.”

“Oh, I’m definitely interested,” she replied, and then stared him up and down. She licked her lips for effect.


Tiffany smiled. “I’ve got to get back to work, but I’m glad you told me about the trip.” She stood up and held her hand out. “I’ll miss you.”

Ivan got up and slipped her hand in his. “I’ll miss you too, Tiff.”

They walked back to her store hand in hand. He kissed her a final time before he left.

* * *

Later that afternoon, Tiffany was at the table in the back room, working on her latest jewelry design. She had pages splayed out in front of her and was deep in concentration when Milán burst into the room. She spoke in rapid Spanish.

Tiffany stared back. “What?”

“I saw you and Ivan,” Milán translated. “At the café. You two had your lips locked so tight, I thought you’d have to be separated by a surgical procedure.”

“You’re dramatizing it,” Tiffany said, but couldn’t help the blush that crept up her neck and face.

Milán observed her for a moment. “I knew it. You like him, don’t you...a lot.”

She set her sketches aside and turned in her chair. “That obvious?”

“Hmm...only a lot.” Milán sat down next to her.

“I do like him—a lot,” Tiffany admitted. “Ivan’s an amazing guy. Granted, he’s reserved, but he’s intelligent, strong, protective and caring. Do you know how many languages he speaks? It’s insane. He’s a real gentleman, too. Though I have to admit, I’m trying to get used to a few things.”

“Like what?”

“For one, the whole overprotective thing. He wants to do everything for me—pick me up, drop me off, hold my door. Do you know when we go out together, he comes back and does a sweep of my apartment to make sure it’s safe?”

“Some might call that romantic,” Milán observed.

“Yes, but he does it
the time.”

“You’re important to him, Tiff. So he goes a little overboard sometimes. What’s wrong with that?”

She shook her head. “Nothing. It’s just that...I’d like to still do things for myself sometimes.”

“I get it. You haven’t been spoiled like this before. It takes some getting used to. It was the same with Adrian and me. He’s so attentive now that it can be overwhelming.”

Tiffany threw her hands up. “Exactly. Most of the time I do like him taking care of me. But I don’t want to lose myself, you know? I’ve seen it happen before, and when things don’t work out, it always ends badly.”

“Stop imagining bumps in the road that aren’t there,” her friend chided. “You just got together. It’s still new and exciting.”

“I know. I’m so happy with Ivan, I really am.”

“So his rock-hard body and physical stamina must seem like icing on the cake.”

Tiffany dissolved into laughter before she sighed dreamily and said, “And what a cake he is!”

“Will Ivan be at the party next week?” Milán asked.

“No, he’ll be in Vegas.”

“Wow, what a life.”

“Remember that he’s often in danger of being shot at, or else he has to fight someone to protect his client. And don’t forget all the time spent waiting around for people. Scoping out routes, times and tactical plans—”

“Or the hours standing around in posh clubs, driving expensive cars, going to exotic locales...looking dark and mysterious...in Armani,” Milán said breathlessly.

Tiffany stared at her. “You’re not helping.”

“Okay, okay. I’m going, but you’d better not slip up on Saturday, or Jeannie will know you’ve been holding out. Starting with that ridiculous smile on your face.”

“It’s the same one you had for weeks after you and Adrian got together,” Tiffany pointed out.

“Touché,” her friend said, and then waved goodbye.

Tiffany sighed, and then grudgingly returned to her designs.

* * *

“So have you had sex yet?”

Ivan and Cole were in the exercise room lifting weights. Ivan set his weights down with a bang, and glared at his brother.

“What? Can’t a guy ask a question?”

“Sure,” Ivan replied. “Just not one that involves my sex life.”

“Since when?”


“Okay, okay.”

“She’s coming over on Friday. Are you going to be here?”

Cole looked up. “Now I am. So things are going well?”

Ivan began bench-pressing weights. “Yes. I enjoy being around her. She’s smart, funny and talented. There’s a lot packed into that petite body of hers.”

“I guess you’ll know that soon enough.” He smirked.

Ivan sat up and scowled at his brother. “Don’t make me deck you.”

Cole started moving around and shadowboxing. “As if you could. You don’t want any of this, old man.”

“Anytime, little brother.”

“All joking aside, I can see that she makes you happy. Personally, I think it’s long overdue. I was starting to worry about your being married to your job. Which, dear brother, is just sad.”

“Be quiet, and yes, Tiffany makes me happy. I like that she’s independent and can hold her own. She’s not intimidated by me in any way, so I don’t feel the need to hold back. She’s not forcing me to be something I’m not. I’m appreciative of that fact that I can be myself around Tiffany. The real me.”

“I’m happy for you, but can she handle your work life? You travel often, and sometimes for long periods of time. It takes a strong woman to be able to handle coming in second to your career.”

“I hear you, but Tiffany is a business owner, too. She’s used to giving her all for her company.”

“So, any word from Debra recently?”


“Have you told her about Tiffany?”

“Why should I? Debra and I have no romantic ties. I don’t ask details of her personal life, and she doesn’t ask about mine.”

“She may not ask, Ivan,” Cole countered, “but that doesn’t mean she isn’t interested.”

“You’re reading way more into this than necessary, little brother.”

“Somebody has to. You’re walking around under the illusion that it’s rosy in Sunnyville. Need I remind you that this woman cheated on you with one of your army buddies, and ended up marrying him?”

Ivan picked up a barbell. “I let that go a long time ago. It’s ancient history.”

“Hey, I hope you’re right. I’d hate to see her throw a monkey wrench in your program.”

Ivan set the weight down and glanced over at Cole. “What is with you? You’re like the poster child of partying and good times, and now all of a sudden you’re big with the doom and gloom.”

“I don’t know,” his brother replied. “I just have a good memory, and I know what her deception did to you. I’m not a big fan of second chances when someone rips your heart out—especially my flesh and blood. I don’t want her getting an opportunity to do it again.”

“Trust me, Debra has no bearing on what I do, and never will.”

Ivan said goodbye to Cole and went upstairs to take a shower, Cole’s words replaying in his head. His brother was right—sometimes stuff invariably came back to bite people in the butt later, but he felt sure this wasn’t one of those times. The only thing he felt for Debra was empathy. Brian’s death had hit him hard. He could only imagine what she was going through. Still, he was a realist. He wasn’t a big fan of allowing someone to wreak havoc on his heart, and Debra had done just that. There would never be a second chance to screw him over.

“Never going to happen,” Ivan said confidently.

* * *

Tiffany hated doing inventory. She glanced up at the clock. It was almost ten. She’d promised herself that she wouldn’t leave until she was finished. She eyed her cell phone. She longed to call Ivan. He had been on her mind all night. Talking to Milán had stirred the already simmering embers into a full-out fire. Closing her eyes, she imagined he was touching and kissing her in all the right places. Frustrated, she opened her eyes.

Ivan. You’re killing me.

With a reluctant sigh, Tiffany turned her attention back to work. It was too easy to get distracted, and any thoughts with Ivan as the subject were most definitely a distraction.

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